millymat Member List

This is the complete list of members for millymat, including all inherited members.
a1millymat [private]
a2millymat [private]
a3millymat [private]
aux_values(long ipp, double *in, double *inp, double *ineq, double *out)millymat
auxiliarydata(double x1, double x2)millymat
c11(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
c12(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
c21(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
c22(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
capilar_pressure(double x1, double x2)millymat
coeef_B(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
coeef_C(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
coeef_zaporneA(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
coeff_Dtv(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
coeff_Kv(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
CorD(int cislochar, int &kvyhl, double in, int rhw, double x, double &y, double &z, double &z2)millymat
derivation_saturation_water_vapour_pressure_temperature(double x1, double x2)millymat
derivation_sorption_izoterm_data(double x1, double x2, int kod)millymat
derivation_water_retention_curve_by_pressure_head(double x1, double x2)millymat
derivation_water_retention_curve_by_temperature(double x1, double x2)millymat
DerivativeOfTheSorptionIsotherm(double x1, double x2, double rh, double &moistakt1)millymat
diffusion_coefficient_of_water_vapor_in_air(double x1, double x2)millymat
gaseous_moisture_content_by_mass(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
get_othervalue(long compother, long ipp, double x1, double x2)millymat
get_transmission_flux_11(double bv, double x1, double x2, long bc, long ipp)millymat
get_transmission_nodval_11(double bv, double x1, double x2, long bc, long ipp)millymat
get_transmission_transcoeff_11(double x1, double x2, long bc, long ipp)millymat
give_ul(double x1, double x2, double &fi, double &dmoistdrh)millymat
give_ul_retention_curve(double x1, double x2, double rh, double &dmoistdrh)millymat
give_ul_sorption_izothemrs(double x1, double x2, double rh, double &dmoistdrh)millymat
give_values(long ipp, double *av, double *pv, double *eq)millymat
initvalues(long ipp, long ido)millymat
k11(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
k12(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
k21(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
k22(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
kdmillymat [private]
latent_heat_of_evaporation_of_water(double x1, double x2)millymat
madripommillymat [private]
matcap(double &c, long ri, long ci, long ipp)millymat
MatCharmillymat [private]
matcond(matrix &d, long ri, long ci, long ipp)millymat
matcond1d(matrix &d, long ri, long ci, long ipp)millymat
matcond2d(matrix &d, long ri, long ci, long ipp)millymat
matcond3d(matrix &d, long ri, long ci, long ipp)millymat
MatConstmillymat [private]
MatDatamillymat [private]
MatFuncemillymat [private]
partial_water_vapour_pressure_function(double x1, double x2, long ipp)millymat
print_othervalue_name(FILE *out, long compother)millymat
read(XFILE *in)millymat
relative_humidity_pc(double x1, double x2)millymat
relative_humidity_psi(double x1, double x2)millymat
relative_volume_ration_a(double x1, double x2, double ul)millymat
saturation_water_vapour_pressure(double x1, double x2)millymat
save_values(long ipp, double *out)millymat
specific_enthalpy_of_gaseous_phase(double x1, double x2)millymat
specific_enthalpy_of_liquid_phase(double x1, double x2)millymat
specific_enthalpy_of_porous_matrix(double x1, double x2)millymat
transmission_flux(double nodval, long ri, long ci, long nn, long bc, long ipp)millymat
transmission_nodval(double nodval, long ri, long ci, long nn, long bc, long ipp)millymat
transmission_transcoeff(double trc, long ri, long ci, long nn, long bc, long ipp)millymat
ul_to_w(double ul)millymat
values_correction(vector &nv)millymat

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