gmatrix Class Reference

#include <gmatrix.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void a12block (gtopology *top, double *block, long nrdof, FILE *out)
void add_entry (double e, long ri, long ci)
void addgm (double a, gmatrix &gm)
void alloc ()
void auxdatsparsesolver (gtopology *top, FILE *out)
void back_incomplete_fact (double *x, double *y, double incompltresh)
void back_substitution (double *lhs, double *rhs)
void changedecomp ()
void condense (gtopology *top, double *condmat, double *condvect, double *lhs, double *rhs, long nrdof, long tc, FILE *out)
void copygm (gmatrix &gm)
void dealloc ()
long decomp ()
void decompgmxv (double *a, double *b)
void decompose_matrix ()
void diag_check (double thr, double *rhs)
void diag_scale (double *d)
double estim_spect_radius ()
double give_entry (long ri, long ci)
long give_negm ()
void glocalize (matrix &lm, ivector &rcn, ivector &ccn)
 gmatrix ()
void gmxv (double *a, double *b)
void incomplete_fact (double incompltresh)
void initiate (gtopology *top, long ndof, storagetype ats, long mespr, FILE *out)
double inverse_iteration (double *v, long ni, double err)
void kernel (double *rbm, long &nse, long *se, long ense, double limit, long tc)
void ldl_feti (double *lhs, double *rhs, long nse, long *se, double zero)
void localize (matrix &lm, ivector &cn, long eid)
void localized (double *lm, long *cn, long nc, long eid)
void mult_localize (long nm, long *ncn1, long *ncn2, long *mcn)
double power_method (double *v, long ni, double err)
void prepmat (double limit, long mespr)
void prepmat2 (gtopology *top, FILE *out)
void printdiag (FILE *out)
void printmat (FILE *out)
void scalgm (double a)
void setval (slesolv *ssle)
void solve_system (gtopology *top, precond &prec, double *lhs, double *rhs, FILE *out)
 ~gmatrix ()

Public Attributes

double aerrcg
 attained norm of residual vector
long anicg
 number of performed iterations
long * auxsd
 auxiliary information about block structure for sparse direct solver
unsigned char bsize
 block size in direct sparse solver
double errcg
 maximum norm of residual vector (required accuracy)
double indegamma
long iv
double limit
 threshold for rejection from compressed storages
MatrixPtr Matrix
long n
 number of unknowns = number of rows/columns
long nbdof
 number of rows which are not condensed
long nicg
 maximum number of iterations in CG methods
double omega
 parameters of preconditioning
long pmat
 describes status of cr/scr - sparse exchange
linsolvertype tlinsol
 type of solver of system of linear algebraic equations
precondtype tprec
 type of preconditioning
storagetype ts
 type of matrix storage
linsolvertype tsol
 type of condensation if tlinsol indicates condensation
double zero
 computer zero

Detailed Description

class describing a general matrix


Definition at line 26 of file gmatrix.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gmatrix (  ) 

Definition at line 4 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References aerrcg, anicg, auxsd, bsize, cr, dm, dsky, em, errcg, indegamma, limit, n, nicg, omega, pmat, scr, sdirect, sky, and zero.

~gmatrix (  ) 

Definition at line 61 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References auxsd, cr, dm, dsky, em, scr, sdirect, and sky.

Member Function Documentation

void a12block ( gtopology top,
double *  block,
long  nrdof,
FILE *  out 
void add_entry ( double  e,
long  ri,
long  ci 

function adds matrix entry to required position

e - matrix entry
ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 25.7.2005

Definition at line 2059 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References symcomprow::add_entry(), comprow::add_entry(), skyline::add_entry(), densemat::add_entry(), compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by locmatrix::lm01xm().

