gtopology Class Reference

#include <gtopology.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status { ACTIVE = 1, INACTIVE = 2, PREACTIVE = 3, POSTACTIVE = 4 }

Public Member Functions

void adjacelem (FILE *out)
void adjacnodes (FILE *out)
 function assembles list of adjacent nodes to every node
void adjacnodes_edge (FILE *out)
void alloc_edge_cn ()
void alloc_elements (long m)
void alloc_endnode_cn ()
void alloc_growstr ()
void alloc_lnodes (long m)
void alloc_nodes (long m)
void alloc_phases (long m)
void approx_weights (gtypel et, long nid, vector &w, FILE *out)
void auto_subdom_detection (FILE *out)
void auxinf_init ()
void backup_cn ()
void backup_codnum (void)
void build_nodal_octree ()
void clear_intf_dofs (long *ifn)
 function sets DOF numbers to zero on selected interface nodes given by ifn list
void cndistr (gtopology *gt1, gtopology *gt2)
void code_num_mod (long ncomp, long &ndof, FILE *out)
long codenum_generation (FILE *out)
long codenum_multip ()
void comp_domain_sizes ()
void comptop (gtopology *gt1, gtopology *gt2)
void create_ltg (FILE *out)
void cuthill_mckee_renumb (FILE *out)
void dof_transfer_hangnod (FILE *out)
void domdecomp ()
void edge_allelem (FILE *out)
void edge_dirvect ()
void edge_elem (FILE *out)
void edge_localization (gmatrix *gm)
void edge_normvect ()
void edge_series (FILE *out)
void edgenode_sorting ()
void edges (FILE *out)
void edges_auxprint (FILE *out)
void edges_mat (long matrad, FILE *out)
void end_nodes (FILE *out)
void endnodes_auxprint (FILE *out)
void endnodes_localization (gmatrix *gm)
void enodes_allelem (FILE *out)
int findMinimumDegree ()
void findPseudoPheripheral (int *startUzel, int *cilUzel)
long gencodnum ()
void generateInitialList (int start, int **seznam, int *velikostSeznamu, int *hloubkaSeznamu, int *maxSirka)
void give_cn (long eid, long *cn)
long give_cne (long eid)
void give_code_numbers (long eid, long *cn)
long give_degree (long eid)
long give_dof (long nid, long n)
void give_domain_sizes (double *sizes)
void give_edge_code_numbers (long edid, long fln, long *ncn1, long *ncn2, long *mcn)
void give_edge_loc_nodes (long eid, long edid, ivector &edgenod)
void give_edge_nodes (long eid, long edid, long *nodes)
gelemtype give_elem_type (long eid)
void give_end_nodes (long eid, long *nodes)
void give_endnode_code_numbers (long enid, long *ncn1, long *ncn2, long *mcn)
void give_gcode_numbers (long eid, long *cn)
long give_gndofe (long eid)
long give_ldof (long nid, long lid, long n)
void give_master_nodes (long eid, ivector &nod)
void give_mult_code_numbers (long nid, long lid, long *cn)
long give_ndofe (long eid)
long give_ndofedge (long edid)
long give_ndofn (long nid)
 allocates tgf array at some nodes
long give_ned (long eid)
long give_nen (long eid)
long give_nmne (long eid)
long give_nmult (long lnid)
long give_nne (long eid)
long give_nned (long eid)
long give_nnedge (long edid)
long give_nnsurf (long eid)
void give_node_code_numbers (long nid, long *cn)
void give_node_coord1d (vector &x, long eid)
void give_node_coord2d (vector &x, vector &y, long eid)
void give_node_coord2dxz (vector &x, vector &z, long eid)
void give_node_coord3d (vector &x, vector &y, vector &z, long eid)
void give_nodes (long eid, ivector &nod)
long give_nsurf (long eid)
long give_original_nne (long eid)
void give_original_nodes (long eid, ivector &nod)
void give_surf_nodes (long eid, long surfid, long *nodes)
long give_whole_dim (long eid)
 gtopology ()
void hang_nodes_check (FILE *out)
void initiate (long **icn, long *nc, long m)
void initiate_elemmult ()
void lastLevelOfRootedStructure (int start, int *velikost, int *maxSirka, int *hloubka, int *vzdalenost, int **lastLevel)
void lneso_init ()
void mult_localization (gmatrix *gm)
void node_mark (long n)
void normvectorient ()
void prev_next_edges ()
void print_gf (FILE *out)
void print_time_functions (FILE *kon, double time)
void read_gf (XFILE *in)
void read_seq_top (XFILE *in)
void remove_nodes (long *sn)
 function removes nodes according to list of removed nodes sn
void removeRepetitiousDegrees (int **pole, int *velikost)
void restore_codnum (void)
long saddlepoint_ordering (long ns, long *nnsd, long **ltg)
void save_dof (long nid, long n, long num)
void save_ldof (long nid, long lid, long n, long num)
long schur_ordering ()
long search_changed_dofs (double time, double prev_time)
 function searches for DOFs with changed status
long search_changed_elem (double time, long &nae)
 function searches for elements with changed status
long search_iface_nodes (long *ifn)
 function searches for nodes between new and old part of topology
long search_newdofs (double time, double prev_time)
void search_newdofs (double time)
long search_newelem (double time, double prev_time)
void searching_hanging_nodes (FILE *out)
void shell_sort (int *array, int arrayLength)
void shell_sort_x (ivector &x_ord)
void shell_sort_y (ivector &y_ord)
void shell_sort_z (ivector &z_ord)
void sloan_renumb (FILE *out)
void switch_new_elem ()
 function switches on new elments only with respect to actual time step
void unodelnode ()
void update_active_dofs (double time)
 function sets status indicator of nodes according to status indicator of adjacent elements
void update_auxinf ()
 function updates state indicator of the elements from the previous time step
void update_dofs (double time)
void update_elem (double time)
void update_nodes ()
void write_nodes (FILE *out)
void writePriorityQueue (int *fronta)
 ~gtopology ()

Public Attributes

long ** adjacnodesedge
long ** adjelel
long ** adjelnod
long ** adjnodnod
long ** bckcn
 array with code numbers backup
long cngen
long * cngtopcorr
 correspondence of code numbers between two generalized topologies
long cnstate
long dofcontr
double * domsizes
 sizes of solved domain
long ** edgelist
long * edgeser
edgetype edtype
 backup array for leso components
floatsub flsub
 object of floating subdomains
 functions for DOFs control
long hangnod
long * leso
long * lnso
long * nadjacnodesedge
long * nadjelel
long * nadjelnod
long * nadjnodnod
long nbdof
 the number of boundary/interface DOFs
long ndof
 the number of unknowns defined on the mesh
long ne
 the number of elements
long * nedser
long nen
 the number of end nodes
long neso
long nged
long ngf
 the number of functions for DOFs control
long nidof
 the number of internal DOFs
long nln
 the number of layered nodes
long nn
 the number of nodes
long nnso
noderenumb nodren
 type of node renumbering
long nph
 the number of phases
long ns
 the number of subdomains/aggregates
long nsad
 the number of unknowns in saddle point problem
long nser
long * ordering
long rst
long * unln
long * unnl

Detailed Description

class gtopology

this class contains general topological data of the problem


Definition at line 27 of file gtopology.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Status

Definition at line 211 of file gtopology.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gtopology (  ) 
~gtopology (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void adjacelem ( FILE *  out  ) 
void adjacnodes ( FILE *  out  ) 

function assembles list of adjacent nodes to every node

function assembles list of adjacent nodes to every node in the mesh

out - output file

Definition at line 2111 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjelnod, adjnodnod, give_nne(), give_nodes(), memset(), nadjelnod, nadjnodnod, ne, nn, nodes, and reallocv().

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), main(), mefel_init(), pmefel_init(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), and sloan_renumb().

void adjacnodes_edge ( FILE *  out  ) 

function creates list of adjacent nodes to nodes due to a common edge for each node, it creates a list of nodes connected by an edge


Definition at line 2276 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjacnodesedge, give_edge_nodes(), give_ned(), give_nned(), nadjacnodesedge, ne, and nn.

Referenced by cuthill_mckee_renumb(), partop::identification_node_2d(), partop::identification_node_hexa(), and partop::identification_node_tetra().

void alloc_edge_cn (  ) 

function allocates arrays cn on edges cn contains code numbers of Lagrange multipliers

JK, 6.1.2008

Definition at line 4986 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedge::alloc_cn(), gedge::fn, gedges, give_ndofn(), gedge::ln, and nged.

Referenced by codenum_multip().

void alloc_elements ( long  m  ) 

function allocates elements

m - the number of elements

Definition at line 235 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, ne, and print_err().

Referenced by initiate(), main(), transtop::read(), and mechtop::read().

void alloc_endnode_cn (  ) 

function allocates array cnm on end nodes cnm contains code numbers of Lagrange multipliers

JK, 13.10.2008

Definition at line 3391 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnode::alloc_cnm(), endnodes, endnode::fn, give_ndofn(), and nen.

Referenced by codenum_multip().

void alloc_growstr (  ) 

function reads informations necessary for sequential FETI method problem is solved by FETI method on one processor

ns - number of subdomains
in - input file

JK, 6.10.2007 function reads array ltg1

in - input file

JK, 22.11.2007 The function allocates array of time function indices at nodes where no time function was specified. In such nodes, the dofs are controlled by time functions from the adjacent elements (i.e by gtopology::lnso state indicator) and the time function indices are set to -1 for all dofs.

The function does not return anything but it changes tgf of some nodes.

Created by TKo, 5.2013

Definition at line 4956 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::give_ndofn(), gnodes, nn, and gnode::tgf.

Referenced by mefel_init(), and pmetr_init().

void alloc_lnodes ( long  m  ) 

function allocates layered nodes

m - the number of layered nodes

Definition at line 249 of file gtopology.cpp.

