
Software converts topology form T3D into SIFEL format, from T3D to GiD format and from SIFEL format to GiD format. The syntax for use is following

./convertor input_file.con

where input_file.con includes keywords for conversion of the topology from one format to another one. The file consists of two sections - the first section which includes description of the input topology and the second section which includes description of output topology.The structure of the first section is the following:

topology_file file.txt - file with input topology
mesh_format {sifel | t3d} - type of the input file where

  • t3d - output form T3D mesh generator.
  • sifel - sifel topology format
edge_numbering 1

The structure of the second section is the following:

  • output_file_name out_top.xub, where out_top.xub is the name of output file/files from convertor. In the case of conversion of topology for parallel computing, the output file names will be in the form out_top1.xub - out_top??.xub, where ?? is number of files.
  • conversion_type {T3D2SIFEL| T3D2GID| SIFEL2GID} where
    • T3D2SIFEL Conversion creates SIFEL topology format form T3D topology format. In the case of the 3D elements, the nodes on elements are reordered into ordering using in SIFEL format. There are no limitation on the type of the output suffix of filename.
    • T3D2GIDConversion creates GID topology format form T3D topology format. There are limitation in the case of the suffix of filename. The suffix of filename will be always .msh
    • SIFEL2GIDConversion creates GID topology format form SIFEL topology format. There are limitation in the case of the suffix of filename. The suffix of filename will be always .msh
  • processing {seq | paral} where
    • seq - input file consists of sequential topology
    • paral - input file consists of parallel topology, in such a case the output file names will have above mentioned format. In the case of parallel processing the next line is
      number_of_files ndom, where ndom is the number of files (subdomains).

Example for sequential mesh. The file most.txt include 3D mesh generated by T3D. The content of the file most.txt is here.

topology_file most.txt
mesh_format t3d
edge_numbering 1
conversion_type T3D2SIFEL
processing seq

The resulting file contains of reordered mesh in SIFEL topology format.

Example for decomposed meshes. The files,, and include meshes in SIFEL topology format. File contains:

mesh_format t3d
edge_numbering 1
output_file_name file.msh
conversion_type SIFEL2GID
processing paral
number_of_files 4

The resulting files file1.msh, file2.msh, file3.msh and file4.msh contain meshes in GID topology format.

Written by Jaroslav Broz 2010-11-11
