MIDAS  0.75
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1 #ifndef MIDAS_POINT_H
2 #define MIDAS_POINT_H
4 #include "alias.h"
5 #include "geomcomp.h"
6 #include "cell.h"
8 #include "gelib.h"
9 #include "arrays.h"
10 #include "gpa.h"
19 namespace midaspace {
21 //* ********************************************************************************************
22 //* *** *** *** *** CLASS POINT *** *** *** ***
23 //* ********************************************************************************************
24 class Point : public GeometryComponent
25 {
26  protected:
27  PoinT coords; // cartesian coordinates of node
28  long subdom; // number of parent subdomain, counting from 0
30  // tady je otazka: kdyz je model slozenej jen z jednoho prutu, kterej je rozmeshovanej na dalsi uzly a pruty
31  // tak novej uzel bude mit property zdedenou z model prutu, JAKA to bude property? volume nebo edge
32  // zatim nejsem rozhodlej
33  // tak zatim predpokladam ze to bude volume, tim padem edge by mela byt stejna...
34  Lvctr eproperty; // edge-property
35  Lvctr fproperty; // face-property
36  Lvctr vproperty; // volume-property
38  public:
39  long give_property (void) const;
40  long give_property (int dim, long id) const;
41  void set_property (int dim, long val);
42  void reset_property (int dim, long val);
43  void add_property (int dim, long val);
46  protected:
48  GPA<const Edge > superedges; // array of pointers to superior/owner edges
49  GPA<const Face > superfaces; // array of pointers to superior/owner faces
50  GPA<const Element> superelems; // array of pointers to superior/owner elements
53  Point *duplmaster; // this node has same coords with master
56  public:
57  void attributes_allocation (char attflag, const Attributes *masterat);
58  DOFsPerNode give_DOFspnod (void) const;
61  //* *****************************
62  //* *** GENERAL METHODS ***
63  //* *****************************
64  public:
66  Point (const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag);
68  Point (const Point *src, char attflag);
70  virtual ~Point();
73  virtual classID give_classid() const = 0;
75  virtual void initialize (void);
77  virtual void finitialize (void);
79  virtual void checkConsistency (void) const;
81  protected:
83  const PointAttribs *pointAttribs() const { return (PointAttribs*)attributes; }
85  public:
86  //* *** SET ***
87  void set_subdom (long val) { subdom = val; }
88  //* *** GET ***
89  const PoinT* give_coords (void) const { return &coords; }
90  double give_coord (int i) const { return coords[i]; }
91  long give_subdom (void) const { return subdom; }
94  const PointAttribs *give_pointAttribs (void) const { return (PointAttribs*)attributes; }
98  //* *** SET ***
99  void setadd_superedge (const Edge *comp, bool uniquecheck) { if (uniquecheck) superedges.add_unique(comp); else superedges.add(comp); }
100  void setadd_superface (const Face *comp, bool uniquecheck) { if (uniquecheck) superfaces.add_unique(comp); else superfaces.add(comp); }
101  void setadd_superelem (const Element *comp, bool uniquecheck) { if (uniquecheck) superelems.add_unique(comp); else superelems.add(comp); }
102  void remove_superedge (const Edge *comp) { superedges.free_ptr(comp); superedges.shake_down(); }
103  void remove_superface (const Face *comp) { superfaces.free_ptr(comp); superfaces.shake_down(); }
104  void remove_superelem (const Element *comp) { superelems.free_ptr(comp); superelems.shake_down(); }
106  void delete_connectivity (void) { superedges.resize_zero(); superfaces.resize_zero(); superelems.resize_zero(); }
107  //* *** GET ***
108  long give_numsuperedge (void) const { check_connectivity(); return superedges(); }
109  long give_numsuperface (void) const { check_connectivity(); return superfaces(); }
110  long give_numsuperelem (void) const { check_connectivity(); return superelems(); }
111  const Edge* give_superedge (long i) const { check_connectivity(); return superedges[i]; }
112  const Face* give_superface (long i) const { check_connectivity(); return superfaces[i]; }
113  const Element* give_superelem (long i) const { check_connectivity(); return superelems[i]; }
114  const GPA<const Edge >* give_superedges (void) const { check_connectivity(); return &superedges; }
115  const GPA<const Face >* give_superfaces (void) const { check_connectivity(); return &superfaces; }
118  const Edge* give_superedge (long nn, const Point **nods) const;
121  public:
122  void setup_duplicity_master (Point *val) { duplmaster = val; }
123  bool is_duplicated (void) const { return ( duplmaster ? 1 : 0 ); }
124  // Node* give_duplicity_master (void) { return duplmaster; }
125  void make_invisible (Point *master, bool duplcheck);
126  protected:
128  void integrate_duplicated_point (Point *slave);
129  public:
130  // invisible superior Cell
131  virtual bool invisible_duplicated (char flag='a');