References lgnodes, nln, and print_err().

Referenced by mechtop::read().

void alloc_nodes ( long  m  ) 

function allocates nodes

m - the number of nodes

Definition at line 221 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, nn, and print_err().

Referenced by main(), transtop::read(), and mechtop::read().

void alloc_phases ( long  m  ) 

function allocates phases

m - number of nodes 6.4.2005 TKr

Definition at line 266 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gphases, nph, and print_err().

void approx_weights ( gtypel  et,
long  nid,
vector w,
FILE *  out 

function assembles weights for approximation on a given entity

it works for lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons and hexahedrons

it can be used in connections with hanging nodes

et - type of entity
nid - node id
w - array of weights
out - output file

JK, 11. 7. 2012

Definition at line 6634 of file gtopology.cpp.

References vector::a, bf_lin_1d(), bf_lin_3_2d(), bf_lin_4_2d(), bf_lin_hex_3d(), bf_lin_tet(), bf_quad_1d(), bf_quad_3_2d(), bf_quad_4_2d(), bf_quad_hex_3d(), bf_quad_tet(), gnodes, isolinear1d, isolinear2d, isolinear3d, isoquadratic1d, isoquadratic2d, isoquadratic3d, vector::n, gnode::natcoord, print_err(), tetrahedronlinear, tetrahedronquadratic, trianglelinear, and trianglequadratic.

Referenced by hang_nodes_check(), noddispl(), nodforce(), and mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes().

void auto_subdom_detection ( FILE *  out  ) 

function automatically detects subdomains in conforming meshes

it is used e.g. in problems with hemivariational inequalities, material discontinuities

out - output file

JK, 12.11.2007

Definition at line 5086 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjacelem(), adjacnodes(), cngen, create_ltg(), domdecomp(), edge_allelem(), edge_dirvect(), edge_elem(), edge_normvect(), edge_series(), edgenode_sorting(), edges(), edges_auxprint(), edges_mat(), edtype, end_nodes(), endnodes_auxprint(), enodes_allelem(), jumps, mater, normvectorient(), and prev_next_edges().

Referenced by mefel_init(), slesolv::prepare_data(), ptrfel_init(), and trfel_init().

void auxinf_init (  ) 

function initiates variables auxinf on elements

JK, 3.3.2006

Definition at line 2720 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::auxinf, gelements, and ne.

Referenced by transtop::read(), and mechtop::read().

void backup_cn (  ) 
void backup_codnum ( void   ) 

function backups code numbers for later changes in the supports during problem solving


Definition at line 2512 of file gtopology.cpp.

References bckcn, give_dof(), give_ndofn(), and nn.

Referenced by mefel_init().

void build_nodal_octree (  ) 
void clear_intf_dofs ( long *  ifn  ) 

function sets DOF numbers to zero on selected interface nodes given by ifn list

The function switch off DOFs on interface nodes function is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs former DOfs are not temporarily switched off

time - actual time

6.2.2006, JK, last modification 3.11.2006

Definition at line 3173 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::clear_dof(), cnstate, gnodes, and nn.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void cndistr ( gtopology gt1,
gtopology gt2 

function distributes code numbers from unified topology to the local topologies

function is also usefull for two different meshes used in accordance with Babuska-Brezzi condition; in such case, one mesh contains elements with quadratic approximation functions and the second mesh contains only elements with linear approximation functions; the first mesh contains therefore more nodes than the second mesh; user can add all nodes from the first mesh which are not defined in the second mesh to the list of nodes of the second mesh but they are not mentioned in element-node correspondence

important notice: topology describing the mesh containing elements with quadratic approximation functions must be send to gt1 while topology describing the mesh containing elements with linear approximation functions must be send to gt2

gt1 - pointer to first topology
gt2 - pointer to second topology

JK, 28.10.2002

Definition at line 1910 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::cn, gnodes, gnode::ndofn, and nn.

Referenced by metr_init(), and pmetr_init().

void code_num_mod ( long  ncomp,
long &  ndof,
FILE *  out 

function adds code numbers used in stress based approach in homogenization code numbers are copied from nodes to elements and additional code numbers are added ncomp is 6 for 3D problems, 3 for plane stress

ncomp - the number of components added to each element
ndof - the number of all DOFs in periodic unit cell
out - output file

JK, 17. 2. 2014

Definition at line 6812 of file gtopology.cpp.

References ivector::a, gelement::cn, gelement::cne, gelements, give_code_numbers(), give_ndofe(), ne, and reallocv().

Referenced by mefel_init().

long codenum_generation ( FILE *  out  ) 
long codenum_multip (  ) 

function generates code numbers of Lagrange multipliers

JK, 6.1.2008

Definition at line 5170 of file gtopology.cpp.

References alloc_edge_cn(), alloc_endnode_cn(), gedge::cnfn, gedge::cnln, endnode::cnm, edgelist, endnodes, gedge::fn, endnode::fn, gedges, give_dof(), give_ndofn(), gedge::ln, ndof, nedser, nen, and nser.

Referenced by saddlepoint_ordering().

void comp_domain_sizes (  ) 

function determines maximum sizes of solved domain

6.10.2003, JK

Definition at line 2597 of file gtopology.cpp.

References domsizes, gnodes, nn, gnode::x, gnode::y, and gnode::z.

Referenced by mefel_init(), metr_init(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_solve_timemech_prob(), par_solve_timemech_prob_old(), pmefel_init(), and pmetr_init().

void comptop ( gtopology gt1,
gtopology gt2 

function creates general topology from two identical topologies (meshes) with different unknowns defined in nodes

function is also usefull for two different meshes used in accordance with Babuska-Brezzi condition; in such case, one mesh contains elements with quadratic approximation functions and the second mesh contains only elements with linear approximation functions; the first mesh contains therefore more nodes than the second mesh; user can add all nodes from the first mesh which are not defined in the second mesh to the list of nodes of the second mesh but they are not mentioned in element-node correspondence

important notice: topology describing the mesh containing elements with quadratic approximation functions must be send to gt1 while topology describing the mesh containing elements with linear approximation functions must be send to gt2

gt1 - pointer to the first topology
gt2 - pointer to the second topology

JK, 28.10.2002

Definition at line 1795 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::ai, allocv(), gnode::cn, destrv(), gelements, give_nne(), give_nodes(), gnodes, gelement::ndofe, gnode::ndofn, ne, nn, gelement::nne, nod, gelement::nodes, print_err(), gnode::x, gnode::y, and gnode::z.

Referenced by metr_init(), and pmetr_init().

void create_ltg ( FILE *  out  ) 

function assembles array ltg for sequential topology array is constructed from the knowledge of interfaces among subdomains function is intended for hemivariational inequalities

JK, 6.11.2007

Definition at line 5409 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnodes, endnode::fn, gedges, endnode::ln, seqtop::ltg, nen, nged, gedge::nlist, nn, seqtop::nnsd, seqtop::ns, and stop.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void cuthill_mckee_renumb ( FILE *  out  ) 


function reorders node numbering with respect to Cuthill-McKee algorithm

JB, 27.2.2007 changed JB, 24.10.2008 function reorders node numbering with respect to Cuthill-McKee algorithm

JB, 27.2.2007 changed JB, 24.10.2008

Definition at line 5815 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjacnodes_edge(), adjacnodesedge, cuthill_mckee, nadjacnodesedge, nn, nodren, ordering, rev_cuthill_mckee, and stop.

Referenced by codenum_generation().

void dof_transfer_hangnod ( FILE *  out  ) 

function transfers DOFs from the master nodes to elements hanging nodes do not have own DOFs

out - output file

JK, 17. 6. 2012

Definition at line 6582 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), gelement::cn, gelement::cne, destrv(), gelements, give_dof(), give_master_nodes(), give_ndofn(), give_nmne(), ne, and nod.

Referenced by codenum_generation().

void domdecomp (  ) 

function creates lists of nodes in subdomains mesh must be described by the glued ordering

1.6.2008, JK

Definition at line 5300 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjnodnod, all_nodes, nadjnodnod, nn, seqtop::nnsd, ns, and stop.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void edge_allelem ( FILE *  out  ) 

function assignes numbers of all elements to edges

JK, 6.8.2008

Definition at line 4407 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedge::adjel, adjelel, allocv(), destrv(), edgelist, gedges, give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), nadjelel, ne, nedser, nged, gedge::nlist, nod, nser, and gedge::re.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void edge_dirvect (  ) 

function computes direction vectors of edges

JK, 11.7.2007

Definition at line 3951 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedge::direction_vector(), gedges, gnodes, and nged.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void edge_elem ( FILE *  out  ) 

function assignes numbers of element to edges

JK, 21.10.2007

Definition at line 4317 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjacelem(), adjelel, allocv(), destrv(), edgelist, gedge::fn, gedges, give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), gedge::ln, nadjelel, ne, nedser, nod, nser, and gedge::re.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void edge_localization ( gmatrix gm  ) 

function localizes contributions from edges to the global matrix

gm - pointer to the general matrix

JK, 8.8.2008

Definition at line 5014 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, give_edge_code_numbers(), gmatrix::mult_localize(), gedge::ndofnf, gedge::ndofnl, and nged.

Referenced by mult_localization().

void edge_normvect (  ) 

function computes direction vectors of edges

JK, 11.7.2007

Definition at line 3965 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, gnodes, nged, and gedge::normal_vector().

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void edge_series ( FILE *  out  ) 

function searches for series of edges

JK, 12.7.2007

Definition at line 4063 of file gtopology.cpp.

