Milan Jirásek and his research | |
of Mechanics Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague Thakurova 7, 166 29 Prague, Czech Republic Phone: +420-224 354 481 Fax: +420-224 310 775 E-mail: Researcher ID: B-7504-2008 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5795-9587 ResearchGate |
My advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation (LID 2024) took place in Prague on 2-6 September 2024. This course will be given again in September 2025. |
I graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1985, and then I accepted a teaching position at the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. I was also taking math courses at Charles University. |
In 1991 I started my graduate studies at Northwestern University under the supervision of Prof. Zdenek P. Bazant. My dissertation dealt with various aspects of quasibrittle fracture in concrete, rock, and ice. After graduation I went back to Prague for one year. |
From 1994 till 2004 I
worked as a research engineer at the Swiss
Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL) in the Laboratory of Structural and
Continuum Mechanics (LSC). I supervized two doctoral students,
Simon Rolshoven and Peter
Grassl. |
Since August 2004 I have been working as a professor in the Department of Mechanics of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Currently I supervise or co-supervise several doctoral students: Michal Smejkal, Lorenzo Baldi (University of Florence), Florian Marconi (ENS Cachan, Paris-Saclay), Marianna Puccia (University of Palermo), Evzen Korec (Imperial College). I collaborate with my colleague Bořek Patzák on the development of OOFEM, an object-oriented finite element package. |
Teaching activities:
In 2001 I finished a book
on Inelastic Analysis of
Structures, co-authored by Prof. Zdenek P. Bazant
published by John Wiley and Sons,
Chichester. |
In 2017 I finished another book
on Creep and Hygrothermal Effects in Concrete
Structures, co-authored by Prof. Zdenek P. Bazant
published in January 2018 by Springer,
Dordrecht. |
My research activities
focus on numerical models for fracture and damage of concrete,
Our research group
participates in the activities of the Nanocem consortium. |
My older publications
related to fracture and damage mechanics and creep of concrete and other quasibrittle materials include: |
P. Havlásek, P. Grassl and M. Jirásek:
Analysis of size effect on strength of quasi-brittle materials using integral-type nonlocal models
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 157 (2016), 72-85.
O. Rokoš, J. Zeman and M. Jirásek:
Localization analysis of an energy-based fourth-order gradient plasticity model
European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 55 (2016), 256-277.
P. Havlásek and M. Jirásek:
Multiscale modeling of drying shrinkage and creep of concrete
Cement and Concrete Research, 85 (2016), 55-74.
M. Jirásek and F. Suárez:
Localization properties of Desmorat's anisotropic damage model
Computers and Structures, (2016), 174 (139-153).
H. S. Hosseini, M. Horák, P. K. Zysset and M. Jirásek:
An over-nonlocal implicit gradient-enhanced damage-plastic model for trabecular bone under large compressive strains
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (2015), DOI 10.1002/cnm.2728.
R. Desmorat, F. Gatuingt and M. Jirásek:
Nonlocal models with damage-dependent interactions motivated by internal time
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 142 (2015), 255-275.
M. Jirásek and J. Zeman:
Localization study of a regularized variational damage model
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 69-70 (2015), 131-151.
P. Grassl, D. Xenos, M. Jirásek and M. Horák:
Evaluation of nonlocal approaches for modelling fracture near nonconvex boundaries
International Journal of Solids and Structures,
M. Horák, B. Patzák and M. Jirásek:
On design of element evaluators in OOFEM
Advances in Engineering Software,
M. Jirásek and P. Havlásek:
Microprestress-solidification theory of concrete creep: Reformulation and improvement
Cement and Concrete Research, 60 (2014), 51-62.
M. Jirásek and P. Havlásek:
Accurate approximations of concrete creep compliance functions based on continuous retardation spectra
Computers and Structures,
Z.P. Bažant, M.H. Hubler and M. Jirásek:
Improved estimation of long-term relaxation
function from compliance function of aging concrete
Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE,
M. Jirásek, O. Rokoš and J. Zeman:
Localization analysis of variationally
based gradient plasticity model
International Journal of Solids and
Structures, 50 (2013), 256-269.
