linhex Class Reference

#include <linhex-16ip.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void allip_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_stresses (double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_stresses (double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void allip_stresses (double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
double approx (double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &nodval)
double approx (double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &nodval)
double approx (double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &nodval)
double approx (double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &nodval)
double approx (double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &nodval)
void appstrain (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &eps)
void appstrain (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &eps)
void appstrain (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &eps)
void appstrain (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &eps)
void appstrain (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &eps)
void appstress (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &sig)
void appstress (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &sig)
void appstress (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &sig)
void appstress (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &sig)
void appstress (long lcid, long eid, double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long li, vector &sig)
void appval (double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long nc, vector &eps, double **val)
void appval (double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long nc, vector &eps, double **val)
void appval (double xi, double eta, double zeta, long fi, long nc, vector &eps, double **val)
void aver_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &averstra, double &volume)
void aver_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &averstra, double &volume)
void bf_matrix (matrix &n, double xi, double eta, double zeta)
void bf_matrix (matrix &n, double xi, double eta, double zeta)
void bf_matrix (matrix &n, double xi, double eta, double zeta)
void bf_matrix (matrix &n, double xi, double eta, double zeta)
void bf_matrix (matrix &n, double xi, double eta, double zeta)
void bvectors (vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac, vector &b11, vector &b12, vector &b13, vector &b21, vector &b22, vector &b23, vector &b31, vector &b32, vector &b33)
void bvectors (vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac, vector &b11, vector &b12, vector &b13, vector &b21, vector &b22, vector &b23, vector &b31, vector &b32, vector &b33)
void compute_eigstress (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void compute_nlstress (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void compute_nlstressincr (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void compute_nonloc_nlstress (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void dmatblock (long ri, long ci, matrix &d, matrix &dd)
void dmatblock (long ri, long ci, matrix &d, matrix &dd)
void eigstrain_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void eigstrain_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &nfor, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void elem_integration (integratedquant iq, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &nv, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void elem_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_strains (double **stra, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_stresses (double **stra, double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_stresses (double **stra, double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_stresses (double **stra, double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_stresses (double **stra, double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void elem_stresses (double **stra, double **stre, long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void eleminit (long eid)
void eleminit (long eid)
void eleminit (long eid)
void eleminit (long eid)
void find_extreme_strains (vector &min, vector &max, long lcid, long eid)
void find_extreme_stresses (vector &min, vector &max, long lcid, long eid)
void geom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix_block (matrix &gm, long bi, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix_block (matrix &gm, long ri, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix_block (matrix &gm, long ri, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void geom_matrix_block (matrix &gm, long bi, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void gl_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void gl_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void gl_ip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, vector &r)
void gl_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, vector &r)
void gl_stiffness_matrix (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void gl_stiffness_matrix (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void gngeom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &r, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void gngeom_matrix (matrix &gm, vector &r, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void gnl_grmatrix (matrix &grm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void gnl_grmatrix (matrix &grm, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, double xi, double eta, double zeta, double &jac)
void gnl_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void gnl_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void gnl_ip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, vector &r)
void gnl_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, vector &r)
void gnl_stiffness_matrix (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void gnl_stiffness_matrix (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void incr_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void inicipval (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &nodval, inictype *ictn)
void inicipval (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &nodval, inictype *ictn)
void inicipval (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &nodval, inictype *ictn)
void inicipval (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &nodval, inictype *ictn)
void inicipval (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &nodval, inictype *ictn)
void internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces2 (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces2 (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces2 (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void internal_forces2 (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void intpointval (long eid, vector &nodval, vector &ipval)
void intpointval (long eid, vector &nodval, vector &ipval)
void ip_elast_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ipcoord (long eid, long ipp, long ri, long ci, vector &coord)
void ipcoord (long eid, long ipp, long ri, long ci, vector &coord)
void ipcoord (long eid, long ipp, long ri, long ci, vector &coord)
void ipcoord (long eid, long ipp, long ri, long ci, vector &coord)
void ipcoord (long eid, long ipp, long ri, long ci, vector &coord)
void ipvolume (long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ipvolume (long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ipvolume (long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ipvolume (long eid, long ri, long ci)
void ipvolume (long eid, long ri, long ci)
 linhex (void)
 linhex (void)
 linhex (void)
 linhex ()
 linhex (void)
void load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void local_values (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void local_values (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void local_values (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void local_values (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void local_values (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void locglob_nodeval (long is, vector &nv, double *tnv, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void locglob_nodeval (long is, vector &nv, double *tnv, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mainip_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void nod_eqother_ip (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_eqother_ip (long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_others (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_others (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_strains_comp (long lcid, long eid, double **stra)
void nod_strains_comp (long lcid, long eid, double **stra)
void nod_strains_ip (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_strains_ip (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_stresses_ip (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void nod_stresses_ip (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void node_forces_surf (long lcid, long eid, long *is, double *nv, vector &nf)
void node_forces_surf (long lcid, long eid, long *is, double *nv, vector &nf)
void node_forces_surf_old (long lcid, long eid, long *is, double *nv, vector &nf)
void node_forces_surf_old (long lcid, long eid, long *is, double *nv, vector &nf)
void nodecoord (vector &xi, vector &eta, vector &zeta)
void nodecoord (vector &xi, vector &eta, vector &zeta)
void nodecoord (vector &xi, vector &eta, vector &zeta)
void nodecoord (vector &xi, vector &eta, vector &zeta)
void nodecoord (vector &xi, vector &eta, vector &zeta)
void nodipnum (long eid, long ri, long ci, ivector &ipnum)
void nodipnum (long eid, long ri, long ci, ivector &ipnum)
void nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor, vector &x, vector &y, vector &z)
void nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &ifor)
void res_allip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_allip_stresses (long lcid, long eid)
void res_eigstrain_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void res_eigstrain_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void res_incr_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_ip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_ip_stresses (long lcid, long eid)
void res_load_matrix (long eid, matrix &lm)
void res_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_mainip_strains (long lcid, long eid)
void res_mainip_stresses (long lcid, long eid)
void res_mass_matrix (long eid, matrix &mm)
void res_nonloc_internal_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &ifor)
void res_stiffness_matrix (long eid, matrix &sm)
void res_stiffness_matrix (long lcid, long eid, matrix &sm)
void res_stiffness_matrix (long eid, matrix &sm)
void res_stiffness_matrix (long lcid, long eid, matrix &sm)
void res_stiffness_matrix (long eid, matrix &sm)
void res_temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void res_temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void res_temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, vector &nfor)
void stiffness_matrix (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void stiffness_matrix (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void stiffness_matrix (long eid, long ri, long ci, matrix &sm)
void strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void strains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void stresses (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void surfnodeval (long surf, vector &nodval, double *list)
void temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &nfor)
void temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &nfor)
void temp_forces (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci, vector &nfor)
void temperaturestrains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void temperaturestrains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void temperaturestrains (long lcid, long eid, long ri, long ci)
void tempstrains (long lcid, long eid, long ipp, double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &eps)
void tempstrains (long lcid, long eid, long ipp, double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &eps)
void tempstrains (long lcid, long eid, long ipp, double xi, double eta, double zeta, vector &eps)
void tran_mat (matrix &tran, vector &gx, vector &gy, vector &gz, long is)
void tran_mat (matrix &tran, vector &gx, vector &gy, vector &gz, long is)
void transf_matrix (ivector &nodes, matrix &tmat)
void transf_matrix (ivector &nodes, matrix &tmat)
void transf_matrix (ivector &nodes, matrix &tmat)
void transf_matrix (ivector &nodes, matrix &tmat)
void transf_matrix (ivector &nodes, matrix &tmat)
 ~linhex (void)
 ~linhex (void)
 ~linhex (void)
 ~linhex ()
 ~linhex (void)

Public Attributes

long * cncomp
 cumulative array of numbers of components of blocks
long intordb
 array of numbers of integration points in sets
long intordmm
 order of integration of mass matrix
long ** intordsm
 array of orders of integration of stiffness matrix
long napfun
 number of approximated functions on the element
long nb
 number of blocks
long * ncomp
 array of numbers of components of blocks
long ndofe
 number of DOFs on the element
long ned
 number of edges
long ** nip
 array of numbers of integration points in sets
long nne
 number of nodes on one element
long nned
 number of nodes on one edge
long nnsurf
 number of nodes on one surface
long nsurf
 number of surfaces
strastrestate ssst
 stress/strain state
long tncomp
 total number of components of the strain and stress tensors
long tnip
 total number of integration points

Detailed Description

class linhex defines hexahedral finite element with tri-linear approximation functions


Definition at line 16 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

linhex ( void   ) 

Definition at line 15 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References cncomp, intordmm, intordsm, napfun, nb, ncomp, ndofe, ned, nip, nne, nned, spacestress, ssst, tncomp, and tnip.

~linhex ( void   ) 

Definition at line 50 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References cncomp, intordsm, nb, ncomp, and nip.

linhex (  ) 
~linhex (  ) 
linhex ( void   ) 
~linhex ( void   ) 
linhex ( void   ) 
~linhex ( void   ) 
linhex ( void   ) 
~linhex ( void   ) 

Member Function Documentation

void allip_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void allip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains at all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 1238 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References res_mainip_strains().

void allip_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void allip_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains in all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 713 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), appstrain(), appval(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, nb, mechmat::storestrain(), probdesc::strainaver, and tncomp.

Referenced by res_allip_strains(), and strains().

void allip_stresses ( double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void allip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes stresses in all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 1612 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References res_mainip_stresses().

void allip_stresses ( double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void allip_stresses ( double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes stresses in all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 1151 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), appstress(), appval(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, nb, mechmat::storestress(), probdesc::stressaver, and tncomp.

Referenced by stresses().

double approx ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector nodval 
double approx ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector nodval 
double approx ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector nodval 
double approx ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector nodval 
double approx ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector nodval 

function approximates function defined by nodal values

xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
nodval - nodal values


function approximates function defined by nodal values

xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
nodval - nodal values

JK, 20.8.2001

Definition at line 90 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, bf_lin_hex_3d(), f, nne, and scprd().

Referenced by appstrain(), appstress(), appval(), inicipval(), interpolate(), intpointval(), quadhex::intpointval2(), ipcoord(), mass_matrix(), and tempstrains().

void appstrain ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector eps 
void appstrain ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector eps 
void appstrain ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector eps 
void appstrain ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector eps 
void appstrain ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  ncomp,
vector eps 

function computes strains in arbitrary point on element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates of the point
fi - first index
ncomp - number of components
eps - array containing strains


function computes strains on element

val - array containing strains on element
lcid - load case id
eid - element id

19.9.2002 function computes strains in arbitrary point on element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates of the point
fi - first index
ncomp - number of components
eps - array containing strains


Definition at line 682 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References approx(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), Mt, vector::n, nne, nod, mechtop::nodes, nodval(), node::strain, and tncomp.

