- Permeability properties of concrete with metakaolin addition
Reiterman, P. - Holčapek, O. - Keppert, M. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: CESB 13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013 (Extended proceedings). Praha: ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. pp. 445-448. ISBN 978-80-247-5018-7.
- Statistical fitting of model parameters to measurements: Software Package
Sýkora, J. - Kučerová, A.
[Software] 2013.
- Nanomechanical Analysis of Structural Materials
Němeček, J.
[Invited unpublished scientific lecture] Thessaloniki, Greece: 10th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN13) 9-12 July 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2013-07-10.
- Vlhkostní vlastnosti pojivového gelu
Otcovská, T.
2013. Master Thesis. CTU FCE. Department of Mechanics.
- Mechanical stiffness and strength testing of cement pastes at very early ages
Hlobil, M. - Karte, Ph - Reihsner, R. - Doerner, W. - Eberhardsteiner, J., - Pichler, B.
In: Proceedings of 30th Danubia - Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013. ISBN 978-953-7539-17-7.
- Core Project 10
Hlobil, M.
In: 26th Full Meeting of the NANOCEM consortium. 2013. pp. 26-36.
- Influence of fly ash type on material properties of cement paste
Padevět, P. - Otcovská, T., - Zobal, O.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013, pp. 212-217. ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4. Available from: http://www.scientific.net
- Modeling for the Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Aging Infrastructure
Červenka, V. - Janda, Z.
Beton-und Stahlbetonbau. Robustness and Safety of Concrete Structures. 2013, 20(20 Jahre), 180-183. ISSN 0005-9900.
- Seismic design and verification of a NPP structure for the storage of radioactive waste components
Kurmann, D. - Janda, Z., - Červenka, J.
In: Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Gmbh, 2013. p. 499-510. ISBN 978-3-658-02809-1.
- Možnosti využití cihelného prachu jako aktivní příměsi do betonu
Reiterman, P. - Holčapek, O. - Keppert, M. - Vejmelková, E., - Konvalinka, P.
Konstrukce. 2013, 5 42-43. ISSN 1213-8762.
- Modelování vývoje hydratačního tepla na konstrukci pro standardní betony a pro betony s vyšším podílem úletových popílků
Šmilauer, V. - Zobal, O., - Bittnar, Z.
[Research Report] 2013.
- Fuzzy logic-based expert systems applied to concrete technology
Leal Da Silva, W. - Štemberk, P. supervisor, - Bittnar, Z. opon.
Praha: Defense date 2013-04-16. PhD Thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague. Supervised by P. ŠTEMBERK.
- Finite Element Analysis of Masonry Bed-Joint Damage
Nežerka, V. - Patzák, B., - Zeman, J.
In: Book of abstracts. Warszawa: IPPT PAN, 2013. pp. 304. ISBN 978-83-89687-83-8.
- Numerical analysis of cracking in fiber reinforced lime renders
Kabele, P. - Přinosil, M.
In: 3rd Historic Mortars Conference, HMC13. 2013.
- Utilization of splice skew joint with key on reconstruction of historical trusses
Šobra, K. - Fajman, P.
In: Proceedings of the International conference on the rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings CRRB 2012. Uetikon-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2013. p. 207-212. Advanced Materials Research. ISSN 1022-6680. ISBN 978-3-03785-679-6.
- Prefabrikovaný systém krajnicové konstrukce se svodidly
Litoš, J. - Konvalinka, P. - Sovják, R. - Záruba-Pfeffermann, J. - Štemberk, P. - Čítek, D. - Huňka, P., - Bílý, V.
Czechia. Utility Model CZ 25960. 2013-10-14.
- Prefabrikát pro realizaci výstavby silničních komunikací s betonovým povrchem
Litoš, J. - Konvalinka, P. - Sovják, R. - Záruba-Pfeffermann, J. - Štemberk, P. - Čítek, D. - Huňka, P., - Bílý, V.
Czechia. Utility Model CZ 25918. 2013-10-01.
- Identification of worst case scenario
Lepš, M. - Pospíšilová, A. - Gregorová, M. - Janouchová, E., - Myšáková, E.
[Research Report] 2013. Report no. FLP-TN-22180-H-0004-CTU.
- Statistical fitting of model parameters to measurements
Kučerová, A. - Sýkora, J.
[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. Report no. FLP-TN-22180-H-0002-CTU.
- Reference Manual for ConTemp
Šmilauer, V. - Mareš, T.
[Research Report] 2013. Report no. 0.90.
- Unsaturated Volcanic Tephra and Its Effect for Soil Movement in El Salvador
Chavez Hernandez, J. - Šebesta, J. - Kopecký, L. - Landaverde, R.L., - Landaverde, J.
neuvedeno. 2013, 2(2), 58-65.
- Dynamická zkouška železničního mostu přes řeku Bečvu v Přerově
Litoš, J. - Polák, M.
[Research Report] 2013.
- Soil-water retention curve and beginning of monitoring in Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ)
Chavez Hernandez, J. - López, R. - Kopecký, L., - Landaverde, J.
Revista Geológica de América Central. 2013,(49), 83-99. ISSN 0256-7024.
- Real Crowd Behavior on the Grandstands
Verner, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 215-220. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Creep of cementitous materials with addition of fly ash in time
Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P.
Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 742 182-186. ISSN 1022-6680.
- High temperatures - influence on the material properties of cement paste with fly ash
Padevět, P. - Lovichová, R.
Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 742 187-191. ISSN 1022-6680.
- Biomechanical Analysis of Consolidation and Ossification Processes of the Bone Regenerate during Long Bones Lengthening by Distraction Osteogenesis Method
Denk, F. - Petrtýl, M. - Myslivec, R., - Mařík, I.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 27-34. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Statická zatěžovací zkouška silničního mostu SO 201 - most na silnici R7 v km 0,440 - stavba R7 MÚK Vysočany - MÚK Droužkovice
Polák, M.
[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. Report no. 132002/2013.
- Differences between Material Properties of Cement Pastes with Various types of Fly Ash
Padevět, P. - Otcovská, T., - Zobal, O.
In: Recent Advances in Urban Planning & Construction. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2013, pp. 70-75. ISSN 2227-4359. ISBN 978-960-474-352-0.
- Studie vlivu pojezdu mechanismů po hrázi lagun na instalovanou podzemní těsnící stěnu
Šejnoha, M. - Vorel, J.
[Research Report] Praha: ČVUT FS, Katedra mechaniky, 2013. Report no. AA.04028.1.150.
