Probability density function - PDF (exp2pdf 2.1)

Program features | Usage | Download and Installation | About the program | Acknowledgements | Access count CNW:Counter | Last update Feb 26, 2010

Program features

Newly added in 2.1 version


1. Select Input filename. It is supposed that the property is in the form of one column txt (ascii) format (see Test data in the Download section).
2. Select Output filename. The output PDF will be saved to this file in the two column format [category(i);PDF(i)].
3. Set minimum and maximum PDF categories, if appropriate. By default, minimum and maximum values found in the input file are taken here.
4. Set binsize. The default is 1.
5. Press "Show PDF" button and see the result in the graphical form. The input and output data is shown in the scroll lists on the right and saved to the specified output file.

Running the program using the Test data (in.txt) produces output_PDF.txt file and the result is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig.1 Screenshot of the program window at the start

Fig. 2 Example of the usage on the Test data

About the program

The program was written in MATLAB 704.
 It can be run under Matlab environment or installed as a standalone application under Windows XP.

Author: Jiří Němeček, Czech Technical University in Prague, Civil Engineering Faculty

Version 1.0 released on Feb 26, 2010

Download and Installation

Standalone application (exe) ver. 1.0 released on Feb 26, 2010
Matlab source files (.m, .fig)   released on Feb 26, 2010  exp2pdf21.fig
Test data     in.txt

Installation guide for the standalone application on Windows XP:

1. make the new folder named e.g. "exp2pdf21"
2. download the zip file into this folder and unzip
3. run "exp2pdf21.exe" (takes some time to install libraries for the first time)

Uninstallation: Delete the "exp2pdf" folder.


This program was developed in the frame of research project "GA103/09/1748 - Propojení experimentální nanoindentace s výpočetními nástroji pro homogenizaci nanomechanických vlastností heterogenních materiálů (2009-2011)", i.e. "Integration of experimental nanoindentation with numerical tools for upscaling of nanomechanical properties of heterogeneous materials" .

The software solution was also supported by Jan Mareth.