Referenced by allip_strains(), elem_stresses(), mainip_stresses(), nod_stresses(), and strains().

void appstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector sig 
void appstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector sig 
void appstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector sig 
void appstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  li,
vector sig 
void appstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  ncomp,
vector sig 

function computes stresses in arbitrary point on element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates of the point
fi,li - first and last indices
sig - array containing stresses


Definition at line 1120 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References approx(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), Mt, vector::n, nne, mechtop::nodes, nodes, nodval(), node::stress, and tncomp.

Referenced by allip_stresses(), and stresses().

void appval ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  nc,
vector eps,
double **  val 
void appval ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  nc,
vector eps,
double **  val 
void appval ( double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
long  fi,
long  nc,
vector eps,
double **  val 

function computes strains in arbitrary point on element

xi,eta - natural coordinates of the point
eps - array containing strains
val - array containing values on element


Definition at line 842 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References approx(), nne, and nodval().

Referenced by allip_strains(), allip_stresses(), elem_stresses(), internal_forces2(), local_values(), strains(), and stresses().

void aver_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector averstra,
double &  volume 
void aver_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector averstra,
double &  volume 
void bf_matrix ( matrix n,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta 
void bf_matrix ( matrix n,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta 
void bf_matrix ( matrix n,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta 
void bf_matrix ( matrix n,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta 
void bf_matrix ( matrix n,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta 

function assembles matrix of base functions

n - matrix of base functions
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates


function assembles matrix of approximation functions

n - matrix of approximation functions
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates

JK, 19.7.2001

Definition at line 110 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, bf_lin_hex_3d(), fillm(), and nne.

Referenced by load_matrix(), mass_matrix(), node_forces_surf(), and node_forces_surf_old().

void bvectors ( vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac,
vector b11,
vector b12,
vector b13,
vector b21,
vector b22,
vector b23,
vector b31,
vector b32,
vector b33 
void bvectors ( vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac,
vector b11,
vector b12,
vector b13,
vector b21,
vector b22,
vector b23,
vector b31,
vector b32,
vector b33 

function assembles auxiliary vectors B for evaluation of stiffness matrix in geometrically nonlinear problems

x,y,z - array containing node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
jac - Jacobian
b11,b12,b13,b21,b22,b23,b31,b32,b33 - vectors of derivatives of shape functions

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 191 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, derivatives_3d(), dx_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dy_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dz_bf_lin_hex_3d(), fillv(), and nne.

Referenced by gngeom_matrix(), gnl_grmatrix(), gnl_ip_strains(), and gnl_mainip_strains().

void compute_eigstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes nonlocal correct stresses at integration points on element

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 27.11.2006

Definition at line 1948 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, mechmat::giveeigstrain(), element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, mxv(), mechmat::storeeigstress(), and tncomp.

Referenced by eigstrain_forces().

void compute_nlstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes correct stresses at integration points on element

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 27.11.2006

Definition at line 1826 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechmat::computenlstresses(), mechtop::elements, intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, and probdesc::strcomp.

Referenced by elem_nlstresses(), and gl_internal_forces().

void compute_nlstressincr ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes correct increments of stresses at integration points on element

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1857 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechmat::computenlstressesincr(), mechtop::elements, intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, and probdesc::strcomp.

Referenced by incr_internal_forces().

void compute_nonloc_nlstress ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes nonlocal correct stresses at integration points on element

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 27.11.2006

Definition at line 1920 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechmat::compnonloc_nlstresses(), mechtop::elements, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, and probdesc::strcomp.

Referenced by nonloc_internal_forces().

void dmatblock ( long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix d,
matrix dd 
void dmatblock ( long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix d,
matrix dd 

function extracts blocks from stiffness matrix of the material

ri,ci - row and column indices
d - stiffness matrix of the material
dd - required block from stiffness matrix of material

JK, 19.7.2001

Definition at line 231 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References fillm().

Referenced by elem_stresses(), mainip_stresses(), nod_stresses(), stiffness_matrix(), and temp_forces().

void eigstrain_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 

function computes contributions from eigenstrains to the right hand side

eid - element id
ifor - vector of internal forces

JK, 17.8.2004

Definition at line 3257 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, destrm(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::giveeigstrain(), element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, mtxv(), mxv(), vector::n, and tncomp.

void eigstrain_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector nfor,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

function computes contributions from eigenstrains to the right hand side

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces
x,y,z - vectors of nodal coordinates

JK, 17.8.2004

Definition at line 1674 of file linhex.cpp.

References compute_eigstress(), probdesc::eigstrcomp, eigstress, elem_integration(), and Mp.

Referenced by res_eigstrain_forces().

void elem_integration ( integratedquant  iq,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector nv,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

function integrates selected quantity over the finite element it results in nodal values

iq - type of integrated quantity (see alias.h)
lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
nv - nodal values
x,y,z - node coordinates

JK, 27.11.2006 TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1986 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, addv(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, destrv(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), mechmat::givequantity(), element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mtxv(), ndofe, and tncomp.

Referenced by eigstrain_forces(), gl_internal_forces(), incr_internal_forces(), and nonloc_internal_forces().

void elem_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_strains ( double **  stra,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains on element

val - array containing strains on element
lcid - load case id
eid - element id


Definition at line 619 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), cncomp, destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), mechmat::givestrain(), intordsm, element::ipp, matassem_lsm(), Mm, Mp, Mt, nb, ncomp, nne, nodal_values(), nodecoord(), nullv(), rhsassem_lsm(), solve_lsm(), and probdesc::zero.