- The Changes of Material Properties of the Cement Paste with Fly Ash Exposed to High Temperatures
Padevět, P. - Lovichová, R.
WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. 2013, 2013(4), 304-312. ISSN 1991-8747.
- The Material Properties of Cement Paste with Fly Ash Exposed to High Temperatures
Padevět, P. - Lovichová, R.
In: Recent Advances in Continuum Mechanics, Hydrology and Ecology. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2013, pp. 31-35. ISSN 2227-4359. ISBN 978-960-474-313-1.
- The Creep of Cement Paste with Various Content of the Fly Ash in the Age 1 Year
Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P.
In: Recent Advances in Continuum Mechanics, Hydrology and Ecology. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2013, pp. 20-24. ISSN 2227-4359. ISBN 978-960-474-313-1.
- Creep of the Cement Paste with Additin of 40% Fly Ash in Advanced Age
Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P.
In: Proceedings of 30th Danubia - Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013, pp. 129-130. ISBN 978-953-7539-17-7.
- Adjustment of the stress state of a membrane structure in Barrandov
Fajman, P. - Máca, J.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013. p. 1-8. ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4.
- Numerical Analysis of Projectile Impact on Cementitious Composite Slabs
Vavřiník, T. - Zatloukal, J. - Fornůsek, J., - Konvalinka, P.
In: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2013. p. 1012-1015. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-1185-2.
- Stanovení ohybové únosnosti nosníku vyztuženého FRP nekovovou výztuží
Zatloukal, J. - Konvalinka, P.
Konstrukce. 2013, 5 51-54. ISSN 1213-8762.
- Influence of composition on tensile and fracture properties of lime-based mortar
Přinosil, M. - Kabele, P.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 163-170. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Application of DPLM-CPM Mapping Process
Stránský, J. - Jirásek, M.
[Research Report] 2013.
- TRFEL 2013
Krejčí, T. - Maděra, J., - Kruis, J.
[Software] 2013.
- Metodika popisu dotvarování a relaxace silničních mostů z předpjatého betonu
Kruis, J. - Koudelka, T. - Vráblík, L., - Lepš, M.
[Verified Technology] 2013.
- METR 2013
Koudelka, T. - Krejčí, T.
[Software] 2013.
- MEFEL 2013
Koudelka, T. - Kruis, J.
[Software] 2013.
- GEFEL 2013
Kruis, J. - Koudelka, T.
[Software] 2013.
- MDT - modul pro přenos dat mezi sítěmi
Pátek, V. - Rypl, D.
[Software] 2013.
- MEER - modul pro odhad chyby a adaptivní změnu sítě konečných prvků
Svoboda, L. - Patzák, B., - Rypl, D.
[Software] 2013.
- Towards Efficient Adaptive Structural Analysis in Engineering Design
Rypl, D. - Patzák, B.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Mechanical Damage Coupled with Heat Transfer
Kruis, J. - Koudelka, T.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 220. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Parallel Computing in Selected Civil Engineering Problems
Kruis, J. - Koudelka, T. - Krejčí, T. - Maděra, J. - Šejnoha, M., - Sýkora, J.
In: Civil and Structural Engineering Computational Methods. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 67-94. Computational Science, Engineering and Technology Series. ISSN 1759-3158. ISBN 978-1-874672-64-7.
- FETI method in civil engineering problems
Kruis, J. - Koudelka, T.
In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis. Ostrava: Ústav geoniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 75-78. ISBN 978-80-86407-34-0.
- Model of Imperfect Interfaces in Composite Materials and Its Numerical Solution by FETI Method
Kruis, J. - Zeman, J., - Gruber, P.
In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX. Berlin: Springer, 2013. pp. 337-344. Lecture notes in computational science and engineering. ISSN 1439-7358. ISBN 978-3-642-35274-4.
- Nanoindentation and Mechanical Properties of Human Tooth Root Dentin
Kapková, A. - Jíra, A., - Němeček, J.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 113-120. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Nanoindentation of Human Tooth Dentin
Jíra, A. - Němeček, J.
In: Local Mechanical Properties 2013 - 10th International Conference - Book of Abstracts. Praha: CTU Publishing House, 2013. p. 15. ISBN 978-80-01-05374-4.
- Bayesovská identifikace parametrů výpočetních modelů
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A., - Jarušková, D. opon.
Defense date 2014-01-22. Master Thesis. CTU FCE. Department of Mechanics.
- Optimalizace uniformity počítačových návrhů pro omezené návrhové prostory
Myšáková, E. - Lepš, M., - Chleboun, J. opon.
Defense date 2014-01-23. Master Thesis. CTU FCE. Department of Mechanics.
- Transverse Vibration of the Simply Supported Beam Loaded by Pedestrians
Šána, V. - Polák, M.
Grant Journal. 2013, 87-90. ISSN 1805-062X.
- Numerical Investigation of Behavior of Headed Studs in Dependence on Concrete Strength
Fornůsek, J. - Konvalinka, P.
In: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications. Surabaya: Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM, Malaysia, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4799-1163-9.
- Mechanické vlastnosti cementového kompozitu pro vysokoteplotní aplikace
Holčapek, O. - Reiterman, P. - Vogel, F., - Konvalinka, P.
In: 20. Betonářské dny 2013. Praha: Česká betonářská společnost ČSSI, 2013. pp. 373-376. ISBN 978-80-87158-34-0.
- OOFEM, ver. 2.3
Patzák, B. - Jirásek, M. - Šmilauer, V. - Horák, M. - Havlásek, P. - Kolařík, F. - Ohman, M.O., - Svenning, E.
[Software] 2013.
- Response and Damage Assessment of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Deformable and Non-deformable Projectile Impact
Sovják, R. - Máca, P. - Vavřiník, T. - Zatloukal, J., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Performance, protection and strengthening of structures under extreme loading. Thane: The indian concrete journal, 2013.
- Design of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Mixture and its Behaviour under Impact Loading
Máca, P. - Sovják, R. - Konvalinka, P., - Curbach, M.
In: Performance, protection and strengthening of structures under extreme loading. Thane: The indian concrete journal, 2013.
- A scarf joint for reconstructions of historical structures
Fajman, P.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013. pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4.
- Nonlinear Analysis in Virtual Design
Fajman, P. - Bittnar, Z.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
Topič, J. - Rácová, Z., - Tesárek, P.
In: Sborník konference Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie ve stavebnictví. Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2013. pp. 108-113. ISBN 978-80-01-05334-8.
- Využití poznatků z biomedicínského inženýrtsví při aplikaci nanotechnologií v pozemním stavitelství: úvod do problematiky
Indrová, K. - Kolářová, D. - Rácová, Z., - Tesárek, P.
