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The '''Solid Mechanics Seminar''' organized by the Department of Mechanics takes place on an irregular basis in the department conference room B366 or in Dean's conference room (both in building B of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, Prague 6).<br />
The '''Solid Mechanics Seminar''' organized by the Department of Mechanics takes place on an irregular basis, usually in the department conference room B366 (in building B of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, Prague 6).<br />
*10.5.2013 at 10:00, department meeting room B366
Upcoming presentations:
:Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University): On the mechanisms of bridge damages by tsunami on March 11, 2011 [[File: 2013_Seminar_Matsumoto_1.pdf]]  
*17.5.2013 at 10:00, department meeting room B366
:Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University): Evaluation of fatigue durability of steel bridge deck overlaid with Engineered Cementitious Composite
* 1 October 2024, 10:00 am: [ Michael Stingl] (FAU Erlangen): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Stingl 2024|Design Optimization via the Continuous Stochastic Gradient Method]]
*24.5.2013 at 10:00, department meeting room B366
:Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University): Thermal fatigue of interface between concrete and adhesive mortar in external wall tile structure
Previous lectures presented in our Solid Mechanics Seminar can be found below or on its [ YouTube channel]<br />

*19.4.2013 at 10:00, department meeting room B366
:'''[ Jianmin Qu] (Northwestern University, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Qu|Nonlinear ultrasonic methods for nondestructive damage assessment in structural materials''']]
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Previous lectures presented in our Solid Mechanics Seminar can be found below.<br />
Other '''seminar series''' related to mechanics and mathematics:  
Other '''seminar series''' related to mechanics and mathematics:  
* [ '''Seminar of the Department of Mathematics'''] FCE CTU, Wednesday afternoon
* [ '''Seminar of the Department of Mathematics'''] FCE CTU
* [ '''Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics'''] organized by the Mathematical Institute of Charles University, Monday at 15:20
* [ '''Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics'''] organized by the Mathematical Institute of Charles University
* [ '''Seminar of Numerical Mathematics'''] organized by the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Thursday at 14:00
* [ '''Seminar of Numerical Mathematics'''] organized by the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
* [ '''Seminar on Partial Differential Equations'''] organized by the Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Tuesday at 9:00 <br />
* [ '''Seminars at running at the Institute of Mathematics'''] organized by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
* [ '''Seminar on Stochastic Evolution Equations'''] organized by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Monday at 15:30
* [ '''Doppler Institute Seminar'''] organized by the Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics, Tuesday at 16:00
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==== Solid Mechanics Seminar 2013 ====
* Mikael &Ouml;hman (Chalmers University of Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Ohman|Boundary conditions for computational homogenization of incompressible microstructures - From theory to application in OOFEM]]
==== 2024 ====
* [ Michael Stingl] (FAU Erlangen): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Stingl 2024|Design Optimization via the Continuous Stochastic Gradient Method]]
* [ Robin Oval] (Delft University of Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Oval 2024|Modular Structure Construction]]
==== 2023 ====
* [ Viacheslav Slesarenko] (University of Freiburg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Slesarenko 2023|Mechanical metamaterials: generative design and active behavior]]
* [ Ondřej Rokoš] (Eindhoven University of Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Rokoš 2023|Reduced-order modelling for computational homogenization and microstructural design]]
* [ Zahra Sharif Khodaei] (Imperial College London | Czech Technical University in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Zahra Sharif Khodaei 2023|Invitation to nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring]]
* [ David Schwarz] (University of Freiburg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Schwarz and Felsch 2023|Mechanical metamaterials switch auxeticity during compression]]
* [ Gerrit Felsch] (University of Freiburg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Schwarz and Felsch 2023|Generative design of curved beam metamaterials]]
* [ Justin Dirrenberger] (CNAM): [ Controlling the propagation of material instabilities through architecture]
* [[User:Jzeman|Jan Zeman]] (CTU in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Jan Zeman 2023|Wang tiles for modular-topology optimization of compliant structures and mechanisms]]
* [ Alexander Heinlein] (TU Delft): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Alexander Heinlein 2023|Domain decomposition methods for highly-heterogeneous problems–Robust coarse spaces and nonlinear preconditioning]]
* Rosa Adela Mejia Nava (Université de Technologie Compiègne): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Mejia Nava 2023|Control of instability problem under non-conservative load]]
* Suljo Ljukovac (Université de Technologie Compiègne): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Ljukovac 2023|Optimal control algorithm for preventing total failure of wind-turbine installations with flexible blades]]
* [ Jia-Liang Le] (University of Minnesota): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Le 2023|Mechanistic mapping of random fields for stochastic finite element simulations of quasibrittle fracture]]