void addgm ( double  a,
gmatrix gm 

function adds to general matrix another general matrix premultiplied by scalar a

Definition at line 1640 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by damping_matrix(), difference_method(), lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newmark_method(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_newmark_method(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), one_step_linear(), one_step_nonlinear(), one_step_nonlinear_dform(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_one_step_linear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_trfel_linear(), par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), and subspace_shift_iter_ortho().

void alloc (  ) 

function allocates appropriate storage scheme


Definition at line 84 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, lapack_stor, petsc, pmat, print_err(), scr, sdirect, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by initiate(), and schurcompl::solve_red_sys_fin().

void auxdatsparsesolver ( gtopology top,
FILE *  out 

function assembles data for sparse direct solver especially data for condensation are assembled

top - pointer to the general topology
out - output file


Definition at line 872 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References gnode::ai, auxsd, gtopology::give_dof(), gtopology::gnodes, gnode::ndofn, gtopology::nn, and print_err().

Referenced by initiate().

void back_incomplete_fact ( double *  x,
double *  y,
double  incompltresh 

function computes incomplete factorization of the matrix

incompltresh - treshold for incomplete factorization

JK, 15.3.2007

Definition at line 1429 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dense_matrix, dm, densemat::ill(), print_err(), ts, and zero.

Referenced by precond::preconditioning().

void back_substitution ( double *  lhs,
double *  rhs 
void changedecomp (  ) 
void condense ( gtopology top,
double *  condmat,
double *  condvect,
double *  lhs,
double *  rhs,
long  nrdof,
long  tc,
FILE *  out 

function condenses matrix

top - pointer to the general topology
condmat - reduced matrix (stored as dense matrix)
condvect - reduced vector
lhs - the left hand side (non-reduced)
rhs - the right hand side (non-reduced)
nrdof - number of condensed unknowns
tc - computation type
tc=1 - condensation (forward reduction) only
tc=2 - back-substitution only


Definition at line 1460 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References ISolver::condense(), dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, densemat::gempkon(), skyline::ldlkon_sky(), dskyline::lukon_dsky(), n, gtopology::nidof, pmat, prepmat2(), print_err(), sdirect, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, ts, and zero.

Referenced by dpfeti::compute_displ(), dpfeti::corner_displ(), dpfeti::matxvect(), dpfeti::rhs_dpfeti(), solve_linear_floating_subdomains_old(), solve_load_balancing(), schurcompl::solve_system(), dpfeti::solve_system(), saddpoint::solve_system(), solve_system(), and dpfeti::vectors_br_bm().

void copygm ( gmatrix gm  ) 

function copies a general matrix to another general matrix gm the argument is filled

gm - general matrix where the copy will be stored

JK, 17.3.2007

Definition at line 1739 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by precond::initiation(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), and par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear().

void dealloc ( void   ) 
long decomp (  ) 
void decompgmxv ( double *  a,
double *  b 

function computes matrix-vector multiplication matrix is decomposed

a,b - array containing vector components

JK, 14.6.2002

Definition at line 1615 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References print_err(), sdirect, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, and ts.

void decompose_matrix (  ) 
void diag_check ( double  thr,
double *  rhs 

function checks diagonal entries

the function is used in some nonlinear nostationary problems where high jumps in coefficients occur some of element matrices are zero matrices and this function puts nonzero values on the diagonal

JK, 14.7.2008

Definition at line 2168 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dskyline::diag_check(), skyline::diag_check(), double_skyline, dsky, print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, and ts.

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), one_step_nonlinear_dform(), and par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform().

void diag_scale ( double *  d  ) 

function scales matrix by its diagonal elements

JK, 23.5.2008

Definition at line 2140 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dense_matrix, skyline::diag_scale(), densemat::diag_scale(), dm, print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, and ts.

double estim_spect_radius (  ) 

function estimates spectral radius

the estimates are based on the Gershgorin circle theorem for details see G.H. Golub, C.F. Van Loan: Matrix computations. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 3rd edition, page 320, 1996

JK, 27.8.2008

Definition at line 2302 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, comprow::estim_spect_radius(), densemat::estim_spect_radius(), print_err(), and ts.

