Software for THM analysis of bentonite engineered barriers

Results of the research project "Numerical modelling and laboraory characterisation of bentonite barrier in radioactive waste repositories in Czech Republic" suported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

This page is devoted to a module of SIFEL code - an open source finite element (FE) computer code designed to Thermo-hygro-mechanical analyses of bentonite materials used in engineered bariers for nuclear waste storage. This software was developed in the scope of the project No. TK01010063 suported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.


Hygro-mechanical analysis of bentonite material - Mockup tests

Hygro-mechanical analyses of bentonite materials consist of three numerical simulations of watering of bentonite with three different dry densities (1298, 1498, and 1743) in a unique device measuring swelling pressures.


Hot to run computations in Linux:
Download source files from this link Version of THM Model. Then unpack. In the directory METR, build binary files by "make". The binary file is located in the directory "../BIN/METR/SRC/_DBG". In case of compilation with optimization "make opt", the binary file is located in "../BIN/METR/SRC/_OPT". Download input files and unpack into directory METR. Copy the binary file into this directory. To run the computer simulation for dry density 1298 type "./metr". To run the computer simulation for dry density 1498 type "./metr". To run the computer simulation for dry density 1743 type "./metr".

Dual density tests


Numerical simulations of watering of bentonite materials with two different initial dry densities carried out at Faculty of Science of Charles University.

Thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis of bentonite barrier - "Hot Mockup"


Thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis of a bentonite barrier of an experiment "Hot Mockup" built in the Centre of Experimental Geotechnics at Czech Technical University in Prague.