==== 2022 ====
* [ Adriana Kulikova] (University of Glasgow): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Adriana Kulikova 2022|Data-driven finite element method for diffusion and transport problems]]
* [ Zahra Sharif Khodaei] (Imperial College London | Czech Technical University in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Zahra Sharif Khodaei 2022|Invitation to nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring]]
* [ Zdeněk P. Bažant] (Northwestern University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Zdeněk Bažant 2022|Critical Comparison of Phase-Field, Peridynamics, and Crack Band Model M7 in Light of Gap Test and Classical Fracture Tests]]
* [ Jan Eliáš] (Brno University of Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Jan Eliáš 2022|Mechanism-Based Mesh Objectivity in Stochastic Computational Modeling of Quasibrittle Fracture]]
* [ Benjamin Werner] (Czech Technical University in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Benjamin Werner 2022|Modelling Heterogeneities Using the Extended Quasicontinuum Method]]
* [ Mahendaran Uchimali] (Czech Technical University in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Mahendaran Uchimali 2022|On free vibrations of a nonlocal bar]] 
* [ Lars Beex] (University of Luxembourg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Lars Beex 2022|Machine learning and model-order-reduction for elastoplasticity]] 
==== 2021 ====
* [ Zahra Sharif Khodaei] (Imperial College London): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Sharif Khodaei 2021|Structural health monitoring of engineering structures: introduction, developments, and challenges]]
* [ Benjamin Wener] (CTU in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Werner 2021|An explicit micro-FE approach to investigate the post-yield behaviour of trabecular bone under large deformation]]
==== 2020 ====
* [ Martin Doškář] (CTU in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Doskar 2020|Micromorphic model for mechanical metamaterials]]
* [ Ravi Patel] (Postdoctoral Fellow at Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Switzerland): [[Media: 2020-Patel-multi-scale-abstract.pdf|Towards multi-scale modelling of physico-chemical degradation processes in concrete structures]]
==== 2019 ====
* [ Petr Krysl] (University of California San Diego): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Krysl 2019|Using a priori model reduction for the FEM to quickly approximate free-vibration response of solids]]
* [ Eric Garner] (TU Delft): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Garner 2019|Stress-inducing compliant mechanism design for total hip arthroplasty via multi-scale topology optimization]]
* Peter Grassl (University of Glasgow): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Grassl 2019|Virtual laboratory for reinforced concrete]]
* Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Bazant 2019|Fishnet Statistics for Quasibrittle Materials]]
* [ Wing Kam Liu] (Northwestern University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Liu 2019|Mechanistic Machine Learning Methods for Mechanical Science and Design/Optimization of Lightweight Material Systems]]
* Emma La Malfa Ribolla (CTU, formerly University of Palermo, Italy): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract LaMalfaRibolla 2019|Multi-scale computational homogenization for the analysis of masonry structures]]
* Zuzana Dimitrovová (Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal): [[Semi-analytical approaches to vibrations induced by moving loads]]
* [ Antonio J. Gil] (ZCCE Swansea): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Gil 2019|A new framework for large strain electromechanics based on Convex Multi-Variable strain energies ]]
* [ Petr Henyš] (TU Liberec): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Henys 2019|Homogenization and multi-scale modeling with arbitrary finite element meshes of represtantative volume elements]]
* [ Pavel Trávníček] (CTU in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Travnicek 2019|Transport of chlorides in reinforced concrete]]
* [ David Ryckelynck] (Mines ParisTech): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Ryckelynck 2019|Computer vision with error estimation for reduced-order modeling of
macroscopic mechanical tests]]
* [ Tom de Geus] (EPFL): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract de Geus 2018|Does inertia induce stick-slip friction?]]
==== 2018 ====
* [ Karel Tůma] (Charles University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Tuma 2018|Finite strain phase-field model for martensitic transformation in
shape memory alloys]]
* [ Zdeněk P. Bažant] (Northwestern University, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Bazant 2018|Centurial durability of concrete structures: Creep, hydration and hygrothermal effects]]
==== 2017 ====
* [ Ron Peerlings] (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Peerlings 2017|Micromechanics of fracture initiation in multiphase materials]]
* [ Samuel Forest] (MINES ParisTech CNRS, Evry, France): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Forest|The micromorphic approach to gradient plasticity and damage]]
* George Exadaktylos (Technical University of Crete, Greece): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Exadaktylos|Overview of micro-elasticity theories with emphasis on gradient elasticity]], mini-course consisting of two lectures
* Guillermo Dı́az (TU Dortmund, Germany): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Diaz|A composite finite element formulation using embedded strong discontinuity approach in reinforced concrete structural members]]
* Olivier Allix (ENS Cachan, Université Paris Saclay, France): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Allix|On bounded rate constitutive model: Application to objective failure prediction]]
* George Exadaktylos (Technical University of Crete, Greece): Microelasticity and size effects (indentation, bending, fracture toughness, axial splitting)
