
1 Notation
 1.1 Data type, variable
 1.2 Class, attribute, member function, object
2 Definitions–Problem Description
 2.1 Setting of general function
  2.1.1 General description
  2.1.2 Examples Definition of constant function Definition of relationship described by table
 2.2 Setting of storage of matrices
  2.2.1 General description
  2.2.2 Examples Matrix stored in the skyline storage scheme
 2.3 Setting of solver of linear algebraic equations
  2.3.1 General description
  2.3.2 Examples LDLT factorization LUT factorization Conjugate gradient method without preconditioner Conjugate gradient method with preconditioner based on incomplete factorization
 2.4 Setting of solver of non-linear algebraic equations
  2.4.1 General description Arc-length method Newton-Raphson method
  2.4.2 Examples Arc-length method, all DOFs are used Arc-length method, selected DOFs are used Newton-Rahpson method
 2.5 Setting of time controller
  2.5.1 General description
  2.5.2 Examples Time controller with constant time step Time controller with variable time step Time controller with adaptive time step
 2.6 Setting of node renumbering
  2.6.1 General description
  2.6.2 Examples No node renumbering
 2.7 Setting of strain computation
  2.7.1 General description
  2.7.2 Examples Strains are not required Strains are computed in nodes, average values are required
 2.8 Setting of stress computation
  2.8.1 General description
  2.8.2 Examples Stresses are not required Stresses are stored in nodes, average values are required
 2.9 Setting of computation of internal variables
  2.9.1 General description
  2.9.2 Examples Internal variables are not required Internal variables are stored in nodes, average values are required
 2.10 Setting of gradient computation
  2.10.1 General description
  2.10.2 Examples Gradients are not required Gradients are stored in nodes, average values are required
 2.11 Setting of fluxes computation
  2.11.1 General description
  2.11.2 Examples Fluxes are not required Fluxes are stored in nodes, average values are required
3 Mesh–Nodes, Constraints, Elements
 3.1 SIFEL mesh format
  3.1.1 Nodes, edges, surface on elements Triangular element Triangular element with mid-side nodes Quadrilateral elements Quadrilateral elements with mid-side nodes Tetrahedral elements Tetrahedral elements with mid-side nodes Hexahedral elements Hexahedral elements with mid-side nodes
 3.2 Local coordinate system in node
  3.2.1 Examples No local coordinate system Local coordinate system in 2D Local coordinate system in 3D
 3.3 Nodes
  3.3.1 Examples Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, no local coordinate system Transport analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, no cross-section Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, cross-section in nodes, no local coordinate system Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node
 3.4 Hanging Nodes
  3.4.1 Examples Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node on an edge Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node on a surface Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node in a volume
4 Materials
 4.1 Tentative material parameters of selected materials
 4.2 Materials for mechanical analyses
  4.2.1 Linear elastic isotropic mechanical model
 4.3 Materials for trasport analyses
  4.3.1 Linear isotropic transport model Stationary problem, linear isotropic transport model Non-stationary problem, linear isotropic transport model
  4.3.2 Künzel model of coupled heat and moisture transport
5 Cross Section
 5.1 Setting of cross section in node or on element
  5.1.1 Examples No cross section Cross section for 2D beams
 5.2 Definition of cross sections
  5.2.1 Examples List of cross sections for linear statics
6 Definitions–Output and Graphics
 6.1 Class sel
  6.1.1 Conjugated selection
  6.1.2 Examples of input record for basic selection types Definition of empty list Definition of list of all ids Definition of id ranges Definition of list of individual ids
  6.1.3 Examples of input record for selections of periodic indeces and real values Integer periodic selection type Selection of real ranges Selection of real list Periodic selection from real range Periodic selection from real range
  6.1.4 Examples of input record of selections used for GiD Selection of tensorial quantity stored as vector Selection of tensorial quantity stored as vector in larger array Selection of vector quantity stored in larger array
  6.1.5 Input record for conjugated selections
  6.1.6 Example of ordinary conjugated selection
7 MEFEL Input Files
 7.1 Description of Mechanical Analyses
 7.2 Linear Static Analysis
  7.2.1 General description
  7.2.2 Examples Linear statics
 7.3 Eigenvibration
 7.4 Non-linear Static Analysis
  7.4.1 General description
  7.4.2 Examples Non-linear statics, Newton-Raphson method Non-linear statics, arc-lenght method
 7.5 Outdriver section
  7.5.1 Configuration of plain text output Configuration of plain text output of nodal values Configuration output values for elements in plain text format Configuration output values for UDPs in plain text format Example of conjugated selection for displacement components at nodes Example of conjugated selection for strains at nodes Example of conjugated selection for stresses at nodes Example of conjugated selection for plastic strains at nodes Example of conjugated selection for strains on elements Example of conjugated selection for stresses on elements Example of conjugated selection for plastic strains on elements
  7.5.2 Configuration of graphical output Configuration of nodal graphical output Configuration of graphical output for elements Example of conjugated selection for nodal force components at nodes Example of conjugated selection for strain tensor at nodes Example of conjugated selection for stress tensor at nodes Example of conjugated selection for plastic strain tensor at nodes Example of conjugated selection for strain tensor on elements Example of conjugated selection for stress tensor on elements Example of conjugated selection for plastic strain vector on elements
  7.5.3 Configuration of tabular output Example of configuration for tabular output
  7.5.4 Examples of outdriverm input section Example of linear statics problem Example of nonlinear statics problem
  7.5.5 Configuration of tabular output
8 TRFEL Input Files
 8.1 Types of Transport Analyses
 8.2 Linear Stationary Analysis
  8.2.1 General description
  8.2.2 Examples Linear stationary analysis
 8.3 Linear Non-stationary Analysis
  8.3.1 General description
  8.3.2 Examples Linear non-stationary analysis

List of Tables

2.1 Attribute tfunc
2.2 Attribute itype
2.3 Attribute ts
2.4 Attribute tlinsol
2.5 Attribute pt
2.6 Attribute tnlinsol
2.7 Attribute stmat
2.8 Attribute tct
2.9 Attribute nodren
2.10 Attribute straincomp
2.11 Attribute strainpos
2.12 Attribute strainaver
2.13 Attribute stresscomp
2.14 Attribute stresspos
2.15 Attribute stressaver
2.16 Attribute othercomp
2.17 Attribute otherpos
2.18 Attribute otheraver
2.19 Attribute gradcomp
2.20 Attribute gradpos
2.21 Attribute gradaver
2.22 Attribute fluxcomp
2.23 Attribute fluxpos
2.24 Attribute fluxaver
3.1 Type of entity used for domain description
3.2 Element types used in mesh generators
3.3 Ordering of edges for triangular element with 3 nodes.
3.4 Ordering of edges for triangular element with 6 nodes.
3.5 Ordering of edges for quadrilateral element with 4 nodes.
3.6 Ordering of edges for quadrilateral element with 8 nodes.
3.7 Ordering of surfaces for hexahedral element with 8 nodes.
3.8 Ordering of surfaces for hexahedral element with 20 nodes.
3.9 Attribute transf
5.1 Attribute crst
7.1 Attribute tprob
7.2 Attribute Mespr
7.3 Attribute reactcomp
7.4 Attribute adaptivityflag
7.5 Attribute stochasticcalc
7.6 Attribute homog
7.7 nodip enumeration type
7.8 prunk enumeration type
7.9 General outdiagm input record
7.10 outdiagm input record for praticular types of point
7.11 outdiagm input record for praticular type of uknowns
8.1 Attribute tprob
8.2 Attribute Mesprt
8.3 Attribute tmatt
8.4 Attribute mednam
8.5 Attribute tgravity
8.6 Attribute adaptivityflag
8.7 Attribute stochasticcalc
8.8 Attribute homogt
8.9 Attribute tprt
8.10 Attribute diagcap

Chapter 1

This chapter introduces the notation and terminology used in the manual.

1.1 Data type, variable

The C programming language contains several data types but only three of them are used in the SIFEL code. The data types are long, double, char. Typical example is the following one

long i;

long is the data type, i is a variable of the type long.

1.2 Class, attribute, member function, object

The C++ enables to define additional data types. The SIFEL code uses the data type class. Example of the class is the following

class matrix


  long m, n;

  double *a;

  read(FILE *in);


matrix mat;

matrix is the data type of class, m, n, a are the attributes (data members, class attributes) of the class matrix, the class matrix contains the member function (method) read(...), mat is an object (instance) of the class matrix.

Another example

class probdesc


  probtype tp;


probdesc Mp; = linear_statics;

probtype is an enumeration data type, tp is the attribute (data member, class attribute) of the class probdesc, tp is of the type probtype, linear_statics is an enumerator (identifier) from the enumeration probtype.

Chapter 2
Definitions–Problem Description

2.1 Setting of general function

2.1.1 General description

There are many variables which are described by a function or table. For such description, the class gfunct is implemented. The type of the function is stored in the attribute tfunc and the appropriate keyword is funct_type. The values of the attribute tfunc are summarized in Table 2.1.


tfunc = 0stat constant value
tfunc = 1pars parser
tfunc = 2tab the relationship is described by a table

Table 2.1: Attribute tfunc

If the constant value is selected, the value is stored in the attribute f with the keyword const_val.

If the table is selected, the type of interpolation in the table is read and stored to the attribute itype of the class tablefunct. The keyword for the type of interpolation is approx_type. The values of the attribute itype are summarized in Table 2.2.

attributeenumerator description

itype = 1piecewiselin piecewise linear interpolation
itype = 2piecewiseconstpiecewise constant interpolation
itype = 3lagrange Lagrange interpolation

Table 2.2: Attribute itype

The number of rows in the table is read and stored in the attribute asize with the keyword ntab_items. After that, asize couples of table entries are read.

2.1.2 Examples Definition of constant function

Example without keywords

0 # the type of general function - the constant value
234.5# the constant value

Example with keywords

funct_type stat# the type of general function - the constant value
const_val 234.5 # the constant value Definition of relationship described by table

Example without keywords

2 # the type of general function - the table
1 # piecewise linear interpolation
3 # the number of rows in the table
0.0 234.5 # first row
10.0 456.32 # second row
200.0 213.56# third row

Example with keywords

funct_type tab # the type of general function - the table
approx_type piecewiselin# piecewise linear interpolation
ntab_items 3 # the number of rows in the table
0.0 234.5 # first row
10.0 456.32 # second row
200.0 213.56 # third row

2.2 Setting of storage of matrices

2.2.1 General description

Several types of matrix storage are available. The type of storage is located in the attribute ts of the class gmatrix.

attributeenumerator description

ts = 0 without_matrix matrix is not stored
ts = 1 dense_matrix all matrix entries are stored row-wise
ts = 2 skyline_matrix skyline format
ts = 3 double_skyline double skyline format
ts = 10 compressed_rows compressed rows
ts = 11 symm_comp_rowssymmetric compressed rows
ts = 40 element_matrices matrix is not stored, all element
matrices are stored consequently
ts = 140 spdirect_stor_scr storage for the sparse direct solver
based on symmetric compressed rows
ts = 141 spdirect_stor_cr storage for the sparse direct solver
based on compressed rows

Table 2.3: Attribute ts

2.2.2 Examples Matrix stored in the skyline storage scheme

2# the matrix is stored in the skyline storage scheme

2.3 Setting of solver of linear algebraic equations

2.3.1 General description

Type of solver of linear algebraic equations is read and stored in the class slesolv to the attribute tlinsol. The values of the attribute tlinsol are summarized in Table 2.4. The keyword for the type of solver is typelinsol.

attribute enumeratordescription

tlinsol = 1 gauss_elim Gaussian elimination
tlinsol = 2 ldl LDLT factorization
tlinsol = 3 lu LU factorization
tlinsol = 4 ll LLT factorization
tlinsol = 20 cg conjugate gradient method
tlinsol = 30 bicg bi-conjugate gradient method
tlinsol = 140spdirldl sparse direct solver based on the LDLT factorization
tlinsol = 141spdirlu sparse direct solver based on the LU factorization

Table 2.4: Attribute tlinsol

If a direct method is selected, no additional information is needed. If an iterative method is selected, the number of iterations ni (keyword number_of_iterations) and the required norm of residual err (keyword error_of_computation) are required.

The class slesolv contains an object prec of the class precond which is used for reading and storage of data about preconditioners. If an iterative method is selected, the type of preconditioner pt is read. The values of the attribute pt are summarized in Table 2.5.


pt = 0 noprecond no preconditioner
pt = 1 diagprec diagonal (Jacobi) preconditioner
pt = 5 ssorprec SSOR preconditioner
pt = 10 incomdec preconditioner based on incomplete factorization
pt = 101 boss BOSS preconditioner

Table 2.5: Attribute pt

SSOR preconditioner requires parameter ω stored in the attribute ssoromega and the incompleted factorization requires the threshold for off-diagonal matrix entries rejection which is stored in incompltresh.