Referenced by aggregator::prepare_boss().

double give_entry ( long  ri,
long  ci 

function returns required matrix entry

ri,ci - row and column indices

JK, 24.7.2005

Definition at line 2018 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, symcomprow::give_entry(), comprow::give_entry(), skyline::give_entry(), densemat::give_entry(), print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by locmatrix::lm01xm(), locmatrix::lmxmxlmt(), locmatrix::lmxmxlmt01(), and verlet_method().

long give_negm (  ) 
void glocalize ( matrix lm,
ivector rcn,
ivector ccn 

function localizes local matrix lm to the global one matrix km can be nonsquare, it means with different number of rows and columns

lm - local chracteristic matrix of the element
rcn - array containing row code numbers
ccn - array containing column code numbers


Definition at line 587 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References ivector::a, compressed_rows, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, skyline::glocalize(), densemat::glocalize(), print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by first_order_matrix(), stiffness_matrix(), and zero_order_matrix().

void gmxv ( double *  a,
double *  b 

function computes matrix-vector multiplication

a,b - array containing vector components


Definition at line 1565 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by dloadcase::assemble(), aggregator::boss(), aggregator::coarse_matrix(), difference_method(), inverse_iteration(), lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), aggregator::mulA(), newmark_method(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_newmark_method(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), one_step_linear(), one_step_nonlinear(), one_step_nonlinear_dform(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_one_step_linear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_trfel_linear(), par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), parallel_inverse_iteration(), parallel_subspace_iter_ortho(), power_method(), residuum(), response_spectrum_method(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_old(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_pokus(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), parcongrad::solve_system(), boundparcongrad::solve_system(), subspace_iter_jac(), subspace_iter_ortho(), and subspace_shift_iter_ortho().

void incomplete_fact ( double  incompltresh  ) 

function computes incomplete factorization of the matrix

incompltresh - treshold for incomplete factorization

JK, 15.3.2007

Definition at line 1403 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dense_matrix, dm, densemat::ill(), print_err(), ts, and zero.

Referenced by precond::initiation().

void initiate ( gtopology top,
long  ndof,
storagetype  ats,
long  mespr,
FILE *  out 
double inverse_iteration ( double *  v,
long  ni,
double  err 

function performes the inverse iteration method the method computes the smallest eigenvalue of matrix

v - array containing the eigenvector
ni - maximum number of iterations
err - required error

JK, 28.5.2008

Definition at line 2247 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References cmulv(), copyv(), dm, densemat::lu(), n, p, ss(), and zero.

void kernel ( double *  rbm,
long &  nse,
long *  se,
long  ense,
double  limit,
long  tc 

function computes kernel of matrix

rbm - array containing the rigid body modes
nse - the number of linearly dependent rows
se - array of linearly dependent rows
ense - estimated number of linearly dependent rows
limit - the threshold for linear dependency determination
tc - computation type


Definition at line 1522 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dense_matrix, dm, skyline::ker(), densemat::ker(), print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, and ts.

Referenced by feti1::solve_system().

void ldl_feti ( double *  lhs,
double *  rhs,
long  nse,
long *  se,
double  zero 

function computes


Definition at line 1545 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References skyline::ldl_feti_sky(), print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, and ts.

Referenced by feti1::lagrmultdispl(), and feti1::mpcg().

void localize ( matrix lm,
ivector cn,
long  eid 

function localizes local matrix lm to the global one matrix is stored in the object of the class matrix

lm - local chracteristic matrix of the element
cn - array containing code numbers
eid - element id
ndofe - the number of DOfs 16.7.2002

Definition at line 453 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References ivector::a, compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, lapack_stor, elemmat::localize(), symcomprow::localize(), comprow::localize(), dskyline::localize(), skyline::localize(), densemat::localize(), matrix::m, ivector::n, petsc, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by capacity_matrix(), conductivity_matrix(), first_order_matrix(), initial_stiffness_matrix(), mass_matrix(), stiffness_matrix(), and zero_order_matrix().