==== 2016 ====
* [ Lars A.A. Beex] (University of Luxembourg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Beex 2016|Similarities and differences between the Quasicontinuum method and POD-based reduction methods]]
* BAM, Berlin
: Jörg F. Unger: [[Media:2016-Abstract_Unger.pdf|A bridge demonstrator for monitoring aging infrastructures]]
: Philip Huschke: [[Media:2016-Abstract_Huschke.pdf| Domain decomposition methods for fracture mechanics problems and its application to fiber reinforced concrete (FETI)]]
: Götz Hüsken: [[Media:2016-Abstract_Hüsken.pdf|Experimental Characterization of the Fracture Behavior of UHPFRC]]
* Salhi Aymen Seyf eddine (University Of Biskra, Algeria):  Hydromechanical behavior of sand subjected to oedometric loading -- Effect of grain damage on the microstructure and permeability of the medium
* Petr Matouš (University of Sydney, Australia):[[Media:2016_Seminar_Petr_Matous.pdf| Introducing Complex Systems, Project Management and Humanitarian Engineering Education at the Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Sydney]]
* Markus Königsberger (TU Wien):  [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Konigsberger 2016| Application of continuum micromechanics for multiscale analysis of cementitious materials: poroelasticity and creep]]
* Francisco Evangelista Junior (University of Brasília, Brazil): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Evangelista 2016| A two-scale approach to predict multi-site damage cracking potential in 3D structures using the generalized finite element method ]]
*[ Volker Thome] (Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Stuttgart, Germany): Advanced methods for recycling of concrete. Research results and possible collaboration with CTU
*David Biggs (Biggs Consulting Engineering): [[Media:2016_Seminar_Biggs.pdf|2015 Nepal earthquake sequence]]
*Anička Kučerová (Czech Technical University in Prague): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Kucerova 2016| Global sensitivity-based robust experiment design ]]
*Semih Gonen (Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey): [[Media:2016_Seminar_Gonen.pdf| Gordion Architectural Conservation Program ]]
*Luis Baquerizo Ibarra (LafargeHolcim Ltd, Switzerland): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Ibarra 2016| Impact of water activity on the mineralogy of hydrated cement and its modelling ]]
==== 2015 ====
* [ Ron H.J. Peerlings] (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Peerlings 2015|Dimensional stability of paper sheets undergoing hygroscopic loading – a multiscale study]]
* Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, Illinois, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Bažant 2015|Why fracking works and why not well enough]]
* M. Hori (University of Tokyo, Japan): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Hori|Computational earthquake engineering taking advantage of high performance computing]]
* C. Shi (Hunan University, China): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Shi|New method for performance-based design of high-performance concrete]]
* [ Andrzej Milenin] (University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland): Wire drawing of Mg alloys in heated die
==== 2014 ====
* [ Lars Beex] (University of Luxembourg): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Beex|Multiscale quasicontinuum methods for dissipative truss models and beam networks]]
* Monika Grusová (University of Bath, UK): [[Abstract Grusova|Lifetime extension of reinforced concrete slab-on-beam structures]]
* Seminar on [[Uncertainty Modelling in Engineering]]
* Christian Bucher (Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Bucher|Stochastic optimization - how to improve computational efficiency?]]
*Rostislav Rypl (Brno University of Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Rypl|Probabilistic approach to the mechanics of unidirectional composites with heterogeneous reinforcement]]
*Seminar on [[Special Modeling Approaches for Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Materials]]
*Ron Miller (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Miller|Finite temperature and finite deformation: New tools for more efficient and accurate atomistic simulation]]
*Gabriele Milani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Milani|Comparison between upper and lower bound strategies to determine masonry homogenized strength domains]]
*Tomáš Roubíček (Charles University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Roubicek|Various solution concepts in rate-independent evolution systems]]
*David T. Biggs (Biggs Consulting Engineering, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Biggs 2014|Ancient Sites from the Empire of Alexander the Great]]
*Fritz Kretzschmar (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Kretzschmar|The Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Method ]]
*Thomas Matschei (Holcim Technology Ltd, Switzerland): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Matschei|From thermodynamics to predictive engineering in cement and concrete]]
*Alain Giorla (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne - EPFL, Switzerland): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Giorla|Role of creep in the degradation caused by alkali-silica reaction]]
==== 2013 ====
*Petr Krysl (University of California at San Diego, USA): 1) Finite element methods for anisotropic elastic materials, 2) Modeling in biomechanics with Nodally Integrated Continuum Elements (NICE)
*Rostislav Chudoba (RWTH Aachen, Germany): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Chudoba|1) Návrh, dimenzování a realizace skořepinových konstrukcí z textilního betonu, 2) Využití principů origami pro výrobu optimalizovaných tenkostěnných prostorových konstrukčních prvků: numerický model, přístupy k realizaci]]
*Olga Hubová (STU Bratislava, Slovakia): Aeroelasticita
*Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University, Japan): [[Media: 2013_Seminar_Matsumoto_3.pdf|Thermal fatigue of interface between concrete and adhesive mortar in external wall tile structure]]
*Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University, Japan): [[Media: 2013_Seminar_Matsumoto_1.pdf|On the mechanisms of bridge damages by tsunami on March 11, 2011]]
*Takashi Matsumoto (Hokkaido University, Japan): [[Media: 2013_Seminar_Matsumoto_2.pdf|Evaluation of fatigue durability of steel bridge deck overlaid with Engineered Cementitious Composite]]
*[ Jianmin Qu] (Northwestern University, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Qu|Nonlinear ultrasonic methods for nondestructive damage assessment in structural materials]]
* Mikael &Ouml;hman (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Ohman|Boundary conditions for computational homogenization of incompressible microstructures - From theory to application in OOFEM]]
*[[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Wang tile seminar|Seminar on modelling of heterogeneous materials by Wang tiles]]
*[[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Wang tile seminar|Seminar on modelling of heterogeneous materials by Wang tiles]]
*[ Kurt de Proft] (Belgian Institute for Wood Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Proft|Construction-related research at the Belgian Institute for Wood Technology]]
*[ Kurt de Proft] (Belgian Institute for Wood Technology): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Proft|Construction-related research at the Belgian Institute for Wood Technology]]
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*[ Rainer Niekamp] (TU Braunschweig): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Niekamp|Non-intrusive coupling of simulations based on software-component technique]]
*[ Rainer Niekamp] (TU Braunschweig): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Niekamp|Non-intrusive coupling of simulations based on software-component technique]]
*[ Jan Valdman] (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Valdman|Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM  matrices in 2D and 3D: nodal elements]]
*[ Jan Valdman] (VSB - Technical University of Ostrava): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Valdman|Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM  matrices in 2D and 3D: nodal elements]]
*[ Jan Zeman] (Department of Mechanics FCE CTU): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Zeman|Modeling random heterogeneous materials by Wang tilings]]
*[[User:Jzeman|Jan Zeman]] (Department of Mechanics FCE CTU): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Zeman|Modeling random heterogeneous materials by Wang tilings]]
*[ Martin Kružík] (Department of Physics FCE CTU // Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR): [[Department of Mechanics: abstract_Kruzik|Matematické modelování materiálů s tvarovou pamětí]] (in Czech)
*[ Martin Kružík] (Department of Physics FCE CTU // Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR): [[Department of Mechanics: abstract_Kruzik|Matematické modelování materiálů s tvarovou pamětí]] (in Czech)
: related papers: [[File:Bartels-Kruzik.pdf]], [[File:Kruzik-Mielke-Roubicek.pdf]]
: related papers: [[File:Bartels-Kruzik.pdf]], [[File:Kruzik-Mielke-Roubicek.pdf]]
*Mija H. Hubler (Northwestern University): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Hubler|Insights for creep and shrinkage models from bridge deflections]]
*Mija H. Hubler (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Hubler|Insights for creep and shrinkage models from bridge deflections]]
*[ Elena Benvenuti] (University of Ferrara, Italy): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Benvenuti|Recent developments in nonlocal elasticity: Gradient and integral approaches]]
*[ Elena Benvenuti] (University of Ferrara, Italy): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Benvenuti|Recent developments in nonlocal elasticity: Gradient and integral approaches]]
*[ Tomáš Kruml] (Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Kruml|Typické i atypické pracovní diagramy plasticky deformovatelných materiálů]] (in Czech)
*[ Tomáš Kruml] (Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, Brno, Czech Republic): [[Department of Mechanics: Seminar: Abstract Kruml|Typické i atypické pracovní diagramy plasticky deformovatelných materiálů]] (in Czech)
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==== 2005 ====
==== 2005 ====
* Petr Krysl (University of California at San Diego, USA): Trojúhelníky a čtyřstěny integrované v uzlech: aplikace na problémy deformace (téměř) nestlačitelných materiálů\
* Vincenzo Mallardo (Universita di Ferrara, Italy): Boundary elements in plasticity and damage mechanics
* Sonia Marfia (University of Cassino, Italy): Micro-Macro Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy Composites
Optimization of structures using morphological indicators,
Willy P. De Wilde, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)
Some remarks on nucleation theory,
Pavel Demo, CSc, k102 FSv ČVUT (CZ)
Vícekriteriální optimalizace pomocí genetických algoritmů v řešení návrhů strojů,
Zbyněk Šika, Ph.D., Ústav mechaniky, FS ČVUT (CZ)
Single and Multi-objective Stochastic Global Optimization in Engineering,
Matěj Lepš, k132 FSv ČVUT (CZ)
Identifikace materiálových parametrů pomocí neuronových sítí a genetických algoritmů,
Anna Kučerová, k132 FSv ČVUT (CZ)
Homogenizace a modelování velkých deformací porézních materiálů nasycených tekutinou,
Eduard Rohan, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (CZ)
==== 2004 ====
==== 2004 ====
* Martin Wierer (Czech Technical University in Prague): Víceúrovňové modelování navíjených kompozitů - mezoskopická úroveň
* Jaroslav Pavlík (Czech Technical University in Prague): Mikrovlnná impulsní metoda pro měření vlhkosti ve stavebních materiálech
* Rostislav Chudoba (RWTH Aachen, Germany): Numerické modelování textilního betonu na mikro-, mezo- a makroskopické úrovni
* Rostislav Chudoba (RWTH Aachen, Germany): Numerické modelování textilního betonu na mikro-, mezo- a makroskopické úrovni

