SIFEL/TRFEL/SRC/transprint.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include "gtopology.h"
#include "aliast.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void export_gid_2dmesht (FILE *out, long icut, long idn1, long ide1)
void export_gid_gauss_ptt (FILE *out)
void export_gid_mesht (FILE *out, long idn1, long ide1)
void print_closet ()
void print_default_dx (gtopology *gt, long lcid, char *file)
void print_default_vtk (FILE *fname, long lcid, long istep, double lambda)
void print_flusht ()
void print_initt (long istep, char *mode, long idn1=1, long ide1=1)
void print_stept (long lcid, long istep, double lambda, double *fi)
void print_stept_forced (long lcid, long istep, double lambda, double *fi)
void write_gid_2delementt (FILE *out, long i, long id1, long nne, long icut, long di, long idn1, long ide1)
void write_gid_elem_type_scalart (FILE *out, strastret scal, long lcid, long dir, const char *desclcid, elemtypet te)
void write_gid_elem_type_vectort (FILE *out, strastret q, long lcid, long sid, const char *desclcid, elemtypet te)
void write_gid_elementt (FILE *out, long i, long idn1, long ide1)
void write_gid_elemscalart (FILE *out, strastret scal, long lcid, long dir, const char *desclcid)
void write_gid_elemvectort (FILE *out, strastret q, long lcid, long dir, const char *desclcid)
void write_gid_nforcest (FILE *out, long lcid, const char *desclcid, double *ifor)
void write_gid_nodest (FILE *out, long idn1)
void write_gid_nodscalart (FILE *out, strastret scal, long lcid, long dir, char *desclcid)
void write_gid_nodvectort (FILE *out, strastret scal, long lcid, long unkn, char *desclcid)
void write_gid_unkn (FILE *out, long lcid, char *desclcid)
void write_nforcest (FILE *out, long lcid, char *desclcid, double *ifor)
void write_vtk_unkn (FILE *fname, long lcid, int flag_material)

Function Documentation

void export_gid_2dmesht ( FILE *  out,
long  icut,
long  idn1,
long  ide1 

The function exports from 3D brick element mesh the 2D plane element cuts to the file given by parameter out in GiD format.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
icut - index of the cut - will be used in the element property
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default should be idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)
ide1 - id of the first element for GiD mesh (default should be ide1 = 1 -> elements are numbered from 1)

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 641 of file transprint.cpp.

References Adat, transtop::elements, adaptivityt::istep, linearhext, transtop::ne, elementt::te, Tt, write_gid_2delementt(), and write_gid_nodest().

Referenced by print_initt().

void export_gid_gauss_ptt ( FILE *  out  ) 
void export_gid_mesht ( FILE *  out,
long  idn1,
long  ide1 

The function exports sets of used elements to the file given by parameter out in GiD format.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default should be idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)
ide1 - id of the first element for GiD mesh (default should be ide1 = 1 -> elements are numbered from 1)

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 351 of file transprint.cpp.

References Adat, barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, transtop::elements, adaptivityt::istep, linearhext, lineartett, transtop::ne, quadlaxisym, quadlint, quadquadt, quadquadtax, quadratichext, elementt::te, trlaxisym, trlint, trqaxisym, trquadt, Tt, write_gid_elementt(), and write_gid_nodest().

Referenced by print_initt().

void print_closet (  ) 

Definition at line 315 of file transprint.cpp.

References Adat, outdrivert::close_files_gidsp(), outdrivert::gf, grftt_gid_sep, outdrivert::ndiag, outdrivert::outdiagf, Outdt, outdrivert::outf, and outdrivert::outgr.

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_common_dt(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), nonstat_solv_dform_comp(), nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), par_solve_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_old(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_pokus(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), solve_radiation_stationary_problem(), and solve_stationary_problem().

void print_default_dx ( gtopology gt,
long  lcid,
char *  file 
void print_default_vtk ( FILE *  fname,
long  lcid,
long  istep,
double  lambda 

The function prints header, points and used elements to the VTK file

Parameters :

fname - pointer to the opened VTK file
lcid - load case id
istep - integration step
lambda - actual time in either s,h,days

Definition at line 2003 of file transprint.cpp.

References barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, transtop::elements, gtopology::gelements, transtop::give_nne(), gtopology::gnodes, Gtt, linearhext, lineartett, transtop::ne, transtop::nn, gelement::nodes, quadlaxisym, quadlint, quadquadt, quadquadtax, quadratichext, elementt::te, trlaxisym, trlint, Tt, gnode::x, gnode::y, and gnode::z.