References edgelist, edgeser, gedge::fn, gedges, gedge::ln, nedser, gedge::next, nged, gedge::nlist, nser, and gedge::prev.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void edgenode_sorting (  ) 

function sorts first and last nodes on edges

JK, 12.7.2007

Definition at line 3979 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, nged, gedge::nlist, nn, and print_err().

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void edges ( FILE *  out  ) 

function searches for common edges on interfaces it is used in automatic subdomain detection

nodes and edges on the interfaces are doubled, the instances edge of the class gedge are found with respect to the identical node coordinates

function is used for problems with hemivariational inequalities

JK, 11.7.2007

Definition at line 3773 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjnodnod, gedge::fn, gedges, give_edge_nodes(), give_ned(), give_nned(), gnodes, gedge::ln, nadjnodnod, ne, nged, gedge::nlist, gedge::nm, gedge::nn, nn, and nodes.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void edges_auxprint ( FILE *  out  ) 

function modifies indicators of code numbers in problems of hemivariational inequalities

indicators have to be modified with respect to

Definition at line 4627 of file gtopology.cpp.

References edgelist, gedges, nedser, nged, and nser.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void edges_mat ( long  matrad,
FILE *  out 

function searches for edges between two different materials it is used in automatic subdomain detection

the instances edge of the class gedge are found with respect to material models used along the edges

function is used for problems with radiation in TRFEL

matrad - type of material model connected with the radiation
out - output file

JK, 25.5.2011

Definition at line 3562 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedge::adjel, adjelel, gelement::auxinf, gedge::fn, gedges, gelements, give_edge_nodes(), give_ned(), give_nned(), gedge::ln, nadjelel, ne, nged, gedge::nlist, gedge::nm, gedge::nn, and nodes.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void end_nodes ( FILE *  out  ) 

saddle point problems e.g. hemivariational inequalities or discontinuities in transport processes

function searches for common end nodes on interfaces it is used in automatic subdomain detection

function is used for problems with hemivariational inequalities, material discontinuities,

JK, 12.10.2008

Definition at line 3264 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnodes, endnode::fn, give_end_nodes(), give_nen(), gnodes, endnode::ln, ne, nen, endnode::nm, endnode::nn, nn, and nodes.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void endnodes_auxprint ( FILE *  out  ) 

function prints auxiliary data about end nodes

out - output file

JK, 13.10.2008

Definition at line 3370 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnodes, nen, and nn.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void endnodes_localization ( gmatrix gm  ) 

function localizes contributions from end nodes to the global matrix

gm - pointer to the general matrix

JK, 14.10.2008

Definition at line 3414 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnodes, give_endnode_code_numbers(), gmatrix::mult_localize(), endnode::ndofn, and nen.

Referenced by mult_localization().

void enodes_allelem ( FILE *  out  ) 

function assignes numbers of all elements to end nodes

JK, 17.10.2008

Definition at line 3442 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnode::adjel, allocv(), destrv(), endnodes, endnode::fn, give_nne(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), endnode::ln, ne, nen, nod, and stop.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

int findMinimumDegree (  ) 

Definition at line 6196 of file gtopology.cpp.

References nadjnodnod, and nn.

Referenced by findPseudoPheripheral().

void findPseudoPheripheral ( int *  startUzel,
int *  cilUzel 

printf("velikost %d, hloubka %d, sirka %d \n" , velikostSeznamu, hloubkaSeznamu,maxSirkaSeznamu);

printf("NalezenCil %d, novyStart %d\n", nalezenCil,novyStart); printf("Zpracovavam uzel %d\n",pracovniSeznam[k]);

Definition at line 6246 of file gtopology.cpp.

References findMinimumDegree(), generateInitialList(), lastLevelOfRootedStructure(), and nn.

Referenced by sloan_renumb().

long gencodnum (  ) 

function generates code numbers (ordering of unknowns and equations)

JK, 25.6.2001

Definition at line 1359 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::cn, gnode::cn, cnstate, gelements, give_dof(), give_ndofe(), give_ndofn(), gnodes, ndof, ne, nn, and ordering.

Referenced by codenum_generation(), general_epressure_varsup(), and pmetr_init().

void generateInitialList ( int  start,
int **  seznam,
int *  velikostSeznamu,
int *  hloubkaSeznamu,
int *  maxSirka 
void give_cn ( long  eid,
long *  cn 

function returns array cn stored on the eid-th element

eid - element id
cn - array containing all code numbers on element


Definition at line 590 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::cn, cnstate, gelements, give_ndofe(), and print_err().

Referenced by beamel3d::nodeforces(), beamel2d::nodeforces(), beamel3d::stiffness_matrix(), and beamel2d::stiffness_matrix_expl().

long give_cne ( long  eid  ) 

function returns indicator of code numbers defined on element

eid - element id (number of element)

Definition at line 376 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_cne().

Referenced by paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), partop::schur_ordering(), and paral::schurordering().

void give_code_numbers ( long  eid,
long *  cn 

function extracts all code numbers of actual element

eid - element id
cn - array containing all code numbers on element


Definition at line 551 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::cn, cnstate, gelements, give_dof(), give_ndofe(), give_ndofn(), give_nne(), give_nodes(), nod, and print_err().

Referenced by dpfeti::arrmatrix(), assemble_conductivity_matrix(), loadcaset::assemble_flux(), assemble_init_coup_upper(), assemble_l_matrix(), capacity_matrix(), code_num_mod(), dskyline::column_lengths(), dpfeti::compute_displ(), conductivity_matrix(), dpfeti::corner_displ(), symcomprow::fillarray(), comprow::fillarray(), first_order_matrix(), schurcompl::gather_bound_vect(), transtop::give_code_numbers(), couptop::give_code_numbers(), mechtop::give_code_numbers(), transtop::give_medium_code_numbers(), internal_coup_fluxes(), internal_coup_forces(), internal_fluxes(), dpfeti::matxvect(), symcomprow::numcontr(), comprow::numcontr(), schurcompl::pss_gather_bound_vect(), schurcompl::pss_gather_bound_vect_old(), trlineart::res_internal_fluxes(), trlinaxisym::res_internal_fluxes(), quadquadrilattax::res_internal_fluxes(), quadquadrilatt::res_internal_fluxes(), quadlineart::res_internal_fluxes(), quadlinaxisym::res_internal_fluxes(), quadhext::res_internal_fluxes(), quadbartax::res_internal_fluxes(), quadbart::res_internal_fluxes(), lintett::res_internal_fluxes(), linhext::res_internal_fluxes(), linbartax::res_internal_fluxes(), linbart::res_internal_fluxes(), dpfeti::rhs_dpfeti(), right_hand_side(), schurcompl::scatter_bound_vect(), schurcompl::selected_norm_calculation(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_fin(), seqschur::solve_red_sys_fin(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_iter(), dpfeti::vectors_br_bm(), and zero_order_matrix().

long give_degree ( long  eid  ) 

function returns degree of polynomial approximation

eid - number of element

JB, 18.4.2007

Definition at line 1228 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linquad, lintetra, lintriag, print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadquad, quadtetra, and quadtriag.

long give_dof ( long  nid,
long  n 

function returns required degree of freedom of required node

nid - node id
n - number of degree of freedom

Definition at line 387 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::give_dof(), and gnodes.

Referenced by aggregator::assemble_aggr_unknowns(), sselnodes::assemble_list_unknowns(), seqschur::assemble_subdom_unknowns(), seqfeti::assemble_subdom_unknowns(), gmatrix::auxdatsparsesolver(), backup_codnum(), partop::code_numbers_on_master(), codenum_multip(), mechtop::comreacnod(), selnodes::contrib_dofs(), seqselnodes::contrib_dofs_ln(), feti1::contributing_nodes_dofs(), partop::coupled_dofs(), seqtop::coupled_dofs(), seqselnodes::dof_feti(), selnodes::dof_indicators(), seqselnodes::dof_indicators(), partop::dof_multiplicity(), partopjk::dof_on_master(), dof_transfer_hangnod(), partop::dofind_master(), paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), gencodnum(), aggregator::gener_rbm_1(), aggregator::gener_rbm_2(), give_code_numbers(), transtop::give_dof(), mechtop::give_dof(), give_gcode_numbers(), paral::globcnnum_dpfeti(), dpfeti::globcnnum_dpfeti(), paral::globcnnum_feti(), feti1::globcnnum_feti(), paral::globcnnum_pdd(), paral::globlocfeti(), feti1::globlocfeti(), dpfeti::globlocfeti(), lhsrhst::initcond(), lhsrhs::initcond(), lhsrhst::initcondprint(), saddpoint::initiate(), seqfeti::initiate(), smaggreg::localization_matrices(), paral::locglobfeti(), feti1::locglobfeti(), dpfeti::locglobfeti(), print_displacements(), print_eigenvect_martin(), print_intforces(), saddlepoint_ordering(), partopjk::schur_local_ordering(), partop::schur_ordering(), seqtop::schur_ordering(), schur_ordering(), paral::schurordering(), schurcompl::selected_norm_calculation(), adaptivityt::statedata_backup(), adaptivityt::statedata_restore(), feti1::subdomain_ordering(), saltmat3::transmission_flux(), saltmat2::transmission_flux(), pedmat::transmission_flux(), med1::transmission_flux(), multiph::transmission_flux(), millymat::transmission_flux(), kunmat::transmission_flux(), kunmat2::transmission_flux(), homogmat::transmission_flux(), grunewaldmat::transmission_flux(), gmultiph::transmission_flux(), glasgowmat::transmission_flux(), general3mat::transmission_flux(), discmat::transmission_flux(), devriesmat::transmission_flux(), glasgowmatc::transmission_flux(), saltmat3::transmission_nodval(), saltmat2::transmission_nodval(), pedmat::transmission_nodval(), med1::transmission_nodval(), multiph::transmission_nodval(), millymat::transmission_nodval(), kunmat::transmission_nodval(), kunmat2::transmission_nodval(), homogmat::transmission_nodval(), grunewaldmat::transmission_nodval(), gmultiph::transmission_nodval(), glasgowmat::transmission_nodval(), general3mat::transmission_nodval(), discmat::transmission_nodval(), devriesmat::transmission_nodval(), glasgowmatc::transmission_nodval(), saltmat3::transmission_transcoeff(), saltmat2::transmission_transcoeff(), pedmat::transmission_transcoeff(), multiph::transmission_transcoeff(), millymat::transmission_transcoeff(), kunmat::transmission_transcoeff(), kunmat2::transmission_transcoeff(), homogmat::transmission_transcoeff(), grunewaldmat::transmission_transcoeff(), gmultiph::transmission_transcoeff(), glasgowmat::transmission_transcoeff(), general3mat::transmission_transcoeff(), discmat::transmission_transcoeff(), devriesmat::transmission_transcoeff(), glasgowmatc::transmission_transcoeff(), and seqtop::update_multip().

void give_domain_sizes ( double *  sizes  ) 

function returns sizes of domain

6.10.2003, JK

Definition at line 2633 of file gtopology.cpp.