2.3.2 Examples LDLT factorization

Example without keywords

2# LDL factorization

Example with keywords

typelinsol ldl# LDL factorization LUT factorization

Example without keywords

3# LU factorization

Example with keywords

typelinsol lu# LU factorization Conjugate gradient method without preconditioner

Example without keywords

20 # the conjugate gradient method
400 # the maximum number of iterations
1.0e-6# required norm of residual
0 # no preconditioner is required

Example with keywords

typelinsol cg # the conjugate gradient method
number_of_iterations 400 # the maximum number of iterations
error_of_computation 1.0e-6# required norm of residual
0 # no preconditioner is required Conjugate gradient method with preconditioner based on incomplete factorization

Example without keywords

20 # the conjugate gradient method
400 # the maximum number of iterations
1.0e-6# required norm of residual
10 # preconditioner based on incomplete factorization
1.0e-2# threshold for off-diagonal entries rejection

2.4 Setting of solver of non-linear algebraic equations

2.4.1 General description

Type of solver of non-linear algebraic equations is read and stored in the class nonlinman to the attribute tnlinsol. The keyword for the type of solver of non-linear algebraic equations is type_of_nonlin_solver. The values of the attribute tnlinsol are summarized in Table 2.6.

attribute enumeratordescription

tnlinsol = 1arcl arc-length method
tnlinsol = 2newton the Newton-Raphson method

Table 2.6: Attribute tnlinsol

After the type of solver of non-linear algebraic equations, the type of the stiffness matrix is read and stored into the attribute stmat described by the keyword stiffmat_type. The attribute stmat has the values summarized in Table 2.7.

attributeenumerator description

stmat = 1initial_stiff the initial stiffness matrix
stmat = 2tangent_stiffthe tangent stiffness matrix

Table 2.7: Attribute stmat Arc-length method

If the arc-length method is selected, the following parameters have to be defined:

keyword abbreviationdescription

lambda_determinationdlam type of λ determination
al_num_steps nial the number of increment
al_num_iter niilal the number of iterations within increment
al_error erral required norm of residual
al_init_length dlal the initial length of the arc
al_min_length dlminal the minimum lenght of arc
al_max_length dlmaxal the maximum lenght of arc
al_psi psial the parameter ψ
al_displ_contr_type displnorm the type of displacement norm

Determination of λ described by the attribute has the following possibilities

attribute enumerator description

detlambda=0nodeterminationthe determination is not defined
detlambda=1 minvalue the minimum value is used
detlambda=2maxvalue the maximum value is used
detlambda=3 minangle the minimum angle is used
detlambda=4linearizedmeth linearized arc-length method is used
detlambda=5fullmethod the full method is used

Displacement norm described by the attribute displnorm and by the keyword al_displ_contr_type has the following possibilities

attribute enumerator description

displnorm=1alldofs all degrees of freedom are used
displnorm=2seldofs selected degrees of freedom are used
displnorm=6selecnodes DOFs defined in selected nodes are used
displnorm=8nodesdistincrnorm of distance increment of selected nodes

If the selected degrees of freedom are selected, the number of selected DOFs has to be stored in the attribute nsdofal described by the keyword num_sel_dofs. Then, a list of selected node numbers and DOFs follows.

If the selected nodes are used, the number of nodes is stored in the attribute num_sel_nodes. Then, a list of the selected node numbers follows. Newton-Raphson method

If the Newton-Raphson method is selected, the following parameters have to be defined:

keyword enumeratordescription

nr_num_stepsninr the number of increments
nr_num_iter niilnr the number of iterations within increments
nr_error errnr required norm of residual
nr_init_incr incrnr the intial increment
nr_minincr minincrnr the minimum increment
nr_maxincr maxincrnr the maximum increment

2.4.2 Examples Arc-length method, all DOFs are used

Example without keywords

1 # the arc-length method is used
1 # the initial stiffness matrix is used
1 # determination of lambda (the minimum values is used)
300 # the number of increments
30 # the number of iterations within increment
1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
1.0e-01 # the initial lenght of arc
1.0e-08 # the minimum length of arc
1.0e+03# the maximum length of arc
0 # the parameter psi
1 # the type of displacement norm (all DOFs in this case)

Example with keywords

type_of_nonlin_solver arcl # the arc-length method is used
stiffmat_type initial_stiff # the initial stiffness matrix is used
lambda_determination minvalue# the minimum value is used
al_num_steps 300 # the number of increments
al_num_iter 30 # the number of iterations within increment
al_error 1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
al_init_length 1.0e-01 # the initial lenght of arc
al_min_length 1.0e-08 # the minimum length of arc
al_max_length 1.0e+03 # the maximum length of arc
al_psi 0 # the parameter psi
al_displ_contr_type alldofs # the type of displacement norm
# (all DOFs in this case) Arc-length method, selected DOFs are used

Example without keywords

1 # the arc-length method is used
2 # the tangent stiffness matrix is used
1 # determination of lambda (the minimum values is used)
300 # the number of increments
30 # the number of iterations within increment
1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
1.0e-01 # the initial lenght of arc
1.0e-08 # the minimum length of arc
1.0e+03# the maximum length of arc
0 # the parameter psi
2 # the type of displacement norm (selected DOFs in this case)
4 # the number of selected DOFs
12 1 # first DOF in the 12th node
23 1 # first DOF in the 23rd node
45 2 # second DOF in the 45th node
78 3 # third DOF in the 78th node

Example with keywords

type_of_nonlin_solver arcl # the arc-length method is used
stiffmat_type initial_stiff # the initial stiffness matrix is used
lambda_determination minvalue# the minimum value is used
al_num_steps 300 # the number of increments
al_num_iter 30 # the number of iterations within increment
al_error 1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
al_init_length 1.0e-01 # the initial lenght of arc
al_min_length 1.0e-08 # the minimum length of arc
al_max_length 1.0e+03 # the maximum length of arc
al_psi 0 # the parameter psi
al_displ_contr_type seldofs # selected DOFs
num_sel_dofs 4 # the number of selected DOFs
12 1 # first DOF in the 12th node
23 1 # first DOF in the 23rd node
45 2 # second DOF in the 45th node
78 3 # third DOF in the 78th node Newton-Rahpson method

Example without keywords

2 # the Newton-Raphson method is used
1 # the initial stiffness matrix is used
500 # the number of increments
40 # the number of iterations within increment
1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
1.0e-01 # the initial increment
1.0e-08 # the minimum increment
1.0e+03# the maximum increment

Example with keywords

tnlinsol newton # the Newton-Raphson method is used
stiffmat_type initial_stiff# the initial stiffness matrix is used
nr_num_steps 500 # the number of increments
nr_num_iter 40 # the number of iterations within increment
nr_error 1.0e-04 # the required norm of residual
nr_init_incr 1.0e-01 # the initial increment
nr_minincr 1.0e-08 # the minimum increment
nr_maxincr 1.0e+03 # the maximum increment

2.5 Setting of time controller

2.5.1 General description

Type of time controller is read and stored in the class timecontr to the attribute tct. The values of the attribute tct are summarized in Table 2.8. The keyword for the type of time controller is time_contr_type.

attributeenumerator description

tct = 0 fixed the time step is constant
tct = 1 adaptive the time step is changed
tct = 2 adaptivemin the time step is only reduced
tct = 3 adaptivemaxthe time step is only increased

Table 2.8: Attribute tct

Starting time is stored in the attribute start_time with the keyword start_time. End time is stored in the attribute end_time with the keyword end_time. The important times are time instants when the solver certainly computes the response without respect to the time steps. The number of important times is stored in the attribute nit and the keyword is num_imp_times.

The time step is governed by an instance timefun of the class gfunct. Setting of the instances of the class gfunct are described in Section 2.1.

If the type of time controller is adaptive, the minimum time step stored in the attribute dtmin with the keyword dtmin and the maximum time step stored in the attribute dtmax with the keyword dtmax are required. If the type of time controller is adaptivemin, the minimum time step stored in the attribute dtmin with the keyword dtmin is required. If the type of time controller is adaptivemax, the maximum time step stored in the attribute dtmax with the keyword dtmax is required.

2.5.2 Examples Time controller with constant time step

Example without keywords

0 # the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0# the end time
0 # the number of important times
0 # the type of general function governing the time step
# the constant value
2.5 # the time step

Example with keywords

time_contr_type fixed# the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
funct_type stat # the type of general function - the constant value
const_val 2.5 # the time step Time controller with variable time step

Example without keywords

0 # the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
2 # the type of general function governing the time step
# the table
1 # piecewise linear interpolation
3 # the number of rows in the table
0.0 2.5 # first row
10.0 5.0 # second row
200.0 20.0# third row

Example with keywords

time_contr_type fixed # the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
funct_type tab # the type of general function - the table
approx_type piecewiselin# piecewise linear interpolation
ntab_items 3 # the number of rows in the table
3 # the number of rows in the table
0.0 2.5 # first row
10.0 5.0 # second row
200.0 20.0 # third row Time controller with adaptive time step

Example without keywords

1 # the type of time controller - adaptive
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
0 # the type of general function governing the time step
# the constant value
2.5 # the time step
1.0e-4# the minimum time step
1.0e2 # the maximum time step

Example with keywords

time_contr_type adaptive# the type of time controller - adaptive
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
funct_type stat # the type of general function - the constant value
const_val 2.5 # the time step
dtmin 1.0e-4 # the minimum time step
dtmax 1.0e2 # the maximum time step

2.6 Setting of node renumbering

2.6.1 General description

Type of node renumbering is read and stored in the class gtopology to the attribute nodren. The values of the attribute nodren are summarized in Table 2.9. The keyword for the type of node renumbering is noderenumber.

attribute enumerator description

nodren = 0no_renumbering no renumbering
nodren = 1cuthill_mckee Cuthill-McKey renumbering
nodren = 2rev_cuthill_mckeereverse Cuthill-McKey renumbering
nodren = 3sloan Sloan renumbering

Table 2.9: Attribute nodren

2.6.2 Examples No node renumbering

Example without keywords

0# nodes are not renumbered

Example with keywords

noderenumber no_renumbering# nodes are not renumbered

2.7 Setting of strain computation

2.7.1 General description

There are three attributes devoted to the strain computation. The attribute straincomp with the keyword straincomp indicates whether the strains are computed and stored. The attribute strainpos with the keyword strainposdefines the position where the strains are computed. The attribute strainaver with the keyword strainaver defines whether the strains are averaged. The strains are averaged only in the case that they are required in nodes where contributions from all adjacent finite elements are added. Values of all attributes are summarized in Tables 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12.

attribute description

straincomp = 0strains are not computed and stored
straincomp = 1strains are computed and stored

Table 2.10: Attribute straincomp

attribute description

strainpos = 1strains are computed and stored in integration points
strainpos = 2strains are computed in integration points and stored in nodes
strainpos = 3strains are computed and stored in nodes

Table 2.11: Attribute strainpos

attribute description

strainaver = 0strains are not averaged
strainaver = 1strains are averaged in nodes

Table 2.12: Attribute strainaver

2.7.2 Examples Strains are not required

Example without keywords

0# strains are not computed and stored

Example with keywords

straincomp 0# strains are not computed and stored Strains are computed in nodes, average values are required

Example without keywords

1# strains are computed and stored
3 # strains are computed in nodes
1 # the final strains are average values of strains from adjacent elements

2.8 Setting of stress computation

2.8.1 General description

There are three attributes devoted to the stress computation. The attribute stresscomp with the keyword stresscomp indicates whether the stresses are computed and stored. The attribute stresspos with the keyword stresspos defines the position where the stresses are required. Stresses can be computed only in integration points because of definition of material models. The attribute stressaver with the keyword stressaver defines whether the stresses are averaged. The stresses are averaged only in the case that they are required in nodes where contributions from all adjacent finite elements are added. Values of all attributes are summarized in Tables 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15.

attribute description

stresscomp = 0stresses are not computed and stored
stresscomp = 1stresses are computed and stored

Table 2.13: Attribute stresscomp

attribute description

stresspos = 1stresses are computed and stored in integration points
stresspos = 2stresses are computed in integration points and stored in nodes

Table 2.14: Attribute stresspos

attribute description

stressaver = 0stresses are not averaged
stressaver = 1stresses are averaged in nodes

Table 2.15: Attribute stressaver

2.8.2 Examples Stresses are not required

Example without keywords

0# stresses are not computed and stored Stresses are stored in nodes, average values are required

Example without keywords

1# stresses are computed and stored
2 # stresses are computed in nodes
1 # the final stresses are average values of stresses from adjacent elements

2.9 Setting of computation of internal variables

2.9.1 General description

There are three attributes devoted to the computation of internal variables. The attribute othercomp with the keyword othercomp indicates whether the internal variables are computed and stored. The attribute otherpos with the keyword otherpos defines the position where the internal variables are required. The internal variables can be computed only in integration points where the material models are defined. The attribute othernaver with the keyword otheraver defines whether the internal variables are averaged. The internal variables are averaged only in the case that they are required in nodes where contributions from all adjacent finite elements are added. Values of all attributes are summarized in Tables 2.16, 2.17 and 2.18.

attribute description

othercomp = 0internal variables are not computed and stored
othercomp = 1internal variables are computed and stored

Table 2.16: Attribute othercomp

attribute description

otherpos = 1internal variables are computed and stored in integration points
otherpos = 2internal variables computed in integration points and stored in nodes

Table 2.17: Attribute otherpos

attribute description

otheraver = 0internal variables are not averaged
otheraver = 1internal variables are averaged in nodes

Table 2.18: Attribute otheraver

2.9.2 Examples Internal variables are not required

Example without keywords

0# internal variables are not computed and stored Internal variables are stored in nodes, average values are required

Example without keywords

1# internal variables are computed and stored
2 # internal variables are computed in nodes
1 # the final internal variables are average values of
# internal variables from adjacent elements

2.10 Setting of gradient computation

2.10.1 General description

There are three attributes devoted to the gradient computation. The attribute gradcomp with the keyword gradcomp indicates whether the gradients are computed and stored. The attribute gradpos with the keyword gradpos defines the position where the gradients are required. The attribute gradaver with the keyword gradaver defines whether the gradients are averaged. The gradients are averaged only in the case that they are required in nodes where contributions from all adjacent finite elements are added. Values of all attributes are summarized in Tables 2.19, 2.20 and 2.21.