Latest revision as of 23:54, 4 October 2024

The Solid Mechanics Seminar organized by the Department of Mechanics takes place on an irregular basis, usually in the department conference room B366 (in building B of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, Prague 6).
Upcoming presentations:

Previous lectures presented in our Solid Mechanics Seminar can be found below or on its YouTube channel

Other seminar series related to mechanics and mathematics:










Jörg F. Unger: A bridge demonstrator for monitoring aging infrastructures
Philip Huschke: Domain decomposition methods for fracture mechanics problems and its application to fiber reinforced concrete (FETI)
Götz Hüsken: Experimental Characterization of the Fracture Behavior of UHPFRC





related papers: File:Bartels-Kruzik.pdf, File:Kruzik-Mielke-Roubicek.pdf



  • Pavel Krejčí (Mathematical Institute, AS CR): Matematické modely termomechanických vlastností materiálů s pamětí (in Czech)
  • Lukasz Kaczmarczyk (University of Glasgow, UK): Analysis of concrete fracture, bone remodelling and geometric nonlinearities using hybrid-Trefftz elements
  • Stella Marusin (consultant): Failure of concrete structures caused by chemical reactions of particular elements in concrete
  • Pavel Trtík (EMPA, Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Science and Technology, Dendorf, Swizerland): High-resolution 3D imaging of cement pastes - from the image acquisition to the estimation of material properties
  • Zuzana Dimitrovová (Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal): Dynamic response of structures subjected to moving loads: Applications to high-speed railway lines
  • Zuzana Dimitrovová (Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal): New materials for passive vibration control: Optimization of passive vibration isolators
  • David T. Biggs (Biggs Consulting Engineering, USA): September 11, 2001: The World Trade Center, New York City
  • Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, USA): Scaling of probability distribution of quasibrittle structure strength and lifetime based on atomistic fracture mechanics
  • Philippe Zysset (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): Finite element modeling of the human vertebral body: Research and clinical approaches