134  bool is_identical_to (double norm, const PoinT *point) const { return coords.is_identical_to(point, norm*ZERO); }
137  bool is_on_3d_element (void) const;
139  //* *** READ ***
141  //* *** PRINT ***
142  void print_row_VTK (FILE *stream) const;
143  void print_row_VTX (char *str) const;
144 };
147 //* ********************************************************************************************
148 //* *** *** *** *** CLASS VERTEX *** *** *** ***
149 //* ********************************************************************************************
150 class Vertex : public Point
151 {
152  public:
154  Vertex (const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag='!');
156  virtual ~Vertex();
159  virtual classID give_classid() const { return classVertex; }
161  virtual void initialize (void);
163  virtual void checkConsistency (void) const { Point :: checkConsistency(); }
166  virtual bool invisible_duplicated (char flag) { errol; return false; }
168  //* *** PRINT ***
169  virtual void print_row (FILE *stream, femFileFormat fff, bool endline=true, long did=0) const;
170 };
173 //* ********************************************************************************************
174 //* *** *** *** *** CLASS NODE *** *** *** ***
175 //* ********************************************************************************************
179 class Node : public Point
180 {
181  protected:
182  //* *** PARALLEL ONLY ***
183  // pokud je node sharovanej, tak v cdom je pocet domen na kterych lezi
184  // lid delky NumDomains obsahuje local id pro danou domenu nebo -1 pokud v ni nelezi
185  // pokud neni sharovanej, tak cdom=-dom, kde dom je domena na ktere node lezi
186  // lid je delky 1 a je na v nem lid pro domenu "dom"
187  long cdom; // number domains (-NumDomains;0> & <2;NumDomains>
188  long *lid; // local identification number of node
189  //* *** PARALLEL ONLY ***
198  //* *******************
199  //* *** RESULTS ***
200  //* *******************
205  private:
206  Array1d ***resultsN; // nodes - native for nodes
213  private:
214  Array ****resultsE; // elemns - interpolated from elements/IPs
217  public:
218  //* *** ALLOC ***
219  void allocate_resultsN (void);
220  void allocate_resultsE (long regid);
221  //* *** SET ***
222  void add_resultN ( Xvctr *rslt, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt);
223  void set_resultN (long s, const double *rslt, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt);
224  void set_resultN ( const double rslt, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt);
225  void add_resultE ( Dvctr *rslt, long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt);
226  void set_resultE ( const Dmtrx *rslt, long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt);
227  void set_resultE ( const VectoR *rslt, long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt);
228  //* *** GET ***
229  const Dscal* give_resultsN_ds ( long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt) const;
230  const Dvctr* give_resultsN_dv ( long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt) const;
231  //
232  const Dvctr* give_resultsE_dv (long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt) const;
233  const Dmtrx* give_resultsE_dm (long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt) const;
234  //
235  //double give_displ (int i, int j) const { return displ[i][j]; }
236  void setup_full_alloc_DOFvals_at (Dvctr *d, ResultTypesAtNode rt, long step) const;
237  void give_displcmnt_in_all_steps(Dvctr *data, int indx) const;
239  public:
241  Node (const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag='n');
244  Node (const Vertex *src, char attflag);
246  Node (const Node *src, char attflag);
248  virtual ~Node();
251  virtual classID give_classid() const { return classNode; }
253  virtual void initialize (void);
255  virtual void checkConsistency (void) const;
257  //
258  const Mesh* Msh(void) const { return (Mesh*)Geom; }
261  virtual void set_model_prop (long val, const Model *model, bool flag=false) {errol;}
262  void set_master_component (long prop, const Model *model, int parenttype);
265  PointAttribs* release_attributes (void) { Attributes *na = this->attributes; this->attributes = NULL; return (PointAttribs*)na; }
266  void assign_attributes (PointAttribs *na) { if (this->attributes) errol; this->attributes = na; }
269  //* *** GET ***
270  bool is_shared (void) const { return ( cdom < 1 ? false : true ); }
271  long give_cdom (void) const { return ( cdom < 1 ? 1 : cdom ); }
273  long give_domain (void) const { if (cdom<1) return -cdom; else _errorr ("huhu"); return 0; }
275  long give_lid_id (long dom) const { if (Parallel()) return give_lid(dom); else return ID; }
277  long give_lid (long dom) const
278  {
279  if (!Parallel())
280  _errorr ("There no lid for non-Parallel analysis");
