MIDAS  0.75
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geometrylib.cpp File Reference
#include "geometrylib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "arrays.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

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long midaspace::intersec_rectangle3d_line (double zero, double norm, const PoinT *A, const PoinT *B, const PoinT *C, const PoinT *D, const PoinT *U, const PoinT *V, double *ksi, double *eta, double *t, PoinT *I1, PoinT *I2)
 ZDROJE http://softsurfer.com/algorithm_archive.htm. More...
long midaspace::nc_brick_3d (double zero, double x[], double y[], double z[], const PoinT *point, PoinT *answer)
 Function computes natural coordinates of 'point' on 'element', 'point' is entered in cartesian coordinates, 'element' is 3d brick=cube=hexahedron. More...
double midaspace::area3D_Polygon (int n, const PoinT **V, const VectoR *N)

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Copyright 2000, softSurfer (www.softsurfer.com) This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose providing that this copyright notice is included with it. More...

int midaspace::intersect_RayTriangle (double zero, const PoinT *P0, const PoinT *P1, const PoinT *V0, const PoinT *V1, const PoinT *V2, PoinT *I)
void midaspace::dx_bf_lin_hex_3d (double *n, double y, double z)
 function computes derivatives of tri-linear base functions on hexahedron with respect of natural coordinate x More...
void midaspace::dy_bf_lin_hex_3d (double *n, double x, double z)
 function computes derivatives of tri-linear base functions on hexahedron with respect of natural coordinate y More...
void midaspace::dz_bf_lin_hex_3d (double *n, double x, double y)
 function computes derivatives of tri-linear base functions on hexahedron with respect of natural coordinate z More...
void midaspace::jac_3d (double &jac, Dvctr &x, Dvctr &y, Dvctr &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta)