The format of input file is demonstrated on a simple example, a bus
shelter, which is depicted in Figure 4c).
The vertex and curve numbering is shown in Figures 4a)
and 4b). The final mesh
obtained via executing the command line specified at the top of the
input file is displayed in Figure 4d).
The actual content of the input file follows:
# Bus shelter #
## command line
## t3d -i -o shelter.out -d 0.5 -X -$
# base vertices
vertex 1 xyz 0 0 0
vertex 2 xyz 5 0 0
vertex 3 xyz 0 2 0
vertex 4 xyz 5 2 0
# roof vertices
vertex 11 xyz 0 0 2
vertex 12 xyz 5 0 2
vertex 13 xyz 0 2 2
vertex 14 xyz 5 2 2
# columns (z-direction)
curve 1 vertex 1 11
curve 2 vertex 2 12
curve 3 vertex 3 13
curve 4 vertex 4 14 count 2
# sill and beams (x-direction)
curve 11 vertex 1 2
curve 12 vertex 11 12
curve 13 vertex 13 14
# sill, beams and arches (y-direction)
curve 21 vertex 1 3
curve 22 order 4 vertex 11 13
polygon 1 xyz 0 0 4 weight 0.3333333333
polygon 2 xyz 0 2 4 weight 0.3333333333
curve 23 vertex 12 14
curve 24 order 4 vertex 12 14
polygon 1 xyz 5 0 4 weight 0.3333333333
polygon 2 xyz 5 2 4 weight 0.3333333333
# bench vertices
vertex 21 xyz 0 0 0.5 fixed curve 1
vertex 22 xyz 4 0 0.5
vertex 23 xyz 0.5 0.5 0.5
vertex 24 xyz 4 0.5 0.5
vertex 25 xyz 0 1.5 0.5
vertex 26 xyz 0.5 1.5 0.5
# bench curves
curve 31 vertex 21 22 factor 0.5
curve 32 vertex 23 24
curve 33 vertex 25 26
curve 34 vertex 21 25 factor 0.5
curve 35 vertex 23 26
curve 36 vertex 22 24
# walls
patch 1 normal 0 1 0 boundary curve -11 1 12 -2 fixed curve 31 size def
patch 2 normal 1 0 0 boundary curve 21 3 -22 -1 fixed curve 34 size def
patch 3 normal 1 0 0 boundary curve 23 -24 size def
# roof
surface 1 curve 12 22 13 24
# bench
patch 11 normal 0 0 1 boundary curve 31 -32 -33 -34 35 36 size def
Daniel Rypl