Department of Mechanics: Software

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Software developed at the Department of Mechanics:

Selected software potentially useful for scientific applications:

  • Engauge Digitizer - conversion of an image file containing graphs into a text file with numbers specifying the coordinates of selected points
  • FileSender - secure way to share large files provided by CESNET
  • Gnuplot - portable command-line driven graphing utility
  • Maxima - computer algebra system
  • Octave - open-source tool similar to Matlab
  • ParaView - open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application
  • PDF scissors - a tool to crop pdfs; usefull for reading pdf files (especially the scanned ones) easily in ebook readers
  • Scan Tailor - excellent tool for interactive post-processing of scanned pages
  • QtGrace - a free inter-platform tool for data analysis, derived from Grace
  • Veusz - scientific plotting package
  • Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] - free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.
  • Mendeley - reference manager combined with scientific social network. Here is a simple overview (in Czech): File:Mendeley-tahak.pdf
  • matlabfrag, matlab2tikz - handy free tools for exporting Matlab and Matlab/Octave figures consistently into LaTex

Comparison of software useful for scientific applications at WIKI with the list of pairs - software (experienced users):

A selection of interesting computational platforms developed by our colleagues at other universities:

  • Akantu: An optimized open-source object-oriented finite-element library, developed by the team of Prof. Jean-Francois Molinari at the LSMS (Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory), EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne).
  • MARS - Modeling and Analysis of the Response of Structures: Commercial software implementing the Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM) for concrete developed by Prof. Gianluca Cusatis (Northwestern University, USA).