281  if (cdom>1) return lid[dom];
282  else if (cdom==-dom) return lid[0];
283  else return -1;
284  }
285  const Vertex* give_mdl_masterex (void) const { return mdl_masterex ; }
286  const Gelement* give_mdl_masterel (void) const { return mdl_masterel ; }
290  virtual const char* give_node_name (void) const { return "Node"; }
293  const LCS_pure* give_mdl_lcs (void);
296  void initialize_domli (bool shared, long dom, long li);
298  void initialize_BC (int nd, int *bc);
300  void initialize_parallel (long nd, long *dom);
302  void add_domain (long gid, const char *&str, femFileFormat fff, bool shared, long dom, long li);
304  void add_me_to_domain (long did);
306  // find parent subdomain
307  bool find_parent_subdom (long sdid, long *nn, long *level);
309  double give_ssstate (Dvctr *data, SStype SST, RVType rvtype, char type, long step);
311  //* *** READ ***
312  void read_input (const char *&str, femFileFormat fff);
313  void read_output_OOFEM (FILE *stream, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt);
314  void read_output_SIFEL (FILE *stream, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt);
316  //* *** PRINT ***
318  virtual void print_row (FILE *stream, femFileFormat fff, bool endline=true, long did=0) const;
319  //void print_row_VTK (FILE *stream) const;
320  //void print_row_VTX (char *str) const;
321 };
324 //* ********************************************************************************************
325 //* *** *** *** *** CLASS HANGINGNODE *** *** *** ***
326 //* ********************************************************************************************
327 class HangingNode : public Node
328 {
329  public:
331  HangingNode (const Mesh *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo=NULL) : Node (owner, gid, coo, 'h') { }
333  HangingNode (const Node *src, bool att_alloc=true) : Node (src, att_alloc ? 'h' : '-') { }
336  virtual classID give_classid() const { return classHangingNode; }
338  virtual void initialize (void);
340  virtual void checkConsistency (void) const;
343  const HNAttribs* give_HNattrb (void) const { return (HNAttribs*)attributes; }
345  virtual const char* give_node_name (void) const { return "HangingNode"; }
348  void initialize_masters_at_domains (void);
350  void initialize_hn (const PoinT *cartcoord, const Cell *mc, long dimMC, long ordMC, long countMN, const Node **nodes, const PoinT *natcoord);
352  //* *** READ ***
353  //virtual void read_OOFEM_input (const char *str);
355  //* *** PRINT ***
357  void print_one_row_HN (FILE *stream, long hid) const;
358 };
361 //* ********************************************************************************************
362 //* *** *** *** *** CLASS RIGIDARMNODE *** *** *** ***
363 //* ********************************************************************************************
364 class RigidArmNode : public Node
365 {
366  public:
368  RigidArmNode (const Mesh *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo=NULL) : Node (owner, gid, coo, 'r') {
369  //if (this->give_mproperty() > 9999999) _errorr0;
370  }
372  RigidArmNode (const Node *src, bool att_alloc=true) : Node (src, att_alloc ? 'r' : '-') { }
375  virtual classID give_classid() const { return classRigidArmNode; }
377  virtual void initialize (void);
379  virtual void checkConsistency (void) const;
382  virtual const char* give_node_name (void) const { return "RigidArmNode"; }
385  //const Node* give_RANmaster (void) const;
388  //virtual void print_row_OOFEM (FILE *stream, long did, char flag='a') const;
389  //long property2; // second property, pomocna, zadava se jako property*10000+property2
390  //long prpos2; // prpos = position of node in rigidarm node property array Pd->cRANprop
391  //* *** GET ***
392  //long give_property2 (void) const { return property2; }
393  //int give_prpos2 (void) const { return prpos2; }
395  //bool hasProperty (long prop) { if (prop==property || prop==property2) return true; else return false; }
396  //bool hasProperty (long prop) { return (prop==property) ? true : false; }
398 };
400 } // namespace midaspace
402 #endif // MIDAS_POINT_H
bool is_duplicated(void) const
Definition: point.h:123
virtual const char * give_node_name(void) const
return name of node used in input file for static soft
Definition: point.h:290
void set_master_component(long prop, const Model *model, int parenttype)
Definition: point.cpp:678
long * lid
Definition: point.h:188
Definition: alias.h:632
virtual ~Point()
Definition: point.cpp:85
void print_one_row_HN(FILE *stream, long hid) const
*** READ ***
Definition: point.cpp:1142
const PointAttribs * give_pointAttribs(void) const
Definition: point.h:94
void print_row_VTX(char *str) const
Definition: point.cpp:372
void remove_superedge(const Edge *comp)
Definition: point.h:102
virtual void checkConsistency(void) const
Checks data consistency.
