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A few years ago, a series of events was launched under the enigmatic name of MB. There are several possible interpretations of the  MB acronym. The prize for the winner is Mozart balls (or some other sphere-shaped candy). At the same time, the balls play an irreplaceable role in the competition itself, which traditionally takes place at Dejvice Bowling (Student House).
A few years ago, a series of events was launched under the enigmatic name of MB. There are several possible interpretations of the  MB acronym. The prize for the winner is Mozart balls (or some other sphere-shaped candy). At the same time, the balls play an irreplaceable role in the competition itself, which traditionally takes place at Dejvice Bowling (Student House).

* [[MK 2019]], 19 November 2019
* [[MK 2019]], 19 November 2019 (in Czech)
* [[MK 2018]], 27 November 2018
* [[MK 2018]], 27 November 2018 (in Czech)
* [[MK 2017]], 4 December 2017
* [[MK 2017]], 4 December 2017 (in Czech)
* [[MK 2016]], 28 November 2016
* [[MK 2016]], 28 November 2016 (in Czech)
* [[MK 2015]], 20 January 2016
* [[MK 2015]], 20 January 2015 (in Czech)

Contest records:
Contest records:
* Teams: 780 points, Team Kájo HOP, MK 2016
* Teams: 780 points, Team Kájo HOP, MK 2016
* Individuals: 191 points, Karel Mikeš, MK 2015
* Individuals: 191 points, Karel Mikeš, MK 2015

Revision as of 08:01, 4 August 2023

Česká verze

Tato část wiki je věnována společenskému a sportovnímu životu katedry mechaniky.

Bořkův běh

Nejvýznamnější sportovní akcí je nepochybně Bořkův běh. Jak název napovídá, soutěží se v běhu, ale také na kolečkových bruslích. BB se každoročně koná v květnu ve Stromovce.


Před několika lety byla založena série akcí pod enigmatickým názvem MK. Možných interpretací akronymu MK je celá řada. Cenou pro vítěze jsou Mozartovy koule (případně jiná kulatá sladká pochoutka). Zároveň hrají koule nezastupitelnou roli i v samotné soutěži, která se tradičně koná v Bowlingu Dejvice (Studentský dům).

Rekordy soutěže:

  • Družstva: 780 bodů, tým Kájo HOP, MK 2016
  • Jednotlivci: 191 bodů, Karel Mikeš, MK 2015

English version

This section of the wiki is devoted to the social and sports life of the Department of Mechanics.

Bořek's Run

The most important sports event is undoubtedly Bořek's Run (BR). As the name suggests, it is a running competition, but roller skaters can also participate. BR takes place every year in May in Stromovka.


A few years ago, a series of events was launched under the enigmatic name of MB. There are several possible interpretations of the MB acronym. The prize for the winner is Mozart balls (or some other sphere-shaped candy). At the same time, the balls play an irreplaceable role in the competition itself, which traditionally takes place at Dejvice Bowling (Student House).

  • MK 2019, 19 November 2019 (in Czech)
  • MK 2018, 27 November 2018 (in Czech)
  • MK 2017, 4 December 2017 (in Czech)
  • MK 2016, 28 November 2016 (in Czech)
  • MK 2015, 20 January 2015 (in Czech)

Contest records:

  • Teams: 780 points, Team Kájo HOP, MK 2016
  • Individuals: 191 points, Karel Mikeš, MK 2015