attribute description

gradcomp = 0gradients are not computed and stored
gradcomp = 1gradients are computed and stored

Table 2.19: Attribute gradcomp

attribute description

gradpos = 1gradients are computed and stored in integration points
gradpos = 2gradients are computed in integration points and stored in nodes
gradpos = 3gradients are computed and stored in nodes

Table 2.20: Attribute gradpos

attribute description

gradaver = 0gradients are not averaged
gradaver = 1gradients are averaged in nodes

Table 2.21: Attribute gradaver

2.10.2 Examples Gradients are not required

Example without keywords

0# gradients are not computed and stored Gradients are stored in nodes, average values are required

Example without keywords

1# gradients are computed and stored
2 # gradients computed in nodes
1 # the final gradients are average values of gradients from adjacent elements

2.11 Setting of fluxes computation

2.11.1 General description

There are three attributes devoted to the flux computation. The attribute fluxcomp with the keyword fluxcomp indicates whether the fluxes are computed and stored. The attribute fluxpos with the keyword fluxpos defines the position where the fluxes are required. Fluxes can be computed only in integration points because of definition of material models. The attribute fluxaver with the keyword fluxaver defines whether the fluxes are averaged. The fluxes are averaged only in the case that they are required in nodes where contributions from all adjacent finite elements are added. Values of all attributes are summarized in Tables 2.22, 2.23 and 2.24.

attribute description

fluxcomp = 0fluxes are not computed and stored
fluxcomp = 1fluxes are computed and stored

Table 2.22: Attribute fluxcomp

attribute description

fluxpos = 1fluxes are computed and stored in integration points
fluxpos = 2fluxes are computed in integration points and stored in nodes

Table 2.23: Attribute fluxpos

attribute description

fluxaver = 0fluxes are not averaged
fluxaver = 1fluxes are averaged in nodes

Table 2.24: Attribute fluxaver

2.11.2 Examples Fluxes are not required

Example without keywords

0# fluxes are not computed and stored Fluxes are stored in nodes, average values are required

Example without keywords

1# fluxes are computed and stored
2 # fluxes are computed in nodes
1 # the final fluxes are average values of fluxes from adjacent elements

Chapter 3
Mesh–Nodes, Constraints, Elements

3.1 SIFEL mesh format

For the purposes of the finite element method, the domains solved are described by entities and their “properties” (markers). The entities are vertices, edges, surfaces, regions, patches and shells. The entities are denoted by integer numbers summarized in Table 3.1.

entity entity number

vertex 1
edge 2
surface 3
region 4
patch 5
shell 6

Table 3.1: Type of entity used for domain description

Finite element meshes obtained from mesh generators are summarized in Table 3.2.

elementthe numberthe numberthe numberelement description
type of nodes of edges of surfaces

one-dimensional elements

1 2 1 0 line with linear shape functions
2 3 1 0 line with quadratic shape functions
(there is midside node)

two-dimensional elements

3 3 3 1 triangular element with linear shape functions
4 6 3 1 triangular element with quadratic shape functions
(there are mid-edge nodes)
5 4 4 1 quadrilateral element with linear shape functions
6 8 4 1 quadrilateral element with quadratic shape functions
(there are mid-edge nodes)

three-dimensional elements

7 4 6 4 tetrahedral element with linear shape functions
8 10 6 4 tetrahedral element with quadratic shape functions
(there are mid-edge nodes)
9 5 8 5 pyramid element with linear shape functions
10 13 8 5 pyramid element with quadratic shape functions
(there are mid-edge nodes)
11 6 9 5 triangular prism element with linear shape functions
12 15 9 5 triangular prism element with quadratic shape functions
(there are mid-edge nodes)
13 8 12 6 hexahedral elements with linear shape functions
14 20 12 6 hexahedral elements with quadratic shape functions
(there is mid-edge node)

Table 3.2: Element types used in mesh generators

3.1.1 Nodes, edges, surface on elements Triangular element


edge numbernode numbers

1 1, 2

2 2, 3

3 3, 1

Table 3.3: Ordering of edges for triangular element with 3 nodes. Triangular element with mid-side nodes


edge numbernode numbers

1 1, 2, 4

2 2, 3, 5

3 3, 1, 6

Table 3.4: Ordering of edges for triangular element with 6 nodes. Quadrilateral elements


edge numbernode numbers

1 1, 2

2 2, 3

3 3, 4

4 4, 1

Table 3.5: Ordering of edges for quadrilateral element with 4 nodes. Quadrilateral elements with mid-side nodes


edge numbernode numbers

1 1, 2, 5

2 2, 3, 6

3 3, 4, 7

4 4, 1, 8

Table 3.6: Ordering of edges for quadrilateral element with 8 nodes. Tetrahedral elements

PIC Tetrahedral elements with mid-side nodes

PIC Hexahedral elements


surface numbernode numbers

1 1, 4, 8, 5

2 2, 1, 5, 6

3 3, 2, 6, 7

4 4, 3, 7, 8

5 1, 2, 3, 4

6 5, 6, 7, 8

Table 3.7: Ordering of surfaces for hexahedral element with 8 nodes. Hexahedral elements with mid-side nodes



surface numbernode numbers

1 1, 4, 8, 5, 12, 16, 20, 13

2 2, 1, 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 14

3 3, 2, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18, 15

4 4, 3, 7, 8, 11, 15, 19, 16

5 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12

6 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20

Table 3.8: Ordering of surfaces for hexahedral element with 20 nodes.

SIFEL mesh format
There are two blocks in the SIFEL mesh format. First contains nodes and second contains elements. The block containing nodes starts with the number of nodes in the mesh. A typical line of node block has the following structure

node id, x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate, the number of properties (np), np couples of integer numbers, where the first number in every couple is entity type (see Table 3.1) and the second integer denotes property

The block containing elements starts with the number of elements in the mesh. A typical line of element block has the following structure

element id, type of element, element nodes, surface property, edge properties and volume properties

Example of file with SIFEL mesh format
1 0.00000000000e+000.00000000000e+000.0  5  1 32 22 33 14 1
2 0.00000000000e+003.33333333333e+000.0 4 1 02 23 14 1
3 0.00000000000e+006.66666666667e+000.0 4 1 02 23 14 1
4 0.00000000000e+001.00000000000e+010.0 5 1 22 12 23 14 1
5 3.33333333333e+000.00000000000e+000.0 4 1 02 33 14 1
6 3.33333333333e+003.33333333333e+000.0 3 1 03 14 1
7 3.33333333333e+006.66666666667e+000.0 3 1 03 14 1
8 3.33333333333e+001.00000000000e+010.0 4 1 02 13 14 1
9 6.66666666667e+000.00000000000e+000.0 4 1 02 33 14 1
10 6.66666666667e+003.33333333333e+000.0 3 1 03 14 1
11 6.66666666667e+006.66666666667e+000.0 3 1 03 14 1
12 6.66666666667e+001.00000000000e+010.0 4 1 02 13 14 1
13 1.00000000000e+010.00000000000e+000.0 5 1 42 32 43 14 1
14 1.00000000000e+013.33333333333e+000.0 4 1 02 43 14 1
15 1.00000000000e+016.66666666667e+000.0 4 1 02 43 14 1
16 1.00000000000e+011.00000000000e+010.0 5 1 12 12 43 14 1
1 5 1 5 6 2   1 3 0 0 2 1
25 2 6 7 3 100021
3 5 3 7 8 4 1 0 0 1 2 1
45 5 910 6 130001
5 5 6 10 11 7 1 0 0 0 0 1
65 71112 8 100101
7 5 9 13 14 10 1 3 4 0 0 1
85 10141511 104001
9 5 11 15 16 12 1 0 4 1 0 1

3.2 Local coordinate system in node

In mechanical analyses, a local coordinate system may be suitable. The presence of the local coordinate system is indicated by the attribute transf of the class node. Values of the attribute transf are summarized in Table 3.9.


transf = 0no local coordinate system
transf = 22D problem, two basis vectors are required
transf = 33D problem, three basis vectors are required

Table 3.9: Attribute transf

3.2.1 Examples No local coordinate system

0# no local coordinate system Local coordinate system in 2D

2   0.6 0.8   -0.8 0.6# local coordinate system in 2D Local coordinate system in 3D

3   0.6 0.8 0.0   -0.8 0.6 0.0   0.0 0.0 1.0# local coordinate system in 3D

3.3 Nodes

Typical line of an input file describing a node is the following

id x y z NDOF crsec locsys

id is node number, x, y and z are coordinates, NDOF is the number of degrees of freedom defined in the node, crsec is description of cross section and locsys describes a local coordinate system in the node. Local coordinate system is used in mechanical problems only, it is not used in transport processes. Definition of cross section is in Section 5.1. Definition of local coordinate system is in Section 3.2.

3.3.1 Examples Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, no local coordinate system

4 # the number of nodes in mesh
1   0.0 0.0 0.0   2 0 0
2   2.0 1.0 0.0   2 0 0
3   4.0 2.0 0.0   2 0 0
4   6.0 3.0 0.0   2 0 0 Transport analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, no cross-section

4 # the number of nodes in mesh
1   0.0 0.0 0.0   2 0
2   2.0 1.0 0.0   2 0
3   4.0 2.0 0.0   2 0
4   6.0 3.0 0.0   2 0 Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 2 DOFs in each node, cross-section in nodes, no local coordinate system

4 # the number of nodes in mesh
1   0.0 0.0 0.0   2 1 1 0
2   2.0 1.0 0.0   2 1 1 0
3   4.0 2.0 0.0   2 1 1 0
4   6.0 3.0 0.0   2 1 1 0 Mechanical analysis, nodes in 2D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node

4 # the number of nodes in mesh
1   0.0 0.0 0.0   3 0 0
2   2.0 1.0 0.0   3 0 2 0.6 0.8 -0.8 0.6
3   4.0 2.0 0.0   3 0 0
4   6.0 3.0 0.0   3 0 0 Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node

4 # the number of nodes in mesh
1   0.0 0.0 3.0   3 0 0
2   2.0 1.0 2.0   3 0 3 0.6 0.8 0.0 -0.8 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
3   4.0 2.0 1.0   3 0 0
4   6.0 3.0 0.0   3 0 0

3.4 Hanging Nodes

Hanging nodes are nodes which are linearly dependent on other nodes in a mesh. The nodes which the hanging nodes depend on are called tha master nodes. Degrees of freedom of any hanging node are defined by the master nodes. The hanging nodes are therefore indicated by negative value of the attribute ndofn of the class gnode which defines the number of degrees of freedom of the node. The absolute value of the attribute ndofn is equal to the number of master node.

3.4.1 Examples Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node on an edge

The 132nd node is a hanging node, it is connected to an edge, its master nodes are the nodes 143 and 345, the natural coordinate on the edge is 0.4, 0.0 and 0.0. The edge is indicated by the number 1 after the natural coordinates. The last two zeros indicate the cross section and local coordinate system in the 132-nd node.

132   1.4 2.3 3.7   -2   143 345   0.4 0.0 0.0   1   0 0# hanging node Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node on a surface

The 132nd node is a hanging node, it is connected to a surface, its master nodes are the nodes 143, 345, 356 and 378, the natural coordinate on the surface are 0.3, 0.8 and 0.0. The surface is indicated by the number 5.

132   1.4 2.3 3.7   -4   143 345 356 378   0.3 0.8 0.0   5   0 0# hanging node Mechanical analysis, nodes in 3D, 3 DOFs in each node, no cross-section, local coordinate system in node, hanging node in a volume

The 132nd node is a hanging node, it is connected to a volume, its master nodes are the nodes 143, 345, 356, 378, 412, 456, 478 and 567 the natural coordinate in the volume are 0.5, 0.4 and 0.9.

132   1.4 2.3 3.7   -8   143 345 356 378 412 456 478 567   0.5 0.4 0.9   13   0 0# hanging node

Chapter 4

4.1 Tentative material parameters of selected materials

List of material parameters

notationunit parameter
E Pa Young modulus of elasticity
G Pa shear modulus of elasticity
μ - Poisson ratio
ϱ kg/m3 density
α K1 coefficient of thermal expansion (thermal extensibility coefficient)
λ J/m/s coefficient of heat conductivity
c J/kg/Kheat capacity coefficient

material materiál E   GPa G   GPa ν ϱ   kg/m3 α   106   K1 λ   J/m/s c   J/kg/K

aluminium hliník 66 - 68 26 - 28 0.33 2 650 - 2 800 20 - 24 125 - 229 896 - 1 000
asphalt asfalt 1 300 0.7
bricks cihly 8 - 12 1 400 - 2 200 5 0.28 - 1.2 900 - 1 100
concrete beton 15 - 40 0.08 - 0.181 800 - 2 500 12 1.2 - 1.75 850 - 1 200
conc. cellularpórobeton 0.8 - 4 400 - 900 7 - 8 0.12 - 0.35 850
copper měd’ 120 - 130 42 - 47 0.34 8 930 17 395 383
cork korek 200-350
glass sklo 70 2 400 - 4 700 6 - 9 0.6 - 1
granite žula 27 - 51 2 600 - 2 900 7.89 2.9 - 4
ice led 917 50 2.2
iron železo 7 860 12 73 452
paper papír 700 - 1 100
polystyrene polystyrén 0.0028 - 0.015 - - 14 - 100 50 - 80 0.035 - 0.045 1 350
PVC PVC 2.5 - 3.6 1 360 - 1 400 80 0.15 1 000 - 1 100
rubber guma 1 150 - 1 350
snow sníh 125 - 800 0.12 - 1.3
steel ocel 210 85 0.3 7 400 - 8 000 12 50 - 58 460
wood dřevo 10 - 15 0.3 - 0.6 - 400 - 1 000 3 - 32 0.09 - 0.2 2 100 - 2 700
wool (glass) vlna (skelná) - - - 12 - 0.03 - 0.05

4.2 Materials for mechanical analyses

4.2.1 Linear elastic isotropic mechanical model

Linear elastic isotropic model requires definition of two material parameters: the Young modulus os elasticity E (Pa) and the Poisson ratio μ (-).