References domsizes.

Referenced by consol::get_hc().

void give_edge_code_numbers ( long  edid,
long  fln,
long *  ncn1,
long *  ncn2,
long *  mcn 

function assembles code numbers of nodes and multipliers defined on selected edge

edid - edge id
fln - first or last nodes indicator fln=1 - first nodes are used fln=2 - last nodes are used
ncn1 - array containing code numbers of the first node (on one side of edge)
ncn2 - array containing code numbers of the second node (on the other isde of edge)
mcn - array containing code numbers of multipliers

JK, 6.8.2008

Definition at line 762 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, gedge::give_first_node_numbers(), gedge::give_last_node_numbers(), gedge::give_mult_code_numbers(), give_ndofn(), and give_node_code_numbers().

Referenced by skyline::column_lengths(), dskyline::column_lengths(), transtop::compute_jumps(), transtop::compute_resistance_factor(), and edge_localization().

void give_edge_loc_nodes ( long  eid,
long  edid,
ivector edgenod 

The function returns local node numbers for the given edge of element.

eid - element id
edid - edge id
edgenod - vector of local node id
The function returns output in parameter nodes.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 3.12.2013

Definition at line 863 of file gtopology.cpp.

References ivector::a, give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linhexahedral_edgnod(), linquad, linquadrilat_edgnod(), lintetra, lintetrahedral_edgnod(), lintriag, lintriangle_edgnod(), print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadhexahedral_edgnod(), quadquad, quadquadrilat_edgnod(), quadtetra, quadtetrahedral_edgnod(), quadtriag, and quadtriangle_edgnod().

void give_edge_nodes ( long  eid,
long  edid,
long *  nodes 
gelemtype give_elem_type ( long  eid  ) 
void give_end_nodes ( long  eid,
long *  nodes 

function selects end nodes on required 1D element

eid - element id
nodes - end node numbers

JK, 12.10.2008

Definition at line 809 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), destrv(), give_elem_type(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), linbar, linbar_endpoints(), nod, print_err(), quadbar, and quadbar_endpoints().

Referenced by end_nodes().

void give_endnode_code_numbers ( long  enid,
long *  ncn1,
long *  ncn2,
long *  mcn 

function assembles code numbers of nodes and multipliers defined on selected end node

enid - end node id
ncn1 - array containing code numbers of the first node (on one side of edge)
ncn2 - array containing code numbers of the second node (on the other side of edge)
mcn - array containing code numbers of multipliers

JK, 6.8.2008

Definition at line 727 of file gtopology.cpp.

References endnodes, endnode::give_mult_code_numbers(), give_ndofn(), give_node_code_numbers(), and endnode::give_node_numbers().

Referenced by skyline::column_lengths(), dskyline::column_lengths(), transtop::compute_jumps(), and endnodes_localization().

void give_gcode_numbers ( long  eid,
long *  cn 

function extracts all code numbers of actual element including code numbers of Lagrange multipliers

eid - element id
cn - array containing all code numbers on element


Definition at line 615 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), gelement::cn, cnstate, destrv(), gelements, give_dof(), give_mult_code_numbers(), give_ndofe(), give_ndofn(), give_nmult(), give_nne(), give_nodes(), nod, unln, and unnl.

Referenced by skyline::column_lengths().

long give_gndofe ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of all degrees of freedom of required element it means with Lagrange multipliers defined on element

eid - element id (number of element)

Definition at line 313 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gelement::give_ndofe(), gelement::give_nmult(), and gelement::give_nne().

Referenced by skyline::column_lengths().

long give_ldof ( long  nid,
long  lid,
long  n 
void give_master_nodes ( long  eid,
ivector nod 

function returns numbers of nodes on element

eid - element id
nod - array containing node numbers

JK, 17.6.2012

Definition at line 440 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_master_nodes().

Referenced by dof_transfer_hangnod(), and mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes().

void give_mult_code_numbers ( long  nid,
long  lid,
long *  cn 

function extracts code numbers of multipliers of actual node

nid - node id
lid - layer id
cn - array containing code numbers on element


Definition at line 703 of file gtopology.cpp.

References lgnode::cn, cnstate, give_nmult(), lgnodes, and print_err().

Referenced by give_gcode_numbers(), mechtop::give_mult_code_numbers(), and print_multipliers().

long give_ndofe ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of degrees of freedom of required element

eid - element id (number of element)

Definition at line 302 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_ndofe().

Referenced by elemmat::alloc(), dpfeti::arrmatrix(), loadcase::assemble(), dloadcase::assemble(), assemble_conductivity_matrix(), assemble_coup(), assemble_init_coup_upper(), capacity_matrix(), code_num_mod(), dskyline::column_lengths(), dpfeti::compute_displ(), loadcase::compute_reactions(), dloadcase::compute_reactions(), conductivity_matrix(), dpfeti::corner_displ(), paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), eldispl(), mechtop::elemprescdisp(), elprdispl(), symcomprow::fillarray(), comprow::fillarray(), first_order_matrix(), schurcompl::gather_bound_vect(), gencodnum(), give_cn(), give_code_numbers(), give_gcode_numbers(), springel::give_ndofe(), incr_internal_forces(), initial_stiffness_matrix(), internal_coup_fluxes(), internal_coup_forces(), internal_fluxes(), loc_internal_forces(), mass_matrix(), dpfeti::matxvect(), nodal_eigstrain_forces(), nodal_pore_press_forces(), nonloc_internal_forces(), symcomprow::numcontr(), comprow::numcontr(), schurcompl::pss_gather_bound_vect(), schurcompl::pss_gather_bound_vect_old(), dpfeti::rhs_dpfeti(), right_hand_side(), saddlepoint_ordering(), schurcompl::scatter_bound_vect(), partop::schur_ordering(), schur_ordering(), paral::schurordering(), mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes(), schurcompl::selected_norm_calculation(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_fin(), seqschur::solve_red_sys_fin(), schurcompl::solve_red_sys_iter(), stiffness_matrix(), dpfeti::vectors_br_bm(), and zero_order_matrix().

long give_ndofedge ( long  edid  ) 
long give_ndofn ( long  nid  ) 

allocates tgf array at some nodes

function returns number of degrees of freedom of required node

nid - node id (number of node)

Definition at line 280 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::give_ndofn(), and gnodes.

Referenced by alloc_edge_cn(), alloc_endnode_cn(), aggregator::assemble_aggr_unknowns(), seqtop::assemble_dofind(), partop::assemble_gcnd(), sselnodes::assemble_list_unknowns(), partop::assemble_pgcn(), seqschur::assemble_subdom_unknowns(), seqfeti::assemble_subdom_unknowns(), backup_codnum(), partop::code_numbers_on_master(), codenum_multip(), endnodet::compute_jump(), edget::compute_jump(), edget::compute_node_jump(), mechtop::comreacnod(), selnodes::contrib_dofs(), seqselnodes::contrib_dofs_ln(), feti1::contributing_nodes_dofs(), partop::coupled_dofs(), seqtop::coupled_dofs(), seqselnodes::dof_feti(), selnodes::dof_indicators(), partop::dof_multiplicity(), partopjk::dof_on_master(), dof_transfer_hangnod(), partop::dofind_master(), paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), eldispl(), elemvalues_puc(), gencodnum(), general_epressure_varsup(), give_code_numbers(), give_edge_code_numbers(), give_endnode_code_numbers(), loadelt::give_external_nodval(), give_gcode_numbers(), transtop::give_ndofn(), couptop::give_ndofn(), mechtop::give_ndofn(), give_node_code_numbers(), loadelt::give_nodval(), loadelt::give_trc(), paral::globcnnum_dpfeti(), dpfeti::globcnnum_dpfeti(), paral::globcnnum_feti(), feti1::globcnnum_feti(), paral::globcnnum_pdd(), mechbclc::inicipval(), lhsrhst::initcond(), lhsrhst::initcondprint(), saddpoint::initiate(), seqfeti::initiate(), smaggreg::localization_matrices(), partop::ndofn_master(), selnodes::ndofn_on_master(), partopjk::ndofn_on_master(), seqselnodes::ndofn_on_master(), noddispl(), nodforce(), selnodes::number_all_dofs(), seqselnodes::number_all_dofs(), seqselnodes::number_contrib_dofs(), partop::number_of_bdofs_on_nodes(), partop::numbers_of_all_dofs_on_subdomains(), restore_codnum(), mechtop::restore_nodforce(), mechtop::restore_nodval(), saddlepoint_ordering(), partopjk::schur_local_ordering(), partop::schur_ordering(), seqtop::schur_ordering(), schur_ordering(), paral::schurordering(), searching_hanging_nodes(), schurcompl::selected_norm_calculation(), mechtop::store_code_num_elem(), feti1::subdomain_ordering(), and seqtop::update_multip().

long give_ned ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of edges of the element

eid - element id

JB, 18.4.2007

Definition at line 1111 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linquad, lintetra, lintriag, print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadquad, quadtetra, and quadtriag.

