Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Rypl

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Rostislav Rypl (research assistant at the Institute of Structural Mechanics, Brno University of Technology)

Probabilistic approach to the mechanics of unidirectional composites with heterogeneous reinforcement


The aim of the presentation is to introduce a multi-scale mechanical–probabilistic modeling framework for the simulation unidirectional composites with heterogeneous reinforcement subjected to tensile loading. Considering the highly random nature of geometry, bond and failure of the reinforcing micro-fibers, the probabilistic approach involving model parameters as random variables is appropriate for an accurate simulation of the composite mechanics. The composite response is thoroughly examined from the view point of engineering design, i.e. serviceability limit state as well as ultimate limit state are considered.

Short bio:

since 2014 research assistant at Institute of Structural Mechanics, Brno University of Technology
2014 PhD thesis handed in (defense expected in May 2014), Probabilistic approach to the mechanics of composites with heterogeneous reinforcement, Inst. of Structural Concrete, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, advisor: Dr.-Ing. Rostislav Chudoba
2008 MSc, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic; advisor: doc. Ing. V. Salajka, CSc.