M. Jirásek and M. Bauer:
Computers and Structures,
110-111 (2012), 60-78.
P. Havlásek and M. Jirásek:
of concrete creep based on microprestress-solidification theory
Acta Polytechnica, 52 (2012),
Erratum to
“Damage-plastic model for concrete failure”
by P. Grassl and M. Jirásek, International
Structures, 48 (2011), 1084.
L. Kopecký:
Critical aspects of nano-indentation
technique in application to hardened cement paste
Cement and Concrete Research,
41 (2011), 20-29.
Jirásek and Ph. Zysset:
A nonlocal constitutive model for
trabecular bone softening in compression
Biomechanics and Modeling in
Mechanobiology, 9 (2010), 597-611.
M. Jirásek, J. Zeman and J. Vondřejc:
Softening gradient plasticity:
Analytical study of localization under nonuniform stress
International Journal for Multiscale
Computational Engineering, 8 (2010), 37-60.
P. Grassl and M. Jirásek:
Meso-scale approach to modelling the
fracture process zone of concrete subjected to uniaxial tension
International Journal of Solids and
Structures, 47 (2010), 957-968.
M. Jirásek and S. Rolshoven:
Localization properties of strain-softening gradient plasticity models.
Part I:
Strain-gradient theories
International Journal of Solids and
46 (2009), 2225-2238.
M. Jirásek and S. Rolshoven:
Localization properties of strain-softening gradient plasticity models.
Part II:
Theories with gradients of internal variables
International Journal of Solids and
46 (2009), 2239-2254.
M. Jirásek and P. Grassl:
Evaluation of
directional mesh bias in concrete fracture simulations using continuum
damage models
Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
P. Grassl and M. Jirásek:
Journal of Solids and Structures,
43 (2006), 7166-7196.
Note the erratum
with corrections of a
few misprints.
P. Grassl and M. Jirásek:
Plastic model
with non-local damage applied to concrete
International Journal for Numerical
and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 30 (2006), 71-90.
Jirásek and S. Marfia:
damage model based on displacement averaging
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 63
(2005), 77-102.
M. Jirásek and P. Grassl:
plastic models for cohesive-frictional materials
Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional
Materials, Proc. CDM-2004, ed. by P.A.Vermeer et al.,
A.A.Balkema Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 323-337.
P. Grassl
and M. Jirásek:
On mesh bias of local damage models for
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Proc. FraMCoS-5,
Vail, Colorado, 12-16 April 2004, pp. 255-262.
Jirásek, S. Rolshoven and P. Grassl:
Size effect on fracture energy induced by
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Geomechanics, 28 (2004), 653-670.
I. Carol,
M. Jirásek and Z.P. Bažant:
A framework for microplane models at
large strain, with application to hyperelasticity
Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 (2004), 511-557.
Patzák and M. Jirásek:
Adaptive resolution of localized damage in
quasibrittle materials
of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 130 (2004), 720-732.
M. Jirásek and S. Rolshoven:
Comparison of integral-type nonlocal
plasticity models for strain-softening materials
International Journal of Engineering Science, 41 (2003),
B. Patzák and M. Jirásek:
Process zone resolution by extended finite
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70 (2003), 957-977.
Z.P. Bažant and M. Jirásek:
Nonlocal integral formulations of plasticity
and damage: Survey of progress
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 128 (2002), 1119-1149.
M. Jirásek and T. Belytschko:
Computational resolution of strong
Proc. WCCM-V, Vienna, Austria,
7-12 July 2002.
M. Jirásek and B. Patzák:
Consistent tangent stiffness for nonlocal
damage models
Computers and Structures, 80 (2002), 1279-1293.
M. Jirásek and B. Patzák:
Models for quasibrittle failure: Theoretical
and computational aspects
Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Proc.
ECCM-2001, Cracow, Poland, pp. 70--71 plus 20 pages on CD-ROM.
M. Jirásek:
Modelling of localized damage and fracture in
quasibrittle materials
in Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional
Materials, Lecture Notes in Physics 568, ed. P.A. Vermeer et al.,
Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp. 17-29.