Definition: point.cpp:1095
const Facedge * mdl_masteref
Parent model entity - master Edge or Face.
Definition: point.h:196
void allocate_resultsN(void)
Definition: point.cpp:1014
void add_domain(long gid, const char *&str, femFileFormat fff, bool shared, long dom, long li)
initialize shared node on next domain
Definition: point.cpp:555
bool is_on_3d_element(void) const
any parent element is 3-dimensional
Definition: point.cpp:593
const GPA< const Edge > * give_superedges(void) const
Definition: point.h:114
Lvctr fproperty
Definition: point.h:35
Definition: alias.h:700
double give_ssstate(Dvctr *data, SStype SST, RVType rvtype, char type, long step)
give stress-strain state averaged to node
Definition: point.cpp:656
PoinT coords
Definition: point.h:27
bool is_identical_to(const Elem3D *p, double zero) const
Definition: arrays.h:55
#define ZERO
Definition: alias.h:51
void make_invisible(Point *master, bool duplcheck)
Definition: point.cpp:320
General functions.
GPA< const Edge > superedges
CONNECTIVITY - full connectivity initiated only when Geom->connectivity_is_assembled() == true...
Definition: point.h:48
const Gelement * mdl_masterel
Parent model entity - master Element.
Definition: point.h:194
Class GPA.
const Edge * give_superedge(long i) const
Definition: point.h:111
void integrate_duplicated_point(Point *slave)
Definition: point.cpp:336
void setadd_superface(const Face *comp, bool uniquecheck)
Definition: point.h:100
void add_me_to_domain(long did)
adds existing node (nemusi se allocovat) to domain == rozsiri se lid[]
Definition: point.cpp:603
long give_property(void) const
Definition: point.cpp:260
virtual void checkConsistency(void) const
Checks data consistency.
Definition: point.h:163
const Element * give_superelem(long i) const
Definition: point.h:113
virtual void finitialize(void)
finalize preprocessing
Definition: point.cpp:95
const Dvctr * give_resultsE_dv(long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt) const
Definition: point.cpp:1057
void remove_superelem(const Element *comp)
Definition: point.h:104
virtual void print_row(FILE *stream, femFileFormat fff, bool endline=true, long did=0) const
*** PRINT ***
Definition: point.cpp:411
void check_connectivity(void) const
Definition: geomcomp.h:146
bool is_shared(void) const
Definition: point.h:270
virtual const char * give_node_name(void) const
return name of node used in input file for static soft
Definition: point.h:345
void add_resultN(Xvctr *rslt, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt)
Definition: point.cpp:1047
const LCS_pure * give_mdl_lcs(void)
funkce je udelana na rycholo, pro jine nez polygon rovinny bude hazet hovadiny
Definition: point.cpp:502
const Mesh * Msh(void) const
Definition: point.h:258
PointAttribs * pointAttribs()
Definition: point.h:82
long give_cdom(void) const
Definition: point.h:271
long ID
(global) identification number == position in list of members; zero-based numbering.
Definition: subject.h:22
virtual ~Node()
Definition: point.cpp:469
Point * duplmaster
DUPLICITY there is no chain as on element.
Definition: point.h:53
#define errol
Definition: gelib.h:142
GPA< const Face > superfaces
Definition: point.h:49
Vertex(const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag='!')
