Department of Mechanics: Literature

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Here we would like to share some ideas, hints and recommendations regarding useful scientific and educational books and papers.

Books authored by members of the department

This is the English translation of a book that was published in Czech in 1992 (Z. Bittnar, J. Šejnoha: Numerické metody mechaniky 1 a 2, České vysoké učení technické, Praha, 1992). The Czech version is out of stock and can be downloaded from here: File:Nmm1.pdf, File:Nmm2.pdf

List of published lecture notes ("skripta") available in the department library

Please click on the above heading to display the full list. These lecture notes can be checked out by any department coworker, including PhD students.


Here is the complete set of lecture notes: File:ALERT school 2012.pdf
It is also possible to download some of the presentations.

Writing guides and courses on scientific writing

Short, clear, and self-contained book on clear writing. Highly recommended!
Helpful hints and suggestions on writing scientific papers.

Journal style guides