I. Carol, M. Jirásek, and Z.P. Bažant:
A thermodynamically consistent approach to
microplane theory. Part I: Free energy and consistent
microplane stresses
Journal of Solids and Structures, 38 (2001), 2921-2931.
M. Jirásek and Th. Zimmermann:
Embedded crack model: I. Basic
formulation, II. Combination with smeared cracks
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 50
(2001), 1269-1290 and 1291-1305.
M. Jirásek:
Conditions of uniqueness for finite
elements with embedded cracks
International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, 11-14
September 2000.
M. Jirásek:
Comparative study on finite elements with
embedded cracks
Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 188 (2000), 307-330.
Z.P. Bažant, M.D. Adley, I. Carol, M. Jirásek, S.A. Akers, B.
Rohani, J.D. Cargile, and F. Caner:
Large-strain generalization of microplane model
for concrete and application
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 126 (2000), 971-980.
M. Jirásek:
Computational aspects of nonlocal models
Solids, Structures, and Coupled Problems in Engineering, ed. W.
Wunderlich, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational
Mechanics, Munich, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 1999. (CD-ROM)
M. Jirásek:
Nonlocal damage models: Practical aspects and
open issues
Proceedings of the 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division
Specialty Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, June
13-16, 1999. (CD-ROM)
M. Jirásek:
Comments on microplane theory
Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle Materials and Structures, ed.
G. Pijaudier-Cabot, Z. Bittnar, and B. Gérard, Hermès
Science Publications, Paris, 1999, pp. 57-77.
M. Jirásek:
Finite elements with embedded cracks
LSC Internal Report 98/01, April 1998.
M. Jirásek:
Embedded crack models for concrete fracture
Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C),
Badgastein, Austria, March 31 - April 3, 1998,
ed. R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, and G. Meschke, Balkema,
Rotterdam, 291-300.
M. Jirásek:
Element-free Galerkin method applied
to strain-softening materials
Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C),
Badgastein, Austria, March 31 - April 3, 1998,
ed. R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, and G. Meschke, Balkema,
Rotterdam, 311-319.
M. Jirásek and T. Zimmermann:
Analysis of rotating crack model
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 124 (1998), 842-851.
M. Jirásek and T. Zimmermann:
Rotating crack model with transition to scalar
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 124 (1998), 277-284.
M. Jirásek:
Nonlocal models for damage and fracture:
Comparison of approaches
Journal of Solids and Structures, 35 (1998), 4133-4145.
M. Jirásek and T. Zimmermann:
Rotating crack model with transition
to scalar damage:
I. Local formulation, II. Nonlocal formulation and adaptivity,
LSC Internal Report 97/01, January 1997.
M. Jirásek:
Analytical and numerical solutions for
frames with softening hinges
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 123 (1997), 8-14.
Z.P. Bažant and M. Jirásek:
Softening-induced dynamic localization
instability: Seismic damage in frames
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 122 (1996), 1149-1158.
M. Jirásek and Z.P. Bažant:
Macroscopic fracture characteristics of
random particle systems
International Journal of Fracture, 69 (1995), 201-228.
M. Jirásek and Z.P. Bažant:
Particle model for quasibrittle fracture and
application to sea ice
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 121 (1995), 1016-1025.
M. Jirásek and Z.P. Bažant:
Localization analysis of nonlocal model
based on crack interactions
Journal of
Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 120 (1994), 1521-1542.
Z.P. Bažant, M. Jirásek, Y. Xiang and P. Prat:
Microplane model with stress-strain
boundaries and its identification from tests with localized damage
Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C),
Innsbruck, Austria, March 22-25, 1994,
ed. H. Mang, N. Bicanic and R. de Borst, Pineridge Press, Swansea,
Z.P. Bažant and M. Jirásek:
R-curve modeling of rate and size effects in
quasibrittle fracture
International Journal of Fracture, 62 (1993), 355-373.
M. Jirásek:
Modeling of Fracture and Damage in
Quasibrittle Materials
Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois,
Last update on 9 Sep 2024 by