Referenced by internal_forces2(), local_values(), strains(), and stresses().

void elem_stresses ( double **  stra,
double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_stresses ( double **  stra,
double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_stresses ( double **  stra,
double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_stresses ( double **  stra,
double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void elem_stresses ( double **  stra,
double **  stre,
long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void eleminit ( long  eid  ) 
void eleminit ( long  eid  ) 
void eleminit ( long  eid  ) 
void eleminit ( long  eid  ) 

Definition at line 65 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, intordsm, Mt, nb, and nip.

void find_extreme_strains ( vector min,
vector max,
long  lcid,
long  eid 

Function searches the minimum and maximum stresses in integration points

min - the minimum strain
max - the maximum strain
lcid - load case id
eid - element id

JK, 16. 11. 2012

Definition at line 3317 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, mechmat::givestress(), element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nip, and tncomp.

void find_extreme_stresses ( vector min,
vector max,
long  lcid,
long  eid 

Function searches the minimum and maximum stresses in integration points

min - the minimum stress
max - the maximum stress
lcid - load case id
eid - element id

JK, 16. 11. 2012

Definition at line 3353 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, mechmat::givestress(), element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nip, and tncomp.

Referenced by find_extreme_ipstresses().

void geom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 

function assembles geometric matrix

gm - geometric matrix
x,y,z - vectors containing element node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - naturalcoordinates
jac - Jacobian


function assembles strain-displacement (geometric) matrix

gm - geometric matrix
x,y,z - vectors containing element node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
jac - Jacobian

JK, 19.7.2001

function assembles strain-displacement (geometric) matrix

gm - geometric matrix
x,y,z - vectors containing element node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
jac - Jacobian


Definition at line 137 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, derivatives_3d(), dx_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dy_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dz_bf_lin_hex_3d(), fillm(), and nne.

Referenced by eigstrain_forces(), elem_integration(), gl_internal_forces(), gl_ip_strains(), gl_mainip_strains(), gl_stiffness_matrix(), hexahedc::lower_cap_coup_matrix(), hexahedc::lower_cond_coup_matrix(), nod_strains_comp(), hexahedc::upper_cap_coup_matrix(), hexahedc::upper_cond_coup_matrix(), and hexahedc::upper_cond_coup_vector().

void geom_matrix_block ( matrix gm,
long  bi,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix_block ( matrix gm,
long  ri,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix_block ( matrix gm,
long  ri,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void geom_matrix_block ( matrix gm,
long  bi,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 

function assembles block of geometric matrix

gm - geometric matrix
bi - block index
x,y,z - vectors containing element node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - naturalcoordinates
jac - Jacobian


function assembles geometric matrix

gm - geometric matrix
x,y,z - vectors containing element node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - naturalcoordinates
jac - Jacobian


Definition at line 181 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, derivatives_3d(), dx_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dy_bf_lin_hex_3d(), dz_bf_lin_hex_3d(), fillm(), and nne.

Referenced by internal_forces(), internal_forces2(), mainip_strains(), nonloc_internal_forces(), stiffness_matrix(), and temp_forces().

void gl_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces


Definition at line 1824 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, mechmat::computenlstresses(), copyv(), destrm(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), element::ipp, mechtop::locsystems(), Mm, Mt, mtxv(), mxv(), nodes, mechmat::storestrain(), tncomp, and transf_matrix().

void gl_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

function computes internal forces in the case of geometrical linear computation

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces
x,y,z - vectors of nodal coordinates

JK, 28.7.2001 TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1530 of file linhex.cpp.

References compute_nlstress(), elem_integration(), and locstress.

void gl_ip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
vector r 

function computes strains at integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index
x,y,z - vectors of nodal coordinates
r - vector of nodal displacements

10.5.2002, JK

Definition at line 947 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cncomp, destrm(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mxv(), ncomp, ndofe, and mechmat::storestrain().

Referenced by res_ip_strains().

void gl_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
vector r 

function computes block of strains at integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index
x,y,z - vectors of nodal coordinates
r - vector of nodal displacements


Definition at line 930 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cncomp, destrm(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mxv(), ncomp, and mechmat::storestrain().

void gl_stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 
void gl_stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 

function computes stiffness matrix of one element

function computes stiffness matrix for geometrically linear problems

eid - number of element
ri,ci - row and column indices
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 19.7.2001

function computes stiffness matrix of one element

function computes stiffness matrix for geometrically linear problems

eid - number of element
ri,ci - row and column indices
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 19.7.2001

Definition at line 575 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), bdbjac(), destrm(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, fillm(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, ncomp, ndofe, nne, and tncomp.

Referenced by res_stiffness_matrix().

void gngeom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector r,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void gngeom_matrix ( matrix gm,
vector r,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 

function computes strain-displacement matrix for geometrically nonlinear problems

gm - strain-displacement matrix
r - array of nodal displacements
x,y,z - array containing node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
jac - Jacobian

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 248 of file linhex.cpp.

References bvectors(), cmulv(), fillm(), ndofe, and scprd().

Referenced by gnl_internal_forces(), and gnl_stiffness_matrix().

void gnl_grmatrix ( matrix grm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 
void gnl_grmatrix ( matrix grm,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
double &  jac 

function computes gradient matrix for geometrically nonlinear problems

grm - gradient matrix
x,y,z - array containing node coordinates
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
jac - Jacobian

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 503 of file linhex.cpp.

References bvectors(), and ndofe.

