IAF: Isogeometric Analysis of Failure in Solids and Structures

Minisymposium organized by

Isogeometric analysis is a new paradigm in computational mechanics. Apart from the design-through-analysis concept, it enables the exact representation of the geometry, and a vastly improved stress prediction due to the inherent smoothness of the basis functions. This can have significant advantages in the analysis of damage and fracture. Moreover, the isogeometric concept allows for the easy increase or decrease of the degree of continuity of the interpolation. This, on one hand, allows for the straightforward incorporation of higher-order continuum models such as implicit gradient damage, and on the other hand, for the modelling of discrete cracks.

The objective of this minisymposium is to present and discuss developments in isogeometric analysis, in particular with respect to damage and fracture, regarding continuum, structural and mathematical aspects, but also related issues like integration and refinement.