Definition: point.cpp:383
long give_numsuperedge(void) const
Definition: point.h:108
virtual classID give_classid() const =0
Returns classID - class identification.
virtual void set_model_prop(long val, const Model *model, bool flag=false)
Definition: point.h:261
Attributes * attributes
Definition: geomcomp.h:73
void attributes_allocation(char attflag, const Attributes *masterat)
*** *** *** *** CLASS POINT *** *** *** ***
Definition: point.cpp:17
virtual ~Vertex()
Definition: point.cpp:389
Array **** resultsE
INTERPOLATED RESULTS 1d array of pointers to 2d array of pointers to Dvctr.
Definition: point.h:214
virtual classID give_classid() const
Returns classID - class identification.
Definition: point.h:375
Classes Cell, Facedge, Edge, Face, Element, Gelement, PolyLine, Line, PolygonMdl, FElement...
void give_displcmnt_in_all_steps(Dvctr *data, int indx) const
Definition: point.cpp:1073
void setadd_superedge(const Edge *comp, bool uniquecheck)
CONNECTIVITY initiated only when Geom->connectivited() == true.
Definition: point.h:99
void initialize_hn(const PoinT *cartcoord, const Cell *mc, long dimMC, long ordMC, long countMN, const Node **nodes, const PoinT *natcoord)
initialize hanging node
Definition: point.cpp:1130
void set_property(int dim, long val)
Definition: point.cpp:281
const PointAttribs * pointAttribs() const
Definition: point.h:83
void initialize_domli(bool shared, long dom, long li)
Definition: point.cpp:529
bool Parallel(void) const
*** FEMesh ***
Definition: geomcomp.h:144
long subdom
Definition: point.h:28
long give_lid(long dom) const
vraci lid of node pro domenu dom, pokud node v domene nelezi, vraci -1
Definition: point.h:277
void setup_duplicity_master(Point *val)
Definition: point.h:122
Structs Elem3D, PoinT and VectoR; classes Array, Array1d, Xscal, Dscal, Xvctr, Lvctr, Dvctr, Xmtrx, Lmtrx and Dmtrx.
Geometry components.
virtual classID give_classid() const
Returns classID - class identification.
Definition: point.h:251
void assign_attributes(PointAttribs *na)
Definition: point.h:266
virtual void initialize(void)
initiate/sets data
Definition: point.cpp:395
void read_input(const char *&str, femFileFormat fff)
*** READ ***
Definition: point.cpp:723
PointAttribs * give_pointAttribs(void)
Definition: point.h:93
bool find_parent_subdom(long sdid, long *nn, long *level)
Definition: point.cpp:622
void add_property(int dim, long val)
Definition: point.cpp:303
virtual const char * give_node_name(void) const
return name of node used in input file for static soft
Definition: point.h:382
RigidArmNode(const Node *src, bool att_alloc=true)
Definition: point.h:372
HangingNode(const Node *src, bool att_alloc=true)
Definition: point.h:333
const GeometryComponent * give_mdl_master(void) const
Definition: point.h:287
void set_subdom(long val)
Definition: point.h:87
const Vertex * give_mdl_masterex(void) const
Definition: point.h:285
virtual classID give_classid() const
Returns classID - class identification.
Definition: point.h:159
PointAttribs * release_attributes(void)
slouzi k premene Node na RAN nebo HN
Definition: point.h:265
Point(const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag)
Definition: point.cpp:52
const Dmtrx * give_resultsE_dm(long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt) const
Definition: point.cpp:1059
void initialize_parallel(long nd, long *dom)
initialize atributes cdom and lid
Definition: point.cpp:539
const Dscal * give_resultsN_ds(long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt) const
Definition: point.cpp:1054
Geometry description.
Definition: geometry.h:29
void add_resultE(Dvctr *rslt, long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt)
Definition: point.cpp:1050
void read_output_OOFEM(FILE *stream, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt)
Definition: point.cpp:800
const Geometry * Geom
Pointer to owner == parent geometry.
Definition: subject.h:59
void setadd_superelem(const Element *comp, bool uniquecheck)
Definition: point.h:101
void delete_connectivity(void)
remove superiors
Definition: point.h:106
virtual void initialize(void)
initiate/sets data
Definition: point.cpp:1088
GPA - Generic Pointer Array, template class manages 1d array of pointers to objects of type T...