Referenced by adjacnodes_edge(), fixnodesel::create_subdom_graph_2d(), fixnodesel::create_subdom_graph_3d(), edges(), and edges_mat().

long give_nen ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of end nodes on the element

eid - element id

JK, 17.10.2008

Definition at line 1079 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linquad, lintetra, lintriag, print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadquad, quadtetra, and quadtriag.

Referenced by end_nodes().

long give_nmne ( long  eid  ) 

function returns the number of master nodes on required element

eid - element id (number of element)

Definition at line 366 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_nmne().

Referenced by dof_transfer_hangnod(), give_nne(), mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes(), and update_nodes().

long give_nmult ( long  lnid  ) 

function returns number of multipliers defined between two layers in one node

lnid - layerd node id (number of layered node)

Definition at line 292 of file gtopology.cpp.

References lgnodes, and lgnode::nmult.

Referenced by give_gcode_numbers(), give_mult_code_numbers(), initiate_elemmult(), and print_multipliers().

long give_nne ( long  eid  ) 
long give_nned ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of nodes on one element edge

eid - number of element

JB, 18.4.2007

Definition at line 1143 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linquad, lintetra, lintriag, print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadquad, quadtetra, and quadtriag.

Referenced by adjacnodes_edge(), fixnodesel::create_subdom_graph_2d(), fixnodesel::create_subdom_graph_3d(), edges(), edges_mat(), and give_edge_nodes().

long give_nnedge ( long  edid  ) 

function returns number of nodes on selected edge

edid - edge id

Definition at line 327 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, and gedge::nn.

long give_nnsurf ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of nodes on element surface

eid - element id

JB, 18.4.2004

Definition at line 1201 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linhexa, lintetra, print_err(), quadhexa, and quadtetra.

Referenced by give_surf_nodes().

void give_node_code_numbers ( long  nid,
long *  cn 

function extracts code numbers of actual node

nid - node id
cn - array containing code numbers on element


Definition at line 680 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::cn, cnstate, give_ndofn(), gnodes, and print_err().

Referenced by eldispl(), give_edge_code_numbers(), give_endnode_code_numbers(), transtop::give_node_code_numbers(), and mechtop::give_node_code_numbers().

void give_node_coord1d ( vector x,
long  eid 

function returns node coordinates of the appropriate element

x - vectors containing node coordinates
eid - element id


Definition at line 454 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gelement::give_nne(), gelement::give_nodes(), gnodes, vector::n, nodes, print_err(), and gnode::x.

Referenced by transtop::give_node_coord1d(), and mechtop::give_node_coord1d().

void give_node_coord2d ( vector x,
vector y,
long  eid 

function returns node coordinates of the appropriate element

x,y - vectors containing node coordinates
eid - element id


Definition at line 478 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gelement::give_nne(), gelement::give_nodes(), gnodes, vector::n, nodes, print_err(), gnode::x, and gnode::y.

Referenced by transtop::give_node_coord2d(), couptop::give_node_coord2d(), mechtop::give_node_coord2d(), give_valuesinpoints(), normvectorient(), and least_square::nsp_spcoord_maxcoord_assembling().

void give_node_coord2dxz ( vector x,
vector z,
long  eid 

function returns node coordinates of the appropriate element

x,z - vectors containing coordinates
eid - element id


Definition at line 502 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gelement::give_nne(), gelement::give_nodes(), gnodes, vector::n, nodes, print_err(), gnode::x, and gnode::z.

Referenced by couptop::give_node_coord2dxz(), and mechtop::give_node_coord2dxz().

void give_node_coord3d ( vector x,
vector y,
vector z,
long  eid 
void give_nodes ( long  eid,
ivector nod 

function returns numbers of nodes on element

eid - element id
nod - array containing node numbers

Definition at line 410 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gelement::give_master_nodes(), and gelement::give_nodes().

Referenced by adjacelem(), adjacnodes(), comptop(), eldispl(), elemnode::elemnodes(), give_code_numbers(), transtop::give_elemnodes(), couptop::give_elemnodes(), give_gcode_numbers(), give_surf_nodes(), give_valuesinpoints(), search_iface_nodes(), and update_nodes().

long give_nsurf ( long  eid  ) 

function returns number of surfaces of the element

eid - element id

JB, 18.4.2004

Definition at line 1175 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linhexa, lintetra, print_err(), quadhexa, and quadtetra.

long give_original_nne ( long  eid  ) 

function returns the number of nodes on required element

eid - element id (number of element)

Definition at line 337 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_nne().

Referenced by edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), enodes_allelem(), give_edge_nodes(), give_end_nodes(), normvectorient(), searching_hanging_nodes(), and update_nodes().

void give_original_nodes ( long  eid,
ivector nod 

function returns numbers of nodes on element

eid - element id
nod - array containing node numbers

Definition at line 427 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, and gelement::give_nodes().

Referenced by edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), enodes_allelem(), give_edge_nodes(), mechtop::give_elemnodes(), give_end_nodes(), normvectorient(), mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes(), searching_hanging_nodes(), and update_nodes().

void give_surf_nodes ( long  eid,
long  surfid,
long *  nodes 

function returns node numbers on required element surface

eid - element id
edid - edge id
nodes - array containing edge nodes

JB, 18.4.2007

Definition at line 1015 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), destrv(), give_elem_type(), give_nne(), give_nnsurf(), give_nodes(), linhexa, linhexahedral_surfnod(), lintetra, lintetrahedral_surfnod(), nod, print_err(), quadhexa, quadhexahedral_surfnod(), quadtetra, and quadtetrahedral_surfnod().

long give_whole_dim ( long  eid  ) 

Function return spatial dimension of the element

eid - number of element 16.11.10 JB

Definition at line 1258 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_elem_type(), linbar, linhexa, linquad, lintetra, lintriag, print_err(), quadbar, quadhexa, quadquad, quadtetra, and quadtriag.

Referenced by fixnodesel::give_whole_dim().

void hang_nodes_check ( FILE *  out  ) 

function checks natural and real coordinates of hanging nodes

out - output file

JK, 16. 11. 2012

Definition at line 6744 of file gtopology.cpp.

References approx_weights(), gnode::give_ndofn(), gnodes, gnode::mnodes, nn, print_err(), reallocv(), scprd(), gnode::x, gnode::y, and gnode::z.

Referenced by mechtop::read().

void initiate ( long **  icn,
long *  nc,
long  m 

function initiates class gtopology

icn - array containing code numbers
nc - array containing numbers of components
m - number of generalized elements


Definition at line 205 of file gtopology.cpp.

References alloc_elements(), cnstate, gelements, gelement::initiate(), and ne.

Referenced by dpfeti::globcnnum_dpfeti(), schurcompl::initiate(), dpfeti::initiate(), and seqschur::initiate().

void initiate_elemmult (  ) 

function initiates number of multipliers on elements

JK, 2.2.2003

Definition at line 2581 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, give_nmult(), ne, gelement::nmult, gelement::nodes, and unln.

Referenced by mefel_init().

void lastLevelOfRootedStructure ( int  start,
int *  velikost,
int *  maxSirka,
int *  hloubka,
int *  vzdalenost,
int **  lastLevel 

printf("velikostHranice =- %d", velikostHranice);

Definition at line 6087 of file gtopology.cpp.

References adjnodnod, nadjnodnod, and nn.

Referenced by findPseudoPheripheral(), generateInitialList(), and sloan_renumb().

void lneso_init (  ) 

function allocates and assigns array of nodes and elements which are switched on

3.3.2006, JK

Definition at line 2695 of file gtopology.cpp.

References leso, lnso, ne, and nn.

Referenced by metr_init(), transtop::read(), and mechtop::read().

void mult_localization ( gmatrix gm  ) 

function localizes matrix entries connected with Lagrange multipliers to the general matrix there are contributions from end nodes (1D), edges (2D)

gm - general matrix

JK, 14.10.2008

Definition at line 5286 of file gtopology.cpp.

References edge_localization(), and endnodes_localization().

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), and one_step_nonlinear_dform().

void node_mark ( long  n  ) 
void normvectorient (  ) 

function checkes orientation of normal vectors

JK, 21.10.2007

Definition at line 4501 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), gedge::check_normal(), destrv(), gedges, give_node_coord2d(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), nged, nod, and gedge::re.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection().

void prev_next_edges (  ) 

function searches for previous and next edges for each edge

JK, 12.7.2007

Definition at line 4012 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gedges, gedge::next, nged, gedge::nlist, nn, gedge::prev, and print_err().

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), and solve_linear_floating_subdomains2().

void print_gf ( FILE *  out  ) 

function prints integer table functions

out - output stream

17.7.2006, TKr

Definition at line 2679 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gf, ngf, and gfunct::print().

Referenced by main().

void print_time_functions ( FILE *  kon,
double  time 

function changes nodes and elements it is used in problems with growing numbers of nodes and elements nodes and elements are updated at particular instance of time

JK, 28.2.2006

Definition at line 3231 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gf, and ngf.

void read_gf ( XFILE in  ) 

function reads integer table functions function allocates array leso

in - input stream

10.2.2006, JK, TKo

Definition at line 2650 of file gtopology.cpp.

References XFILE::col, XFILE::fname, gf, XFILE::line, ngf, print_err(), gfunct::read(), and xfscanf().

