Conference Objectives
Designers of engineering structures must respond to ever increasing demands on performance in terms of safety, reliability, durability, low cost and low energy consumption. As new materials and new applications emerge, traditional design rules and conventional testing methods become insufficient or inapplicable, which strengthens the role of computational methods in the design process. Numerical tools can accelerate the development of new products and their optimization.
The purpose of CFRAC 2023 is to bring together academic researchers and industrial partners involved in the development and application of numerical procedures for fracture and failure simulation of materials and structures, in an effort to facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and to serve as a platform for establishing links among research groups in Europe and worldwide.
The following topics are of particular interest:
- Algorithms for crack propagation and evolving discontinuities
- Continuum damage mechanics
- Coupled experimental-computational identification
- Data-driven modeling approaches applied to fracture
- Discrete failure models - particle and lattice models
- Coupled experimental-computational identification
- Ductile and large-deformation fracture
- Dynamic fracture, crack branching
- Failure mechanisms in forming processes
- Fatigue, effects of cyclic loading
- Fracture of composites
- Fracture of nano-structures
- Fragmentation
- Interaction of fracture with heat and moisture transport
- Interpolation enrichments capturing strong discontinuities
- Micro-cracking
- Multi-scale analysis for cracks
- Objective description of localized strain, regularization methods
- Transition from damage to fracture