Definition: gpa.h:23
void remove_superface(const Face *comp)
Definition: point.h:103
virtual void print_row(FILE *stream, femFileFormat fff, bool endline=true, long did=0) const
print node row output for solver
Definition: point.cpp:923
const Face * give_superface(long i) const
Definition: point.h:112
#define _errorr(_1)
Definition: gelib.h:151
type of stress/strain state of element; especially results depends on this variable => described at M...
Definition: alias.h:954
const HNAttribs * give_HNattrb(void) const
Definition: point.h:343
long give_domain(void) const
returns domain id
Definition: point.h:273
virtual classID give_classid() const
Returns classID - class identification.
Definition: point.h:336
void initialize_BC(int nd, int *bc)
initialize atributes nDOFs and BC
long give_numsuperface(void) const
Definition: point.h:109
void reset_property(int dim, long val)
Definition: point.cpp:292
Result type at element.
Definition: alias.h:240
void setup_full_alloc_DOFvals_at(Dvctr *d, ResultTypesAtNode rt, long step) const
Definition: point.cpp:1063
long give_subdom(void) const
Definition: point.h:91
virtual void initialize(void)
initiate/sets data
Definition: point.cpp:90
void set_resultE(const Dmtrx *rslt, long regid, long step, ResultTypesAtElem rt)
Definition: point.cpp:1051
Lvctr vproperty
Definition: point.h:36
long give_numsuperelem(void) const
Definition: point.h:110
virtual bool invisible_duplicated(char flag='a')
make invisible if duplicated
Definition: point.cpp:350
void read_output_SIFEL(FILE *stream, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt)
Definition: point.cpp:852
*** *** *** *** CLASS COMPONENT *** *** *** ***
Definition: geomcomp.h:22
Local coordinate system defined by 2 vectors.
Definition: taux.h:179
const Vertex * mdl_masterex
Parent model entity - master Vertex.
Definition: point.h:192
void allocate_resultsE(long regid)
Definition: point.cpp:1028
bool is_identical_to(double norm, const PoinT *point) const
compare coords with tolerance norm*ZERO
Definition: point.h:134
virtual void initialize(void)
initiate/sets data
Definition: point.cpp:1158
DOFsPerNode give_DOFspnod(void) const
return DOFspnod inherited from Problem, or NULL if
Definition: point.cpp:43
RigidArmNode(const Mesh *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo=NULL)
Definition: point.h:368
Result type at node.
Definition: alias.h:204
void set_resultN(long s, const double *rslt, long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt)
Definition: point.cpp:1048
HangingNode(const Mesh *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo=NULL)
Definition: point.h:331
const GPA< const Element > * give_superelems(void) const
Definition: point.h:116
virtual bool invisible_duplicated(char flag)
make invisible if duplicated
Definition: point.h:166
Result variable type.
Definition: alias.h:194
long give_lid_id(long dom) const
vraci lid of node, pro non-Parallel vraci id
Definition: point.h:275
GPA< const Element > superelems
Definition: point.h:50
Type introduced to distinguish between classes.
Definition: alias.h:142
virtual void checkConsistency(void) const
Checks data consistency.
Definition: point.cpp:1184
void print_row_VTK(FILE *stream) const
*** READ ***
Definition: point.cpp:367
Array1d *** resultsN
NATIVE RESULTS 2d array of pointers to Xvctr.
Definition: point.h:206
virtual void checkConsistency(void) const
Checks data consistency.
Definition: point.cpp:489
virtual void initialize(void)
initiate/sets data
Definition: point.cpp:484
void initialize_masters_at_domains(void)
add masters to HN domains
Definition: point.cpp:1116
const Dvctr * give_resultsN_dv(long step, ResultTypesAtNode rt) const
Definition: point.cpp:1055
const GPA< const Face > * give_superfaces(void) const
Definition: point.h:115
const PoinT * give_coords(void) const
Definition: point.h:89
Node(const Geometry *owner, long gid, const PoinT *coo, char attflag='n')
Definition: point.cpp:436
virtual void checkConsistency(void) const
Checks data consistency.
Definition: point.cpp:240
Lvctr eproperty
Definition: point.h:34
double give_coord(int i) const
Definition: point.h:90
const Gelement * give_mdl_masterel(void) const
Definition: point.h:286