Stationary heat problem with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions


1. Mesh generation

1a. Compile simple generator of hexahedral elements gensifhex in the directory SIFEL/PREP/SEQMESHGEN/ Write simply make.

1b. Copy the simple generator of hexahedral elements gensifhex from the directory SIFEL/PREP/SEQMESHGEN/ into actual directory.

1c. Write gensifhex without any option and you will see hint


1d. Write gensifhex with appropriate parameters, e.g. gensifhex trfel˙stat˙linhex˙ 10.0 1.0 1.0 10 2 2 1


1e. The file trfel˙stat˙linhex˙ can be found here.


2. Preprocessor file assembling

2a. The preprocessor file can be found here.

2b. The file with material parameters is here.

2c. The file with cross section parameters is here.

2d. Compile the TRFEL preprocessor in the directory SIFEL/TRFEL/PREP by statement make.

2e. Copy the preprocessor transprep from the directory SIFEL/TRFEL/PREP/_DBG to the actual directory.

2f. Generate the input file by statement transprep


3. Solve problem

3a. Compile the TRFEL in the directory SIFEL/TRFEL/SRC by statement make.

3b. Copy the executable file trfel from the directory SIFEL/TRFEL/SRC/_DBG to the actual directory.

3c. Solve problem trfel