Department of Mechanics: Vacancies

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Department vacancies

University vacancies

Academic job servers

A worldwide list of open academic positions at all levels is provided by the AcademicKeys.
A list of open positions in geomechanics and concrete mechanics is maintained by ALERT Geomaterials.

Where to post job offers for free

  • EURAXESS: Europe-wide job posts in all disciplines, CTU profile managed by Pavel Koudelák, highly recommended for advertising all CTU vacancies
  • jobRxiv: Worldwide job posts in all disciplines, free as of 21 November 2020
  • ResarchJobs: Czech-based job server in all disciplines, Ph.D. positions are advertised for free, other for a small fee (as of 21 November 2020)
  • iMechanica: Worldwide job posts in mechanics
  • NA Digest: Worldwide job posts in numerical mathematics and related fields
  • Mécamat: French-based job posts in mechanics
  • TMinfo: German-based job posts in mechanics
  • ALERT Geomaterials: Worldwide job posts in mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials
  • Jobs in applied mathematics, with obligatory industrial collaboration