Referenced by input_lc(), input_lct(), main(), mefel_init(), metr_init(), pmefel_init(), pmetr_init(), ptrfel_init(), and trfel_init().

void read_seq_top ( XFILE in  ) 

function allocates object of the class sequential topology function read data about meshes

this function is used in sequential (one-processor) implementation of domain decomposition methods

in - input file

JK, 23.12.2007

Definition at line 5586 of file gtopology.cpp.

References all_nodes, bound_nodes, meshdescription_kwdset(), metis, metis_elem, ne, neg_bound_nodes, ns, seqtop::read_eldom(), seqtop::read_ltg(), seqtop::read_nnsd(), stop, and xfscanf().

Referenced by transtop::read(), and mechtop::read().

void remove_nodes ( long *  sn  ) 

function removes nodes according to list of removed nodes sn

The function switches off selected nodes and it is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs. The selected nodes are given by array sn where sn[i]=1 means switch off i-th node. If the status of i-th node should be unchanged then sn[i]=0.

sn - array of with indicators of selected nodes
The function does not return anything but it changes nodal status, i.e., array lnso.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 10.6.2013

Definition at line 2838 of file gtopology.cpp.

References lnso, nn, and nod.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void removeRepetitiousDegrees ( int **  pole,
int *  velikost 

Definition at line 6212 of file gtopology.cpp.

References nadjnodnod, and nn.

Referenced by generateInitialList().

void restore_codnum ( void   ) 

function backups code numbers for later changes in the supports during problem solving


Definition at line 2535 of file gtopology.cpp.

References bckcn, give_ndofn(), gnodes, and nn.

Referenced by general_epressure_varsup().

long saddlepoint_ordering ( long  ns,
long *  nnsd,
long **  ltg 

function generates code numbers (numbers of equations) with respect to saddle point problem

internal nodes are ordered first, interface nodes are ordered at the end finally, Lagrange multipliers are defined by the function codenum_multip

interface nodes are indicated by array ltg which has value 1

ns - number of subdomains
nnsd - number of nodes on subdomains
ltg - local to global map

JK, 13.12.2007

Definition at line 1653 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::cn, gnode::cn, cnstate, codenum_multip(), gelements, give_dof(), give_ndofe(), give_ndofn(), gnodes, nbdof, ndof, ne, nidof, nn, nsad, and ordering.

Referenced by codenum_generation().

void save_dof ( long  nid,
long  n,
long  num 

function sets one code number on node

nid - node id
n - number of degree of freedom
num - value of code number

Definition at line 399 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, and gnode::save_dof().

Referenced by paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), partopjk::schur_local_ordering(), partop::schur_ordering(), paral::schurordering(), and feti1::subdomain_ordering().

void save_ldof ( long  nid,
long  lid,
long  n,
long  num 
long schur_ordering (  ) 

function generates code numbers (numbers of equations) with respect to Schur ordering

internal nodes are ordered first, interface nodes are ordered at the end

interface nodes are indicated by array ltg which has value 1

JK, 22.10.2007

Definition at line 1434 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::cn, gnode::cn, cnstate, gelements, give_dof(), give_ndofe(), give_ndofn(), gnodes, seqtop::ltg, nbdof, ndof, ne, nidof, nn, seqtop::nnsd, ns, ordering, and stop.

Referenced by codenum_generation().

long search_changed_dofs ( double  time,
double  prev_time 

function searches for DOFs with changed status

The function searches for changed DOFs and it is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs.

time - actual time
prev_time - previous time

JK, 22.9.2006, modification 3.11.2006 Rewritten by 21.5.2013,TKo

Definition at line 3076 of file gtopology.cpp.

References cnstate, gf, gnodes, lnso, nn, gnode::search_changed_dofs(), and update_nodes().

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

long search_changed_elem ( double  time,
long &  nae 

function searches for elements with changed status

Function searches for elements elements with changed status, i.e., elements that were switched on/off in the actual time step. Additionally, it counts number of elements added. Status of all elements is updated. The function is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs.

time - actual time
nae - number of added elements (output parameter)
The function returns elements with changed status and number of added elements via parameter nae .

Created by TKo, 7.6.2013

Definition at line 2866 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelement::auxinf, gelements, gfunct::getval_long(), gf, leso, ne, and gelement::tgf.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

long search_iface_nodes ( long *  ifn  ) 

function searches for nodes between new and old part of topology

The function creates list of nodes that belong to interfaces between old and new elements (added at actual time step). It sets indicators in array ifn for each node on interface to 1. Remaining nodes are set to 0.

ifn - array of indicators for interface nodes
The function returns number of interface nodes and indicators in the array ifn are set.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 7.6.2013

Definition at line 2914 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, give_nne(), give_nodes(), leso, memset(), ne, nn, nod, and reallocv().

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

long search_newdofs ( double  time,
double  prev_time 

function searches for new DOFs function is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs only new DOFs are switched on, former DOFs are temporarily switched off

time - actual time
prev_time - previous time

JK, 22.9.2006, modification 3.11.2006 Updated 21.5.2013,TKo

Definition at line 3039 of file gtopology.cpp.

References cnstate, gf, gnodes, lnso, nn, gnode::search_changed_dofs(), and update_nodes().

void search_newdofs ( double  time  ) 
long search_newelem ( double  time,
double  prev_time 

function searches for new elements function is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs function returns number of changed elements only new elements are switched on, former elements are temporarily switched off

time - actual time
prev_time - previous time

JK, 22.9.2006, last modification 3.11.2006

Definition at line 2981 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gfunct::getval_long(), gf, leso, ne, and gelement::tgf.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), and solve_nonstationary_growing_vform().

void searching_hanging_nodes ( FILE *  out  ) 

function searches for the hanging nodes

out - output file


Definition at line 6505 of file gtopology.cpp.

References allocv(), gelement::cn, destrv(), gelements, give_ndofn(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), gnodes, hangnod, gelement::master_nodes, gnode::mnodes, gelement::ndofe, gnode::ndofn, ne, gelement::nmne, and nod.

Referenced by mechtop::read().

void shell_sort ( int *  array,
int  arrayLength 

Definition at line 5949 of file gtopology.cpp.

References nadjnodnod.

Referenced by generateInitialList().

void shell_sort_x ( ivector x_ord  ) 

The function sorts gtopology::nodes array by Shell sort algorithm in ascending order with respect to x coordinate.

x_ord - vector of sorted nodal ids
The function returns resulting x order in the parameter x_ord.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 22.10.2013

Definition at line 5982 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, nn, and reallocv().

void shell_sort_y ( ivector y_ord  ) 

The function sorts gtopology::nodes array by Shell sort algorithm in ascending order with respect to y coordinate.

y_ord - vector of sorted nodal ids
The function returns resulting y order in the parameter y_ord.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 22.10.2013

Definition at line 6020 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, nn, and reallocv().

void shell_sort_z ( ivector z_ord  ) 

The function sorts gtopology::nodes array by Shell sort algorithm in ascending order with respect to z coordinate.

z_ord - vector of sorted nodal ids
The function returns resulting z order in the parameter z_ord.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 22.10.2013

Definition at line 6058 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, nn, and reallocv().

void sloan_renumb ( FILE *  out  ) 
void switch_new_elem (  ) 

function switches on new elments only with respect to actual time step

The function switch on elements that were added in the actual time step. Remaining elements are switched off.

The function does not return anything but it changes content of leso array.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 17.6.2013

Definition at line 3111 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, leso, and ne.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void unodelnode (  ) 

function assembles correspondation between usual nodes and layered nodes function creates array unln with nn components, unln[i] represents number of layered node which contains i-th usual node

JK, 1.2.2003

Definition at line 2563 of file gtopology.cpp.

References lgnodes, lgnode::nl, nln, nn, lgnode::nodes, unln, and unnl.

Referenced by mechtop::read().

void update_active_dofs ( double  time  ) 

function sets status indicator of nodes according to status indicator of adjacent elements

The function updates DOFs on active nodes and resets cne state flag on elements with hanging nodes. It is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs.

time - actual time
The funtion does not return anything but it changes code number array at nodes.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 7.6.2013

Definition at line 3135 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnode::clear_dof(), gelement::cne, cnstate, gelements, gf, gnodes, lnso, ne, nn, and gnode::update_dofs().

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void update_auxinf (  ) 

function updates state indicator of the elements from the previous time step

The function updates variables auxinf on elements to the corresponding leso values. It is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs.

The function does not return anything but it changes values of auxinf on elements.

Created by Tomas Koudelka, 7.6. 2013

Definition at line 2739 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, leso, and ne.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void update_dofs ( double  time  ) 

The function updates appropriate DOFs and it is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs. former DOfs are not temporarily switched off

time - actual time

6.2.2006, JK, last modification 3.11.2006

Definition at line 3198 of file gtopology.cpp.

References cnstate, gf, gnodes, lnso, and nn.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void update_elem ( double  time  ) 

The function switches on appropriate elements. It is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs.

leso[i]=0 - the i-th element is switched off leso[i]=1 - the i-th element is switched on

time - actual time
The function does not return anything but it changes values stored in the leso array.

JK, 28.2.2006, last modification 3.11.2006

Definition at line 2762 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gelements, gfunct::getval_long(), gf, leso, ne, and gelement::tgf.

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void update_nodes (  ) 

function switches on appropriate nodes function is used in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs former nodes are not temporarily switched off

lnso[i]=0 - the i-th node is switched off lnso[i]=1 - the i-th node is switched on

JK, 7.11.2006

Definition at line 2786 of file gtopology.cpp.

References give_nmne(), give_nne(), give_nodes(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), gnodes, leso, lnso, ne, nn, nod, and reallocv().

Referenced by newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_solve_prob_constr_phases(), search_changed_dofs(), search_newdofs(), and solve_prob_constr_phases().

void write_nodes ( FILE *  out  ) 

Definition at line 2549 of file gtopology.cpp.