In: Sborník konference Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie ve stavebnictví. Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2013. pp. 48-53. ISBN 978-80-01-05334-8.
Padevět, P. - Otcovská, T.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013, pp. 165-166. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Simulace vývoje teplot při hydrataci pro masivní betonové konstrukce s popílkem
Zobal, O. - Šmilauer, V., - Bittnar, Z.
In: 20. Betonářské dny 2013. Praha: Česká betonářská společnost ČSSI, 2013, pp. 469-472. ISBN 978-80-87158-34-0.
Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P., - Bittnar, Z.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 161-164. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Differences between Material Properties of Cement Pastes with Various types of Fly Ash
Padevět, P. - Otcovská, T., - Zobal, O.
In: Recent Advances in Urban Planning & Construction. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2013, pp. 70-75. ISSN 2227-4359. ISBN 978-960-474-352-0.
- Influence of Fly Ash Type on Material Properties of Cement Paste
Padevět, P. - Otcovská, T., - Zobal, O.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4.
- Determination of the Failure on the Concrete Runway
Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P., - Bittnar, Z.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4.
Otcovská, T. - Padevět, P.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 155-158. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Evolution of Cement Paste Creep with Addition of the 50 % Fly Ash
Bittnar, P. - Padevět, P.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 17-22. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Wang Tiling Aided Modelling of Closed Cell Foams
Doškář, M. - Novák, J., - Němeček, J.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7. Available from: http://www.ctresources.info/ccp/paper.html?id=7435
- Wang Tilings for Real World Material Systems
Doškář, M. - Novák, J.
Praha: Defense date 2014-01-23. Master Thesis. ČVUT, Fakulta stavební, Katedra mechaniky.
- Fuzzy Logic Model for Fatigue of Concrete with Chloride Contamination
Štemberk, P. - da Silva, W.R.L.
In: Proceedings of 20th East West Fuzzy Colloquium. Zittau: IPM, 2013. pp. 23-30.
- Using OpenMP in OOFEM
Bošanský, M. - Patzák, B.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 23-26. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Parameter study of Asymptotic Sampling for Truss Structures Reliability
Pospíšilová, A. - Lepš, M.
In: Structural and Physical Aspects of Civil Engineering. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013, ISBN 978-80-553-1488-4.
- Modelling Slip Surfaces in Soils and their Solution using the FETI Method
Koudelka, T. - Kruis, J.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0.
- Modeling of coupled hydro-mechanical problem for porous media
Koudelka, T. - Krejčí, T., - Brouček, M.
In: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2013. p. 984-987. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-1185-2.
- On Consistent Hypoelastic Models
Horák, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 71-74. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Numerical model for ductile fiber-reinforced cement-based composite
Vorel, J. - Boshoff, W.P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 659-663. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Effect of explosion and fire on underground structures
Procházka, P.
International Journal of Protective Structures. 2013, 4(4), 505-520. ISSN 2041-4196.
- Evaluation of Nonlocal Approaches for Modelling Fracture in Notched Concrete Specimens
Xenos, D. - Grassl, Z.P., - Jirásek, M.
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-8). Barcelona: CIMNE, 2013, ISBN 978-84-941004-1-3. Available from: http://framcos.org/FraMCoS-8/p302.pdf
- Improved Estimation of Long-Term Relaxation Function of Aging Concrete from Its Compliance Function
Bažant, Z.P. - Hubler, M.H., - Jirásek, M.
In: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013, pp. 437-442. ISBN 9780784413111.
- 5th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media
Císlerová, M. org. - Vogel, T. org. - Šejnoha, M. org. - Dostál, T. org. - Beneš, M. org. - Sněhota, M. org. - Dohnal, M. org. - Jelínková, V. org. - Votrubová, J. org. - Dušek, J. org., - Zumr, D. org.
[Conference Hosting] 2013.
- Arbitrary accurate guaranteed bounds on homogenized coefficients by FFT-based Finite Element Method
Vondřejc, J. - Zeman, J., - Marek, I.
In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis. 2013. pp. 115-116.
- Použití FFT v okrajových úlohách pro PDR s periodicky oscilujícími koeficienty
Vondřejc, J. - Zeman, J., - Marek, I.
[Invited unpublished scientific lecture] Plzeň: Katedra matematiky, Fakulta aplikovaných věd, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. 2013-05-03.
- Wang Tile Sets and Schur Complement in Evaluation of Microstructural Fields
Zrůbek, L. - Kruis, J. - Novák, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 225-234. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Mechanické vlastnosti betonů s příměsí cihelného prachu
Reiterman, P. - Keppert, M. - Holčapek, O. - Vejmelková, E., - Konvalinka, P.
In: 20. Betonářské dny 2013. Praha: Česká betonářská společnost ČSSI, 2013. pp. 482-484. ISBN 978-80-87158-34-0.
- Behaviour of UHPFRC under extreme loading
Vavřiník, T. - Máca, P. - Sovják, R. - Zatloukal, J., - Konvalinka, P.
In: 20. Betonářské dny 2013. Praha: Česká betonářská společnost ČSSI, 2013. pp. 197-203. ISBN 978-80-87158-34-0.
- Modeling of Fiber Orientation in Viscous Fluid Flow with Application to Self-Compacting Concrete
Kolařík, F. - Patzák, B.
In: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2013. pp. 2225-2228. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-1185-2.
- Pokročilé metody pro navrhování konstrukcí z CLT
Kuklík, P. - Gregorová, A., - Melzerová, L.
TZB info. 2013, 2013 ISSN 1801-4399.
- Implementation of Stabilized Formulation for Level Set Equation
Kolařík, F. - Patzák, B.
In: 29th conference with international participation COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2013- Extended abstracts. Plzeň: Západočeská Universita, 2013. pp. 61-62. ISBN 978-80-261-0282-3.
- Non-destructive Assessment of Timber Structures
Klapálek, P. - Melzerová, L.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 121-126. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Vlastnosti cementových směsí s metakaolinem
Litoš, J. - Konvalinka, P., - Krása, M.
Konstrukce. 2013, 5 6-9. ISSN 1213-8762.
- Vliv metakaolinu na vlastnosti cementové pasty
Litoš, J. - Konvalinka, P. - Vejmelková, E., - Krása, M.
In: Metakaolin 2013. VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, 2013. pp. 41-50. ISBN 978-80-214-4692-2.