Example without keywords

1 # there is single type of material model
1 2 # first material model is linear elastic isotropic model and there are two instances of such type
1 20.e9 0.1 # first instance of the elastic model (Young modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio)
2 30.0e9 0.13# second instance of the elastic model (Young modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio)

4.3 Materials for trasport analyses

4.3.1 Linear isotropic transport model

Linear isotropic transport model requires definition of the coefficient of heat conductivity λ (J/m/s). In the case on non-stationary transport, also the heat capacity c (J/kg/K) is required. Stationary problem, linear isotropic transport model

Example without keywords

1 # there is single type of material model
100 2# first material model is linear isotropic model and there are two instances of such type
1 1.5 # first instance of the isotropic model (the coefficient of conductivity)
2 1.9 # second instance of the isotropic model (the coefficient of conductivity) Non-stationary problem, linear isotropic transport model

Example without keywords

1 # there is single type of material model
100 2 # first material model is linear isotropic model and there are two instances of such type
1 1.5 900.0# first instance of the isotropic model (the coefficient of conductivity, capacity coefficient)
2 1.9 980.0# second instance of the isotropic model (the coefficient of conductivity, capacity coefficient)

4.3.2 Künzel model of coupled heat and moisture transport

2. the bulk density of the sample ρ (kg/m3), 3. porosity 4. water vapour diffusion resistance factor μ, 5. the moisture diffusivity κ (m2/s), 9. specific heat capacity of the building material cs (J/kg/K), 10. thermal conductivity λ (W/m/K)

w is the volumetric moisture content (m3/m3), T is the temperature (K), κ is the moisture diffusivity (m2/s), δ is the water vapour diffusion permeability (s), ρ w is the density of water (kg/m3), p v is the partial pressure of water vapour (Pa), c is the specific heat capacity (J/kg/K), λ is the thermal conductivity (W/m/K) and Lv is the latent heat of evaporation of water (J/kg).

list of material parameters used in the model: position CORD: 2 - density 3 - porosity 4 - water vapour diffusion resistance factor 5 - moisture diffusivity 6 - sorption isoterm 7 - saturated moisture 8 - none 9 - specific heat capacity 10 - thermal conductivity 11 - 13 - none 14 Dcoef 15 - binding isotherm 16 - cfmax 17 ws 18 - none 19 - kunzeltype

Chapter 5
Cross Section

Cross section is notation for the width and height in the case of beams and for the thickness in the case of walls, plates and shells. The cross section can be defined in a node or on an element. The type of cross section is stored in the attribute crst of the class element or in the class node. The attribute crst is of enumeration data type crsectype. Values of the attribute crst are summarized in Table 5.1.

attributeenumerator description

crst=0 nocrosssectionno cross section
crst=1 csbar2d cross section for bar element
crst=2 csbeam2d cross section for 2D beams
crst=4 csbeam3d cross section for 3D beams
crst=10 csplanestr cross section for plane strain and plane stress problems
crst=20 cs3dprob cross section for three-dimensional problems

Table 5.1: Attribute crst

5.1 Setting of cross section in node or on element

If the cross section is not defined in connection with a quantity (node or element), 0 or nocrosssection is put into appropriate position. On the other hand, if the cross section is defined, two values are required. The first is the type of the cross section and the second is the id of the appropriate instance of the cross section type.

5.1.1 Examples No cross section

Example without keywords

0# the cross section is not defined on element or node Cross section for 2D beams

Example without keywords

2# the cross section for 2D beam is defined
3 # third instance of all 2D beam cross sections is selected

5.2 Definition of cross sections

All cross sections are summarized in one list.

5.2.1 Examples List of cross sections for linear statics

Example without keywords

2 # there are two types of cross sections
1 3 # first cross section type is for 2D bar elements and there are 3 instances of such type
1 0.03 # first instance of the bar cross section
2 0.02 # second instance of the bar cross section
3 0.06 # third instance of the bar cross section
2 2 # second cross section type is for 2D beam elements and there are 2 instances of such type
1 0.04 0.0005 0.8333# first instance of the beam cross section
2 0.05 0.0004 0.8333# second instance of the beam cross section

Chapter 6
Definitions–Output and Graphics

6.1 Class sel

The class is used in outdriverm and outdrivert classes (MEFEL, TRFEL) and it contains the selection of variety items such as load cases, time steps, nodes, elements, particular quantities defined at nodes or elements, etc. Depending on the selected items or quantities, integer indeces or real numbers are used for the selection. Type of sel is given by the st attribute whose values are defined by enumeration seltype (see galias.h) which is described in the following table.

attribute enumerator description

st = 0 sel_no nothing is selected
st = 1 sel_all all values/indeces are selected
st = 2 sel_range selection by ranges of indeces
st = 3 sel_list selection by list of individual indeces
st = 4 sel_period selection by constant period
(each n-th index is selected)
st = 5 sel_realrange selection by range of real values
st = 6 sel_reallist selection by list of real values
st = 7 sel_mtx selection of all components of a tensorial
quantity for GiD
st = 8 sel_range_mtxselection of all components of a tensorial quantity
for GiD by range of indeces, the quantity
is stored in larger array (e.g. eqother)
st = 9 sel_range_vecselection of a vector quantity for GiD
by range of indeces - the quantity
is stored inside larger array (e.g. eqother)
st = 10 sel_realperiodoption used for selection of time steps with
real period r
st = 11 sel_impvaluesoption used for selection of time steps
according to important times defined in
time controller (class timecontr)

The class sel has also attribute n which represents the number of selected ranges or items depending on the type of selection (st attribute).

st = 0 n = 0
st = 1 n = 1
st = 2 n = number of selected ranges
st = 3 n = number of list items
st = 4 n = 1
st = 5 n = number of selected real ranges
st = 6 n = number of real items in the list
st = 7 n = 1
st = 8 n = 1
st = 9 n = 1
st = 10n = number is calculated from the time
interval length and given period
st = 11n = 1

6.1.1 Conjugated selection

The class sel was designed for the selection of output data and there is often required the output of different quantities for given selection of elements or nodes. The typical case represents output of selected internal variables stored in the eqother array on integration points of elements. If the problem domain is heterogeneous and different material models are used then the order of internal variables is not the same for all integration points and consequently, the selection of required internal variables differs on particular elements. This case can be solved by using of conjugated selections where the main selection is connected with required elements/nodes and conjugated selection is connected with the required internal variables. The number of conjugated selections is given by the number of items in the main selection, i.e., attribute n of main selection is the number of conjugated selections.

In the cases of stress or strain selection, the conjugated selection consists of main selection of nodes/elements, conjugated selections of stress/strain components and conjugated flags for output of principal stresses/strains. Similarly, the number of conjugated selections and conjugated flags is given by the number of items in the main selection (attribute n).

6.1.2 Examples of input record for basic selection types

This section describes basic selections used for selection of list of integer identifiers or indeces (ids), e.g. nodes, elements, load cases, strain components, time steps, etc. Definition of empty list

Example without keywords

0# type of selection = no selection or empty list

Example with keywords

sel_no# type of selection = no selection or empty list Definition of list of all ids

Example without keywords

1# type of selection = all ids are selected

Example with keywords

sel_all# type of selection = all ids are selected Definition of id ranges

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer ranges
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 5>
1 # initial id - range 1.
5 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <23, 24>
23# initial id - range 2.
2 # number of selected ids - range 2.

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer ranges
num_ranges 2# two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 5>
1 # initial id - range 1.
5 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <23, 24>
23 # initial id - range 2.
2 # number of selected ids - range 2. Definition of list of individual ids

Example without keywords

3 # type of selection = integer list
4 # number of selected ids
8 15 17 11# list of selected ids

Example with keywords

sel_list # type of selection = integer list
numlist_items 4# number of selected ids
8 15 17 11 # list of selected ids

6.1.3 Examples of input record for selections of periodic indeces and real values

This section describes examples of input records of for periodic selection of indeces and selection of real values. They are used only in the cases of time step selection. Integer periodic selection type

Example without keywords

4# type of selection = integer periodic
5 # period

Example with keywords

sel_period# type of selection = integer periodic
5 # period Selection of real ranges

Example without keywords

5 # type of selection = real ranges
2 # number of ranges
# range 1. = <1.0, 5.0>
1.0 # lower limit of range 1.
5.0 # upper limit of range 1.
# range 2. = <50.0, 65.2>
50.0# initial limit of range 2.
65.2# end limit of range 2.

Example with keywords

sel_realrange# type of selection = real ranges
numranges 2 # number of ranges
# range 1. = <1.0, 5.0>
1.0 # lower limit of range 1.
5.0 # upper limit of range 1.
# range 2. = <50.0, 65.2>
50.0 # lower limit of range 2.
65.2 # upper limit of range 2. Selection of real list

Example without keywords

6 # type of selection = list of real values
3 # number of selected values
5.8 7.5 12.4# list of selected real values
1.0e-3 # required error of real lists;
# selected time steps may be different
# from the above ones about 1.0e-3

Example with keywords

sel_reallist # type of selection = list of real values
numlist_items 3# number of selected values
5.8 7.5 12.4 # list of selected real values
1.0e-3 # required error of selected items;
# selected time steps may be different
# from the above ones about 1.0e-3 Periodic selection from real range

Example without keywords

# time steps 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 will be selected
10 # type of selection = real periodic selection
3.0 # lower limit of range
5.0 # upper limit of range
1.0 # period
1.0e-2# required error of selected items
# selected time steps may be different
# from the above ones about 1.0e-2

Example with keywords

# time steps 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 will be selected
sel_realperiod# type of selection = real periodic selection
ini_time 3.0 # lower limit of range
fin_time 5.0 # upper limit of range
period 1.0 # period
err 1.0e-2 # required error of selected items
# selected time steps may be different
# from the above ones about 1.0e-2 Periodic selection from real range

Example without keywords

# selects important time steps defined in time controler
11# type of selection = sel_impvalues

Example with keywords

# selects important time steps defined in time controler
sel_impvalues# type of selection = selection of important values

6.1.4 Examples of input record of selections used for GiD

This section describes examples of input records used for the selections of quantity components that will be written to GiD post-processor file in the tensorial or vector formats. Selection of tensorial quantity stored as vector

Example without keywords

# select all component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD tensorial format
7# type of selection = sel_mtx

Example with keywords

# select all component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD tensorial format
sel_mtx# type of selection = sel_mtx Selection of tensorial quantity stored as vector in larger array

Example without keywords

# select n component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD tensorial format
8# type of selection = sel_range_mtx
3# initial id of large array
4# number of quantity components

Example with keywords

# select n component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD tensorial format
sel_range_mtx# type of selection = sel_range_mtx
3 # initial id of the first component in large array
4 # number of quantity components Selection of vector quantity stored in larger array

Example without keywords

# select n component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD vector format
9# type of selection = sel_range_vec
3# initial id of large array
3# number of vector components

Example with keywords

# select n component of the given quantity
# write them in the GiD tensorial format
sel_range_vec# type of selection = sel_mtx
3 # initial id of the first component in large array
3 # number of vector components

6.1.5 Input record for conjugated selections

The input record of conjugated selections contains input record of the main selection mainsel according to section 6.1.2 followed by input records of conjugated selections consel1, consel2, , conseln where n is given by the value specified for attribute n of mainsel. Input records of particular conjugated selections conseli have the same format as the main selection mainsel. Formally, the format can be written as follows

     mainsel (consel)×mainsel.n

In the case of conjugated selections for stress/strain output, the format reads

     mainsel (consel)×mainsel.n (flag)×mainsel.n

6.1.6 Example of ordinary conjugated selection

In this example, an ordinary conjugated selection will be showed. The main selection is connected for example with element ids 1-10 and 40-60 and the conjugated selection is connected for example with the point/component ids 1,5,9. Should be noted that in the case of specific conjugated selections such as selection of eqother components at nodes, some additional keywords have to be specified but the example without keywords remains the same. The more details about specific conjugated selections can be found in Section 7.5.

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer range
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 10>
1 # initial id - range 1.
10 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <40, 60>
40 # initial id - range 2.
20 # number of selected ids - range 2.
3 # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = integer list
3 # number of list items
1 5 9# selected ids for range 1.
3 # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = integer list
3 # number of list items
1 5 9# selected ids for range 2.

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer range
num_ranges 2 # two ranges will be specified
# the first range <1, 10>
1 # initial id - range 1.
10 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# the second range <40, 60>
40 # initial id - range 2.
20 # number of selected ids - range 2.
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = integer list
numlist_items 3# number of list items
1 5 9 # selected ids for range 1.
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = integer list
numlist_items 3# number of list items
1 5 9 # selected ids for range 2.

Chapter 7
MEFEL Input Files

7.1 Description of Mechanical Analyses

Type of mechanical analysis is stored in the attribute tprob of the class probdesc. The appropriate keyword is problemtype. Values of the attribute tprob are summarized in Table 7.1.

attribute enumerator description

tprob = 1 linear_statics linear statics
tprob = 2 eigen_dynamics eigenvibration
tprob = 3 forced_dynamics forced dynamics
tprob = 5 linear_stability linear stability
tprob = 10mat_nonlinear_statics static material non-linearity
tprob = 11geom_nonlinear_statics geometrically non-linear statics
tprob = 15mech_timedependent_probtime dependent problems
with negligible inertial forces
tprob = 17growing_mech_structure mechanical problem with
changing number of nodes and elements

Table 7.1: Attribute tprob

Array name contains name or description of problem solved. The name is defined by user.