Referenced by outdrivert::print_graphics(), and outdrivert::print_graphics_forced().

void print_flusht (  ) 

Definition at line 299 of file transprint.cpp.

References outdrivert::ndiag, outdrivert::outdiagf, Outdt, outdrivert::outf, and outdrivert::outgr.

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_common_dt(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), nonstat_solv_dform_comp(), nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), nonstat_solver_dform_init(), nonstat_solver_init(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), par_nonstat_solver_init(), par_nonstat_trfel_init(), par_one_step_linear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_trfel_linear(), par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_old(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_pokus(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), and solve_nonstationary_growing_vform().

void print_initt ( long  istep,
char *  mode,
long  idn1,
long  ide1 

Function opens data files for each type of outputfile

istep - step id. The parameter enables to open file with name enhanced by the step id - istep >= 0 or it leaves required filename untouched for instance that istep < 0. In case of stochastic calculations and in case istep >= 0 the istep precedes the stochastic step id.
mode - string with control sequence for the file opening. It enables to open new file (mode = "wt") or to append existing ones (mode = "at").
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default is idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)
ide1 - id of the first element for GiD mesh (default is ide1 = 1 -> elements are numbered from 1) Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 25 of file transprint.cpp.

References Adat, outdrivert::create_files_gidsp(), export_gid_2dmesht(), export_gid_gauss_ptt(), export_gid_mesht(), filename_decomposition(), FNAMELEN, outdrivert::gf, grftt_femcad, grftt_gid, grftt_gid_sep, grftt_no, grftt_open_dx, grftt_vtk, outdrivert::ide1, outdrivert::idn1, adaptivityt::istep, outdrivert::ncut, outdrivert::ndiag, probdesct::ns, outdrivert::odiag, outdrivert::outdiagf, outdrivert::outdiagfn, Outdt, outdrivert::outf, outdrivert::outfn, outdrivert::outgr, outdrivert::outgrfn, outdrivert::outgrfngs, outdiagt::print_header(), outdrivert::print_header(), Stt, outdrivert::textout, and Tp.

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), nonstat_solver_dform_init(), nonstat_solver_init(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_nonstat_solver_init(), par_nonstat_trfel_init(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), par_solve_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_old(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_pokus(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), solve_radiation_stationary_problem(), and solve_stationary_problem().

void print_stept ( long  lcid,
long  istep,
double  lambda,
double *  fi 

The function performs all prints requirements for given step.

lcid - load case id
istep - step id
lambda - load coefficient or time (it depends on problem type and solver)
fi - array of additional values at nodes which should be printed. It depends on problem and solver type. For example for nonlinear statics it contains the internal forces.

Return : The function does not return anything.

created 2004 by Tomas Koudelka,

Definition at line 221 of file transprint.cpp.

References compute_req_valt(), discont_nonlin_nonstat_problem, discont_nonstat_problem, growing_np_problem, growing_np_problem_nonlin, nonlinear_nonstationary_problem, nonlinear_stationary_problem, nonstationary_problem, Outdt, outdrivert::outf, outdrivert::outgr, outdrivert::print_diags(), outdrivert::print_graphics(), outdrivert::print_newstep(), outdrivert::print_out(), stationary_problem, Tp, and probdesct::tprob.

Referenced by lin_nonstat_dform(), lin_nonstat_dform_resistance(), linear_nonstat_radiation_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform(), linear_nonstat_solv_dform_subcycl(), linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), newton_raphson_coupl(), newton_raphson_coupl_new(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_common_dt(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_new(), newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin_old(), nonlin_nonstat_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_dform_dneska(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_fnr_dform_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_linesearch(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_new(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_nr_dform(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_old(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_oldd(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_pokus(), nonlinear_nonstat_solv_vform(), nonstat_solv_dform_comp(), nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), nonstat_solver_dform_init(), nonstat_solver_init(), par_homogenization(), par_linear_nonstat_solv_vform(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_gparcoupl_nonlin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_comp(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_lin_vform(), par_newton_raphson_parcoupl_nonlin(), par_nonstat_solv_vform_comp(), par_nonstat_solver_init(), par_nonstat_trfel_init(), par_one_step_linear(), par_one_step_nonlinear(), par_one_step_trfel_linear(), par_one_step_trfel_nonlinear(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem(), par_solve_nonlinear_nonstationary_problem_dform(), par_solve_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_old(), solve_nonlinear_stationary_problem_pokus(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem(), solve_nonstationary_growing_problem_nonlin(), solve_nonstationary_growing_vform(), solve_radiation_stationary_problem(), and solve_stationary_problem().

void print_stept_forced ( long  lcid,
long  istep,
double  lambda,
double *  fi 

The function performs all prints requirements without respect to to selected step/time (forced printing).

lcid - load case id
istep - step id
lambda - load coefficient or time (it depends on problem type and solver)
fi - array of additional values at nodes which should be printed. It depends on problem and solver type. For example for nonlinear statics it contains the internal forces.
The function does not return anything.

