Modeling and simulation of inelastic materials and structures
PhD Topic: Modeling and simulation of inelastic materials and structures
Supervisor: Milan Jirásek (, possibly in collaboration with Jan Zeman, Martin Horák, Petr Havlásek or Martin Doškář
Doctoral programs:
- Physical and Materials Engineering / Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrství
- Structural and Transportation Engineering / Konstrukce a dopravní stavby
Summary: The proposed PhD dissertation will focus on mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of inelastic materials and structures, aiming to develop sound theoretical formulations and robust computational frameworks for analyzing materials that exhibit irreversible changes under load. The student will develop and test a suitable constitutive model that extends existing formulations within the theories of plasticity, viscoelasticity or damage mechanics and reflects the complex behavior of materials beyond their elastic limits. Powerful numerical methods, such as the nonlinear version of the finite element method (FEM), will be employed to solve the governing equations at the structural level. Applications of this work include structural analysis in engineering, failure prediction, and optimization of material design or manufacturing processes. They will contribute to improved efficiency, reliability and safety in civil engineering, with possible extensions to mechanical or aerospace engineering.
International collaboration: The student is expected to participate in externally funded research projects related to the main theme and to collaborate with international partners, e.g., with the research teams at TU Eindhoven, Université Paris-Saclay, University of Oxford, University of Glasgow or Northwestern University.
Specific projects:
Advanced models for quasibrittle failure
Quasibrittle materials encompass a wide range of natural and man-made materials, such as concrete, rock, masonry, wood, tough ceramics, various types of composites, bone, or sea ice. The characteristic feature of their mechanical behavior is a gradual development of large inelastic process zones, which often evolve into localized patterns. Depending on the type of loading and on the specific material microstructure, dissipative processes in quasibrittle materials may involve initiation and propagation of cracks or other defects, delamination, fiber rupture or pullout, aggregate interlock, frictional sliding, or crushing. Realistic mathematical modeling of the effect of propagating defects requires either stress-strain laws with softening (smeared approach), or incorporation of displacement discontinuities that correspond to cohesive cracks or cohesive- frictional slip lines (discrete approach). Furthermore, sliding along rough surfaces leads to dilatancy, which can be accurately described by elastoplastic models only if non-associative flow rules are adopted. Softening as well as non-associative flow are destabilizing factors that may lead to localization of dissipative processes into narrow bands. Traditional constitutive models formulated within the standard continuum framework cannot provide an objective description of localized failure patterns, and their enhancement by suitable regularization techniques acting as localization limiters is needed.
Improvements to an existing damage-plastic model for concrete will allow more reliable predictions of the ultimate load-carrying capacity of concrete structures under general monotonic loading scenarios. In addition to the maximum load, the post-peak structural response will be captured in an objective manner, which is important for the evaluation of structural ductility and of the total energy dissipated during failure.
Potential funding: A research proposal has been submitted to the Czech Science Foundation. If the proposal is accepted, a funded PhD position will become available from 2025.
Modular-topology optimization of compliant structures, mechanisms, and materials
A fully funded Ph.D. opening is available for candidates with a strong interest in applying and developing mathematical programming techniques for the optimal design of modular structures, mechanisms, or (meta-)materials. The position will be jointly supervised by Michal Kočvara, Marek Tyburec, and Jan Zeman (in alphabetical order).
The design of modular structures involves assembling functional blocks from a set of available modules (either from an offline database or designed during the optimization process) into the final product to achieve optimal performance [1]. Modularity holds immense promise for all engineering disciplines, enabling large-scale prefabrication and mass customization, module reuse and repair, product reconfiguration, or robotization of the manufacturing process. However, realizing its full potential is currently hampered by the lack of robust computationally efficient algorithms because the resulting optimization problem spans two distinct scales (module and product) and exhibits both discrete (module placement) and continuous (module design) features. Your Ph.D. project will contribute to filling this gap.
Your research activities will build upon the three-step sequential framework proposed in [2,3], in which Step 1 addresses the distribution of the material stiffness tensors at the product scale using Free Material Optimization [4]. Step 2 involves the design modularization based on a hierarchical clustering procedure. Step 3 involves solving a single-scale topology optimization problem with embedded modularity using contemporary topology optimization technology [5]. Depending on your interests and background, you will be given the opportunity to extend this framework toward dynamics, geometrically non-linear formulations (including pneumatic actuation), three-dimensional problems, or structural engineering applications. Upon mutual agreement, you may also explore the deployment of polynomial optimization techniques in Steps 1 and 3, drawing upon their recent applications in structural mechanics [6] and the calculus of variations [7].
The offer comes with a rare interdisciplinary and international collaboration opportunity. On the Czech side, you will be embedded in the 4.5-year EU-funded ROBOPROX project, which integrates the leading researchers in control, optimization, robotics, computational methods, and automated manufacturing. In particular, you will interact closely with the optimization group led by Didier Henrion and Martin Kružík. International collaborators include the groups of Michael Stingl and Giovanni Fantuzzi (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), both renowned experts in polynomial optimization and mathematical programming. This initial network of collaborators is expected to expand as the project progresses.
[1] Tyburec, M., Zeman, J., Doškář, M., Kružík, M. & Lepš, M. Modular-topology optimization with Wang tilings: an application to truss structures. Struct Multidisc Optim 63, 1099–1117 (2021). Preprint at arXiv
[2] Tyburec, M., Doškář, M., Zeman, J. & Kružík, M. Modular-topology optimization of structures and mechanisms with free material design and clustering. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 395, 114977 (2022). Preprint at arXiv
[3] Tyburec, M., Doškář, M., Somr, M., Kružík, M. & Zeman, J. Modular-topology optimization for additive manufacturing of reusable mechanisms. Preprint at ResearchGate (2023)
[4] Haslinger, J., Kočvara, M., Leugering, G. & Stingl, M. Multidisciplinary Free Material Optimization. SIAM J Appl Math, 70, 2709–2728 (2010). Preprint at Optimization Online
[5] Bendsøe, M. P. & Sigmund, O. Topology Optimization. (Springer, 2004)
[6] Tyburec, M., Kočvara, M. & Kružík, M. Global weight optimization of frame structures with polynomial programming. Struct Multidisc Optim 66, 257 (2023). Preprint at arXiv
[7] Fantuzzi, G. & Fuentes, F. Global minimization of polynomial integral functionals (2023). Preprint at arXiv