  • Jiří Plešek (Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR): Accuracy, stability and mass lumping of serendipity finite elements in wave propagation problems
  • Adnan Ibrahimbegovic (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France): Multi-scale analysis, identification and design of inelastic heterogeneous materials
  • Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, USA): Lessons from excessive long-time deflections and collapse of record-span segmental box girder bridge in Palau
  • Philippe Zysset (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): Nanoindentation of bone tissue


  • Peter Grassl (University of Glasgow, UK): Virtual laboratory for durability of concrete
  • Tomáš Kruml (Institute of Physics of Materials, AS CR): Dislocations in motion
  • Ignacio Carol (Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain): Mesomechanical analysis of concrete
  • Joerg Unger (Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany): Neural networks in a multiscale simulation of concrete
  • Jan Mandel (University of Colorado, Denver, USA): Data assimilation in coupled wildland fire-atmosphere modeling
  • Paulo B. Lourenço (Department of Civil Engineering University of Minho, Portugal): Improving the structural safety of historical masonry buildings: Concepts, recent developments in analysis and applications


  • Roman Lackner (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): Nano- to macromechanics of concrete
  • Zuzana Dimitrovová (Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal): Homogenization of cellular solids
  • Drahomír Novák (Brno University of Technology): Stochastická nelineární analýza betonových konstrukcí
  • Shashank Bishnoi (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland): Vector modelling of cement hydration using uic


  • Claudio Tamagnini (Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Italy): Theory of plasticity with generalized haredening rule for modelling of mechanical and non-mechanical degradation process
  • Philippe Zysset (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): Mechanics of bone tissue revisited from nano to macro
  • Denis Davydov (Perm State University, Russia): Stability of nonlinear viscous sample under uniaxial strain
  • Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, USA): Co se můžeme naučit z kolapsu Světového obchodního střediska?
  • Andrzej Zielinski (Politechnika Krakowska, Cracow, Poland): Structural optimization with respect to multi-axial high-cycle fatigue
  • Zdeněk P. Bažant (Northwestern University, USA): Statistical mechanics of safety factors: From nano to macro
  • Vít Šmilauer (Czech Technical University in Prague): Předpověď elastických vlastností cementové pasty, malty a betonu z modelů hydratace


  • Petr Krysl (University of California at San Diego, USA): Trojúhelníky a čtyřstěny integrované v uzlech: aplikace na problémy deformace (téměř) nestlačitelných materiálů\
  • Vincenzo Mallardo (Universita di Ferrara, Italy): Boundary elements in plasticity and damage mechanics
  • Sonia Marfia (University of Cassino, Italy): Micro-Macro Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy Composites

Optimization of structures using morphological indicators, Willy P. De Wilde, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)

Some remarks on nucleation theory, Pavel Demo, CSc, k102 FSv ČVUT (CZ)

Vícekriteriální optimalizace pomocí genetických algoritmů v řešení návrhů strojů, Zbyněk Šika, Ph.D., Ústav mechaniky, FS ČVUT (CZ)

Single and Multi-objective Stochastic Global Optimization in Engineering, Matěj Lepš, k132 FSv ČVUT (CZ)

Identifikace materiálových parametrů pomocí neuronových sítí a genetických algoritmů, Anna Kučerová, k132 FSv ČVUT (CZ)

Homogenizace a modelování velkých deformací porézních materiálů nasycených tekutinou, Eduard Rohan, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (CZ)


  • Martin Wierer (Czech Technical University in Prague): Víceúrovňové modelování navíjených kompozitů - mezoskopická úroveň
  • Jaroslav Pavlík (Czech Technical University in Prague): Mikrovlnná impulsní metoda pro měření vlhkosti ve stavebních materiálech
  • Rostislav Chudoba (RWTH Aachen, Germany): Numerické modelování textilního betonu na mikro-, mezo- a makroskopické úrovni