void localized ( double *  lm,
long *  cn,
long  nc,
long  eid 

function localizes local matrix lm to the global one matrix is stored in array of type double

lm - local chracteristic matrix of the element
cn - array containing code numbers
nc - number of rows and columns
eid - element id


Definition at line 523 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, lapack_stor, elemmat::localized(), symcomprow::localized(), comprow::localized(), dskyline::localized(), skyline::localized(), densemat::localized(), petsc, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by dpfeti::arrmatrix(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_fin(), and seqschur::solve_red_sys_fin().

void mult_localize ( long  nm,
long *  ncn1,
long *  ncn2,
long *  mcn 

function localizes contributions from Lagrange multipliers to the general matrix

nm - number of Lagrange multipliers
ncn1 - nodal code numbers of the first node (on one side of interface)
ncn2 - nodal code numbers of the second node (on the other side of interface)
mcn - code numbers of Lagrange multipliers defined between the previous nodes

JK, 8.8.2008

Definition at line 626 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, dskyline::mult_localize(), skyline::mult_localize(), densemat::mult_localize(), print_err(), sky, skyline_matrix, and ts.

Referenced by gtopology::edge_localization(), and gtopology::endnodes_localization().

double power_method ( double *  v,
long  ni,
double  err 

function performes the power method the method computes the largest eigenvalue of matrix

v - array containing the eigenvector
ni - maximum number of iterations
err - required error

JK, 28.5.2008

Definition at line 2197 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References cmulv(), copyv(), gmxv(), n, p, and ss().

void prepmat ( double  limit,
long  mespr 
void prepmat2 ( gtopology top,
FILE *  out 

function initializes some sparse solvers it copies data stored in the compressed row or symmetric compressed row format to a sparse solver

top - pointer to general topology
out - output file for auxiliary output

Definition at line 769 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References symcomprow::a, comprow::a, symcomprow::adr, comprow::adr, symcomprow::ci, comprow::ci, compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, double_skyline, element_matrices, ISolver::IsAllocated(), lapack_stor, ISolver::LoadNumbers(), n, petsc, pmat, ISolver::PreFactorize(), print_err(), scr, sdirect, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by a12block(), condense(), and solve_system().

void printdiag ( FILE *  out  ) 

function prints diagonal entries of general matrix

out - output stream

JK, 17.3.2007

Definition at line 1862 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, print_err(), symcomprow::printdiag(), comprow::printdiag(), dskyline::printdiag(), skyline::printdiag(), densemat::printdiag(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

void printmat ( FILE *  out  ) 
void scalgm ( double  a  ) 

function multiplies general matrix by a variable a

a - multiplication constant

JK, 17.3.2007

Definition at line 1689 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References compressed_rows, cr, dense_matrix, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, print_err(), scr, sky, skyline_matrix, spdirect_stor_cr, spdirect_stor_scr, symm_comp_rows, and ts.

Referenced by difference_method(), lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newmark_method(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_newmark_method(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), one_step_linear(), one_step_nonlinear(), one_step_nonlinear_dform(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_one_step_linear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_trfel_linear(), par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), and solve_nonstationary_growing_vform().

void setval ( slesolv ssle  ) 

function defines necessary parameters for the class gmatrix from the class slesolv

ssle - object containing informations about solution of system of linear equations


Definition at line 422 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References slesolv::err, errcg, slesolv::iv, iv, slesolv::ni, nicg, slesolv::prec, precond::pt, slesolv::tlinsol, tlinsol, tprec, slesolv::tsol, and tsol.