Referenced by gnl_stiffness_matrix().

void gnl_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void gnl_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces (from correct stresses)

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 1553 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, addv(), allocv(), cmulv(), mechmat::computenlstresses(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), gngeom_matrix(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, mtxv(), ndofe, nne, probdesc::nodeintfor, probdesc::strcomp, and tncomp.

void gnl_ip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
vector r 

function computes strains at integration points of element function is used in geometrically linear problems

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ii - number of block
x,y,z - arrays with node coordinates
r - vector of nodal displacements

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 1000 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), bvectors(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, ndofe, scprd(), mechmat::storestrain(), and tncomp.

void gnl_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
vector r 

function computes strains at integration points of element function is used in geometrically linear problems

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ii - number of block
x,y,z - arrays with node coordinates
r - vector of nodal displacements

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 983 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), bvectors(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), element::ipp, Mm, Mt, scprd(), mechmat::storestrain(), and tncomp.

void gnl_stiffness_matrix ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 
void gnl_stiffness_matrix ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 

function computes stiffness matrix of hexahedral finite element

function computes stiffness matrix for geometrically nonlinear problems

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 21.9.2005

function computes stiffness matrix of quadrilateral finite element

function computes stiffness matrix for geometrically nonlinear problems

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
sm - stiffness matrix
x,y - vectors of nodal coordinates

JK, 21.9.2005

Definition at line 641 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), bdbjac(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::elements, fillm(), gauss_points(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), gngeom_matrix(), gnl_grmatrix(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, ndofe, nne, and tncomp.

void incr_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

function computes increments of internal forces

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces
x,y,z - vectors of nodal coordinates

TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1650 of file linhex.cpp.

References compute_nlstressincr(), elem_integration(), and stressincr.

Referenced by res_incr_internal_forces().

void inicipval ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix nodval,
inictype ictn 
void inicipval ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix nodval,
inictype ictn 
void inicipval ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix nodval,
inictype ictn 
void inicipval ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix nodval,
inictype ictn 
void inicipval ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix nodval,
inictype ictn 

The function computes initial values of the given quantities at each integration point of the element from the nodal values given by the parameter nodval. Initial condition types must be the same for all nodes of the element.

eid - element id
ri - block row index
ci - block column index
nodval - nodal values of particular initial conditions. nodval[i][j] represents value of j-th initial condition at i-th node of the given element.
ictn - array of types of initial condition for each node of element. The type of initial condition determines which values are being specified in the node. (ictn[i] & inistrain) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial strains are specified (ictn[i] & inistress) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial stresses are specified (ictn[i] & iniother) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial values of eqother array are specified (ictn[i] & inicond) returns nonzero if nodal values of other initial conditions are specified

The function does not return anything.

Created by Tomas Koudelka 2004 Revised by Tomas Koudelka 03.2012

The function computes initial values of the given quantities at each integration point of the element from the nodal values given by the parameter nodval. Initial condition types must be the same for all nodes of the element.

eid - element id
ri - block row index
ci - block column index
nodval - nodal values of particular initial conditions. nodval[i][j] represents value of j-th initial condition at i-th node of the given element.
ictn - array of quantity types of initial conditions for each node of element. The type of initial condition determines which values are being specified in the node. (ictn[i] & inistrain) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial strains are specified (ictn[i] & inistress) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial stresses are specified (ictn[i] & iniother) returns nonzero if nodal values of initial values of eqother array are specified (ictn[i] & inicond) returns nonzero if nodal values of other initial conditions are specified

The function does not return anything.

Created by Tomas Koudelka 2004 Revised by Tomas Koudelka 03.2012

Definition at line 1750 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), approx(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, intpoints::eqother, gauss_points(), mechmat::ic, inicond, iniother, inistrain, inistress, intordsm, mechmat::ip, element::ipp, memset(), Mm, Mt, matrix::n, nb, intpoints::ncompeqother, intpoints::ncompstr, nne, print_err(), intpoints::strain, and intpoints::stress.

Referenced by mechbclc::inicipval().

void internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces


Definition at line 1493 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, mechmat::computenlstresses(), destrm(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mtxv(), mxv(), vector::n, nb, ncomp, ndofe, nne, nodes, mechmat::storestrain(), and tncomp.

Referenced by res_internal_forces().

void internal_forces2 ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void internal_forces2 ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void internal_forces2 ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void internal_forces2 ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces


Definition at line 1417 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), appval(), cmulv(), cncomp, mechmat::computenlstresses(), destrm(), destrv(), elem_strains(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mtxv(), vector::n, nb, ncomp, ndofe, nne, mechmat::storestrain(), and tncomp.

void intpointval ( long  eid,
vector nodval,
vector ipval 
void intpointval ( long  eid,
vector nodval,
vector ipval 

function interpolates the nodal values to the integration points on the element

eid - element id

17.8.2004, JK

Definition at line 3192 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), approx(), destrv(), and gauss_points().

Referenced by elem_intpointval().

void ip_elast_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes elastic stresses at integration points of element stresses are computed from strains with the help of elastic stiffness

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index

10.5.2002, JK

Definition at line 1295 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), mechmat::givestrain(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, mxv(), mechmat::storestress(), and tncomp.

void ip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes stresses at integration points of element stresses are computed by material models

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index

10.5.2002, JK

Definition at line 1264 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechmat::computenlstresses(), mechtop::elements, intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mp, Mt, and probdesc::strcomp.

Referenced by res_ip_stresses().

void ipcoord ( long  eid,
long  ipp,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector coord 
void ipcoord ( long  eid,
long  ipp,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector coord 
void ipcoord ( long  eid,
long  ipp,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector coord 
void ipcoord ( long  eid,
long  ipp,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector coord 
void ipcoord ( long  eid,
long  ipp,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector coord 

function returns coordinates of integration points

eid - element id
ipp - integration point pointer
coord - vector of coordinates


Definition at line 1699 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, approx(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mt, and nne.

Referenced by ipcoord().

void ipvolume ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void ipvolume ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void ipvolume ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void ipvolume ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void ipvolume ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes volume appropriate to integration point

2.3.2004, JK

Definition at line 1871 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordsm, element::ipp, jac_3d(), Mm, Mt, nb, nne, and mechmat::storeipvol().