Created 2014 by Tomas Koudelka,

Definition at line 268 of file transprint.cpp.

References compute_req_valt(), discont_nonlin_nonstat_problem, discont_nonstat_problem, growing_np_problem, growing_np_problem_nonlin, nonlinear_nonstationary_problem, nonlinear_stationary_problem, nonstationary_problem, Outdt, outdrivert::outf, outdrivert::outgr, outdrivert::print_diags_forced(), outdrivert::print_graphics_forced(), outdrivert::print_newstep(), outdrivert::print_out_forced(), stationary_problem, Tp, and probdesct::tprob.

Referenced by newton_raphson_parcoupl_common_dt(), nonstat_solv_dform_comp(), and nonstat_solv_vform_comp().

void write_gid_2delementt ( FILE *  out,
long  i,
long  id1,
long  nne,
long  icut,
long  di,
long  idn1,
long  ide1 

The function exports 3D brick element as 2D plane element to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. Purpose of the function is to perform cuts of the domain which consists of the regular mesh of brick elements.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
i - brick element id
id1 - brick element index of the first node for plane element
nne - brick element index of the last node for plane element
icut - index of the cut - will be used in the element property
di - the start index of the plane elements
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default should be idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)
ide1 - id of the first element for GiD mesh (default should be ide1 = 1 -> elements are numbered from 1)

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1086 of file transprint.cpp.

References transtop::elements, gtopology::gelements, Gtt, elementt::idm, gelement::nodes, and Tt.

Referenced by export_gid_2dmesht().

void write_gid_elem_type_scalart ( FILE *  out,
strastret  scal,
long  lcid,
long  dir,
const char *  desclcid,
elemtypet  te 

The function writes a scalar value given by parameter scal on elements of given type (parameter te) to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. The results are printed at each element integration points.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
scal - specifies type of required scalar quantity (grad/flux/other/eqother)
lcid - load case id = in this case = number of unknown
dir - specifies which component of the quantity array will be printed
desclcid - string with description of loadcase
te - required element type

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1349 of file transprint.cpp.

References barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, transtop::elements, outdrivert::eog, intpointst::eqother, eqothert, flux, intpointst::fluxes, intpointst::grad, grad, Gtt, outdrivert::ide1, transmat::ip, elementt::ipp, gtopology::leso, linearhext, lineartett, intpointst::ncompeqother, intpointst::ncompother, transtop::ne, intpointst::other, othert, Outdt, sel::presence_id(), quadlaxisym, quadlint, quadquadt, quadquadtax, quadratichext, elemoutgt::seleeqoth, elemoutgt::seleflux, elemoutgt::selegrad, elemoutgt::seleoth, elemoutgt::seleqoth, elemoutgt::selflux, elemoutgt::selgrad, elemoutgt::seloth, elementt::te, Tm, trlaxisym, trlint, trqaxisym, trquadt, and Tt.

Referenced by write_gid_elemscalart().

void write_gid_elem_type_vectort ( FILE *  out,
strastret  q,
long  lcid,
long  sid,
const char *  desclcid,
elemtypet  te 

The function writes a scalar value given by parameter scal on elements of given type (parameter te) to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. The results are printed at each element integration points.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
q - specifies type of required vector quantity (grad/flux/other/eqother)
lcid - load case id = in this case = number of unknown
sid - index of selection of elements which will be printed
desclcid - string with description of loadcase
te - required element type

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1794 of file transprint.cpp.

References barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, transtop::elements, outdrivert::eog, intpointst::eqother, eqothert, flux, intpointst::fluxes, probdesct::gdim, transtop::give_tnip(), intpointst::grad, grad, Gtt, sel::id1, outdrivert::ide1, transmat::ip, elementt::ipp, gtopology::leso, sel::ncomp, transtop::ne, probdesct::ntm, intpointst::other, othert, Outdt, sel::presence_id(), print_err(), elemoutgt::seleeqoth, elemoutgt::seleflux, elemoutgt::selegrad, elemoutgt::seleoth, elemoutgt::seleqoth, elemoutgt::selflux, elemoutgt::selgrad, elemoutgt::seloth, elementt::te, Tm, Tp, and Tt.