The attribute Mespr describes the detailness of the auxiliary prints on screen. The appropriate keyword is mespr.

attribute description

Mespr = 0no auxiliary print on screen
Mespr = 1auxiliary print on screen

Table 7.2: Attribute Mespr

The attribute reactcomp describes whether the reactions are computed. The appropriate keyword is reactcomp.

attribute description

reactcomp = 0reactions are not computed
reactcomp = 1reactions are computed

Table 7.3: Attribute reactcomp

The attribute adaptivityflag describes whether the adaptivity is applied. The appropriate keyword is adaptivity.

attribute description

adaptivityflag = 0adaptivity is not applied (default value)
adaptivityflag = 1adaptivity is applied (not described now)

Table 7.4: Attribute adaptivityflag

The attribute stochasticcalc describes the type of analysis with respect to deterministic or non-deterministic feature. The appropriate keyword is stochasticcalc.

attribute description

stochasticcalc = 0deterministic approach/computation (default value)
stochasticcalc = 1stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are read all at once
stochasticcalc = 2stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are read sequentially
stochasticcalc = 3stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are generated in the code

Table 7.5: Attribute stochasticcalc

The attribute homog describes whether homogenization is applied. The appropriate keyword is homogenization.

attribute description

homog = 0homogenization is not applied (default value)
homog = 1homogenization is applied (not described now)

Table 7.6: Attribute homog

Storage of the stiffness matrix is located in the attribute tstorsm of the class probdesc. The appropriate keyword is stiffmatstor. Storage of the mass matrix is located in the attribute tstormm of the class probdesc. The appropriate keyword is massmatstor.

7.2 Linear Static Analysis

7.2.1 General description

Every linear static problem is described by the following scheme.

name of problem solved by user
message printing Table 7.2
tprob = linear_statics=1 Table 7.1
strains computation described in Section 2.7
stresses computation described in Section 2.8
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
computation of reactions Table 7.3
adaptivity Table 7.4
deterministic/stochastic computationTable 7.5
homogenization Table 7.6
node renumbering described in Section 2.6
storage of the stiffness matrix described in Section 2.2
solver of linear equations described in Section 2.3

7.2.2 Examples Linear statics

Example without keywords

simply supported beam
1# detail output
1# linear statics
0# strains are not computed
0# stresses are not computed
0# internal variables are not computed
1# reactions are computed
0# adaptivity is not used
0# deterministic computation
0# homogenization is not applied
0# nodes are not renumbered
2# the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
2# system of linear algebraic equations is solved by LDL factorization

Example with keywords

simply supported beam
mespr 1 # detail output
problemtype linear_statics # linear statics
straincomp 0 # strains are not computed
stresscomp 0 # stresses are not computed
othercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
reactcomp 1 # reactions are computed
adaptivity 0 # adaptivity is not used
stochasticcalc 0 # deterministic computation
homogenization 0 # homogenization is not applied
noderenumber no_renumbering# nodes are not renumbered
stiffmatstor skyline_matrix # the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
typelinsol ldl # system of linear algebraic equations is
# solved by LDL factorization

7.3 Eigenvibration

Example without keywords

eigenvibration analysis
1 # detail output
2 # eigenvibration analysis
1 # strains are computed
2 # strains are computed in nodes
1 # strains are averaged
1 # stresses are computed
2 # stresses are computed in nodes
1 # stresses are averaged
0 # other values are not computed
1 # reactions are computed
0 # adaptivity is not used
0 # deterministic computation
0 # homogenization is not applied
0 # nodes are not renumbered
140 # the stiffness matrix is stored in sparse storage scheme
140 # the mass matrix is stored in sparse storage scheme
5 # type of eigensolver - subspace iteration with Gram-Schmidt ortonormalization
10 # the number of required eigenvectors
15 # the number of vectors used in computation
1000 # the maximum number of iterations
1.000000e-06# the required residual
140 # type of solver of algebraic equations - sparse solver is selected

Example with keywords

eigenvibration analysis
mespr 1 # detail output
problemtype eigen˙dynamics # eigenvibration analysis
straincomp 0 # strains are not computed
stresscomp 0 # stresses are not computed
othercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
reactcomp 1 # reactions are computed
adaptivity 0 # adaptivity is not used
stochasticcalc 0 # deterministic computation
homogenization 0 # homogenization is not applied
noderenumber no_renumbering # nodes are not renumbered
stiffmatstor skyline_matrix # the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
massmatstor skyline_matrix # the mass matrix is stored in skyline
type_of_eig_solver subspace_it_gsortho# type of eigensolver - subspace iteration with Gram-Schmidt ortonormalization
10 # the number of required eigenvectors
15 # the number of vectors used in computation
1000 # the maximum number of iterations
1.000000e-06 # the required residual
typelinsol ldl # system of linear algebraic equations is
# solved by LDL factorization

7.4 Non-linear Static Analysis

7.4.1 General description

Every non-linear static problem is described by the following scheme.

name of problem solved by user
message printing Table 7.2
tprob = linear_statics=1 Table 7.1
strains computation described in Section 2.7
stresses computation described in Section 2.8
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
computation of reactions Table 7.3
adaptivity Table 7.4
deterministic/stochastic computationTable 7.5
homogenization Table 7.6
node renumbering described in Section 2.6
non-linear solver described in Section 2.4
storage of the stiffness matrix described in Section 2.2
solver of linear equations described in Section 2.3

7.4.2 Examples Non-linear statics, Newton-Raphson method

Example without keywords

simply supported beam
1 # detail output
10 # non-linear statics
1 # strains are computed
1 # strains are computed in integration points
0 # strains are not averaged
1 # stresses are computed
1 # stresses are computed in integration points
0 # stresses are not averaged
1 # internal variables are not computed
1 # internal variables are computed in integration points
0 # internal variables are not averaged
1 # reactions are computed
0 # adaptivity is not used
0 # deterministic computation
0 # homogenization is not applied
0 # nodes are not renumbered
2 # the Newton-Raphson method is used
1 # the initial stiffness matrix is used
300 # the number of increments
30 # the number of iterations within increment
1.0e-02 # the required norm of residual
1.0e-01 # the initial increment
1.0e-08 # the minimum increment
1.0e+03# the maximum increment
0 # no back-up is required (default value)
2 # the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
2 # system of linear algebraic equations is solved by LDL factorization

Example with keywords

simply supported beam
mespr 1 # detail output
problemtype mat_nonlinear_statics# non-linear statics
straincomp 1 # strains are computed
strainpos 1 # strains are computed in integration points
strainaver 0 # strains are not averaged
stresscomp 1 # stresses are computed
stresspos 1 # stresses are computed in integration points
stressaver 0 # stresses are not averaged
othercomp 1 # internal variables are not computed
otherpos 1 # internal variables are computed in integration points
otheraver 0 # internal variables are not averaged
reactcomp 1 # reactions are computed
adaptivity 0 # adaptivity is not used
stochasticcalc 0 # deterministic computation
homogenization 0 # homogenization is not applied
noderenumber no_renumbering # nodes are not renumbered
tnlinsol newton # the Newton-Raphson method is used
stiffmat_type initial_stiff # the initial stiffness matrix is used
nr_num_steps 300 # the number of increments
nr_num_iter 30 # the number of iterations within increment
nr_error 1.0e-02 # the required norm of residual
nr_init_incr 1.0e-01 # the initial increment
nr_minincr 1.0e-08 # the minimum increment
nr_maxincr 1.0e+03 # the maximum increment
hdbackup nohdb # no back-up is required (default value)
stiffmatstor skyline_matrix # the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
typelinsol ldl # system of linear algebraic equations is
# solved by LDL factorization Non-linear statics, arc-lenght method

Example without keywords

2D rectangular domain, rectangular elements, isotropic scalar damage model, arc-length
1 # message printing
10 # non-linear statics
1 # strains are computed
1 # strains are computed in integration points
0 # no averaging
1 # stresses are computed
1 # stresses are computed in integration points
0 # no averaging
1 # other values are computed
1 # other values are computed in integration points
0 # no averaging
1 # reactions are computed
0 # no adaptivity
0 # deterministic computation
0 # no homogenization
0 # no renumbering
1 # type of non-linear solver - ar-length
1 # type of the stiffness matrix - initial stiffness is used
4 # type of lambda determination - linearized method
50 # the number of increments
30 # the maximum number of iterations in one increment
1.0e-02# required norm or the residual
3.5e-02# the inital lengt of arc
3.5e-09# the minimum length of arc
3.5e-01# the maximum length of arc
0.0 # the psi parameter
1 # displacement control
0 # no backup
2 # the stiffness matrix is stored in skyline
2 # the system of linear algebraic equations are solved by LDL factorization

7.5 Outdriver section

The output from the MEFEL module is controled by the setup stored in the class outdriverm. There are three basic types of result output produced by outdriverm

The plain text output is controlled by the attribute textout, graphical output is controlled by the attribute gf and number of files with tabular output is stored in the attribute ndiag.

The values of attribute textout are defined by enumeration flagsw (see galias.h) which is described in the following table.

attribute enumeratordescription

textout = 0 off no text output will be performed
textout = 1 on plain text output will be performed

The values of attribute gf are defined by enumeration graphfmt (see alias.h) which is described in the following table.

attribute enumerator description

gf = 0 grfmt_no no text output will be performed
gf = 1 grfmt_open_dxresult/mesh files in the OpenDX format are created
gf = 2 grfmt_femcad result/mesh files in the FemCAD format are created
gf = 3 grfmt_gid one result file + mesh file in the GiD format are created
gf = 4 grfmt_gid_sep several result files with separated selected quantities
and mesh file in the GiD format are created
gf = 5 grfmt_vtk result/mesh files in the VTK format are created

If the number of required diagram files ndiag is nonzero then the additional configurations have to be specified. These configurations are stored for each diagram file in the attribute odiag. The attribute odiag is array of of instances of class outdiagm where each array element stores configuration for one diagram file.

General scheme of the outdriverm input record is captured in the following table.

Attribute Additional configuration

textout = 0
textout > 0see Section 7.5.1
gf = 0
gf > 0 see Section 7.5.2
ndiag = 0
ndiag > 0 see Section 7.5.5

7.5.1 Configuration of plain text output

After the value of the attribute textout=1, configuration of the output values for praticular qunatities follows. The output can be configured separately for quantities stored at nodes, integration points and user defined points. Configuration for nodal quantities is stored in the attribute no which is instance of the class nodeoutm. Configuration of output for quantities stored on the integration points of elements is stored in the attribute eo which is instance of the class elemoutm. Finally, there is attribute po (instance of the class pointoutm) intended for storage of output configuration for user defined points (UDPs) on elements. Should be noted that the configuration can be specified but the implementation of quantity recalculation to the user defined point is not yet finished. Each of classes nodeoutm, elemoutm and pointoutm has attribute dstep type of sel which defines selection of time steps in which the output will be performed. If the dstep is set to the value sel_no then no selection of the quantities follows. Generally, the content of the section configuring the text output can be summarized in the following table

Attribute Description or
value additional configuration

outfn Output file name (%s)

no.dstep = 0
no.dstep > 0see Section

eo.dstep = 0
eo.dstep > 0see Section

po.dstep = 0
po.dstep > 0see Section

In the above table, the name of the plain text output file (attribute outfn) can be arbitrary file name which may involve path and suffix (usually, the .out is used). If the stochastic calculation is performed then the suffix is changed automatically so that it precedes the simulation number. Configuration of plain text output of nodal values

Every configuration of nodal values output in the plain text format can be described by the following table.


Attribute value

Selection of quantities

Used types of selection

no.dstep =


1-6, 10, 11

load case

see Sect.6.1.2

(see Sect.6.1.2 and 6.1.3)


conjugated selection of nodal ids and displacement component ids - see Sect.6.1.1,6.1.5 and


conjugated selection of nodal ids, strain component ids and strain transformation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and


conjugated selection of nodal ids, stress component ids and stress transfromation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and

eqother array

conjugated selection of nodal ids and eqother array component ids - see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and


0 = no output of reactions 1 = print all reactions Configuration output values for elements in plain text format

The output configuration of element integration point values in the plain text format can be described by the following table.


Attribute value

Selection of quantities

Used types of selection

eo.dstep =


1-6, 10, 11 (see

load case

see Sect.6.1.2

Sect.6.1.2 and 6.1.3)


conjugated selection of element ids, strain component ids and strain transformation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and


conjugated selection of element ids, stress component ids and stress transfromation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and

eqother array

conjugated selection of nodal ids and eqother array component ids - see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and Configuration output values for UDPs in plain text format

Configuration of UDP output in the plain text format can be described by the following table.


Attribute value

Selection of quantities

Used types of selection

po.dstep =


1-6, 10, 11 (see Sect.6.1.2 and 6.1.3)

number of UDPs npnt


natural coordinates ξ, η and ζ of UDPs

(%le %le %le)×npnt


conjugated selection of element ids and UDP ids - see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and 6.1.6

strains, strain transformation, stresses, stress transformation, eqother array

(selection of strain component ids - Sect.6.1.2, strain transfromation flag - {0—-1}, selection of stress component ids - Sect.6.1.2, stress transfromation flag - {0—-1}, selection of eqother array component ids - Sect.6.1.2)×npnt Example of conjugated selection for displacement components at nodes

In this example, the output of all displacement components will be specified for all nodes.

