0.1 Straight Bridge

1. Input file bridge.gen to the program genmost has to be assembled. The file bridge.gen contains description of cross section and span of the bridge.

2. The code genmost generates an input file to the T3D mesh generator. genmost bridge.gen bridge.t3d

3. Mesh of the bridge is generated by the T3D generator /home/dr/Bin/T3d -i bridge.t3d -o bridge.txt -d 1.0 -r 1 -p 264 -X

4. The node ordering on element used in the T3D is different from the ordering in the SIFEL. Therefore, conversion of the mesh is required. For this purpose, an input file straightbridge.con to convertor has to be assembled.

5. The convertor is started by the statement convertor straightbridge.con

6. Input file straightbridge10.pr to the MEFEL preprocessor mechprep has to be assembled.

7. Input file straightbridge10.in to the MEFEL is generated mechprep straightbridge10.pr straightbridge10.in

8. The number of elements has to be changed from 39750 to 40338.

9. The spring elements which represent the bridge piers has to be added to the file straightbridge10.in. The list of spring elements is in springelements.txt.

10. The section with material parameters has to be replaced by the section from the file materials.txt.

11. The section outdriver has to be replaced by the section from the file outdriver_straight10.txt.

12. Computation of the first 10 eigenvalues and eigenvectors is done mefel straightbridge10.in

0.2 Curved Bridge

1. Input file bridge.gen to the program genmost has to be assembled. The file bridge.gen contains description of cross section and span of the bridge.

2. The code genmost generates an input file to the T3D mesh generator. genmost bridge.gen bridge.t3d

3. Mesh of the bridge is generated by the T3D generator /home/dr/Bin/T3d -i bridge.t3d -o bridge.txt -d 1.0 -r 1 -p 264 -X

4. The node ordering on element used in the T3D is different from the ordering in the SIFEL. Therefore, conversion of the mesh is required. For this purpose, an input file curvedbridge.con to convertor has to be assembled.

5. The convertor is started by the statement convertor curvedbridge.con

6. The straight mesh has to be curved with respect to the real shape of the bridge. Input file ohybak.in has to be assembled.

7. The curved mesh is obtained ohybak ohybak.in curvedbridge.top curvedbridge.msh nodes.aux

8. Input file curvedbridge10.pr to the MEFEL preprocessor mechprep has to be assembled.

9. Input file curvedbridge10.in to the MEFEL is generated mechprep curvedbridge10.pr curvedbridge10.in

10. The number of elements has to be changed from 39750 to 40338.

11. The spring elements which represent the bridge piers has to be added to the file straightbridge10.in. The list of spring elements is in springelements.txt.

12. The section with material parameters has to be replaced by the section from the file materials.txt.

13. The section outdriver has to be replaced by the section from the file outdriver_curved10.txt.

14. Computation of the first 10 eigenvalues and eigenvectors is done mefel curvedbridge10.in