Referenced by write_gid_elemvectort().

void write_gid_elementt ( FILE *  out,
long  i,
long  idn1,
long  ide1 

The function exports element to the file given by parameter out in GiD format.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
i - element id
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default should be idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)
ide1 - id of the first element for GiD mesh (default should be ide1 = 1 -> elements are numbered from 1)

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1059 of file transprint.cpp.

References transtop::elements, gtopology::gelements, gelement::give_nne(), Gtt, elementt::idm, gelement::nodes, and Tt.

Referenced by export_gid_mesht().

void write_gid_elemscalart ( FILE *  out,
strastret  scal,
long  lcid,
long  dir,
const char *  desclcid 

The function writes a scalar quantity given by parameters scal and dir on all elements to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. The results are printed at each integration point on given element.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
scal - specifies type of required scalar quantity (grad/flux/other/eqother)
lcid - load case id = in this case = number of unknown
dir - specifies which component of the quantity array will be printed
desclcid - string with description of loadcase

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1301 of file transprint.cpp.

References barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, Lbat, Lbt, Lht, linearhext, lineartett, Lqat, Lqt, Ltat, Ltett, Ltt, Qbat, Qbt, Qht, Qqat, Qqt, quadlaxisym, quadlint, quadquadt, quadquadtax, quadratichext, trlaxisym, trlint, and write_gid_elem_type_scalart().

Referenced by elemoutgt::print_gr_eqoth_scal(), elemoutgt::print_gr_flux_scal(), elemoutgt::print_gr_grad_scal(), and elemoutgt::print_gr_oth_scal().

void write_gid_elemvectort ( FILE *  out,
strastret  q,
long  lcid,
long  dir,
const char *  desclcid 

The function writes a vector quantity given by parameters scal and dir on all elements to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. The results are printed at each integration point on given element.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
q - specifies type of required vector quantity (grad/flux/other/eqother)
lcid - load case id = in this case = number of unknown
dir - specifies which component of the quantity array will be printed
desclcid - string with description of loadcase

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1746 of file transprint.cpp.

References barlint, barlintax, barquadt, barquadtax, Lbat, Lbt, Lht, linearhext, lineartett, Lqat, Lqt, Ltat, Ltett, Ltt, Qbat, Qbt, Qht, Qqat, Qqt, quadlaxisym, quadlint, quadquadt, quadquadtax, quadratichext, trlaxisym, trlint, and write_gid_elem_type_vectort().

Referenced by elemoutgt::print_gr_eqoth_vec(), elemoutgt::print_gr_flux_vec(), elemoutgt::print_gr_grad_vec(), and elemoutgt::print_gr_oth_vec().

void write_gid_nforcest ( FILE *  out,
long  lcid,
const char *  desclcid,
double *  ifor 

The function writes vector of fluxes for all nodes to the file given by parameter out in GiD format. The results are printed for all nodes with no dependency on the outdriver selection.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
lcid - load case id
desclcid - string with description of loadcase
ifor - vector of nodal forces=fluxes

Return : The function does not return anything

created 06.2007 by Tomas Koudelka, modified 10/01/2010 by Tomas Krejci,

Definition at line 1210 of file transprint.cpp.

References enumstr::alias, probdesct::dofname, f, transtop::give_dof(), outdrivert::idn1, namevartstr, transtop::nn, probdesct::ntm, Outdt, Tp, and Tt.

Referenced by nodeoutgt::print_graphics().

void write_gid_nodest ( FILE *  out,
long  idn1 

The function exports nodes to the file given by parameter out in GiD format.

Parameters :

out - pointer to the opened text file where the output will be produced
idn1 - id of the first node for GiD mesh (default should be idn1 = 1 -> nodes are numbered from 1)

Return : The function does not return anything

Definition at line 1038 of file transprint.cpp.

References gtopology::gnodes, Gtt, transtop::nn, Tt, gnode::x, gnode::y, and gnode::z.

Referenced by export_gid_2dmesht(), and export_gid_mesht().

void write_gid_nodscalart ( FILE *  out,
strastret  scal,
long  lcid,
long  dir,
char *  desclcid 
void write_gid_nodvectort ( FILE *  out,
strastret  scal,
long  lcid,
long  unkn,
char *  desclcid 
void write_gid_unkn ( FILE *  out,
long  lcid,
char *  desclcid 
void write_nforcest ( FILE *  out,
long  lcid,
char *  desclcid,
double *  ifor 
void write_vtk_unkn ( FILE *  fname,
long  lcid,
int  flag_material 

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