Referenced by ipvolume().

void load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 
void load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 
void load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 
void load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 
void load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 

function computes load matrix

eid - number of element
lm - load matrix


Definition at line 429 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References matrix::a, vector::a, bf_matrix(), fillm(), gauss_points(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordmm, jac_3d(), matrix::m, Mt, matrix::n, napfun, ndofe, nne, nnj(), and nodes.

Referenced by loadmat(), and res_load_matrix().

void local_values ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void local_values ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void local_values ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void local_values ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void local_values ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces


function computes local values which will be used for averageing in nonlocal models at integration points. Mp->nonlocphase have to be 1.

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1577 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), appval(), mechmat::computenlstresses(), destrv(), elem_strains(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nb, nne, mechmat::storestrain(), and tncomp.

Referenced by elem_local_values().

void locglob_nodeval ( long  is,
vector nv,
double *  tnv,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 
void locglob_nodeval ( long  is,
vector nv,
double *  tnv,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

Definition at line 2770 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, matrix::a, cmulv(), mxv(), and scprd().

Referenced by node_forces_surf().

void mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains in main integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index


Definition at line 485 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cncomp, copyv(), destrm(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechtop::locsystems(), Mm, Mt, mxv(), nb, ncomp, ndofe, nne, nodes, mechmat::storestrain(), and transf_matrix().

Referenced by res_mainip_strains().

void mainip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void mainip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void mainip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void mainip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes stresses in main integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index


Definition at line 868 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, addv(), allocm(), allocv(), appstrain(), cncomp, destrm(), destrv(), dmatblock(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), mechmat::givestrain(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mp, Mt, mxv(), nb, ncomp, mechmat::storestress(), probdesc::strainaver, and tncomp.

Referenced by res_mainip_stresses().

void mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 
void mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 
void mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 
void mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 
void mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 

function computes mass matrix

eid - number of element
mm - mass matrix


function computes mass matrix

eid - number of element
mm - mass matrix

JK, 19.7.2001

Definition at line 381 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References matrix::a, approx(), bf_matrix(), fillm(), gauss_points(), mechcrsec::give_density(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordmm, jac_3d(), matrix::m, Mc, Mt, matrix::n, napfun, ndofe, nne, nnj(), and nodes.

Referenced by massmat(), and res_mass_matrix().

void nod_eqother_ip ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes other values in nodes of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 24.10.2005

Definition at line 1776 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::giveeqother(), mechmat::givencompeqother(), Mm, Mt, nod, mechtop::nodes, nodipnum(), and node::storeother().

void nod_eqother_ip ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes other values in nodes of element

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 24.10.2005

Definition at line 1476 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::giveeqother(), mechmat::givencompeqother(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nne, nod, mechtop::nodes, nodip_linhex(), and node::storeother().

Referenced by compute_nodeothers().

void nod_others ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_others ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes other values in nodes

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 1707 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, intpoints::eqother, gauss_points(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::ip, element::ipp, matassem_lsm(), Mm, Mp, Mt, intpoints::ncompother, nodecoord(), nodes, nullv(), other, mechtop::other_nodal_values(), rhsassem_lsm(), solve_lsm(), and probdesc::zero.

void nod_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains in nodes of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id


Definition at line 556 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), cncomp, destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::givestrain(), intordsm, element::ipp, matassem_lsm(), Mm, Mp, Mt, nb, ncomp, nne, nodecoord(), nodes, nullv(), rhsassem_lsm(), solve_lsm(), mechtop::strain_nodal_values(), and probdesc::zero.

void nod_strains_comp ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double **  stra 
void nod_strains_comp ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
double **  stra 

function computes nodal strains directly

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
stra - array for strain components

stra[i][j] - the j-th strain component at the i-th node

JK, 26.9.2004

function computes nodal strains directly

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
stra - array for strain components

JK, 26.9.2004

Definition at line 1097 of file linhex.cpp.

References allocm(), allocv(), copyv(), destrm(), destrv(), eldispl(), geom_matrix(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), lgvectortransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, mxv(), ndofe, nne, nodcoord_linhex(), nodes, tncomp, and transf_matrix().

void nod_strains_ip ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_strains_ip ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes strains in nodes of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id

JK, 10.5.2002

function computes strains in nodes of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id


Definition at line 1062 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::givestrain(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nne, nod, mechtop::nodes, nodip_linhex(), node::storestrain(), and tncomp.

Referenced by compute_nodestrains().

void nod_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_stresses_ip ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void nod_stresses_ip ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes stresses at nodes

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices

10.5.2002, JK

Definition at line 1336 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechmat::givestress(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, nne, nod, mechtop::nodes, nodip_linhex(), node::storestress(), and tncomp.

Referenced by compute_nodestresses().

void node_forces_surf ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long *  is,
double *  nv,
vector nf 
void node_forces_surf ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long *  is,
double *  nv,
vector nf 

function computes nodal forces caused by presure on surface

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
nfor - vector of presure
eis - surface id


Definition at line 2263 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, addv(), allocm(), allocv(), bf_matrix(), destrv(), fillm(), fillv(), gauss_points(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordb, jac2d_3d(), lgvectortransfblock(), locglob_nodeval(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, mxv(), napfun, ndofe, nnj(), nodes, and transf_matrix().

Referenced by loadel::surfaceload().

void node_forces_surf_old ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long *  is,
double *  nv,
vector nf 
void node_forces_surf_old ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long *  is,
double *  nv,
vector nf 

function computes nodal forces caused by presure on surface

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
nfor - vector of presure
eis - surface id

4.2002, PF

Definition at line 2878 of file linhex.cpp.