Example without keywords

1# type of selection = all nodes
1# type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all displacement components selected

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all nodes
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all displacement components selected Example of conjugated selection for strains at nodes

In this example, the output of all strain components will be specified for nodes 8 and 11. No output of principal strains will be required.

Example without keywords

3 # type of selection = integer list
2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = item 1.
11# node 11 = item 2.
1 # type of conjugated selection for item 1. =
# = all components selected for node 8
1 # type of conjugated selection for item 2. =
# = all components selected for node 11
0 # item 1. = node 8 -ż no principal strain
0 # item 2. = node 11 -ż no principal strain

Example with keywords

sel_list # type of selection = integer list
numlist_items 2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = item 1.
11 # node 11 = item 2.
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for item 1. =
# = all components selected for node 8
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for item 2. =
# = all components selected for node 11
0 # 1.item = node 8 -ż no principal strain
0 # 2.item = node 11 -ż no principal strain Example of conjugated selection for stresses at nodes

In this example, the output of stress components σx and σz will be specified for nodes 8 and 11. Output of principal stresses will be required at node 11.

Example without keywords

3 # type of selection = integer list
2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = item 1.
11 # node 11 = item 2.
3 # type of conjugated selection for item 1. = integer list
2 # number of selected stress components
1 3# indeces of stress vector components
3 # type of conjugated selection for item 2. = integer list
2 # number of selected stress components
1 3# indeces of stress vector components
0 # item 1. = node 8 -ż no principal stresses
-1 # item 2. = node 11 -ż print principal stresses

Example with keywords

sel_list # type of selection = integer list
numlist_items 2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = 1. item
11 # node 11 = 2. item
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for item 1.
numlist_items 2 # number of selected stress components
1 3 # ids of stress vector components
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for item 2.
numlist_items 2 # number of selected stress components
1 3 # ids of stress vector components
0 # 1.item = node 8 -ż no principal stresses
-1 # 2.item = node 11 -ż print principal stresses Example of conjugated selection for plastic strains at nodes

In this example, the output of plastic strain components εxp, ε yp and ε xyp will be specified for all nodes of the domain calculated.

Example without keywords

1 # type of selection = sel_all
# all nodes will be specified
3 # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = integer list
3 # number of selected plastic strain components
1 2 3# indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp_x and epsˆp_y

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = sel_all
# all nodes will be specified
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = integer list
numlist_items 3# number of selected plastic strain components
1 2 3 # indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp_x and epsˆp_y Example of conjugated selection for strains on elements

In this example, the output of all strain components will be specified for integration points of elements 1 and 40-60. Output of principal strains will be required for element 1.

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer range
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 1>
1 # initial id - range 1.
1 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <40, 60>
40# initial id - range 2.
20# number of selected ids - range 2.
1 # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = all strain components
1 # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = all strain components
-1 # range 1. -ż print principal strains
0 # range 2. -ż no principal strains

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer range
num_ranges 2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 1>
1 # initial id - range 1.
1 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <40, 60>
40 # initial id - range 2.
20 # number of selected ids - range 2.
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = all strain components
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = all strain components
-1 # range 1. -ż print principal strains
0 # range 2. -ż no principal strains Example of conjugated selection for stresses on elements

In this example, the output of all stress components will be specified for integration points of all elements. Output of principal stresses will be required for all elements.

Example without keywords

1 # type of selection = all ids
1 # type of conjugated selection for all elements =
# = all stress components
-1# print principal stresses for all elements

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all ids
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for all elements =
# = all stress components
-1 # print principal stresses for all elements Example of conjugated selection for plastic strains on elements

In this example, the output of plastic strain components εxp and ε yp will be specified for integration points of elements 1-25 and 36-40 .

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer ranges
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 25>
1 # initial id - range 1.
25 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <36, 40>
36 # initial id - range 2.
5 # number of selected ids - range 2.
3 # type of conjugated selection for range 1.
2 # number of selected pl. strain components
1 2# indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp_x and epsˆp_y
3 # type of conjugated selection for range 2.
2 # number of selected pl. strain components
1 2# indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp_x and epsˆp_y

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer ranges
num_ranges 2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 25>
1 # initial id - range 1.
25 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <36, 40>
36 # initial id - range 2.
5 # number of selected ids - range 2.
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for range 1.
numlist_items 2 # number of selected pl. strain components
1 2 # indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp  _x and epsˆp  _y
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for range 2.
numlist_items 2 # number of selected pl. strain components
1 2 # indeces of eqother array corresponding to
# required pl. strain components epsˆp  _x and epsˆp  _y

7.5.2 Configuration of graphical output

After the value of the attribute gf={1,2,3,4} the configuration of the output values for praticular qunatities follows. The graphical output can be configured separately for quantities stored at nodes and integration points on elements. Configuration for nodal quantities is stored in the attribute nog which is instance of the class nodeoutgm. Configuration of output for quantities connected with the integration points on elements is stored in the attribute eog which is instance of the class elemoutgm. Both classes nodeoutgm and elemoutm have attribute dstep type of sel which defines selection of time steps in which the output will be performed. If the dstep is set to the value sel_no then no selection of the quantities follows. Generally, the content of the section configuring the graphical output can be summarized in the following table

Attribute Description or
value additional configuration

outgrfn Output file name (%s)

nog.dstep = 0
nog.dstep > 0see Section

eog.dstep = 0
eog.dstep > 0see Section

In the above table, the name of the graphical output file (attribute outgrfn) can be arbitrary file name which may involve path. The suffix should be chosen with respect to graphical format given by the outdriverm attribute gf. If the gf = 3 = grfmt_gid then the default suffices .res and .msh are appended to the file name specified.

If the gf = 4 = grfmt_gid_sep then the for each quantity is generated separate file name which starts with the given file name (outgrfn) followed by the quantity specifier Additionally, the default suffix .res is appended to the generated file names. The mesh file name is generated in the same way as for the single file format. The following table describes file name generation for the nodal values in the GiD separated file format.

If the stochastic calculation is performed then the generated suffix precedes the simulation number.

Quantitity Quantity specifier and suffix
appended to the graphical output
file name

nodal displacement .displ.res

nodal strains .nodal_eps%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = strain component id

nodal principal strains .nodal_peps%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = principal strain component id

nodal stress .nodal_sig%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = stress component id

nodal principal stesses .nodal_psig%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = principal stress component id

nodal other values .nodal_other%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = eqother array component id

nodal strains .nodal_eps_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial strain component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = strain selection id

nodal stress .nodal_sig_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial stress component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = stress selection id

nodal other values .nodal_other_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial eqother component component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = other value selection id

nodal strains .nodal_eps_m_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _s%ld = strain selection id

nodal stress .nodal_sig_m_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _s%ld = stress selection id

nodal other values .nodal_other_m%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _m%ld = initial eqother component component id
-%ld = number of tensor components
_s%ld = other value selection id

nodal forces .force.res

In the above table, the strain/stress/other selection id represents the order of the conjugated selection of strain/stress/other components. For example, if the nodal stress output configuration described in Section was used for GiD separated format, then the name of the output file for the node 8 would have the suffix .nodal_eps_m_s1.res and for the node 11, the suffix would be .nodal_eps_m_s2.res.

The following table describes file name generation for the values on integration point of elements in the GiD separated file format.

Quantitity Quantity specifier and suffix
appended to the graphical output
file name

element strains .elem_eps%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = strain component id

element stresses .elem_sig%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = stress component id

element other values .elem_other%ld.res
(selected by components)%ld = eqother array component id

element strains .elem_eps_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial strain component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = strain selection id

element stresses .elem_sig_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial stress component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = stress selection id

element other values .elem_other_v%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as vector) _v%ld = initial eqother component component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = other value selection id

element strains .elem_eps_m_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _s%ld = strain selection id

element stresses .elem_sig_m_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _s%ld = stress selection id

element other values .elem_other_m%ld-%ld_s%ld.res
(selected as tensor) _m%ld = initial eqother component component id
-%ld = number of vector components
_s%ld = other value selection id

In the above table, the strain/stress/other selection id represents the order of the conjugated selection of strain/stress/other components. For example, if the output configuration of element plastic strain described in Section was used for GiD separated format, then the name of the output file for the first range of elements 1-25 would have the suffix .elem_other_v1-3_s1.res and for the second range of elements 36-40, the suffix would be .elem_other_v1-3_s2.res. Configuration of nodal graphical output

Every configuration of nodal values output in the graphical format can be described by the following table.


Attribute value

Selection of quantities

Used types of selection

nog.dstep =


1-6, 10, 11

load case

see Sect.6.1.2

(see Sect.6.1.2 and 6.1.3)


conjugated selection of nodal ids and displacement component ids - see Sect.6.1.1,6.1.5 and


conjugated selection of nodal ids, strain component ids and strain transformation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5,,


conjugated selection of nodal ids, stress component ids and stress transfromation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5, and

eqother array

conjugated selection of nodal ids and eqother array component ids - see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5 and or

nodal forces

conjugated selection of nodal ids and nodal force component ids - see Sect.6.1.1,6.1.5 and Configuration of graphical output for elements

The output configuration of element integration point values in the graphical format can be described by the following table.


Attribute value

Selection of quantities

Used types of selection

eog.dstep =


1-6, 10, 11 (see

load case

see Sect.6.1.2

Sect.6.1.2 and 6.1.3)


conjugated selection of element ids, strain component ids and strain transformation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5, and


conjugated selection of element ids, stress component ids and stress transfromation flag (see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5, and

eqother array

conjugated selection of nodal ids and eqother array component ids - see Sect.6.1.1, 6.1.5, and

Should be noted that the output of principal strains and stresses on elements has not been implemented yet and the transformation flags are ignored in this case. Example of conjugated selection for nodal force components at nodes

In this example, the output of all nodal force components will be specified for all nodes.

Example without keywords

1# type of selection = all nodes
1# type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all nodal force components selected

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all nodes
sel_all # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all nodal force components selected Example of conjugated selection for strain tensor at nodes

In this example, the output of all strain components to GiD in tensorial format will be specified for nodes 8 and 11. No output of principal strains will be required.

Example without keywords

3 # type of selection = integer list
2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = item 1.
11# node 11 = item 2.
7 # type of conjugated selection for item 1. =
# = all components in tensorial format for node 8
7 # type of conjugated selection for item 2. =
# = all components in tensorial format for node 11
0 # item 1. = node 8 -ż no principal strain
0 # item 2. = node 11 -ż no principal strain

Example with keywords

sel_list # type of selection = integer list
numlist_items 2 # two items of list will be specified
8 # node 8 = item 1.
11 # node 11 = item 2.
sel_mtx # type of conjugated selection for item 1. =
# = all components in tensorial format for node 8
sel_mtx # type of conjugated selection for item 2. =
# = all components in tensorial format for node 11
0 # 1.item = node 8 -ż no principal strain
0 # 2.item = node 11 -ż no principal strain Example of conjugated selection for stress tensor at nodes

In this example, the output of all stress components in GiD tensorial format will be specified for all nodes. Output of principal stresses will not be required.

Example without keywords

1 # type of selection = all nodes
7 # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all components in GiD tensorial format
-1# for all nodes -ż print principal stresses

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all nodes
sel_mtx # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = all components in GiD tensorial format
-1 # for all nodes -ż print principal stresses Example of conjugated selection for plastic strain tensor at nodes

In this example, the output of plastic strain components εxp, ε yp, ε xyp and ε zp in GiD tensorial format will be specified for all nodes. It is assumed the plain-stress state and therefor only four nonzero components are store in the eqother array.

Example without keywords

1# type of selection = all nodes
# all nodes will be specified
8# type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = tensorial components selected from large array
1# initial id in eqother array
4# number of indeces in eqother array corresponding
# to the number of plastic strain components for
# the plane-stress state

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all nodes
# all nodes will be specified
sel_range_mtx # type of conjugated selection for all nodes =
# = tensorial components selected from large array
1 # initial id in eqother array
4 # number of indeces in eqother array corresponding
# to the number of plastic strain components for
# the plane-stress state Example of conjugated selection for strain tensor on elements

In this example, the output of all strain components in GiD tensorial format will be specified for integration points of elements 40-60 and εx component will be specified for integration point of elements 1-39. Output of principal strains will not be.

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer range
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 39>
1 # initial id - range 1.
39# number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <40, 60>
40# initial id - range 2.
20# number of selected ids - range 2.
3 # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = integer list
1 # number of list items
1 # first component eps_x is selected
7 # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = all strain components in GiD tensorial format
-1 # range 1. -ż print principal strains
0 # range 2. -ż no principal strains

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer range
num_ranges 2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 39>
1 # initial id - range 1.
39 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <40, 60>
40 # initial id - range 2.
20 # number of selected ids - range 2.
sel_list # type of conjugated selection for range 1. =
# = integer list
numlist_items 1 # number of selected items
1 # the first strain component selected for range 1.
sel_mtx # type of conjugated selection for range 2. =
# = all strain components in GiD tensorial format
0 # range 1. -ż no principal strains
0 # range 2. -ż no principal strains Example of conjugated selection for stress tensor on elements

In this example, the output of all stress components will be specified in GiD tensorial format for integration points of all elements. Output of principal stresses will not be required for all elements.

Example without keywords

1# type of selection = all ids
7# type of conjugated selection for all elements =
# = all stress components in GiD tensorial format
0# do not print principal stresses for all elements

Example with keywords

sel_all # type of selection = all ids
sel_mtx # type of conjugated selection for all elements =
# = all stress components in GiD tensorial format
0 # do not print principal stresses for all elements Example of conjugated selection for plastic strain vector on elements

In this example, the output of plastic strain components εxp, ε yp and ε zp will be specified in GiD vector format for integration points of elements 1-25 and 36-40. The space stress state is assumed in the following examples.