- Polynomial chaos-based quantification of uncertainty in description of groundwater flow through random materials
Havelka, J. - Sýkora, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 43-50. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Efficient Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A., - Sýkora, J.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 91-98. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Transverse vibration of the simply supported beam loaded by pedestrians
Šána, V. - Polák, M.
In: Mezinárodní Masarykova konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2013. Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas, 2013. ISBN 978-80-87952-00-9.
- Localization Analysis of a Discrete Element Periodic Cell
Stránský, J. - Jirásek, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 171-178. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Deficiencies of the Microprestress-Solidification Theory
Havlásek, P. - Jirásek, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 51-60. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Statická zatěžovací zkouška silničního mostu SO 209 - most na silnici II/568 v km 0,234 nad R7 - stavba R7 MÚK Vysočany - MÚK Droužkovice
Polák, M. - Plachý, T.
[Research Report] Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta stavební, Katedra mechaniky, 2013. Report no. 132001/2013.
- Changes of the Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity in Dependence on the Number of the Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Ťoupek, R. - Plachý, T. - Polák, M., - Tesárek, P.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 211-214. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Dependence of the Mechanical Properties of Cement-based Composites on PVA Content
Topič, J. - Tesárek, P. - Plachý, T., - Nežerka, V.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 207-210. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Detection of a Crack in Cement Specimens
Plachý, T. - Tesárek, P. - Polák, M., - Okénka, J.
In: Proceedings of 30th Danubia - Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013. pp. 85-86. ISBN 978-953-7539-17-7.
- Heterogeneous Material Modeling via Dynamic Packing of Stochastic Wang Tiles
Šedlbauer, D.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 187-192. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Prediction of Carbonation and Chloride Ingress in Cracked Concrete Structures
Šmilauer, V. - Jendele, L., - Červenka, J.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Optimum of ten bar truss
Nosek, J. - Pospíšilová, A.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 151-154. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Membrane structures - dynamic relaxation
Hüttner, M. - Máca, J.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 75-82. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Uniform Designs of Experiments for Asymptotic Sampling
Myšáková, E. - Lepš, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013, pp. 143-150. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4. Available from: http://mech.fsv.cvut.cz/nmm2013/cz/sbornik/
- Numerical modelling of moisture transfer in saturated and non-saturated porous media
Krejčí, T. - Koudelka, T., - Brouček, M.
In: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2013. pp. 988-991. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-1185-2.
- Interpretace výsledků penetračních testů dřevěných ohýbaných nosníků
Melzerová, L.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 2013. pp. 45-48. ISBN 978-80-261-0251-9.
- Comprehensive concrete fracture tests: Description and results
Hoover, C.H. - Bažant, Z.P. - Vorel, J. - Wendner, R., - Hubler, M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2013, 114 92-103. ISSN 0013-7944.
- Heat Transfer in Damaged Material
Kruis, J.
In: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2013. pp. 980-983. ISSN 0094-243X. ISBN 978-0-7354-1185-2.
- Efektivita postupů metody dynamické relaxace při analýze lanových soustav
Hüttner, M. - Máca, J., - Fajman, P.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 71-72. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Analysis of Cable Structures using the Dynamic Relaxation Method
Hüttner, M. - Máca, J., - Fajman, P.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Efficient methods for quantification of uncertainty in description of groundwater flow through random materials
Havelka, J. - Sýkora, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Book of abstracts. Warszawa: IPPT PAN, 2013. pp. 140. ISBN 978-83-89687-83-8.
- Polynomial chaos-based methods for uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A., - Sýkora, J.
In: Book of abstracts. Warszawa: IPPT PAN, 2013. pp. 138. ISBN 978-83-89687-83-8.
- Multi-objective Adaptive DoE for RBDO
Pospíšilová, A. - Myšáková, E., - Lepš, M.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Probabilistic Workshop. Brno: Ing. Vladislav Pokorný - LITERA, 2013, pp. 325-336. ISBN 978-80-214-4800-1.
- Polynomial chaos-based Evaluation of Failure Probability: A numerical study
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A., - Sýkora, J.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Probabilistic Workshop. Brno: Ing. Vladislav Pokorný - LITERA, 2013. pp. 145-157. ISBN 978-80-214-4800-1.
- On stochastic approach to human-grandstand interaction
Rokoš, O. - Máca, J.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 197-200. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Textile Reinforced Ceramic Composites
Vorel, J. - Urbanová, S. - Grippon, E. - Jandejsek, I. - Maršálková, M., - Šejnoha, M.
In: Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VIII. Westerville: The American Ceramic Society, 2013. pp. 1-13. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. ISSN 0196-6219. ISBN 978-1-118-80747-7.
- Aftermath of explosions in underground free space
Procházka, P. - Kravtsov, A.
international journal of safety and security engineering. 2013, 3(1), 34-40. ISSN 2041-9031.
- Dynamická zatěžovací zkouška nově postavené lávky přes řeku Svratku v Brně - SO 201 ev. č. BM-756 v lokalitě Hněvkovského
Polák, M. - Plachý, T.
[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. Report no. 132003/2013.
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Plain Weave Textile Composites
Vorel, J. - Grippon, E. - Němeček, J., - Šejnoha, M.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Modelování bezprostřední odezvy nadzemní stavby na postupující ražbu tunelu
Janda, T. - Šejnoha, M., - Šejnoha, J.
In: Podzemní stavby Praha 2013. Praha: Česká tunelářská asociace ITA-AITES, 2013. pp. 123. ISBN 978-80-260-3867-2.
- Stanovení parametrů pokročilých materiálových modelů pro jemnozrnné zeminy pomocí MKP softwaru
Janda, T. - Šejnoha, M.
Geotechnika. 2013, 2013(2), 3-13. ISSN 1211-913X.
- Hypoplastic Model for Clays: Issues Specific to FEM Implementation
Janda, T.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 193. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- Vyšetřování mechanických vlastností vláknového kompozitu pro vysokoteplotní aplikace
Holčapek, O. - Reiterman, P. - Jogl, M. - Koťátková, J., - Konvalinka, P.
Konstrukce. 2013, 5 3-5. ISSN 1213-8762.
- Temperature Influence on Microindentation Data of a Viscoelastic Material
Minster, J. - Králík, V., - Němeček, J.
Key Engineering Materials. 2013, 2014(586), 206-209. ISSN 1013-9826.
- Nanoindentation Applied to Materials with an Inner Structure
Němeček, J.
Key Engineering Materials. 2013, 586 55-58. ISSN 1013-9826.
- Modeling Inelastic Properties of Metal Foam based on Results from Nanoindentation
Němeček, J. - Zlámal, Petr - Králík, V., - Němečková, J.