References vector::a, addv(), bf_matrix(), fillm(), fillv(), gauss_points(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordb, jac2d3d(), lgvectortransfblock(), Mt, mxv(), napfun, ndofe, nnj(), nnsurf, nodes, Out, and tran_mat().

void nodecoord ( vector xi,
vector eta,
vector zeta 
void nodecoord ( vector xi,
vector eta,
vector zeta 
void nodecoord ( vector xi,
vector eta,
vector zeta 
void nodecoord ( vector xi,
vector eta,
vector zeta 
void nodecoord ( vector xi,
vector eta,
vector zeta 

function assembles natural coordinates of nodes of element

xi - array containing natural coordinates xi
eta - array containing natrual coordinates eta
zeta - array containing natrual coordinates zeta


Definition at line 821 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

Referenced by elem_strains(), elem_stresses(), nod_others(), nod_strains(), and nod_stresses().

void nodipnum ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
ivector ipnum 
void nodipnum ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
ivector ipnum 

function returns numbers of integration point closest to element nodes

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ipnum - array of numbers

JK, 26.9.2004

Definition at line 1336 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References mechtop::elements, element::ipp, and Mt.

Referenced by nod_eqother_ip().

void nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 
void nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor,
vector x,
vector y,
vector z 

function computes nonlocal internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces
x,y,z - nodal coordinates

JK, 28.7.2001 TKo 7.2008

Definition at line 1624 of file linhex.cpp.

References compute_nonloc_nlstress(), elem_integration(), and nonlocstress.

void nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
ifor - vector of internal forces


Definition at line 1637 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, mechmat::compnonloc_nlstresses(), destrm(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), mechmat::givestress(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mm, Mt, mtxv(), vector::n, nb, ncomp, ndofe, and nne.

Referenced by res_nonloc_internal_forces().

void res_allip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes strains at all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id

JK, 26.9.2004

Definition at line 1224 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References allip_strains().

void res_allip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes stresses in all integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices


Definition at line 1598 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

void res_eigstrain_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 
void res_eigstrain_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 

function computes contributions from eigenstrains to the right hand side

eid - element id
ifor - vector of internal forces

JK, 17.8.2004

function computes contributions from eigenstrains to the right hand side

eid - element id
ifor - vector of internal forces

JK, 17.8.2004

Definition at line 1792 of file linhex.cpp.

References copyv(), eigstrain_forces(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), glvectortransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, and transf_matrix().

Referenced by elem_eigstrain_forces().

void res_incr_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 
void res_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 
void res_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 
void res_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 
void res_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 
void res_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 

function computes internal forces (from correct stresses)

lcid - number of load case
eid - element id
ifor - vector of internal forces

JK, 24.9.2005

Definition at line 1562 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References internal_forces().

Referenced by elem_internal_forces().

void res_ip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes strains at integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id

JK, modified 23.11.2006

Definition at line 905 of file linhex.cpp.

References allocm(), allocv(), copyv(), destrm(), destrv(), eldispl(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), gl_ip_strains(), lgvectortransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, and transf_matrix().

Referenced by compute_ipstrains().

void res_ip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes stresses at integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id

10.5.2002, JK

Definition at line 1248 of file linhex.cpp.

References ip_stresses().

Referenced by compute_ipstresses().

void res_load_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix lm 

function computes load matrix

eid - number of element
lm - load matrix


Definition at line 876 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::give_elemnodes(), glmatrixtransf(), load_matrix(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, and transf_matrix().

void res_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 
void res_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 
void res_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 
void res_mainip_strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes strains at integration points

lcid - load case id
eid - element id


Definition at line 469 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References mainip_strains().

Referenced by allip_strains().

void res_mainip_stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid 

function computes strains in arbitrary point on element

xi,eta - natural coordinates of the point
eps - array containing strains
val - array containing values on element

11.5.2002 function computes stresses in main integration points of element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ri - row index
ci - column index


Definition at line 1389 of file linhex_nb1.cpp.

References mainip_stresses().

Referenced by allip_stresses().

void res_mass_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix mm 

function computes mass matrix

eid - number of element
mm - mass matrix

JK, 19.7.2001

Definition at line 808 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::give_elemnodes(), glmatrixtransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), mass_matrix(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, and transf_matrix().

void res_nonloc_internal_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector ifor 

function computes resulting internal forces for nonlocal models

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ifor - vector of internal forces

TKo, 7.2008

Definition at line 1734 of file linhex.cpp.

References copyv(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), glvectortransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, nonloc_internal_forces(), and transf_matrix().

Referenced by elem_nonloc_internal_forces().

void res_stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix sm 
void res_stiffness_matrix ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
matrix sm 
void res_stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix sm 
void res_stiffness_matrix ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
matrix sm 

function assembles resulting stiffness matrix of the element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 9.5.2002

function assembles resulting stiffness matrix of the element

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 9.5.2002

Definition at line 737 of file linhex.cpp.

References mechtop::give_elemnodes(), gl_stiffness_matrix(), glmatrixtransf(), mechtop::locsystems(), Mt, ndofe, nne, nodes, and transf_matrix().

void res_stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
matrix sm 

function assembles resulting stiffness matrix of the element

eid - element id
sm - stiffness matrix

JK, 9.5.2002

Definition at line 368 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References stiffness_matrix().