Example without keywords

2 # type of selection = integer ranges
2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 25>
1 # initial id - range 1.
25# number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <36, 40>
36# initial id - range 2.
5 # number of selected ids - range 2.
9 # type of conjugated selection for range 1.
1 # initial id of of epsˆp_x in eqother array
3 # number of vector components
9 # type of conjugated selection for range 2.
1 # initial id of of epsˆp_x in eqother array
3 # number of vector components

Example with keywords

sel_range # type of selection = integer ranges
num_ranges 2 # two ranges will be specified
# first range <1, 25>
1 # initial id - range 1.
25 # number of selected ids - range 1.
# second range <36, 40>
36 # initial id - range 2.
5 # number of selected ids - range 2.
sel_range_vec # type of conjugated selection for range 1.
1 # initial id of of epsˆp_x in eqother array
3 # number of vector components
sel_range_vec # type of conjugated selection for range 2.
1 # initial id of of epsˆp_x in eqother array
3 # number of vector components

7.5.3 Configuration of tabular output

The configuration of the tabular output is given by the file name and ndiag times repeated configuration of the particular diagram files.

The file name may be arbitrary including path and suffix. If the number of diagram files is greater than one then the user defined suffix precedes the diagram file number generated automatically. If the stochastic calculation is performed then the user defined suffix including eventual generated diagram file number precedes the simulation number separated by a dot.

Generally, the configuration can be described by the following table.

Attribute Description or additional configuration

outdiagfn Output file name (%s)

odiag×ndiagSee Table 7.9

The attribute odiag is type of class outdiagm which stores the configuration of the diagram file. It contains attribute npun which represents the number of printed unknowns, attribute nif which is array of enumeration nodip (see galias.h) and attribute pu which is array of enumeration prunk (see alias.h). Elements of nif array represents type of points (node/integration point) in which the required unknown will be printed out. Type of points involved in the enumeration nodip are summarized in Table 7.7.

attribute enumeratordescription

nif[i] = 0no_point no point selected
nif[i] = 1atnode point is given by node id
nif[i] = 2atip point is given by integration point on element
nif[i] = 3atxyz point is given by coordinates,
the nearest node is selected

Table 7.7: nodip enumeration type

Elements of array pu represents types of printed unknown. Type of printed unknowns involved in the enumeration prunk are described in Table 7.8.

attribute enumeratordescription

pu[i] = 1pr_displ print displacement component
pu[i] = 2pr_strains print strain component
pu[i] = 3pr_stresses print stress component
pu[i] = 4pr_forces print nodal force vector component
pu[i] = 5pr_react print reaction
pu[i] = 6pr_stepid print integer step id
pu[i] = 7pr_appload print load coefficient/time of the actual step
pu[i] = 8pr_other print eqother array component

Table 7.8: prunk enumeration type

The record for one odiag instance is summarized in Table 7.9.

Attribute Description or
value additional configuration

odiag.npun number of printed unknowns (%ld)

odiag.dstep = 0
odiag.dstep > 0npun × (Table 7.10)

Table 7.9: General outdiagm input record

If the attribute dstep of outdiagm class is set to sel_no option then no additional configuration is necessary otherwise the input record for one required unknown is repeated npun times. Description of the input record for one unknown is captured in Table 7.10 and it depeneds on the point type specified. Depending on the point type, the different types of unknowns can be specified - see Table 7.11.


Attribute value (see Table 7.7)

Selected point record

Selection of unknown

odiag.nif[i] =


odiag.nif[i] =


node id (%ld)

See Table 7.11,

options 1-8

odiag.nif[i] =


element id (%ld)

See Table 7.11,

local int. point id (%ld)

options 2,3,6-8

odiag.nif[i] =


x coordinate (%le)

y coordinate (%le)

See Table 7.11,

z coordinate (%le)

options 1-8

Table 7.10: outdiagm input record for praticular types of point


Attribute value

Selected unknown component id

(see Table 7.8)

odiag.pu[i] =


displacement component id (%ld)

odiag.pu[i] =


strain component id (%ld)

odiag.pu[i] =


stress component id (%ld)

odiag.pu[i] =


nodal force component id (%ld)

odiag.pu[i] =


reaction component id (%ld)

odiag.pu[i] =


odiag.pu[i] =


odiag.pu[i] =


eqother array component id (%ld)

Table 7.11: outdiagm input record for praticular type of uknowns Example of configuration for tabular output

In this example, the J2 flow plasticity material will be assumed. Two table output files will be configured. The first file j2beam.1.dat will contain five columns with step id, horizontal displacement, strain component εy, stress component σx and reaction in vertical direction. The second file j2beam.2.dat will contain two columns with the load coefficient and consistency parameter γ. Each row of the table will contain the value of the given unknown in dependence on all performed time steps either for node 8 or the second integration point of element 12 or the nearest node to point with coordinates [2.3, -5.1, 8.5].

Example without keywords

2 # number of generated table output files
j2beam.dat# basic name of generated the files
# the file number will be added automatically
5 # number of printed unknowns
1 # type of time step selection = all time steps
# 1. column
1 # point type = node
8 # point id = 8. node
6 # unknown type = step id
# 2. column
3 # point type = point with coordinates
2.3 -5.1 8.5# x, y, z coordinates of point,
# the nearset node will be selecetd
1 # unknown type = displacement
1 # component id 1 = horizontal displacement
# 3. column
2 # point type = integration point
12 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
2 # unknown type = strain
2 # the second strain component = eps_y
# 4. column
2 # point type = integration point
12 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
3 # unknown type = stress
1 # the first stress component = sig_x
# 5. column
1 # point type = node
8 # point id = 8. node
5 # uknown type = reaction
2 # the second component = vertical reaction
2 # number of printed unknowns
1 # type of time step selection = all time steps
# 1. column
2 # point type = integration point
12 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
7 # unknown type = load coefficient
# 2. column
2 # point type = integration point
12 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
8 # unknown type = eqother array value
5 # component id 5 = consistency parameter

Example with keywords

numdiag 2 # number of generated table output files
j2beam.dat # basic name of generated the files
# the file number will be added automatically
numunknowns 5 # number of printed unknowns
sel_all # type of time step selection = all time steps
# 1. column
point atnode # point type = node
node 8 # point id = 8. node
quant_type step_id # unknown type = step id
# 2. column
point atxyz # point type = point with coordinates
x 2.3 y -5.1 z 8.5 # x, y, z coordinates of point,
# the nearset node will be selecetd
quant_type pr_displ # unknown type = displacement
compid 1 # component id 1 = horizontal displacement
# 3. column
point atip # point type = integration point
elem 12 ip 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
quant_type pr_strain # unknown type = strain
compid 2 # the second strain component = eps_y
# 4. column
point atip # point type = integration point
elem 12 ip 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
quant_type pr_stress # unknown type = stress
compid 1 # the first stress component = sig_x
# 5. column
point atnode 1 # point type = node
node 8 # point id = 8. node
quant_type pr_react # uknown type = reaction
compid 2 # the second component = vertical reaction
numunknowns 2 # number of printed unknowns
sel_all # type of time step selection = all time steps
# 1. column
point atip # point type = integration point
elem 12 ip 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
quant_type pr_appload# unknown type = load coefficient
# 2. column
point atip # point type = integration point
elem 12 ip 2 # point id = 12. element, 2. int. point
quant_type pr_other # unknown type = eqother array value
compid 5 # component id 5 = consistency parameter

7.5.4 Examples of outdriverm input section

In the following subsections, various types of outdriverm configurations are presented. Their parts can be swapped mutually but the user should be carefull becuase of used material modells and the problem solved. For example in the linear statics problem, the outdiag can be specified but the diagram files are not reasonable in this case because there is no dependence of unknowns on time or load coefficient. Also the output of internal variables stored in the eqother array is not allowed because the linear elastic materials have no internal variables. In such cases, the user should select no elements or nodes for eqother output and zero number of diagram files.

If the output of eqother values such as plastic strains, damage parameters or creep strains is required then the index of variable has to be specified. The order of the internal variables stored in the eqother depeneds on the material model used and it can be found and checked in the source files describing the given model. Usually, the header file should contain description of the appropriate class for material model and the order of the internal varibles should be involved. Definitely, the user can find the order of the internal variables in the member function nlstresses of the given material model.

If the user decides for using of keywords in the outdriver section of the input file for MEFEL then it is necessary to use switch -kwd=2 in the case of no keywords in probdesc section or -kwd=3 in the case of keywords both in probdesc and outdriverm sections. Example of linear statics problem

In this example, the output of all displacements, nodal strains, nodal stresses and reactions will be set to the plain text file and all strains and stresses on elements in tensorial form to the GiD result file. Additionally, nodal displacement will be printed to the GiD result file.

Example without keywords

1 # plain text output is produced
linstat.out# file name for the plain text output
# Output configuration of nodal values
1 # nodal values in all time steps are printed
1 # nodal values for all load cases are printed
1 # displacements are printed at all nodes
1 # all displacement components are printed
1 # strains are printed at all nodes
1 # all strain components are printed
0 # no nodal strain transformation is performed
1 # stresses are printed at all nodes
1 # all stress components are printed
0 # no nodal stress transformation is performed
0 # no nodes selected =ż no nodal other value output
1 # all reactions are printed
# Output configuration for elements
0 # no time step for elements is selected =ż
# no output on elements
3 # single GiD file with results is produced
linstat # file name for GiD output (without suffix)
# Output configuration of nodal values
1 # nodal values in all time steps are printed
1 # nodal values for all load cases are printed
1 # displacements are printed at all nodes
1 # all displacement components are printed
0 # no node selected =ż no nodal strain output
0 # no node selected =ż no nodal stress output
0 # no node selected =ż no nodal other values output
0 # no node selected =ż no nodal forces output
# Output configuration of element values
1 # element values in all time steps are printed
1 # element values for all load cases are printed
1 # strains for all elements are printed
7 # all strain components are printed as tensors
0 # no strain transformation is performed
1 # stresses for all elements are printed
7 # all stress components are printed as tensors
0 # no stress transformation is performed
0 # no elements selected =ż no other values output
0 # zero number of tabular files =ż no tabular output

Example with keywords

textout on # plain text output is produced
linstat.out # file name for the plain text output
# Output configuration of nodal values
sel_nodstep sel_all # nodal values in all time steps are printed
sel_nodlc sel_all # nodal values for all load cases are printed
displ_nodes sel_all # displacements are printed at all nodes
displ_comp sel_all # all displacement components are printed
strain_nodes sel_all # strains are printed at all nodes
nodstrain_comp sel_all # all strain components are printed
nodstra_transfid 0 # no nodal strain transformation is performed
stress_nodes sel_all # stresses are printed at all nodes
nodstress_comp sel_all # all stress components are printed
nodstre_transfid 0 # no nodal stress transformation is performed
other_nodes sel_no # no nodes selected =ż no other value output
reactions 1 # all reactions are printed
# Output configuration for elements
sel_elemstep sel_no # no time step for elements is selected =ż
# no output on elements
outgr_format grfmt_gid# single GiD file with results is produced
linstat # file name for GiD output (without suffix)
# Output configuration of nodal values
sel_nodstep sel_all # nodal values in all time steps are printed
sel_nodlc sel_all # nodal values for all load cases are printed
displ_nodes sel_all # displacements are printed at all nodes
displ_comp sel_all # all displacement components are printed
strain_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal strain output
stress_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal stress output
other_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no other values output
force_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal forces output
# Output configuration of element values
sel_elemstep sel_all # element values in all time steps are printed
sel_elemlc sel_all # element values for all load cases are printed
strain_elems sel_all # strains for all elements are printed
elemstrain_comp sel_mtx # all strain components are printed as tensors
elemstra_transfid0 # no strain transformation is performed
stress_elems sel_all # stresses for all elements are printed
elemstress_comp sel_mtx # all stress components are printed as tensors
elemstre_transfid0 # no stress transformation is performed
other_elems 0 # no elements selected =ż
# no other values output
numdiag 0 # zero number of tabular files =ż no tabular output Example of nonlinear statics problem

In this example, the output of all nodal displacements, element strains, element stresses and element other values will be printed to the plain text file and all strains and stresses at nodes in tensorial form to the GiD result file. Additionally, nodal displacement, damage parameter ω stored in the eqother array and all element stress components will be printed to the GiD result file. The tabular output file will contain required values from the node 9, i.e., horizontal component of displacement in the first column, load coefficent in the second column and the damage parameter ω in the third column.