In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7.
- A two-scale micromechanical model for aluminium foam based on results from nanoindentation
Němeček, J. - Králík, V., - Vondřejc, J.
Computers and Structures. 2013, 2013(128), 136-145. ISSN 0045-7949.
- Nanoindentation applied to closed-cell aluminium foams
Němeček, J.
In: Nanomechanical Analysis of High Performance Materials. Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. p. 173-188. 1. vol. 1. ISBN 9789400769182.
- Preparation and properties of alkali activated fly ash foam
Hlaváček, P. - Šmilauer, V.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 61-65. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics
Padevět, P. ed. - Tesárek, P. ed. - Plachý, T. ed. - Zobal, O. ed., - Stránský, J. ed.
Prague, 2013-09-19. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05331-7.
Prošek, Z. - Králík, V. - Rácová, Z. - Nežerka, V., - Antoš, J.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 159-162. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Evolution of hydration heat and the model for the mixture of fly ash
Zobal, O. - Šmilauer, V., - Bittnar, Z.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 210-213. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics
Padevět, P. ed. - Plachý, T. ed. - Tesárek, P. ed. - Zobal, O. ed., - Stránský, J. ed.
Prague, 2013-09-19. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics 2013
Padevět, P. org. - Plachý, T. org. - Tesárek, P. org. - Zobal, O. org., - Stránský, J. org.
[Conference Hosting] 2013.
- Optimization of Mixing the Various Components of Fly Ash Based on the Grain Size for Use in Composite Cements
Zobal, O. - Šmilauer, V., - Bittnar, Z.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013, pp. 271-274. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Experimental Analysis of Mechanical and Material Properties of Concrete Orlik Dam After 50 Years
Zobal, O. - Padevět, P. - Šmilauer, V. - Kopecký, L., - Bittnar, Z.
In: Proceedings of 30th Danubia - Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Zagreb: Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013. pp. 189-190. ISBN 978-953-7539-17-7.
Králík, V. - Nežerka, V., - Prošek, Z.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 133-136. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Evaluation of Microstructural Fields Based on Extended Wang Tile Sets and Schur Complement Method
Zrůbek, L. - Kruis, J. - Kučerová, A., - Novák, J.
In: Book of abstracts. Warszawa: IPPT PAN, 2013. pp. 137. ISBN 978-83-89687-83-8.
- Accelerated reconstruction of random heterogeneous media using graphics processing unit
Havelka, J. - Sýkora, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0.
- Numerical modeling of groundwater flow in random materials
Havelka, J. - Kučerová, A., - Sýkora, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 146-151. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Comparison of Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A., - Sýkora, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 235-246. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Odolnost betonu s příměsí metakaolinu vůči průniku tlakové vody
Reiterman, P. - Keppert, M. - Čáchová, M. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Sanace betonových konstrukci 2013. Brno: Sdružení pro sanace betonových konstrukcí, 2013. pp. 166-171. ISSN 1211-3700. ISBN 978-80-905471-0-0.
- Vlastnosti povrchové vrstvy pohledových betonů s obsahem metakaolinu
Reiterman, P. - Keppert, M. - Holčapek, O. - Vogel, F. - Jogl, M. - Vejmelková, E. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Metakaolin 2013. VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, 2013. pp. 62-68. ISBN 978-80-214-4692-2.
- Mechanical properties of high temperature resistance concrete
Holčapek, O. - Reiterman, P. - Vejmelková, E., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: Grada, 2013. pp. 353-356. ISBN 978-80-247-5018-7.
- Water Transport in Surface Layer of Fair-face Concrete
Reiterman, P. - Vogel, F. - Holčapek, O. - Keppert, M. - Čáchová, M. - Vejmelková, E. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2013. pp. 623-624. ISBN 978-1-138-00061-2.
- Mechanical Properties of Aluminous Cement Paste at high Temperature
Holčapek, O. - Reiterman, P. - Vogel, F. - Konvalinka, P., - Vejmelková, E.
In: Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2013. pp. 635-636. ISBN 978-1-138-00061-2.
Nosek, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 412-418. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Dynamic Packing of Stochastic Wang Tiling for Heterogeneous Material Modelling
Šedlbauer, D. - Lepš, M.
In: 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Poznan: Politechnika Poznanska, 2013. pp. 447-448. ISBN 978-83-89333-51-3.
- Grafické prostředí pro program OOFEM
Horák, M.
In: Juniorstav 2013 Sborník anotací. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, 2013. pp. 267. ISBN 978-80-214-4669-4.
- Distance-based and stress-based gradient-enhanced damage models
Horák, M. - Jirásek, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 57-58. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste with 50 % Fly Ash at High Temperatures
Zobal, O. - Lovichová, R., - Padevět, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 694-699. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Synthesis of Microstructural Fields using Extended Wang Tile Sets and Parallel Computing
Zrůbek, L. - Kruis, J. - Novák, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0.
- Parallel Computation of Microstructural Fields Base on Extended Wang Tile Sets
Zrůbek, L. - Kruis, J. - Novák, J., - Kučerová, A.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 700-709. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
Urbanová, S. - Vorel, J., - Šejnoha, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 633-641. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Predikce biomechanických vlastností kostního regenerátu při prolongaci femuru a tibie
Myslivec, R. - Denk, F. - Petrášová, Š. - Klika, V. - Zemková, D. - Petrtýl, M., - Mařík, I.
Pohybové ústrojí. Pokroky ve výzkumu, diagnostice a terapii. 2013, 2013(1-2), 117-118. ISSN 1212-4575.
- Kostní regenerát při prolongaci kostí dle Ilizarova
Mařík, I. - Myslivec, R. - Denk, F. - Maříková, A. - Zemková, D., - Petrtýl, M.
Pohybové ústrojí. Pokroky ve výzkumu, diagnostice a terapii. 2013, 2013(1-2), 116-117. ISSN 1212-4575.
- Simulation of Host Rock Cracking due to Pressure Changes in Magma Chamber
Somr, M. - Kabele, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 534-540. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5. Available from: http://www.engmech.cz/im/doc/Book_of_EAi.pdf
- Zařízení pro prodlužování dlouhých kostí
Petrtýl, M. - Mařík, I. - Lísal, J., - Denk, F.
Czechia. Patent CZ 303910. 2013-05-09.
- Modeling Host Rock Deformation and Fracture above Magma Chambers Preceding Caldera Formation
Somr, M. - Kabele, P., - Žák, J.