Referenced by dpfeti::arrmatrix(), capacity_matrix(), conductivity_matrix(), damping_matrix(), first_order_matrix(), initial_stiffness_matrix(), mass_matrix(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_fin(), seqschur::solve_red_sys_fin(), stiffness_matrix(), and zero_order_matrix().

void solve_system ( gtopology top,
precond prec,
double *  lhs,
double *  rhs,
FILE *  out 

function solves system of linear algebraic equations

top - pointer to the general topology
prec - preconditioner
lhs - array containing solution of the system
rhs - array containing the right hand side
out - output file for auxiliary output


Definition at line 968 of file gmatrix.cpp.

References densemat::a, aerrcg, densemat::alloc(), anicg, comprow::bicg(), dskyline::bicg(), bicg, elemmat::cg(), symcomprow::cg(), densemat::cg(), cg, symcomprow::cg_prec(), comprow::cg_prec(), densemat::cg_prec_new(), symcomprow::changedecomp(), compressed_rows, conden, condense(), densemat::copy(), copyv(), cr, densemat::dealloc(), symcomprow::decomp(), dskyline::decomp(), skyline::decomp(), densemat::decomp(), dense_matrix, diagprec, dm, double_skyline, dsky, element_matrices, em, errcg, gauss_elim, densemat::gemp(), densemat::ill(), ill, incomdec, symcomprow::incomplete_ldl(), indegamma, ISolver::IsFactorized(), iv, lapack_sol, ldl, skyline::ldl_sky(), densemat::ll(), ll, densemat::lu(), lu, dskyline::lu_dsky(), nbdof, nicg, noprecond, omega, pardisolver, pmat, prepmat2(), print_err(), ISolver::ReFactorize(), scr, sdirect, sky, skyline_matrix, ISolver::Solve(), sparseindec, spdirldl, spdirll, spdirlu, ssorprec, symm_comp_rows, time, tlinsol, tprec, ts, and zero.

Referenced by arclength(), arclength15(), arclengthadapt(), displ_control(), newton_raphson(), newton_raphson_restart(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), solve_molecular_dynamics(), seqschur::solve_red_sys_fin(), and slesolv::solve_system().

Member Data Documentation

double aerrcg

attained norm of residual vector

Definition at line 109 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), and solve_system().

long anicg

number of performed iterations

Definition at line 107 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), and solve_system().

long* auxsd

auxiliary information about block structure for sparse direct solver

Definition at line 127 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by auxdatsparsesolver(), gmatrix(), initiate(), and ~gmatrix().

unsigned char bsize

block size in direct sparse solver

Definition at line 96 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), and initiate().

double errcg

maximum norm of residual vector (required accuracy)

Definition at line 105 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), setval(), and solve_system().

double indegamma

Definition at line 118 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), and solve_system().

long iv

initial values in iterative methods iv=0 - the input vector is multiplied by zero the iteration starts from zero vector iv=1 - the input vector is used as a start vector

Definition at line 114 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by setval(), and solve_system().

double limit

threshold for rejection from compressed storages

Definition at line 124 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by dpfeti::arrmatrix(), and gmatrix().

Definition at line 138 of file gmatrix.h.

long n
long nbdof

number of rows which are not condensed

Definition at line 121 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by slesolv::solve_system(), and solve_system().

long nicg

maximum number of iterations in CG methods

Definition at line 103 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), setval(), and solve_system().

double omega

parameters of preconditioning

Definition at line 117 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by gmatrix(), and solve_system().

long pmat

describes status of cr/scr - sparse exchange

Definition at line 130 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by a12block(), alloc(), condense(), gmatrix(), prepmat2(), and solve_system().

type of solver of system of linear algebraic equations

Definition at line 89 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by dpfeti::arrmatrix(), back_substitution(), decompose_matrix(), initiate(), setval(), and solve_system().

type of preconditioning

Definition at line 93 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by initiate(), setval(), and solve_system().

type of condensation if tlinsol indicates condensation

Definition at line 91 of file gmatrix.h.

Referenced by initiate(), and setval().

double zero

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