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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oNaggregpackingNamespace aggregpacking
|oCAggregateAbstract class representing one aggregate particle
|oCSphereRepresentation of spherical aggregate
|oCEllipsoidRepresentation of ellipsoidal aggregate
|oCConcreteMixtureRepresentation of concrete mixture
|oCHeteroGeometryAbstract class representing heterogeneous geometry
|oCCubeHeteroGeometryAbstract class representing heterogeneous geometry
|oCvector_ptr_indexing_suiteTemplate class for C++ vector to/from Python list conversion
|oCRandomizerClass representing most simple random numbers generator
|oCAggregSizeRandomizerAbstract class representing random size generator for given sieve curve
|oCFullerCurveRandomizerRandom size generator for Fuller curve
|oCExperimentalSieveCurveRandomizerRandom size generator for experimental sieve curve
|oCVector33 component vector of real numbers
|oCMatrix33x3 matrix of real numbers
|oCQuaternionQuaternion - for rotation representation
|\CAngleAxisAnother rotation representation
\NoctreeNamespace octree
 oCOctreeNodeClass representing octree node
 oCOctreeIteratorOctree iterator
 oCOctreeConstIteratorOctree iterator
 \COctreeClass representing full octree