Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Ohman
Mikael Öhman, Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Boundary conditions for computational homogenization of incompressible microstructures - From theory to application in OOFEM
In this presentation, the classical boundary conditions in computational homogenization, Dirichlet and Neumann, are shown for to the case of incompressible microstructures. The adopted macroscale mixed velocity-pressure formulation seamlessly handles the transition from compressible to incompressible microstructures. The application is that of liquid phase sintering, where the microstructure is modeled as a quasistatic mixture of incompressible fluids with pores and surface tension. In the case of sintering, the Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) evolves from a porous “green body” to a completely dense, and incompressible, microstructure.
I discuss the technical challenges associated with implementing computational homogenization and multiscale modeling in OOFEM.