Example without keywords

1 # plain text output is produced
scdam.out# file name for the plain text output
# Output configuration of nodal values
1 # nodal values in all time steps are printed
1 # nodal values for all load cases are printed
1 # displacements are printed at all nodes
1 # all displacement components are printed
0 # no node is selected =ż no strain output
0 # no node is selected =ż no stress output
0 # no node is selected =ż no other values output
0 # no reactions are printed
# Output configuration for elements
1 # element values in all time steps are printed
1 # element values for all load cases are printed
1 # strains are printed at all elements
1 # all strain components are printed
0 # no element strain transformation is performed
1 # stresses are printed at all elements
1 # all stress components are printed
0 # no element stress transformation is performed
1 # other values are printed at all elements
1 # all components of eqother array are printed
3 # single GiD file with results is produced
scdam # file name for GiD output (without suffix)
# Output configuration of nodal values
1 # nodal values in all time steps are printed
1 # nodal values for all load cases are printed
1 # displacements are printed at all nodes
1 # all displacement components are printed
0 # no nodes selected =ż no nodal strain output
0 # no nodes selected =ż no nodal stress output
1 # all nodes selected for other values output
3 # eqother components are selected by list
1 # one component is specified in the list
2 # damage parameter is the second in eqother array
0 # no node selected =ż no nodal forces output
# Output configuration of element values
1 # element values in all time steps are printed
1 # element values for all load cases are printed
0 # no elements selected =ż no strain output
1 # stresses for all elements are printed
1 # all stress components are printed as scalars
0 # no stress transformation is performed
0 # no elements selected =ż no other values output
1 # one tabular file is created
scdam.dat# file name for tabular output
3 # number of printed unknowns
# setup of the first column
1 # type of point is node
9 # node number 9
1 # unknown type is displacement
1 # horizontal component of displacement
# setup of the second column
1 # type of point is node
9 # node number 9
7 # unknown type = load coefficient
# setup of the third column
1 # type of point is node
9 # node number 9
8 # unknown type is value from eqother array
2 # component id 2= damage parameter

Example with keywords

textout on # plain text output is produced
scdam.out # file name for the plain text output
# Output configuration of nodal values
sel_nodstep sel_all # nodal values in all time steps are printed
sel_nodlc sel_all # nodal values for all load cases are printed
displ_nodes sel_all # displacements are printed at all nodes
displ_comp sel_all # all displacement components are printed
strain_nodes sel_no # no nodes selected =ż no strain output
stress_nodes sel_no # no nodes selected =ż no stress output
other_nodes sel_no # no nodes selected =ż no other value output
reactions 0 # no reactions are printed
# Output configuration for elements
sel_elemstep sel_all # element values in all time steps are printed
sel_elemlc sel_all # element values for all load cases are printed
strain_elems sel_all # strains for all elements are printed
elemstrain_comp sel_all # all strain components are printed as tensors
elemstra_transfid0 # no strain transformation is performed
stress_elems sel_all # stresses for all elements are printed
elemstress_comp sel_all # all stress components are printed
other_elems sel_all # no elements are selected =ż no other values output
elemoth_comp sel_all # all eqother components are printed
outgr_format grfmt_gid # single GiD file with results is produced
scdam # file name for GiD output (without suffix)
# Output configuration of nodal values
sel_nodstep sel_all # nodal values in all time steps are printed
sel_nodlc sel_all # nodal values for all load cases are printed
displ_nodes sel_all # displacements are printed at all nodes
displ_comp sel_all # all displacement components are printed
strain_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal strain output
stress_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal stress output
other_nodes sel_no # all nodes selected for other values output
nodoth_comp sel_list # eqother components are selected by list of ids
1 # one component is specified in the list
2 # damage parameter is the second in eqother array
force_nodes sel_no # no node selected =ż no nodal forces output
# Output configuration of element values
sel_elemstep sel_all # element values in all time steps are printed
sel_elemlc sel_all # element values for all load cases are printed
strain_elems sel_no # no element selected =ż no strain output
stress_elems sel_all # stresses for all elements are printed
elemstress_comp sel_all # all stress components are printed as scalars
elemstre_transfid0 # no stress transformation is performed
other_elems 0 # no elements are selected =ż no other values output
numdiag 1 # one tabular file is created
scdam.dat # file name for tabular output
numunknowns 3 # number of printed unknowns
# setup of the first column
point atnode # type of point is node
node 9 # node number 9
quant_type pr_displ # unknown type is displacement
compid 1 # horizontal component of displacement
# setup of the second column
point atnode # type of point is node
node 9 # node number 9
quant_type pr_appload# unknown type = load coefficient
# setup of the third column
point atnode # type of point is node
node 9 # node number 9
quant_type pr_other # unknown type = eqother array value
compid 2 # component id 2= damage parameter

7.5.5 Configuration of tabular output

Chapter 8
TRFEL Input Files

8.1 Types of Transport Analyses

Type of tansport analysis is stored in the attribute tprob of the class probdesct. The appropriate keyword is problemtype. Values of the attribute tprob are summarized in Table 8.1.

attribute enumerator description

tprob = 50stationary_problem linear stationary problem
tprob = 51nonlinear_stationary_problem non-linear stationary problem
tprob = 60nonstationary_problem non-stationary problem
tprob = 61nonlinear_nonstationary_problemnon-linear non-stationary problem
tprob = 62discont_nonstat_problem discontinuous non-stationary problem
tprob = 63discont_nonlin_nonstat_problem discontinuous non-linear
non-stationary problem
tprob = 70growing_np_problem non-stationary problem with
changing number of nodes

Table 8.1: Attribute tprob

Array name contains name or description of problem solved. The name is defined by user.

The attribute Mesprt describes the detailness of the auxiliary prints on screen. The appropriate keyword is mesprt.

attribute description

Mesprt = 0no auxiliary print on screen
Mesprt = 1auxiliary print on screen

Table 8.2: Attribute Mesprt

The attribute tmatt describes the type of transport. The keyword is transmatter. Values of the attribute tmatt are summarized in Table 8.3.

attribute enumerator description

tmatt = 0 nomedium no transport
tmatt = 1 onemedium transport of a single material/medium
tmatt = 10twomediacoup coupled transport of two media
tmatt = 30threemediacoupcoupled transport of three media
tmatt = 40fourmediacoup coupled transport of four media

Table 8.3: Attribute tmatt

The attribute mednam describes the type of transport. The keyword is mednames. Values of the attribute mednam are summarized in Table 8.4.

attribute enumerator description

mednam = 1 heat heat transport
mednam = 2 moisture transport of moisture
mednam = 10heat_moisturecoupled heat and moisture transport
mednam = 20moisture_salt coupled salt and moisture transport

Table 8.4: Attribute mednam

The attributes scale1, scale2, scale3 and scale4 with the keywords scale1, scale2, scale3 and scale4 are used for scaling of all quantities conected with the appropriate medium. These attributes are usually equal to 1.

The attribute tgravity with the keyword gravityacceleration describes whether the gravity acceleration is taken into account. The values of the attribute tgravity is summarized in Table 8.5.

attribute enumeratordescription

tgravity = 0gr_no the gravity acceleration is not taken into account
tgravity = 1gr_yes the gravity acceleration is taken into account

Table 8.5: Attribute tgravity

The attribute adaptivityflag describes whether the adaptivity is applied. The appropriate keyword is adaptivity.

attribute description

adaptivityflag = 0adaptivity is not applied (default value)
adaptivityflag = 1adaptivity is applied (not described now)

Table 8.6: Attribute adaptivityflag

The attribute stochasticcalc describes the type of analysis with respect to deterministic or non-deterministic feature. The appropriate keyword is stochasticcalc.

attribute description

stochasticcalc = 0deterministic approach/computation (default value)
stochasticcalc = 1stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are read all at once
stochasticcalc = 2stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are read sequentially
stochasticcalc = 3stochastic/fuzzy computation, data are generated in the code

Table 8.7: Attribute stochasticcalc

The attribute homogt describes whether homogenization is applied. The appropriate keyword is homogenization.

attribute description

homogt = 0homogenization is not applied (default value)
homogt = 1homogenization is applied on a single processor
homogt = 2homogenization is applied on a parallel computer

Table 8.8: Attribute homogt

Storage of the conductivity matrix is located in the attribute tstorkm of the class probdesct. The appropriate keyword is conductmatstor. Storage of the capacity matrix is located in the attribute tstorcm of the class probdesct. The appropriate keyword is capacmatstor.

The attribute tprt with the keyword timetypeprint describes time units used in output.


tprt = 1 secondst output in seconds
tprt = 2 minutest output in minutes
tprt = 3 hourst output in hours
tprt = 4 dayst output in days

Table 8.9: Attribute tprt

The attribute diagcap with the keyword diagonalization determines whether the capacity matrix is diagonalized.

attribute description

diagcap = 0the capacity matrix is not diagonalized
diagcap = 1the capacity matrix is diagonalized

Table 8.10: Attribute diagcap

8.2 Linear Stationary Analysis

8.2.1 General description

Every linear stationary problem is described by the following scheme.

name of problem solved by user
message printing Table 8.2
tprob = stationary_problem = 50 Table 7.1
type of transport Table 8.3
medium names Table 8.4
scales default value i s1
gradients computation described in Section 2.10
fluxes computation described in Section 2.11
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
gravity acceleration Table 8.5
adaptivity Table 8.6
deterministic/stochastic computationTable 8.7
homogenization Table 8.8
node renumbering described in Section 2.6
storage of the conductivity matrix described in Section 2.2
solver of linear equations described in Section 2.3

8.2.2 Examples Linear stationary analysis

Example without keywords

heat transfer
1 # message printing
50 # linear stationary problem
1 # type of transport - one medium
1 # name of the medium - heat
1.0# scale
1 # gradients are computed and stored
2 # gradients computed in nodes
1 # the final gradients are average values of gradients from adjacent elements
1 # fluxes are computed and stored
2 # fluxes are computed in nodes
1 # the final fluxes are average values of fluxes from adjacent elements
0 # internal variables are not computed
0 # internal variables are not computed
0 # the gravity is not taken into account
0 # adaptivity is not applied
0 # deterministic computation
0 # homogenization is not used
0 # no node renumbering
2 # the conductivity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
2 # system of linear equations is solved by the LDLT factorization

Example with keywords

heat transfer
mesprt 1 # message printing
problemtype stationary_problem# linear stationary problem
transmatter nomedium # type of transport - one medium
mednames heat # name of the medium - heat
scale1 1.0 # scale
gradcomp 1 # gradients are computed and stored
gradpos 2 # gradients computed in nodes
gradaver 1 # the final gradients are average values of gradients from adjacent elements
fluxcomp 1 # fluxes are computed and stored
fluxpos 2 # fluxes are computed in nodes
fluxaver 1 # the final fluxes are average values of fluxes from adjacent elements
othercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
eqothercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
gravityacceleration gr_no # the gravity is not taken into account
adaptivity 0 # adaptivity is not applied
stochasticcalc 0 # deterministic computation
homogenization 0 # homogenization is not used
noderenumber no_renumbering # no node renumbering
conductmatstor skyline_matrix # the conductivity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
typelinsol ldl # system of linear equations is solved by the LDLT factorization

8.3 Linear Non-stationary Analysis

8.3.1 General description

Every linear non-stationary problem is described by the following scheme.

name of problem solved by user
message printing Table 8.2
tprob = nonstationary_problem = 60 Table 7.1
type of transport Table 8.3
medium names Table 8.4
scales default value i s1
gradients computation described in Section 2.10
fluxes computation described in Section 2.11
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
internal variables computation described in Section 2.9
gravity acceleration Table 8.5
adaptivity Table 7.4
deterministic/stochastic computation Table 7.5
homogenization Table 8.8
node renumbering described in Section 2.6
time controller described in Section 2.5
time print Table 8.9
parameter of the generalized trapezoidal rule
storage of the conductivity matrix described in Section 2.2
storage of the capacity matrix described in Section 2.2
solver of linear equations described in Section 2.3
diagonalization of the capacity matrix Table 8.10

8.3.2 Examples Linear non-stationary analysis

Example without keywords

heat transfer
1 # message printing
60 # linear non-stationary problem
1 # type of transport - one medium
1 # name of the medium - heat
1.0 # scale
1 # gradients are computed and stored
2 # gradients computed in nodes
1 # the final gradients are average values of gradients from adjacent elements
1 # fluxes are computed and stored
2 # fluxes are computed in nodes
1 # the final fluxes are average values of fluxes from adjacent elements
0 # internal variables are not computed
0 # internal variables are not computed
0 # the gravity is not taken into account
0 # adaptivity is not applied
0 # deterministic computation
0 # homogenization is not used
0 # no node renumbering
0 # the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0# the end time
0 # the number of important times
0 # the type of general function governing the time step
# the constant value
2.5 # the time step
1 # time units in output are seconds
0 # no back-up (default value)
0.5 # parameter alpha in the generalized trapezoidal method
2 # the conductivity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
2 # the capacity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
2 # system of linear equations is solved by the LDLT factorization
0 # the capacity matrix is not diagonalized

Example with keywords

heat transfer
mesprt 1 # message printing
problemtype nonstationary_problem# linear non-stationary problem
transmatter onemedium # type of transport - one medium
mednames heat # name of the medium - heat
scale1 1.0 # scale
gradcomp 1 # gradients are computed and stored
gradpos 2 # gradients computed in nodes
gradaver 1 # the final gradients are average values of gradients from adjacent elements
fluxcomp 1 # fluxes are computed and stored
fluxpos 2 # fluxes are computed in nodes
fluxaver 1 # the final fluxes are average values of fluxes from adjacent elements
othercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
eqothercomp 0 # internal variables are not computed
gravityacceleration gr_no # the gravity is not taken into account
adaptivity 0 # adaptivity is not applied
stochasticcalc 0 # deterministic computation
homogenization 0 # homogenization is not used
noderenumber no_renumbering # no node renumbering
time_contr_type fixed # the type of time controller - fixed
0.0 # the starting time
123.0 # the end time
0 # the number of important times
funct_type stat # the type of general function - the constant value
const_val 2.5 # the time step
timetypeprint secondst # time units in output are seconds
hdbackup nohdb # no back-up (default value)
alpha_integration 0.5 # parameter alpha in the generalized trapezoidal method
conductmatstor skyline_matrix # the conductivity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
capacmatstor skyline_matrix # the capacity matrix is stored in skyline storage scheme
typelinsol ldl # system of linear equations is solved by the LDLT factorization
diagcap 0 # the capacity matrix is not diagonalized