References gnodes, and nn.

void writePriorityQueue ( int *  fronta  ) 

Definition at line 5943 of file gtopology.cpp.

References nn.

Member Data Documentation

long** adjelel

array of adjacent elements to elements adjelel[i][j]=k - the j-th element adjacent to the i-th element has number k array has to be sorted, there are multiple contributions array is allocated in the function adjacelem

Definition at line 330 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacelem(), adjacip(), least_square::compute_patches_nod2sp(), detect_plastic_zones(), edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), edges_mat(), gtopology(), newadjelel(), whereispoint(), and ~gtopology().

long** adjelnod
long** adjnodnod

array of adjacent nodes to nodes adjnodnod[i][j]=k - the j-th node adjacent to the i-th node has number k array is allocated in the function adjacnodes

Definition at line 343 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacnodes(), domdecomp(), edges(), gtopology(), lastLevelOfRootedStructure(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), sloan_renumb(), and ~gtopology().

long** bckcn

array with code numbers backup

Definition at line 350 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by backup_codnum(), gtopology(), mefel_init(), restore_codnum(), and ~gtopology().

long cngen

type of generator of code numbers cngen = 1 - the classical code number generation cngen = 2 - the Schur system of code number generation internal DOFs are ordered first, interface/boundary DOFs last cngen = 3 - ???

Definition at line 294 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), codenum_generation(), gtopology(), seqselnodes::prepare_feti(), probdesc::read(), slesolv::read(), and seqfeti::read().

long* cngtopcorr

correspondence of code numbers between two generalized topologies

Definition at line 358 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology(), vector_assemb(), vector_decomp(), and ~gtopology().

long cnstate

state of code numbers = state of equation numbers this variable is used especially in problems with changing number of nodes, elements and DOFs DOFs are switched on and off during computation

cnstate=0 - code numbers are not generated, they are not available cnstate=1 - code numbers are generated, they are available

Definition at line 274 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by clear_intf_dofs(), gencodnum(), give_cn(), give_code_numbers(), give_gcode_numbers(), give_mult_code_numbers(), give_node_code_numbers(), gtopology(), schurcompl::initiate(), dpfeti::initiate(), seqschur::initiate(), initiate(), saddlepoint_ordering(), partopjk::schur_local_ordering(), partop::schur_ordering(), seqtop::schur_ordering(), schur_ordering(), search_changed_dofs(), search_newdofs(), update_active_dofs(), and update_dofs().

long dofcontr

indicator of functions for DOFs control dofcontr=0 - classical approach dofcontr=1 - DOFs are controlled by function

Definition at line 264 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology(), transtop::print(), transtop::read(), probdesct::read(), probdesc::read(), and mechtop::read().

double* domsizes

sizes of solved domain

Definition at line 297 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by comp_domain_sizes(), give_domain_sizes(), gtopology(), and ~gtopology().

long** edgelist

list of edge numbers in series edgelist[i][j]=k - the j-th edge in the i-th serie has number k array is allocated in the function edge_series

Definition at line 413 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by codenum_multip(), transtop::compute_resistance_factor(), edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), edge_series(), transtop::edge_temperature(), edges_auxprint(), gtopology(), transtop::heat_fluxes(), transtop::mod_view_factors(), transtop::t4t4(), transtop::view_factors(), and ~gtopology().

long* edgeser

series of edges edgeser[i]=j - the i-th edge is in the j-th series array is allocated in the function edge_series

Definition at line 403 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by edge_series(), gtopology(), and ~gtopology().

backup array for leso components

TOOLS FOR PROBLEMS WITH HEMIVARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES TOOLS FOR PROBLEMS WITH MATERIAL INTERFACES (e.g. RADIATION) type of edges edtype = jumps - edges are used for problems with jumps (discontinuities on material interfaces edtype = mater - edges are used for problems with material interfaces and continuous variables (e.g. radiation) the actual value is assigned in the function radiation_init () called in trfelinit.cpp in TRFEL

Definition at line 392 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by auto_subdom_detection(), gtopology(), radiation_init(), probdesct::read(), and trfel_init().

object of floating subdomains

Definition at line 361 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by mefel_init().

Definition at line 220 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by least_square::adjap_assembling(), alloc_elements(), auxinf_init(), mechtop::clean_ip_new_elem(), code_num_mod(), comptop(), least_square::compute_patches_spr(), patch_averaging::compute_patches_spr(), loadcase::compute_reactions(), dloadcase::compute_reactions(), dof_transfer_hangnod(), edges_mat(), femplast_epressure(), findout_parentel_nod(), gencodnum(), give_cn(), give_cne(), give_code_numbers(), give_elem_type(), give_gcode_numbers(), give_gndofe(), give_master_nodes(), springel::give_ndofe(), give_ndofe(), give_nmne(), give_nne(), give_node_coord1d(), give_node_coord2d(), give_node_coord2dxz(), give_node_coord3d(), give_nodes(), give_original_nne(), give_original_nodes(), give_valuesinpoints(), gtopology(), mechtop::init_from_siftop(), mechtop::initial_displ(), transtop::initial_nodval(), adaptivityt::initialize(), initiate(), initiate_elemmult(), least_square::insidenod_assembling(), patch_averaging::insidenod_assembling(), interpolelem(), main(), transtop::mesh_check(), couptop::mesh_check(), mechtop::mesh_check(), beamel3d::nodeforces(), beamel2d::nodeforces(), least_square::nodvalue_assembling_ae(), patch_averaging::nodvalue_assembling_ae(), least_square::nsp_spcoord_maxcoord_assembling(), patch_averaging::nsp_spcoord_maxcoord_assembling(), opposite_node(), least_square::polynom_coefficients_inv_ae(), elementt::print(), element::print(), print_contoures(), print_default_vtk(), outdriverm::print_default_vtk(), print_dx(), print_VTK_nodedata(), radiation_init(), elementt::read(), element::read(), adaptivity::run(), saddlepoint_ordering(), schur_ordering(), search_changed_elem(), search_iface_nodes(), search_newelem(), searching_hanging_nodes(), beamel3d::stiffness_matrix(), beamel2d::stiffness_matrix_expl(), mechtop::store_code_num_elem(), switch_new_elem(), update_active_dofs(), update_auxinf(), update_elem(), whereispoint(), whereispoint_outpoint(), write_elements(), write_gid_2delement(), write_gid_2delementt(), write_gid_contact_element(), write_gid_element(), write_gid_elementt(), and ~gtopology().

Definition at line 219 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacnode(), least_square::adjap_assembling(), alloc_growstr(), alloc_nodes(), approx_weights(), gmatrix::auxdatsparsesolver(), partop::boundary_nodes_on_master(), clear_intf_dofs(), closest_node(), cndistr(), comp_domain_sizes(), mechbclc::comp_sum(), mechbclc::comp_sum_pdreact(), mechbclc::comp_sum_react(), comptop(), fixnodesel::compute_angle_of_vector_a_and_b(), fixnodesel::compute_area_of_triangle(), fixnodesel::compute_length_of_vector(), mechtop::comreacnod(), partop::control_numbers_of_vertices(), dpfeti::cornodedetection(), edge_dirvect(), edge_normvect(), edges(), elemvalues(), elemvalues_puc(), end_nodes(), findout_parentel_nod(), gencodnum(), mechtop::gencodnumlagrmult(), aggregator::gener_rbm_2(), general_epressure_varsup(), give_dof(), mechtop::give_ndofn(), give_ndofn(), mechtop::give_nodal_coord(), give_node_code_numbers(), give_node_coord1d(), give_node_coord2d(), give_node_coord2dxz(), give_node_coord3d(), lplate::globcnnum_lpp(), gtopology(), hang_nodes_check(), homogenization(), gmatrix::initiate(), partop::initiation(), interpolelem(), lplate::lplate(), main(), mefel_init(), transtop::mesh_check(), couptop::mesh_check(), mechtop::mesh_check(), newton_raphson_coupl(), noddispl(), nodforce(), fixnodesel::order_selected_ring_nodes(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), least_square::polynom_coefficients_inv_ae(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), transtop::print(), print_contoures(), print_default_vtk(), outdriverm::print_default_vtk(), outdiagm::print_displacements(), print_dx(), print_ex(), outdiagt::print_header(), outdiagt::print_unknowns(), print_VTK_nodedata(), transtop::read(), mechtop::read(), restore_codnum(), restore_displ(), saddlepoint_ordering(), save_dof(), mechtop::save_node_inidispl(), partop::schur_ordering(), seqtop::schur_ordering(), schur_ordering(), search_changed_dofs(), search_newdofs(), mechtop::searching_hanging_nodes(), searching_hanging_nodes(), seldofinit(), fixnodesel::select_centers_of_surfaces(), fixnodesel::set_fictitious_subdomain(), shell_sort_x(), shell_sort_y(), shell_sort_z(), least_square::sigma(), patch_averaging::sigma(), solve_linear_floating_subdomains_old(), slesolv::solve_system(), transfvalues_nod(), update_active_dofs(), update_dofs(), update_nodes(), transtop::view_factors(), whereispoint(), whereispoint_outpoint(), write_deflection(), write_displ(), write_gid_nodes(), write_gid_nodest(), write_nforces(), write_nodes(), write_nodes(), write_vtk_unkn(), and ~gtopology().