In: Computational Plasticity XII - Fundamentals and Applications. 2013, ISBN 978-84-941531-5-0. Available from: http://congress.cimne.com/complas2013/proceedings/pdfs/a643.pdf
- Dynamická analýza lávky pro pěší přes ulici Opatovická
Šána, V. - Polák, M.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 205-208. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Response of a simply supported beam exposed to a harmonic force with a random parameters
Šána, V.
In: 11th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Building Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013. pp. 201-204. ISBN 978-80-227-4040-1.
- Modal analysis and forced vibrations of a footbridge due to running pedestrians
Šána, V. - Polák, M.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 179-186. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
Nežerka, V. - Vorel, J., - Zeman, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 405-411. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Finite Element Analysis of Masonry Bed-Joint Damage
Nežerka, V. - Patzák, B., - Zeman, J.
In: Book of abstracts. Warszawa: IPPT PAN, 2013. p. 304. ISBN 978-83-89687-83-8.
- Periodic Cell Generation and Meshing: Inclusions in Shape of Hexagonal Prisms
Nežerka, V. - Kabele, P.
[Software] 2013.
- Univerzální zkušební zařízení pro stanovení mechanických parametrů, odezvy a poškození pokročilých kompozitních materiálů za vysokých rychlostí deformace
Fornůsek, J. - Konvalinka, P. - Máca, P. - Maršík, V. - Sovják, R. - Vavřiník, T., - Zatloukal, J.
Czechia. Patent Application.
- Optimization of Dynamically Loaded Civil Engineering Structures
Šedlbauer, D.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 571-582. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Experimental Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Deformable Projectile Impact
Sovják, R. - Vavřiník, T. - Máca, P. - Zatloukal, J. - Konvalinka, P., - Song, Y.
In: Procedia Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 2013. p. 120-125. ISSN 1877-7058.
- Shape optimization of fibers in FRC
Procházka, P. - Válek, M.
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. 2013, 10(1)(169), 111-120. ISSN 1214-9705.
- Analysis of the thermal behavior of mass concrete based on semi-adiabatic temperature measurements
Leal Da Silva, W. - Šmilauer, V., - Štemberk, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 518-527. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Performance analysis of fuzzy-genetic system applied to cabled-trusses optimization
Leal Da Silva, W. - Finotto, V., - Štemberk, P.
In: PhD Workshop. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05236-5.
- Multiobjective Minimax Designs of Experiments
Myšáková, E. - Lepš, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 371-379. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Application of multiscale elastic homogenization based on nanoindentation for high performance concrete
da Silva, W.R.L. - Němeček, J., - Štemberk, P.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 2013(62-63), 109-118. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Hybrid fuzzy-genetic system for optimising cabled-truss structures
Finotto, V. - da Silva, W.R.L. - Valášek, M., - Štemberk, P.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 2013(62-63), 85-96. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Genetic-fuzzy approach to model concrete shrinkage
da Silva, W.R.L. - Štemberk, P.
Computers and Concrete. 2013, 2013(12), 109-129. ISSN 1598-8198.
- Fuzzy modeling of combined effect of winter road maintenance and cyclic loading on concrete slab bridge
Štemberk, P. - da Silva, W.R.L. - Sýkorová, J., - Bártová, J.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 2013(62-63), 97-108. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Expert system applied for classifying self-compacting concrete surface finish
da Silva, W.R.L. - Štemberk, P.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 2013(64), 47-61. ISSN 0965-9978.
Kolařík, F. - Patzák, B.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 279-289. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Open Source DEM-FEM Coupling
Stránský, J.
In: PARTICLE-BASED METHODS III. Fundamentals and Applications. Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2013. pp. 46-57. ISBN 978-84-941531-8-1.
- FEM - DEM Coupling and MuPIF Framework
Stránský, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 553-559. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- JSMech, ver 0.7
Stránský, J.
[Software] 2013.
- Preparation of Antimicrobial Treatment Interiors Using Nano Textiles
Ryparová, P. - Wasserbauer, R. - Tesárek, P., - Rácová, Z.
In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: Grada, 2013. pp. 453-456. ISBN 978-80-247-5018-7.
- The Use of Boards from Recycled Laminated Cartons in The Building Envelope
Hlaváč, R. - Rácová, Z. - Ryparová, P. - Tesárek, P., - Mukařovský, J.
In: CESB 13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: GRADA PUBLISHING, 2013. pp. 349-352. ISBN 978-80-247-5018-7.
- Rozptýlené částice v polyvinyl-alkoholových nanotextiliích: porovnání makro mechanických vlastností
Nežerka, V. - Rácová, Z. - Tesárek, P., - Ryparová, P.
In: Sborník konference Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie ve stavebnictví. Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2013. pp. 60-66. ISBN 978-80-01-05334-8.
- BOINC for Volunteer computing
Nosek, J. - Pospíšilová, A.
In: 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Poznan: Politechnika Poznanska, 2013. pp. 419-420. ISBN 978-83-89333-51-3.
Králík, V. - Němeček, J.
In: Sborník konference Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie ve stavebnictví. Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2013, pp. 54-59. ISBN 978-80-01-05334-8.
- The Use of Nanomaterials As Protection of External Surfaces of Porous Building Materials
Rácová, Z. - Hlaváč, R. - Mukařovský, J. - Nežerka, V. - Ryparová, P., - Tesárek, P.
In: CESB 13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: GRADA PUBLISHING, 2013. pp. 441-444. ISBN 978-80-247-5018-7.
- Orthotropy in FEM
Šobra, K.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Nano & Macro Mechanics. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. pp. 199-206. ISBN 978-80-01-05332-4.
- Multi-Objective Reconstruction of Random Media
Pospíšilová, A. - Lepš, M., - Zeman, J.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISBN 978-1-905088-58-4.
- Multi-Objective Optimization with Asymptotic Sampling for RBDO
Pospíšilová, A. - Lepš, M.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISBN 978-1-905088-58-4.
- Modeling of soil structure interaction during tunnel excavation: An engineering approach
Janda, T. - Šejnoha, M., - Šejnoha, J.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 62-63 51-60. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Constitutive model for timber fracture under tension and shear
Bartůňková, E. - Kabele, P.
In: Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013, pp. 76. ISBN 978-80-01-05279-2. Available from: http://mech.fsv.cvut.cz/cfrac/proceedings.pdf
- Rheology and Simulation of Self Compacting Concrete Flow
Patzák, B. - Thrane, L.N., - Kolařík, F.
In: Civil and Structural Engineering Computational Methods. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013. p. 21-36. Computational Science, Engineering and Technology Series: 32. ISSN 1759-3158. ISBN 978-1-874672-64-7.
