
The most recent changes between versions are listed in ChangeLog.txt (provisionally czech only ).

MIDAS can be distributed as freestanding or linked with external libraries/programs. Possibility of use in the commercial sector and the availability of the source code of each program depends on the license.

Programs and licences

MIDAS - released under an open license GNU LGPL. The source code is available, it can be used for commercial purposes.

OOFEM - finite element code for solving mechanical, transport and fluid mechanics problems. Released under an open license GNU LGPL. The source code is available, it can be used for commercial purposes.

T3d - 3D mesh generator. The source code are not available. The binary version of the program is only allowed to use for noncommercial purposes.

Source code

  • MIDAS + makefile (targets: linux release, linux debug, windows cross-compiling release) - actual version
    On request, we can deliver the project for compilation in Code::Blocks - free multiplatform (Win, Linux, Mac) C++ IDE.
  • OOFEM + makefile
    Original version available at OOFEM homepage.
    Local version of OOFEM is necessary to access all MIDAS features. Source code on request.

Binaries - executable

  • 64-bit Linux - MIDAS + T3d + OOFEM (noncommercial purposes only)
    midas-0.83_amd64 - actual version
  • 32-bit Windows XP/... - MIDAS + T3d + OOFEM (noncommercial purposes only)
    midas-0.83.exe - actual version

Binaries - static library

  • 32-bit Windows XP/... - MIDAS + T3d + OOFEM (noncommercial purposes only)
    midas-0.83.a - actual version


Other links

  • VTK file format specification