Definition at line 222 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by alloc_phases(), gtopology(), and ~gtopology().

long hangnod

presence of hanging nodes hangnod=0 - there are no hanging nodes hangnod=1 - there are hanging nodes

Definition at line 252 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by codenum_generation(), gtopology(), and searching_hanging_nodes().

long* leso

list of elements which are switched on it is motivated by problem with changing number of nodes and elements leso[i]=0 - the i-th element is switched off leso[i]=1 - the i-th element is switched on

all components of array leso are equal to 1 for all types of problems except problems with changing number of nodes and elements

Definition at line 379 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by mechtop::alloc_nodes_arrays(), approx_slip_surf(), approximation(), approximation_puc(), loadcaset::assemble(), loadcase::assemble(), assemble_average_c_matrix(), assemble_average_d_matrix(), assemble_conductivity_matrix(), loadcaset::assemble_flux(), assemble_gradients_contrib(), assemble_init(), assemble_l_matrix(), capacity_matrix(), mechtop::clean_ip_new_elem(), compute_average_fluxes(), mechmat::compute_averstrains(), compute_ipeqotherst(), compute_ipfluxes(), compute_ipgrads(), compute_ipotherst(), compute_ipstrains(), compute_ipstresses(), compute_nodeeqotherst(), compute_nodefluxes(), compute_nodegrads(), compute_nodeothers(), compute_nodeotherst(), compute_nodeotherst_comp(), compute_nodestrains(), compute_nodestresses(), loadcase::compute_reactions(), dloadcase::compute_reactions(), computestresses(), mechtop::comreacelem(), conductivity_matrix(), mechtop::define_meaning(), detect_max_gamma(), detect_plast_ip(), mechmat::eigstrmod(), mechtop::elemprescdisp(), mechtop::elempresctemp(), export_gid_2dmesh(), export_gid_gauss_pt(), export_gid_gauss_ptt(), export_gid_mesh(), find_extreme_ipstresses(), give_transq_nodval(), gtopology(), incr_internal_forces(), mechbclc::inicipval(), mechtop::init_from_siftop(), mechtop::initial_displ(), transtop::initial_nodval(), initial_stiffness_matrix(), transmat::initmaterialmodels(), coupmatu::initmaterialmodels(), mechmat::initmaterialmodels(), internal_fluxes(), intpointval(), intpointval2(), intpointvalt(), ipvolume(), lneso_init(), lnso_leso_setting(), loc_internal_forces(), mass_matrix(), mefel_trfel(), mefel_trfel_by_nodes(), nodal_eigstrain_forces(), nodal_pore_press_forces(), nodestrains_comp(), nonloc_internal_forces(), elemoutm::print_other(), elemoutm::print_stra(), elemoutm::print_stre(), right_hand_side(), mechtop::save_elem_inidispl(), search_changed_elem(), search_iface_nodes(), search_newelem(), loadcaset::source_contrib(), stiffness_matrix(), stress_initdispl(), switch_new_elem(), mechmat::totstrains(), trfel_mefel_by_nodes(), trfel_right_hand_side(), update_auxinf(), update_elem(), update_nodes(), transmat::updateipval(), coupmatu::updateipval(), mechmat::updateipval(), write_elements(), write_elemscalar(), write_gid_elem_type_scalar(), write_gid_elem_type_scalart(), write_gid_elem_type_tensor(), write_gid_elem_type_vector(), write_gid_elem_type_vectort(), and ~gtopology().

long* lnso

list of nodes which are switched on it is motivated by problem with changing number of nodes and elements lnso[i]=0 - the i-th node is switched off lnso[i]=1 - the i-th node is switched on

all components of array lnso are equal to 1 for all types of problems except problems with changing number of nodes and elements

Definition at line 370 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology(), lneso_init(), lnso_leso_setting(), nodestrains_comp(), nodeoutm::print_disp(), nodeoutm::print_other(), nodeoutm::print_react(), nodeoutm::print_stra(), nodeoutm::print_stre(), remove_nodes(), mechtop::save_node_inidispl(), mechtop::save_nodforce(), mechtop::save_nodval(), search_changed_dofs(), search_newdofs(), update_active_dofs(), update_dofs(), update_nodes(), write_gid_displ(), write_gid_nforces(), write_gid_nodscalar(), write_gid_nodtensor(), write_gid_nodvector(), and ~gtopology().

long* nadjelel

array of numbers of adjacent elements to elements nadjelel[i]=j - there are j adjacent elements to the i-th element array has to be sorted, there are multiple contributions array is allocated in the function adjacelem

Definition at line 324 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacelem(), adjacip(), least_square::compute_patches_nod2sp(), detect_plastic_zones(), edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), edges_mat(), gtopology(), newadjelel(), newnadjelel(), whereispoint(), and ~gtopology().

long* nadjelnod
long* nadjnodnod

numbers of adjacent nodes to nodes nadjnodnod[i]=j - there are j adjacent nodes to the i-th node array is allocated in the function adjacnodes

Definition at line 339 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacnodes(), domdecomp(), edges(), findMinimumDegree(), gtopology(), lastLevelOfRootedStructure(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), removeRepetitiousDegrees(), shell_sort(), sloan_renumb(), and ~gtopology().

long nbdof
long ndof

the number of unknowns defined on the mesh

Definition at line 232 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by codenum_generation(), codenum_multip(), gencodnum(), gtopology(), saddlepoint_ordering(), schur_ordering(), vector_assemb(), and vector_decomp().

long ne
long* nedser

the number of edges in serie nedser[i]=j - the i-th series contains j edges array is allocated in the function edge_series

Definition at line 408 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by codenum_multip(), transtop::compute_resistance_factor(), edge_allelem(), edge_elem(), edge_series(), transtop::edge_temperature(), edges_auxprint(), gtopology(), transtop::heat_fluxes(), transtop::mod_view_factors(), transtop::t4t4(), transtop::view_factors(), and ~gtopology().

long nen
long neso

the number of elements which are switched on it is used in problems with changing number of nodes and elements

Definition at line 244 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology().

long nged
long ngf

the number of functions for DOFs control

Definition at line 285 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by input_elem_eltimefunc(), input_elem_eltimefunct(), print_gf(), print_time_functions(), and read_gf().

long nidof
long nln

the number of layered nodes

Definition at line 230 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by alloc_lnodes(), gtopology(), and unodelnode().

long nn

the number of nodes

Definition at line 226 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by adjacelem(), adjacnodes(), adjacnodes_edge(), alloc_growstr(), alloc_nodes(), seqfeti::assemble_subdom_unknowns(), gmatrix::auxdatsparsesolver(), backup_codnum(), clear_intf_dofs(), closest_node(), cndistr(), codenum_generation(), comp_domain_sizes(), comptop(), dpfeti::cornodedetection(), seqtop::coupled_dofs(), create_ltg(), cuthill_mckee_renumb(), domdecomp(), paral::dpfetiordering(), dpfeti::dpfetiordering(), edgenode_sorting(), edges(), end_nodes(), endnodes_auxprint(), findMinimumDegree(), findout_parentel_nod(), findPseudoPheripheral(), gencodnum(), general_epressure_varsup(), generateInitialList(), give_valuesinpoints(), paral::globcnnum_dpfeti(), dpfeti::globcnnum_dpfeti(), paral::globcnnum_feti(), feti1::globcnnum_feti(), paral::globcnnum_pdd(), gtopology(), hang_nodes_check(), fixnodesel::initiate(), saddpoint::initiate(), gmatrix::initiate(), partop::initiation(), interpolelem(), lastLevelOfRootedStructure(), least_square::least_square(), lneso_init(), lplate::lplate(), mefel_init(), partopjk::numbers_of_nodes_on_subdomains(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), patch_averaging::patch_averaging(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), partop::prepare_data(), prev_next_edges(), print_contoures(), print_default_dx(), print_dx(), print_ex(), print_valel(), print_VTK_nodedata(), paral::read(), remove_nodes(), removeRepetitiousDegrees(), restore_codnum(), restore_displ(), saddlepoint_ordering(), schur_ordering(), paral::schurordering(), search_changed_dofs(), search_iface_nodes(), search_newdofs(), shell_sort_x(), shell_sort_y(), shell_sort_z(), pprobdesct::shift_indices(), pprobdescc::shift_indices(), pprobdesc::shift_indices(), sloan_renumb(), adaptivityt::statedata_backup(), adaptivityt::statedata_restore(), adaptivityt::statedata_transfer(), feti1::subdomain_ordering(), transfvalues_nod(), unodelnode(), update_active_dofs(), update_dofs(), update_nodes(), write_nodes(), write_nodes(), writePriorityQueue(), and ~gtopology().

long nnso

the number of nodes which are switched on it is used in problems with changing number of nodes and elements

Definition at line 241 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology().

long nph

the number of phases

Definition at line 248 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by alloc_phases(), and gtopology().

long ns

the number of subdomains/aggregates

Definition at line 246 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by domdecomp(), gtopology(), aggregator::prepare_boss(), read_seq_top(), and schur_ordering().

long nsad

the number of unknowns in saddle point problem

Definition at line 238 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology(), lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), one_step_nonlinear_dform(), and saddlepoint_ordering().

long nser
long* ordering

array contains reordered node numbers ordering[i]=j - the i-th reordered node has number j before reordering

Definition at line 280 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by codenum_generation(), cuthill_mckee_renumb(), gencodnum(), gtopology(), saddlepoint_ordering(), schur_ordering(), sloan_renumb(), and ~gtopology().

long rst

indicator of sequential topology reading rst=0 - sequential topology is not read rst=1 - sequential topology is read rst=2 - sequential topology is read in the form of Boolean matrices

Definition at line 434 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by gtopology(), transtop::read(), probdesct::read(), probdesc::read(), mechtop::read(), slesolv::read(), and seqfeti::read().

long* unln

usual node - layered node correspondation important for layered problems

Definition at line 353 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by give_gcode_numbers(), gtopology(), initiate_elemmult(), unodelnode(), and ~gtopology().

long* unnl

usual node - number of layer correspondation important for layered problems

Definition at line 356 of file gtopology.h.

Referenced by give_gcode_numbers(), gtopology(), unodelnode(), and ~gtopology().

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