- signalproc
Šána, V.
[Software] 2013.
- Homogenization of plain weave composites with imperfect microstructure: Part II-Analysis of real-world materials
Vorel, J. - Zeman, J., - Šejnoha, M.
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2013, 11(5), 443-462. ISSN 1543-1649.
- Transverse vibrating beam loaded by moving load
Šána, V. - Polák, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 149-150. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Sborník konference Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie ve stavebnictví
Ryparová, P. ed. - Tesárek, P. ed. - Rácová, Z. ed., - Nežerka, V. ed.
Praha, 2013-06-12. Praha: CTU. Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05334-8.
- OOFEManager
Horák, M.
[Software] 2013.
- Pokročilé metody pro navrhování konstrukcí z CLT
Kuklík, P. - Kuklíková, A. - Gregorová, A., - Melzerová, L.
In: Dřevostavby 2013: Sborník přednášek z odborného semináře se zahraniční účastí. Volyně: VOŠ Volyně, 2013. pp. 155-160. první. ISBN 978-80-86837-51-2.
- Numerical Simulations of Effects of Specimen Preparation Method on Properties of Fiber Composites
Přinosil, M. - Kabele, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 461-466. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Fiber Bridging 2.0
Přinosil, M.
[Software] 2013.
- CrossChar 2.0
Přinosil, M.
[Software] 2013.
Červenka, J. - Jendele, L., - Šmilauer, V.
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-8). Barcelona: CIMNE, 2013. pp. 442-452. ISBN 978-84-941004-1-3.
- Multiobjective Adaptive Updating of Surrogate Models
Myšáková, E. - Pospíšilová, A., - Lepš, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 380-389. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Branch and Bound Method for Optimization of Cable-Truss Structures
Pospíšilová, A. - Lepš, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 453-460. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Influence of the design parameters on the response of the step skew joint with a key
Šobra, K. - Fajman, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 591-595. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Probabilistic models for tunnel construction risk assessment
Špačková, O. - Novotná, E. - Šejnoha, M., - Šejnoha, J.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 62-63 72-84. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Micromechanical Analysis of Composites
Šejnoha, M. - Zeman, J.
In: Mechanics of Composite Materials. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013. p. 1-151. ISBN 978-606-19-0224-8.
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
Kormaníková, E. ed. - Šejnoha, M. ed., - Szava, I. ed.
Brasov, 2013-06-23/2013-07-06. Košice: Technical University of Kosice, 2013. ISBN 978-606-19-0224-8.
- Multi-scale Modeling of Textile Reinforced Ceramic Composites
Šejnoha, M. - Vorel, J. - Maršálková, M., - Grippon, E.
In: Selected Chapters of Mechanics of Composite Materials III. Tewksbury, Boston, Massachusetts: Derc Publishing House, 2013. p. 145-193. ISBN 978-1-939757-01-2.
- Selected Chapters of Mechanics of Composite Materials III
Szava, I. ed. - Šejnoha, M. ed., - Kormaníková, E. ed.
Tewksbury, Boston, Massachusetts: Derc Publishing House, 2013. ISBN 978-1-939757-01-2.
- Fracture properties of cement and alkali activated fly ash based concrete with application to segmental tunnel lining
Šejnoha, M. - Brouček, M. - Novotná, E. - Keršner, Z. - Lehký, D., - Frantík, P.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 62-63 61-71. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Univerzální zkušební zařízení pro stanovení mechanických parametrů, odezvy a poškození pokročilých kompozitních materiálů za vysokých rychlostí deformace
Fornůsek, J. - Konvalinka, P. - Máca, P. - Maršík, V. - Sovják, R. - Vavřiník, T., - Zatloukal, J.
Czechia. Utility Model CZ 25457. 2013-05-30.
- Permeability Properties of Concrete with Metakaolin Addition
Reiterman, P. - Holčapek, O. - Keppert, M. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: CESB 13 Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: GRADA PUBLISHING, 2013. p. 1-4. ISBN 978-80-247-5015-6.
- Rozložení sil v plátovém spoji od ohybového momentu
Fajman, P.
Stavební obzor. 2013, 22(4), 101-104. ISSN 1210-4027.
- Elastic Soft-Core Sandwich Plates: Critical Loads and Energy Errors in Commercial Codes Due to Choice of Objective Stress Rate
Vorel, J. - Bažant, Z.P., - Gattu, M.
Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2013, 80(4), ISSN 0021-8936.
- Fracture Properties of Cement Composites Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes
Hlaváček, P. - Šmilauer, V.
In: Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. pp. 77. ISBN 978-80-01-05279-2.
- Experimental Investigation of the Fire Resistance of Modified Concrete
Šejnoha, M. - Brouček, M.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 583-590. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Mass Concrete Based on Semi-Adiabatic Temperature Measurements
da Silva, W.R.L. - Šmilauer, V., - Štemberk, P.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013. pp. 518-527. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures
Jirásek, M. ed. - Allix, O. ed. - Moës, N. ed., - Oliver, J. ed.
Praha, 2013-06-05/2013-06-07. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05279-2.
- Autogenous shrinkage of alkali activated materials
Hlaváček, P. - Šmilauer, V.
In: Juniorstav 2013 - 15. odborná konference doktorského studia - Sborník příspěvků. VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, 2013. ISBN 978-80-214-4670-0.
- Homogenizator MT 2.0: Composites with cracks
Nežerka, V.
[Software] 2013.
- Pokročilé metody pro navrhování, zesilování a vyšetřování lepeného lamelového dřeva 2012
Melzerová, L.
[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2013. Report no. LD12023/1.
- Parallel Finite Element Analysis in Engineering: State of the Art and New Trends
Patzák, B. - Rypl, D., - Kruis, J.
In: Computational Technology Reviews. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2013. pp. 43-63. ISSN 2044-8430. ISBN 978-1-874672-61-6.
- Parallel Adaptive Structural Analysis for Practical Engineering
Rypl, D. - Patzák, B.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0.
- Using the Recursive Subdivision and the Advancing Front Technique for the Discretization of Multi-phase Microstructures
Rypl, D. - Bittnar, Z.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 62-63 39-50. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Construction of Weighted Dual Graphs of NURBS-based Isogeometric Meshes
Rypl, D. - Patzák, B.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 60-61 31-41. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Homogenization of coupled heat and moisture transport in masonry structures including interfaces
Sýkora, J. - Šejnoha, M., - Šejnoha, J.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2013, 219(13), 7275-7285. ISSN 0096-3003.
- Competitive comparison of optimal designs of experiments for sampling-based sensitivity analysis
Janouchová, E. - Kučerová, A.
