Department of Mechanics: Links
Revision as of 18:02, 22 March 2016 by Mjirasek (talk | contribs) (→Evaluation of research and education)
This is a selection of potentially useful links related to teaching, research and administration.
Resources of the Czech Technical University
- ČVUT - new public CTU web site (in Czech)
- K132 - official web page of the Department of Mechanics
- Teacher - department server for management of course materials, homeworks etc.
- Student - department server for students (distribution of course materials, submission of homeworks)
- StavNet - intranet of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Rozvrhy - class schedule
- MIS - management information system
- KOS - exams, grading
- VVVS - publications and other research results
- EZOP - management of research projects
- Central Library of the CTU
- Recommendations for PhD students (dissertation, citations, ethics, plagiarism), in Czech
- Summon - unified search engine of our library
- EIZ - access to resources such as Web of Science or Scopus
- DSpace - digital library of the CTU (institutional repository)
- DSpace - Department of Mechanics - repository of theses and other documents
- Software server of the CTU
- Lunch menu of university restaurants and of Avantgardino
- Portál ekonomických služeb - internal data management system, in Czech
- Vnitřní předpisy - internal regulations, in Czech
Professional associations
- Czech Society for Mechanics - affiliated member of EUROMECH (European Mechanics Society)
- ČBS - Czech Concrete Society
- RILEM - International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures
- IACM - International Association for Computational Mechanics
- NAFEMS - association dedicated to engineering analysis (finite elements, computational fluid dynamics)
- ECCOMAS - European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
- fib - International Federation for Structural Concrete
- InterPore - International Society for Porous Media
International networks
- Nanocem - the industrial-academic research network on cement and concrete
- ALERT Geomaterials - the alliance of laboratories in Europe for research and technology (soils, rocks, concrete)
- SAHC - Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (an Erasmus Mundus Masters Programme)
Projects and groups
- SPOMECH (Ostrava, Czech Republic) - group focused on the development of numerical algorithms for reliable mechanics
- Prof. Zdeněk P. Bažant and his group at Northwestern University
- Edinburgh research group in optimization and their software
- Legato Team - Stéphane Bordas & Co.
Evaluation of research and education
- Blog Daniela Municha o hodnocení a financování vědy
- Evaluation of research and development results by the Czech Research, Development and Innovation Council
- Impact Factor Ethics for Editors - comments from Editor's Update by Elsevier
- QS World University Rankings
- Overall ranking 2015/16: 1. MIT, 2. Harvard, 3.-4. Cambridge and Stanford, 5. Caltech; Charles University at position 279; Czech Technical University in Prague at position 451-460
- Overall ranking 2014/15: 1. MIT, 2.-3. Cambridge and Imperial College London, 4. Harvard, 5.-6. University College London and Oxford; Charles University at position 244; Czech Technical University in Prague at position 411-420
- Overall ranking 2013/14: 1. MIT, 2. Harvard, 3. Cambridge, 4. University College London, 5. Imperial College London; Charles University at position 233; Czech Technical University in Prague at position 451-460
- Overall ranking 2012: 1. MIT, 2. Cambridge, 3. Harvard, 4. University College London, 5. Oxford; Charles University at position 286; Czech Technical University in Prague at position 501-550
- Overall ranking 2011: 1. Cambridge, 2. Harvard, 3. MIT, 4. Yale, 5. Oxford; Charles University at position 276
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2016: 1. MIT, 2. Cambridge, 3. National University of Singapore; CTU in Prague shares positions 51-100
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2015: 1. MIT, 2. Delft University of Technology, 3. National University of Singapore; CTU in Prague shares positions 51-100
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2014: 1. MIT, 2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3. Berkeley; CTU in Prague shares positions 51-100
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2013: 1. Imperial College, 2. Berkeley, 3. Tokyo; CTU in Prague shares positions 51-100
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2012: 1. MIT, 2. Tokyo, 3. Berkeley; CTU in Prague shares positions 101-150
- Civil and Structural Engineering 2011: 1. MIT, 2. Stanford, 3. Cambridge; CTU in Prague shares positions 151-200
- Overall ranking 2015/16: 1. Caltech, 2. Oxford, 3. Stanford, 4. Cambridge, 5. MIT; Charles University shares positions 401-500
- Overall ranking 2014/15: 1. Caltech, 2. Harvard, 3. Oxford, 4. Stanford, 5. Cambridge; Charles University shares positions 301-350
- Overall ranking 2013/14: 1. Caltech, 2. Harvard, 3. Oxford, 4. Stanford, 5. MIT; Charles University shares positions 351-400
- Overall ranking 2012/13: 1. Caltech, 2. Oxford, 3. Stanford, 4. Harvard, 5. MIT; Charles University shares positions 301-350
- Overall ranking 2011/12: 1. Caltech, 2.-3. Harvard and Stanford, 4. Oxford, 5. Princeton; Charles University shares positions 301-350
- Engineering and Technology 2014/15: 1. MIT, 2. Stanford, 3. Caltech
- Engineering and Technology 2013/14: 1. MIT, 2. Stanford, 3. Berkeley
- Engineering and Technology 2012/13: 1. Caltech, 2. Princeton, 3. MIT
- Engineering and Technology 2011/12: 1. Caltech, 2. MIT, 3. Princeton
- Overall ranking 2014: 1. Harvard, 2. Stanford, 3. MIT, 4. Berkeley, 5. Cambridge; Charles University shares positions 201-300
- Overall ranking 2013: 1. Harvard, 2. Stanford, 3. Berkeley, 4. MIT, 5. Cambridge; Charles University shares positions 201-300
- Overall ranking 2012: 1. Harvard, 2. Stanford, 3. MIT, 4. Berkeley, 5. Cambridge; Charles University shares positions 201-300
- Overall ranking 2011: 1. Harvard, 2. Stanford, 3. MIT, 4. Berkeley, 5. Cambridge; Charles University shares positions 201-300
- Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences 2014: 1. MIT, 2. Stanford, 3. Berkeley
Other academic and scientific resources
- Research Gate - a tool for researchers who wish to communicate, discuss problems and share their results
- The Open Academic - online articles on higher education in the US, access to the Online Colleges search engine
- The Journal Finder - find the optimal journal for your paper (based on the title and abstract)
- SherpaRoMEO - search for publisher's policies for self-archiving of your paper published in a specific journal
- Easyclass - platform for online management of classes
- San Francisco Edit - scientific proofreading and editing
- Guide to Academic and Scientific Publication by Linda Olson
- Innovating the Authorship Experience by Warren Raye, Amanda Hindle and Benjamin Shaw
- Springer's Author Academy
Education theory
and interesting links regarding motivation and new (more effective than traditional) approaches in education
- Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation - Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories - and maybe, a way forward.
- Sugata Mitra: Kids can teach themselves - Educational researcher Sugata Mitra talks about his Hole in the Wall project. Young kids in this project figured out how to use a PC on their own -- and then taught other kids. He asks, what else can children teach themselves?
- Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud - Sugata Mitra is the winner of the 2013 TED Prize. His wish: Build a School in the Cloud, where children can explore and learn from one another.
- Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education - Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education - the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching.