Department of Mechanics: Vacancies: UCEEB Postdocs

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The Czech Technical University in Prague - University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) offers six post-doctoral positions in the field of modeling, simulation, assessment and optimization of multi-functional materials and structures.

Start date: From 1st January 2013, until all positions are filled
Contract duration: 30 months (with a critical evaluation after the first year)

UCEEB in brief

Launched in October 2012, UCEEB is a newly established joint project of five faculties of the Czech Technical University in Prague. The mission of the Center is to perform high-level interdisciplinary research in the field of energy savings in buildings, utilizing a simulation- based engineering approach. The theoretical research activities will be systematically complemented with experimental validation, performed in a full-scale setting. This will provide unique data on materials, structures, and systems of intelligent control, including on their impact on the built and natural environment. Development of the Center is supported by the European Union through the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations, project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0091.

Project organization

The present project integrates six different topics aligned with the research activities of UCEEB. Each topic will be supervised by a mentor from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, with long-term experience in the relevant fields of research. The project is supported by the European Union .

The mentors involved in the project include, in alphabetical order:

  • Petr Kabele (full professor, Department of Mechanics,, his research interests include analytical and numerical modeling applied to development of high-performance cement- and lime-based composites and their structural applications, simulation of geological processes;