Computers and Structures. 2013, 124 47-60. ISSN 0045-7949.
Králík, V. - Němeček, J.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2013. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2013, pp. 323-329. ISSN 1805-8256. ISBN 978-80-87012-47-5.
- Upínací zařízení pro měření tahové pevnosti na vzorcích prizmatického tvaru
Nežerka, V. - Tesárek, P. - Padevět, P. - Bittnar, P., - Kokeš, P.
Czechia. Utility Model CZ 25364. 2013-05-13.
- Searching for Minimax Designs of Experiments: A Parallel Evolutionary Approach
Myšáková, E. - Lepš, M.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0. Available from: http://www.ctresources.info/ccp/paper.html?id=7297
- Parallel Branch and Bound Method for Size Optimization Benchmarks
Pospíšilová, A. - Lepš, M.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2013, ISSN 1759-3433. ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0. Available from: http://www.ctresources.info/ccp/paper.html?id=7299
- Complex System of Methods for Directed Design and Assessment of Functional Properties of Building Materials and Its Applications
Černý, R. - Keppert, M. - Kočí, J. - Kočí, V. - Konvalinka, P. - Máca, P. - Maděra, J. - Pavlík, Z. - Pavlíková, M. - Polák, M. - Sovják, R. - Vejmelková, E., - Ďurana, K.
Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013. ISBN 978-80-01-05208-2.
- Strain Hardening Cement Composites: Structural Design and Performance
Rokugo, K. - Kanda, T. - Kanakubo, T. - Kabele, P. - Fukuyama, H. - Uchida, Y. - Suwada, H., - Slowik, V.
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. vol. 6. ISSN 2213-204X. ISBN 978-94-007-4835-4.
- An Extension of Small-Strain Models to the Large-Strain Range Based on Additive Decomposition of Logarithmic Strain
Horák, M. - Jirásek, M.
In: Proceedings of Seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16. Praha: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2013. pp. 88-93. ISBN 978-80-85823-62-2.
- Microstructural enrichment functions based on stochastic Wang tilings
Novák, J. - Kučerová, A., - Zeman, J.
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2013, 21(2), ISSN 0965-0393.
- Several Comments on the Broumov Group of Churches Using Experiences with Water Table Variation on other Historical Sites
Kuklík, P. - Záleský, J.
In: Proceedings of the Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Buildings CRRB 2012. Zurich: TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2013. pp. 79-86. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 688. ISSN 1022-6680. ISBN 978-3-03785-679-6.
- Parameter identification in a probabilistic setting
Rosić, B. - Kučerová, A. - Sýkora, J. - Pajonk, O. - Litvinenko, A., - Matthies, H. G.
Engineering Structures. 2013, 50 179-196. ISSN 0141-0296.
- Micromechanics in Practice
Šejnoha, M. - Zeman, J.
Southampton: WIT Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-84564-682-0.
- Probabilistic assessment of tunnel construction performance based on data
Špačková, O. - Šejnoha, J., - Straub, D.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2013, 2013(37), 62-78. ISSN 0886-7798.
- Monitoring of Deformation of Steel Structure Roof of Football Stadium Slavia Prague
Litoš, J. - Vejmelková, E., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Measurement Technology and its Application. Uetikon-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2013. pp. 622-630. Applied Mechanics and Materials. ISSN 1660-9336. ISBN 978-3-03785-545-4.
- Wangovo dláždění v numerické analýze kompozitů
Zrůbek, L. - Kučerová, A., - Zeman, J. opon.
Praha: Defense date 2013-01-23. Master Thesis. ČVUT, Fakulta stavební, Katedra mechaniky.
- Experimentální analýza chování vysokohodnotného betonu v triaxiálním tlaku
Vogel, F. - Sovják, R., - Padevět, P. opon.
Praha: Defense date 2013-01-22. Master Thesis. České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební.
- Experimentální a numerická analýza styku kulatiny pomocí přeplátování
Šobra, K. - Fajman, P., - Máca, J.
Stavební obzor. 2013, 3/2013 61-65. ISSN 1210-4027.
- Improved Estimation of Long-Term Relaxation Function from Compliance Function of Aging Concrete
Bažant, Z.P. - Hubler, M.H., - Jirásek, M.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 2013, 139(2), 146-152. ISSN 0733-9399.
- Geometry Optimization: Realization of a fluid-form structure composed of spherical components, fabricated by means of computer software and robotic arms
Kurilla, L. - Svoboda, L.
In: Rob|Arch 2012: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art, and Design. Wien: Springer, 2013. p. 184-195. ISBN 978-3-7091-1464-3.
- Application of Laser Microscope System for Evaluation of Separation Agents
Reiterman, P. - Kostelecká, M. - Kolář, K., - Konvalinka, P.
In: Measurement Technology and its Application. Uetikon-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2013. pp. 517-524. Applied Mechanics and Materials. ISSN 1660-9336. ISBN 978-3-03785-545-4.
- LayBe, ver. 1.3
Gruber, P.
[Software] 2013.
- FFT-based method for homogenization of periodic media: Theory and applications
Vondřejc, J. - Zeman, J. supervisor - Rohan, E. opon. - Kruis, J. opon., - Marek, I. supervisor
2013. PhD Thesis. CTU FCE. Department of Mechanics. Supervised by I. MAREK and J. ZEMAN.
- Localization Analysis of Variationally Based Gradient Plasticity Model
Jirásek, M. - Rokoš, O., - Zeman, J.
International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2013, 50(1), 256-269. ISSN 0020-7683.
- MuPIF - A distributed multi-physics integration tool
Patzák, B. - Rypl, D., - Kruis, J.
Advances in Engineering Software. 2013, 60-61 89-97. ISSN 0965-9978.
- Dynamic Bayesian Network for Probabilistic Modeling of Tunnel Excavation Processes
Špačková, O. - Straub, D.
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2013, 28(1), 1-21. ISSN 1093-9687.
- Micromechanical analysis of heterogeneous structural materials
Němeček, J. - Vondřejc, J., - Králík, V.
Cement and Concrete Composites. 2013, 36 85-92. ISSN 0958-9465.
- Uncertainty updating in the description of coupled heat and moisture transport in heterogeneous materials
Kučerová, A. - Sýkora, J.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2013, 219(13), 7252-7261. ISSN 0096-3003.
- Analysis of coupled transport phenomena in concrete at elevated temperatures
Beneš, M. - Štefan, R., - Zeman, J.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2013, 219(13), 7262-7274. ISSN 0096-3003.