Referenced by stiffmat().

void res_temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 
void res_temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 
void res_temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
vector nfor 

Definition at line 1268 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References temp_forces().

void stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 
void stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 
void stiffness_matrix ( long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
matrix sm 

function computes stiffness matrix of one element

eid - number of element
ri,ci - row and column indices
sm - stiffness matrix


Definition at line 293 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), bdbjac(), destrm(), destrv(), dmatblock(), mechtop::elements, fillm(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), glmatrixtransf(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechtop::locsystems(), mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, nb, ncomp, ndofe, nne, nodes, tncomp, and transf_matrix().

Referenced by res_stiffness_matrix().

void strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void strains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void stresses ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void surfnodeval ( long  surf,
vector nodval,
double *  list 

function picks up nodal values on required surface

surf - number of required surface
nodval - array of nodal values
list - array of nodal values defined on all surfaces

JK, 19.8.2004

Definition at line 3290 of file linhex.cpp.

References ivector::a, fillv(), napfun, nnsurf, and quadhexahedral_surfnod().

void temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector nfor 
void temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector nfor 
void temp_forces ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci,
vector nfor 

function computes nodal forces caused by temperature changes

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
nfor - array containing nodal forces

30.11.2002, JK

Definition at line 1282 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocm(), allocv(), cmulv(), cncomp, destrm(), destrv(), dmatblock(), mechtop::elements, extract(), fillv(), gauss_points(), geom_matrix_block(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechtop::give_node_coord3d(), intordsm, element::ipp, mechmat::matstiff(), Mm, Mt, mtxv(), mxv(), nb, ncomp, ndofe, nne, nodes, tempstrains(), and tncomp.

Referenced by res_temp_forces().

void temperaturestrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void temperaturestrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 
void temperaturestrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function computes nodal forces caused by temperature changes

eid - element id
ri,ci - row and column indices
nfor - array containing nodal forces

30.11.2002, JK

Definition at line 1345 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References vector::a, allocv(), destrv(), mechtop::elements, gauss_points(), intordsm, element::ipp, Mt, nb, tempstrains(), and tncomp.

void tempstrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ipp,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector eps 
void tempstrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ipp,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector eps 
void tempstrains ( long  lcid,
long  eid,
long  ipp,
double  xi,
double  eta,
double  zeta,
vector eps 

function computes strains caused by temperature changes

lcid - load case id
eid - element id
ipp - integration point pointer
xi,eta,zeta - natural coordinates
eps - array containing strains

30.11.2002, JK

Definition at line 1388 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References approx(), fillv(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), mechbclc::lc, mechmat::matdilat(), Mb, Mm, Mt, mxv(), nne, nodes, mechmat::storeeigstrain(), and tncomp.

Referenced by temp_forces(), and temperaturestrains().

void tran_mat ( matrix tran,
vector gx,
vector gy,
vector gz,
long  is 
void tran_mat ( matrix tran,
vector gx,
vector gy,
vector gz,
long  is 

function computes transformation matrix on surface

x,y - local coordinate xL=adge12
tran - tranformation metrix to GCS
gx,gy,gz - vector of node global coordinate
is - surface id

4.2002, PF

function computes transformation matrix on surface

x,y - local coordinate xL=adge12
tran - tranformation metrix to GCS
gx,gy,gz - vector of node global coordinate
is - surface id

4.2002, PF

Definition at line 3099 of file linhex.cpp.

Referenced by node_forces_surf_old().

void transf_matrix ( ivector nodes,
matrix tmat 
void transf_matrix ( ivector nodes,
matrix tmat 
void transf_matrix ( ivector nodes,
matrix tmat 
void transf_matrix ( ivector nodes,
matrix tmat 
void transf_matrix ( ivector nodes,
matrix tmat 

function assembles transformation matrix

nodes - nodes of element
tmat - transformation matrix

function assembles transformation matrix from local nodal coordinate system to the global coordinate system x_g = T x_l

nodes - nodes of element
tmat - transformation matrix


Definition at line 255 of file linhex-16ip.cpp.

References node::e1, node::e2, node::e3, fillm(), matrix::m, Mt, ivector::n, mechtop::nodes, and node::transf.

Referenced by gl_internal_forces(), mainip_strains(), nod_strains_comp(), node_forces_surf(), res_eigstrain_forces(), res_incr_internal_forces(), res_ip_strains(), res_load_matrix(), res_mass_matrix(), res_nonloc_internal_forces(), res_stiffness_matrix(), and stiffness_matrix().

Member Data Documentation

long * cncomp
long intordb

array of numbers of integration points in sets

Definition at line 137 of file linhex.h.

Referenced by node_forces_surf(), and node_forces_surf_old().

long intordmm

order of integration of mass matrix

Definition at line 84 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by linhex(), load_matrix(), and mass_matrix().

long ** intordsm
long napfun

number of approximated functions on the element

Definition at line 76 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_napfun(), linhex(), load_matrix(), mass_matrix(), node_forces_surf(), node_forces_surf_old(), and surfnodeval().

long nb
long * ncomp
long ndofe
long ned

number of edges

Definition at line 78 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_ned(), and linhex().

long ** nip

array of numbers of integration points in sets

Definition at line 86 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by eleminit(), find_extreme_strains(), find_extreme_stresses(), mechtop::give_nip(), linhex(), and ~linhex().

long nne
long nned

number of nodes on one edge

Definition at line 80 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_nned(), and linhex().

long nnsurf

number of nodes on one surface

Definition at line 131 of file linhex.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_nnsurf(), node_forces_surf_old(), and surfnodeval().

long nsurf

number of surfaces

Definition at line 129 of file linhex.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_nsurf().

stress/strain state

Definition at line 94 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_ssst(), and linhex().

long tncomp
long tnip

total number of integration points

Definition at line 74 of file linhex-16ip.h.

Referenced by mechtop::give_tnip(), and linhex().

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