Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Hori

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Muneo Hori, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan

Computational earthquake engineering taking advantage of high performance computing

Non-linear seismic structural response analysis and urban area earthquake hazard and disaster simulation are two major topics of computational earthquake engineering in Japan. The utilization of Supercomputer K is being investigated, in order to take advantage of high performance computing. A model of ten million dof for a structure or hundred billion dof for ground is being analyzed. Background theories related to physics and mathematics are being developed in order to make such simulation meaningful. Explained are several examples of application of high performance computing, such as a fault-structure system analysis of a nuclear power plant or a Tokyo metropolis analysis for earthquake hazard and disaster.

Prof. Muneo Hori received Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics from University of California San Diego. In 1993 he moved to The University of Tokyo, where he became a Full Professor in 2001. Since 2012 he has been serving as the Chief of the Center of Large-scale Earthquake, Tsunami and Disaster and Unit Leader of the Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Unit, Advanced Institute of Computational Science. He is an editor-in-chief of Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami. Prof. Hori has received several academic prizes, such as a finalist in Gordon Bell Prizes 2014. His research interests include computational earthquake engineering of developing large-scale simulation system and applied mechanics and mathematics for deformation and fracture process of solid.