

Credit requirements


Exam requirements

credit has to be given

grade A     91-100 points
grade B 81-90 points
grade C 71-80 points
grade D 61-70 points
grade E 50-60 points

Important dates


Time Schedule

Date Lecture Tutorial

February 19 introduction to the dynamics, degrees of freedom, deflection of elastic structures,
equation of motion, initial conditions, systems with single degree of freedom
systems with single degree of freedom

February 26systems with single degree of freedom - response systems with single degree of freedom - solution
to harmonic loading, resonance, of the equation of motion, initial conditions,
magnification factor response to harmonic loading

March 5 systems with single degree of freedom - rotationalsystems with single degree of freedom - rotational
vibration vibration

March 12 systems with single degree of freedom - damped systems with single degree of freedom - damped
vibration vibration

March 19 systems with multiple degrees of freedom systems with multiple degrees of freedom
the stiffness method the stiffness method

March 26 systems with multiple degrees of freedom systems with multiple degrees of freedom
the compliance method the compliance method

April 2 systems with multiple degrees of freedom systems with multiple degrees of freedom

April 9systems with multiple degrees of freedom systems with multiple degrees of freedom
response to harmonic loading response to harmonic loading

April 16 systems with multiple degrees of freedom systems with multiple degrees of freedom
mode superposition method mode superposition method

April 23 impact loading impact loading

April 30 teaching like Friday

May 7 earthquake loading systems with continuously distributed mass
systems with continuously distributed mass

May 14 introduction to dynamic stiffness method dynamic stiffness method - response to
harmonic loading
recapitulation recapitulation



homework n. 1

homework n. 2

homework n. 3

homework n. 4

homework n. 5

homework n. 6


Office hours

Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in D2031. Alternative office hours can be arranged via e-mail.



R. Clough, J. Penzien: Dynamics of Structures. McGraw Hill, Inc, 2nd edition, 1993.

P. Paultre: Dynamics of Structures. ISTE Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

A. Preumont: Twelve Lectures on Structural Dynamics. Springer, 2013.